Protests: Fifty Shades as Glamorizing Domestic Violence

Ah, she's simply an attention whore.

I have no patience for those.
Disir I understand that you have no patience for those,
but ChrisL is not one.

Very passionate, and honest enough to say what's going on her side.
Trying to resolve this openly. some projection going on, mutually,
but that's not the point of the conversation but a side effect of it.
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Bullshit, bitch. I am arguing my point, just like you.

Ok ChrisL let's use ^ this point as an example. ^

1. This can be seen as "verbally abusive" to say BS, Beeatch etc.
to someone whether it is intended as venting for healing purposes
or it's meant to have a negative effect on the other or both.

But most people will agree that the people involved consented to it.
Even asked for it, and gave it right back. So it's mutual. Right?

My Buddhist mother might say this is a form of violence and not acceptable.

That it indicates something emotionally disturbed and not at peace
or perfect with that person, regardless if both were involved.
If this was happening at the workplace it would be abuse and harassment.

So can you see how this can be relative.

So someone else could jump in your face and say all
mean spirited cursing is verbal abuse and indicates
something wrong with that person. Would you agree?

2. Are you trying to force your view, force someone to acknowledge it
"against their will" and without their understanding to choose it freely?

Is this not seeking to coerce (with emotions attached) or push an opinion
they don't understand, and make them "respond a certain way
that YOU want" in order to get your approval.

So can this be seen as nonconsensual?
And NOT "nonviolent" because it is not respecting the
consent or bounds of the other person?

1, 2
either way, the point is not to push or deny one view or the other.

My point is that even in these conversations, we are mimicking the
process of either respecting the yes/no consent of the other person,
and/or pressuring or coercing to change how they think or respond,
and the verbal insults going back and forth could be seen as abusive and signs of emotional imbalance
that needs to be addressed before calling this nonviolent and nonabusive.

To some people it is.

So if your goal is to reach agreement without emotional insults,
then this conversation is not by your consent, yet you are engaging in it.

So if your point is to TEACH respect for consent and boundaries,
shouldn't the conversation itself respect consent and boundaries
and not push with emotional coercion and not involve insults that aren't really what is wanted here
Fifty Shades of Grey premiere marred by protesters - Celebrity Buzz

Finally! I wasn't surprised by Christians protesting the film premiere as promoting unhealthy relations.

But these protestors hit home, protesting the "glamorization" of domestic violence
(while others claim the character wasn't coerced
but consented to the S&M as sexual exploration).

I was beginning to worry that most people were either hyping this up or brushing it off.
Glad to see some sign of intelligent response I can at least RELATE to.


The London premiere of raunchy movie Fifty Shades of Grey was marred by protest groups campaigning against domestic violence on Thursday night.

Members of the Fifty Shades is Domestic Violence campaign group descended on Leicester Square in the British capital armed with placards, balloons, T-shirts and a large banner to protest against the film’s portrayal of a kinky relationship while the stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan walked the grey carpet.

Other individuals held up placards to condemn the film for allegedly glamorising domestic violence, with one sign reading, “#BlueAboutGrey – because some Ana’s don’t survive their Christian’s (sic).”

Director Sam Taylor-Johnson addressed the calls of domestic violence to U.K. TV show Good Morning Britain, saying, “We took a very definite approach towards empowering Anastasia and she goes on a sexual exploration, but it’s one she goes on willingly and she consents throughout.”

Stars including Aaron Taylor-Johnson, author E.L. James, former Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts and singer Jamelia also attended the premiere.

It wasn't a BDSM tutorial. It was a fantasy. A fantasy for vanilla people. Every so many years someone kicks out a book or movie that toys with BDSM and then part of the population loves it because it is naughty and the other half condemns it. It's usually a shit movie or book that sounds exactly like other shit books and movies.

See: 9 1/2 Weeks.
I agree it was badly done.

But the phrase "If it hurts, it's abuse" would also cover mutually consenting, informed adults who decide to use a paddle, belt or cane. 50 Shades is terrible. The abuse is to the reader. Bit actual BDSM is far, far from what that book portrays.

That. My wife's exact words, "This might be the worst book I have ever read!"

I worked with a woman who was a sub in a fairly-extreme BDSM relationship. (As in: she sometimes wore long sleeves in the summer to hide rope marks, and a vacation or holiday weekend usually meant she would slowly and carefully climb out off her Datsun 240Z due to being covered with still-tender lash marks.) I'm not sure I have EVER seen two people more in love than Sarah and her husband Keith.

That's fucked up. This is what happens when two emotionally unstable people who are idiots get together. Lol. That is sick to me. A sure sign of a mental illness.

They have been married 20+ years...and again, I don't think I have EVER seen two people more in love. If I didn't know they'd been married that long, I'd have guessed they were newlyweds.
Once again, that is your opinion. Other people have opinions that differ from yours.

Some people think having sex with minors is alright too, but we have LAWS against it. Not everything is acceptable to the general population, and yes, you are going to be seen as a weirdo by most people if you engage in abuse of your partner. That is not sex or love. It is abuse and violence under the guise of sex.

Minors are protected because they are not mature enough to give consent. Between consenting adults is a different matter.

Look, if you don't want to be spanked, restrained or whatever, then don't do it. But this judgemental nonsense is a waste of time for you and for them. Perhaps there are those who worry more about what other people think than about their own happiness. I pity those people.

And some men like to wear diapers and shit in them and have someone change them and get off on that. :lol: Sorry, but yes, there is normal and there is abnormal.

LOL. My wife and I saw this terrible movie on Thursday. She's read the books and really wanted to see it. My responses to the whole thing.....

Why would a Man need a CONTRACT to discipline a woman in a relationship?
Discipline is not about SEX, it's about OBEDIENCE.
A contract would offer some legal protection if she sued him.

This guy is a traditionalist. He thinks of women as property and not as people, so don't take him too seriously.

No, that guy is a psychotic nut and should be locked up.
Anyone else passing on the movie waiting for the DVD release which we know will say like "footage not seen in theatres" :)
That has got to be one of the more stupid analogies I've read on here, and there are a LOT of them going around. No. It is abuse. Domestic violence. Just because it happens to occur during sexcapades does not make it any less despicable. Just because a person finds others that he or she can take advantage of, does not make it any less despicable either.

It is a perfectly apt analogy.

You claiming it is abuse is simply your own ignorance concerning BDSM and domestic abuse.

A submissive wants the treatment. That is what separates it from abuse. Who are you to tell them that they are actively participating in abuse, as would be the case if BDSM were actually abuse?

So . . . personal question . . . do you enjoy inflicting pain upon other people? Do you get off on that?

I have had women who asked to be spanked or their hair pulled. Some have wanted it harder than others. I am not into the more strict or harsh BDSM games. I enjoy doing it because it gives pleasure to the woman I am in bed with.

That is completely different than a person who is being tied up, hit with objects, whipped, to the point where they are physically injured. I think, if you were to be honest, you would admit to that.

It is different by degrees. I have left red marks on some lovely ass cheeks. Is that an injury? Is a bruise an injury?

My wife has left bruises just by squeezing my arms. (I didn't mind.)
Hmm. So, according to some on here, my wanting my man to fantasize about ME, makes me fucked up, but getting off on abusing another human being is not. :cuckoo:

No, it just shows your proclivity for saying others are fucked up because they don't do things your way.

NO it isn't. It is saying that people who get off on abusing another human being or being abused by another human being are fucked up, and they are.

You poor thing, you've never been spanked have you? :rofl:

A "spanking" is not abuse. Tying people up and abusing them to the point where they need a "safety word" OTH is abuse. A simple spanking is NOT considered BDSM. It is MUCH more than just playful spanking or hair pulling. It is inflicting pain and injury on another human being and enjoying it to the point of orgasm.

So put you down as "not kinky"

weren't you in another thread the other day chastising me about judging someone who wrote that they walk around naked in front of their children? See, I consider that child abuse.

Then you're weirder than she is.
All of this acceptance of abuse as just another way to enjoy sex will be over. As soon as a daughter comes home bloody and bruised saying that she was proving to her boyfriend she had a normal healthy interest in alternative sex the acceptance part will be done.

You have a vivid imagination...and a grasp on reality that is, at best, tenuous.
Even if true, if they find someone who consents to being "abused" its frankly none of your business. Land of the free and all that.
That's why abusers have been able to use "she wanted it" as a get out of jail free card for decades.
It doesn't work that way.

Face it. These kinds of people are abusers who have just found someone confused enough to go along with it. Like I asked the other poster, if they could not find a person to go along with it, would they forget about it and remove it from their sexual repertoire?

So there is no woman out there who is into submissive stuff? Zero?

I'm sorry, but the "poor little girl" thing to me is just as demeaning as asking a woman to make a sandwich.
Lots of women actually. And lots of men too. So much sometimes one has to 'beat' them off with a stick.


Improper use of a pun!
5 yard penalty!
Repeat third post!

(Seriously, dude, that was awful.)
I wouldn't think it's a partisan thing. I think instead it's a tunnel-vision thing. People don't consider the bigger picture and only see the acts like Chris only sees some guy hitting some gal. She doesn't see the fact that the gal can tell the guy to stop at any moment as with "safe words" these people utilize. Nor she seem to see the reality of "abuse" not having a safe-word to make it stop.

I will say this though, there is definitely a line.

If a woman is willing to consent to being punched so hard that she is actually physically harmed, I would contend that that woman is mentally incapable of consenting to anything.

Probably...though you probably need a more-specific definition than "physically harmed". (I'd say a handprint or mark from a belt on her butt is fine...a broken rib is not...the line, of course, is somewhere in the middle. Sore and stiff arms from being tied is fine, torn tendons, not so much.)
Good Lord, if that isn't sick and a sign of a mentally or emotionally unstable individual who should be avoided, I don't know WHAT is. Lol.

I'd much rather deal with someone in a BDSM relationship (on either side of it) than a self-righteous, judgmental twit.
I wouldn't think it's a partisan thing. I think instead it's a tunnel-vision thing. People don't consider the bigger picture and only see the acts like Chris only sees some guy hitting some gal. She doesn't see the fact that the gal can tell the guy to stop at any moment as with "safe words" these people utilize. Nor she seem to see the reality of "abuse" not having a safe-word to make it stop.

I will say this though, there is definitely a line.

If a woman is willing to consent to being punched so hard that she is actually physically harmed, I would contend that that woman is mentally incapable of consenting to anything.
I've never actually seen nor heard of 'punches' being used. Its not that kind of physicality. At worst, a crop or whip will leave a welt. I've never seen one render someone unconscious unless they were into auto-erotic asphyxiation, which really isn't part of the BDSM genre...

Yes it is. That is included under bondage.

No, it really isn' are either ignorant or lying.
Like I said, just because a person finds a person who agrees to be abused, does not mean it is no longer abuse.

It's about consent. Simply because you have no knowledge of it, does not make it abuse.

It also requires a level of trust that many vanilla do not encounter once in their life time.

Once you get into the beating, it's about endorphins.

I disagree. It is glorified violence. Like I said, a lot of people who were abused as children confuse violence and abuse with affection and love. They are not healthy functioning people. Abusing them and calling it "sex" is wrong.

You're making the assumption that kinksters were abused as children. You have no data that supports this. None. It's high theater. They are not only healthy and functioning people there is an entire network nationally that supports kinksters, including attorneys. You just don't like it. That's fine.
The Kink Aware Professionals Directory

Ok Disir so similar with homosexuals and transgender who weren't all abused as children.

Why not conduct a study on spiritual healing, with voluntary participation by self-chosen subjects, and see how many of these people change their behavior or not?

Some of the healing goes into "generational" issues before their current family and environment, sort of like inheriting things genetically but this is either psychological or spiritual and not always genetically traceable.

Spiritual healing addresses those levels, too, not just immediate influences and relations
but unconscious patterns people may not know they carry from the past. Buddhists call this karma, Christians call it generational curses or sins, but the healing methods I know that work on recovering addicts and abuse victims go deeper in the spirit. Even the secular methods for healing racism recognize the spiritual wounds carried from previous generations, such as genocide against Native Americans and blacks that manifests as anger and abuse in later generations not directly connected.

Why not study this before assuming that it's natural for people?
What if it is like alcoholic addiction or tendencies that is inherited and part of someone's makeup but it can be healed and not permanent?

I, for one, do not think it is natural at all. To me, sex should be about pleasuring each other, not causing each other pain, welts and bruises. Lol. I prefer pleasurable sex that feels good.

One more time: for some people, pleasure comes from pain.
No it is not okay to hurt someone with consent. Only a shitty person would take advantage of another in such a manner and enjoy it. This is why I say it is probably more a sick fetish than it is sex.

You ever seen a checklist?

That is irrelevant to the discussion. A check list does not denote healthy individuals. Oh, it's okay to hurt me, but not this or this? Good Lord. It is not okay to hurt another person. If another person asks you to hurt them, you should be wary because that person is more than likely not playing with a full deck.

It is absolutely relevant, in fact, it's imperative.

A checklist, which has often been used, simply states what you will and will not do and or might consider.
BDSM Checklist

It is pretty basic.

The play time is referred to as a scene. It is planned in advance. Very few people engage in 24/7 BDSM. It is limited in time and scope.

That's all fine, but my point is that someone who wants to be hurt, possibly harmed is not playing with a full deck, checklist or no checklist, and the person who would AGREE to hurting her or him? What kind of mindset is that? How is that in any way healthy or productive?

I mean really, "twist my nipples until I'm screaming in pain" (a mild example of some of the stuff that goes on) . . . I don't think that's much of a turn on for most people who are healthy functioning adults, wanting to cause another person pain. I just don't.

A more graphic example, "whip my vagina or penis until it bleeds" . . . not healthy at all, physically or mentally. For one thing, it is possible to cause permanent nerve damage so that you cannot feel anything at all anymore. The sexual organs are very sensitive and full of nerves and blood vessels.

Endorphins. You can get the same from running about five miles.

There is a point where it stops being painful. That's the endorphins kicking in.

There is pretty extensive training for wielding a whip etc.

Jesus H. Christ, Chris, we aren't talking about people running around as complete noobs. Simply because it is new to you doesn't mean that it is new.

Another thing that can cause an endorphin high: getting tattooed.
I don't agree with the notion that even adults can legally "consent" to domestic abuse. If police find bruises or welts on a person, the person who did the harm should be arrested and convicted.

Let me guess: you limit things to missionary position, lights off, and only for procreation?:lame2:
And what of the woman's pleasure? You must be an incredibly lame lay.​

The woman exists to Serve and to Please; not to be Served or Pleased.

My wife hasn't complained yet, for whatever that's worth.

So, you are satisfied with a wife who "doesn't complain?" Odd, I kind of enjoy knowing my wife gets as much pleasure from me as i get from her.

He has no interest in a partner. To him, a wife is his live-in maid, cook, sex toy, and punching bag.
Meh, I still say the person who does the abusing has some serious issues. To ENJOY inflicting pain on others? That's just messed up, no matter what the "others" say. :D

Serious question: would you say a tattoo artist is also "messed up"?
Like I said. No woman with a brain would ever marry a person like you.

So you're suggesting that being a stay at home homemaker requires no intelligence or skill? If you say so. I totally disagree but that won't surprise either of us.

I am suggesting that any woman who would marry a person like you must not have much for brains.

How do you know she isn't smart enough to see his good points and forgive his faults?

Near as I can tell...he has no good points. He is a borderline-psychotic nut and should probably be locked up.

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