Protests: Fifty Shades as Glamorizing Domestic Violence

Fifty Shades of Grey premiere marred by protesters - Celebrity Buzz

Finally! I wasn't surprised by Christians protesting the film premiere as promoting unhealthy relations.

But these protestors hit home, protesting the "glamorization" of domestic violence
(while others claim the character wasn't coerced
but consented to the S&M as sexual exploration).

I was beginning to worry that most people were either hyping this up or brushing it off.
Glad to see some sign of intelligent response I can at least RELATE to.


The London premiere of raunchy movie Fifty Shades of Grey was marred by protest groups campaigning against domestic violence on Thursday night.

Members of the Fifty Shades is Domestic Violence campaign group descended on Leicester Square in the British capital armed with placards, balloons, T-shirts and a large banner to protest against the film’s portrayal of a kinky relationship while the stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan walked the grey carpet.

Other individuals held up placards to condemn the film for allegedly glamorising domestic violence, with one sign reading, “#BlueAboutGrey – because some Ana’s don’t survive their Christian’s (sic).”

Director Sam Taylor-Johnson addressed the calls of domestic violence to U.K. TV show Good Morning Britain, saying, “We took a very definite approach towards empowering Anastasia and she goes on a sexual exploration, but it’s one she goes on willingly and she consents throughout.”

Stars including Aaron Taylor-Johnson, author E.L. James, former Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts and singer Jamelia also attended the premiere.
Fifty Shades of Grey premiere marred by protesters - Celebrity Buzz

Finally! I wasn't surprised by Christians protesting the film premiere as promoting unhealthy relations.

But these protestors hit home, protesting the "glamorization" of domestic violence
(while others claim the character wasn't coerced
but consented to the S&M as sexual exploration).

I was beginning to worry that most people were either hyping this up or brushing it off.
Glad to see some sign of intelligent response I can at least RELATE to.


The London premiere of raunchy movie Fifty Shades of Grey was marred by protest groups campaigning against domestic violence on Thursday night.

Members of the Fifty Shades is Domestic Violence campaign group descended on Leicester Square in the British capital armed with placards, balloons, T-shirts and a large banner to protest against the film’s portrayal of a kinky relationship while the stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan walked the grey carpet.

Other individuals held up placards to condemn the film for allegedly glamorising domestic violence, with one sign reading, “#BlueAboutGrey – because some Ana’s don’t survive their Christian’s (sic).”

Director Sam Taylor-Johnson addressed the calls of domestic violence to U.K. TV show Good Morning Britain, saying, “We took a very definite approach towards empowering Anastasia and she goes on a sexual exploration, but it’s one she goes on willingly and she consents throughout.”

Stars including Aaron Taylor-Johnson, author E.L. James, former Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts and singer Jamelia also attended the premiere.

I'm so glad I don't have daughters. The messages young American women are getting these days about what they should aspire to is unbelievable.
Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.

Hmmmm... maybe she's looking to get spanked or whipped? Yeowch!

On a political forum board? She does reek of desperation.

Verbal spankings and whippings can be good exercise for the brain,
and keep the ego slimmer. And don't leave red marks on your boo boo.
Like I said. No woman with a brain would ever marry a person like you.

So you're suggesting that being a stay at home homemaker requires no intelligence or skill? If you say so. I totally disagree but that won't surprise either of us.

I am suggesting that any woman who would marry a person like you must not have much for brains.

How do you know she isn't smart enough to see his good points and forgive his faults?
Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.

Hmmmm... maybe she's looking to get spanked or whipped? Yeowch!

On a political forum board? She does reek of desperation.

Verbal spankings and whippings can be good exercise for the brain,
and keep the ego slimmer. And don't leave red marks on your boo boo.

A truism right there! :2up:
Like I said. No woman with a brain would ever marry a person like you.

So you're suggesting that being a stay at home homemaker requires no intelligence or skill? If you say so. I totally disagree but that won't surprise either of us.

I am suggesting that any woman who would marry a person like you must not have much for brains.

How do you know she isn't smart enough to see his good points and forgive his faults?

He says that he abuses her.
Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.

Hmmmm... maybe she's looking to get spanked or whipped? Yeowch!

On a political forum board? She does reek of desperation.

Verbal spankings and whippings can be good exercise for the brain,
and keep the ego slimmer. And don't leave red marks on your boo boo.

Nope, I just like to argue my points here, like EVERYONE else. Lol. Why should I be different than Disir or you arguing?
Fifty Shades of Grey premiere marred by protesters - Celebrity Buzz

Finally! I wasn't surprised by Christians protesting the film premiere as promoting unhealthy relations.

But these protestors hit home, protesting the "glamorization" of domestic violence
(while others claim the character wasn't coerced
but consented to the S&M as sexual exploration).

I was beginning to worry that most people were either hyping this up or brushing it off.
Glad to see some sign of intelligent response I can at least RELATE to.


The London premiere of raunchy movie Fifty Shades of Grey was marred by protest groups campaigning against domestic violence on Thursday night.

Members of the Fifty Shades is Domestic Violence campaign group descended on Leicester Square in the British capital armed with placards, balloons, T-shirts and a large banner to protest against the film’s portrayal of a kinky relationship while the stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan walked the grey carpet.

Other individuals held up placards to condemn the film for allegedly glamorising domestic violence, with one sign reading, “#BlueAboutGrey – because some Ana’s don’t survive their Christian’s (sic).”

Director Sam Taylor-Johnson addressed the calls of domestic violence to U.K. TV show Good Morning Britain, saying, “We took a very definite approach towards empowering Anastasia and she goes on a sexual exploration, but it’s one she goes on willingly and she consents throughout.”

Stars including Aaron Taylor-Johnson, author E.L. James, former Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts and singer Jamelia also attended the premiere.

I'm so glad I don't have daughters. The messages young American women are getting these days about what they should aspire to is unbelievable.

Me too. Lol. I would be SO worried all the time. :D
Like I said. No woman with a brain would ever marry a person like you.

So you're suggesting that being a stay at home homemaker requires no intelligence or skill? If you say so. I totally disagree but that won't surprise either of us.

I am suggesting that any woman who would marry a person like you must not have much for brains.

How do you know she isn't smart enough to see his good points and forgive his faults?

Have you been reading his posts Emily? Women are for cleaning and cooking. They don't need a brain, he says. He says that abuse is not supposed to be for fun but for disciplinary purposes.
Like I said. No woman with a brain would ever marry a person like you.

So you're suggesting that being a stay at home homemaker requires no intelligence or skill? If you say so. I totally disagree but that won't surprise either of us.

I am suggesting that any woman who would marry a person like you must not have much for brains.

How do you know she isn't smart enough to see his good points and forgive his faults?

Have you been reading his posts Emily? Women are for cleaning and cooking. They don't need a brain, he says. He says that abuse is not supposed to be for fun but for disciplinary purposes.

Hi ChrisL
If I read some kind of abusive spirit in his words and being, yes, this would send off red flags.

If some people are old fashioned and just see wifey as their matey to help them,
that's what I read also.

I don't agree with sexism, but I work with people from where they are coming from.

Where it does cause a problem, sure I would address that.
Like if he goes out of his way to STOP his wife from taking classes online cuz it's a threat to him,
that is controlling.

My own bf is funny in his own way, if my ideas help HIM get what he wants, suddenly it's a good idea.
If I am running around helping other people, not him, that's competing with his attention.

People do focus on what serves them.

The best way to work with people to balance interests equally
is to start by respecting where they are coming from first.

Establish where you DO agree equally. Then once you have a respecting relationship
then you can work through those differences as equals, with the UNDERSTANDING it is
to help them meet their interests, and isn't trying to go against what they want, but you are helping them
further those goals. If you don't even agree what the goals are you both respect, how can you use
that as a motivation?

Just been around people especially older folks enough
to know that you don't try to change people who are set in their ways.
If there is something they want that they aren't getting, maybe they'll listen to you if it helps them
get what they want.

So if you feel you can be some good influence on this guys' thinking,
why not start with finding out what good things he can share with you.
If it's a mutual exchange of better ideas how to improve, then it's a collaborative exchange, not combative.
And collaborative tends to work better.

I pretty much agree with you ChrisL on the core values and things that are important.
I think it's just the delivery and details where I approach things according to who I'm working with.
So there are not going to be absolutes, but variations on how to reach agreement with people
depending on the background they are coming from.

I still sense you and I agree at the core, so the rest can be worked out from there.
We'd be in trouble if we didn't agree on the basics but I see that we do.
BDSM is absolutely NOT about domestic abuse. It is not about one person abusing another, unwilling, person.
So it's okay to beat, degrade, humiliate someone if they agree to the abuse?!

Those people get together, discuss limits, create "safe words" and proceed in very controlled and planned scenarios. It is certainly NOT abuse.
Maybe theoretically, maybe under ideal circumstances, but always?

Why are you serving as an apologist for those who like to torment others?


The Marquis de Sade or is it WinterBorn?
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Like I said. No woman with a brain would ever marry a person like you.

So you're suggesting that being a stay at home homemaker requires no intelligence or skill? If you say so. I totally disagree but that won't surprise either of us.

I am suggesting that any woman who would marry a person like you must not have much for brains.

How do you know she isn't smart enough to see his good points and forgive his faults?

Have you been reading his posts Emily? Women are for cleaning and cooking. They don't need a brain, he says. He says that abuse is not supposed to be for fun but for disciplinary purposes.

Hi ChrisL
If I read some kind of abusive spirit in his words and being, yes, this would send off red flags.

If some people are old fashioned and just see wifey as their matey to help them,
that's what I read also.

I don't agree with sexism, but I work with people from where they are coming from.

Where it does cause a problem, sure I would address that.
Like if he goes out of his way to STOP his wife from taking classes online cuz it's a threat to him,
that is controlling.

My own bf is funny in his own way, if my ideas help HIM get what he wants, suddenly it's a good idea.
If I am running around helping other people, not him, that's competing with his attention.

People do focus on what serves them.

The best way to work with people to balance interests equally
is to start by respecting where they are coming from first.

Establish where you DO agree equally. Then once you have a respecting relationship
then you can work through those differences as equals, with the UNDERSTANDING it is
to help them meet their interests, and isn't trying to go against what they want, but you are helping them
further those goals. If you don't even agree what the goals are you both respect, how can you use
that as a motivation?

Just been around people especially older folks enough
to know that you don't try to change people who are set in their ways.
If there is something they want that they aren't getting, maybe they'll listen to you if it helps them
get what they want.

So if you feel you can be some good influence on this guys' thinking,
why not start with finding out what good things he can share with you.
If it's a mutual exchange of better ideas how to improve, then it's a collaborative exchange, not combative.
And collaborative tends to work better.

I pretty much agree with you ChrisL on the core values and things that are important.
I think it's just the delivery and details where I approach things according to who I'm working with.
So there are not going to be absolutes, but variations on how to reach agreement with people
depending on the background they are coming from.

I still sense you and I agree at the core, so the rest can be worked out from there.
We'd be in trouble if we didn't agree on the basics but I see that we do.

Ask him some questions Emily. Ask him. He will come right out and tell you. I've had conversations with him before, so I already know how he feels about women and their "place" in society.
Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.

Hmmmm... maybe she's looking to get spanked or whipped? Yeowch!

On a political forum board? She does reek of desperation.

Bullshit, bitch. I am arguing my point, just like you.
Ok enough teasing.
ChrisL when you say things like "your wife must not be smart"
that is a personal comment and off topic from the actual content of what you were debating.
So once you digress, sure you open the door to this spanking banter, as part of online culture.

I see you are serious and VERY concerned that people take abuse seriously,
starting with the very roots of bias in thinking.

To change that is a long process, very interactive.
You are going to need to be on the same side, not opposites to get any progress made.

So if you are serious, and I support and encourage you all the way,
let's start by getting on the same page with what we ultimately want
and what we agree is bad for relations. Start with solid ground on where
we agree, then you use that as leverage to address issue where we may differ.

the advantage you and I have is we pretty much trust to hear each other.
You know I am not going to personally attack you (or your wife ha ha)
Make the relationship SAFE to work within, and it will be easier to hear each other seriously.

You are a good influence here. And in turn, people will sharpen you up,
make you let go of some emotions and worries you have, and focus on the issues.

I think you are a valuable ally and shouldn't waste energy on personal slams
that discredit the valid points you can be punching, I mean, hitting. Well, in a consensual agreed way....
BDSM is absolutely NOT about domestic abuse. It is not about one person abusing another, unwilling, person.
So it's okay to beat, degrade, torment, humiliate someone if they agree to the abuse?!
Who are you to say they are abused, degraded, or tormented? More specifically, how it is any business of yours what people do in the privacy of their own dungeons?
Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.

Hmmmm... maybe she's looking to get spanked or whipped? Yeowch!

On a political forum board? She does reek of desperation.

Bullshit, bitch. I am arguing my point, just like you.
Ok enough teasing.
ChrisL when you say things like "your wife must not be smart"
that is a personal comment and off topic from the actual content of what you were debating.
So once you digress, sure you open the door to this spanking banter, as part of online culture.

I see you are serious and VERY concerned that people take abuse seriously,
starting with the very roots of bias in thinking.

To change that is a long process, very interactive.
You are going to need to be on the same side, not opposites to get any progress made.

So if you are serious, and I support and encourage you all the way,
let's start by getting on the same page with what we ultimately want
and what we agree is bad for relations. Start with solid ground on where
we agree, then you use that as leverage to address issue where we may differ.

the advantage you and I have is we pretty much trust to hear each other.
You know I am not going to personally attack you (or your wife ha ha)
Make the relationship SAFE to work within, and it will be easier to hear each other seriously.

You are a good influence here. And in turn, people will sharpen you up,
make you let go of some emotions and worries you have, and focus on the issues.

I think you are a valuable ally and shouldn't waste energy on personal slams
that discredit the valid points you can be punching, I mean, hitting. Well, in a consensual agreed way....
I can't see ChrisL

However, the majority of people I know in the community are intelligent people. With advance degrees.

Its like calling a bunch of lawyers who like to ride nothing but uneducated bikers simply because they wear a stereotypical clothing and grow beards.
Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.

Hmmmm... maybe she's looking to get spanked or whipped? Yeowch!

On a political forum board? She does reek of desperation.

Bullshit, bitch. I am arguing my point, just like you.
Ok enough teasing.
ChrisL when you say things like "your wife must not be smart"
that is a personal comment and off topic from the actual content of what you were debating.
So once you digress, sure you open the door to this spanking banter, as part of online culture.

I see you are serious and VERY concerned that people take abuse seriously,
starting with the very roots of bias in thinking.

To change that is a long process, very interactive.
You are going to need to be on the same side, not opposites to get any progress made.

So if you are serious, and I support and encourage you all the way,
let's start by getting on the same page with what we ultimately want
and what we agree is bad for relations. Start with solid ground on where
we agree, then you use that as leverage to address issue where we may differ.

the advantage you and I have is we pretty much trust to hear each other.
You know I am not going to personally attack you (or your wife ha ha)
Make the relationship SAFE to work within, and it will be easier to hear each other seriously.

You are a good influence here. And in turn, people will sharpen you up,
make you let go of some emotions and worries you have, and focus on the issues.

I think you are a valuable ally and shouldn't waste energy on personal slams
that discredit the valid points you can be punching, I mean, hitting. Well, in a consensual agreed way....

Emily, I am a straight woman. I don't have a wife. Lol. :D

I don't want to ban this activity. I just think that the people who are participating in these types of activities (the more EXTREME forms of it anyways) have some serious issues. That is all. I cannot understand how a person can LIKE to hurt another person or make them bleed. I think that is not at all sex. I also wonder what these people would do if they could not find willing partners.
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.

Hmmmm... maybe she's looking to get spanked or whipped? Yeowch!

On a political forum board? She does reek of desperation.

Bullshit, bitch. I am arguing my point, just like you.
Ok enough teasing.
ChrisL when you say things like "your wife must not be smart"
that is a personal comment and off topic from the actual content of what you were debating.
So once you digress, sure you open the door to this spanking banter, as part of online culture.

I see you are serious and VERY concerned that people take abuse seriously,
starting with the very roots of bias in thinking.

To change that is a long process, very interactive.
You are going to need to be on the same side, not opposites to get any progress made.

So if you are serious, and I support and encourage you all the way,
let's start by getting on the same page with what we ultimately want
and what we agree is bad for relations. Start with solid ground on where
we agree, then you use that as leverage to address issue where we may differ.

the advantage you and I have is we pretty much trust to hear each other.
You know I am not going to personally attack you (or your wife ha ha)
Make the relationship SAFE to work within, and it will be easier to hear each other seriously.

You are a good influence here. And in turn, people will sharpen you up,
make you let go of some emotions and worries you have, and focus on the issues.

I think you are a valuable ally and shouldn't waste energy on personal slams
that discredit the valid points you can be punching, I mean, hitting. Well, in a consensual agreed way....
I can't see ChrisL

However, the majority of people I know in the community are intelligent people. With advance degrees.

Its like calling a bunch of lawyers who like to ride nothing but uneducated bikers simply because they wear a stereotypical clothing and grow beards.

Ba-ha-ha! Baby!

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