Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday


I saved your test for you. Look at your answer again..

You want the employees that are there now to get everything the owners have made for the past 50 years. You want it all, and the family that built the company has nothing.

And you even want all the profits that the employees that came before you earned during that 50 years.

That makes you a thief.

And it means that you made an F on your test.
The ONLY person that MADE anything is Sam Walton the man that STARTED the company and ALL the employees these last 50 years that have gotten the shaft while the asshole thugs who inherited a company steal ALL the wealth and the employees who make,sell and transport the product get min wage and no benefits.I would say the employees have MORE than earned it.
Are those on fixed retirement incomes and/or Social Security going to get a raise to cover the increases cost of goods and services as well?

So what you are saying is that this is yet another half baked idiot liberal idea they haven't thought through?
Nothing would rise in price....still haven't gotten an answer that if high wages equals high prices for products how come with CEO's making MILLIONS prices are still fairly low? Hmmm aka Just another republican excuse/lie to try and derail human rights.

You can't be taken seriously if you think that when labor costs go up prices don't have to go up for a small business to keep the doors open..
Still no answer.

Gawd you are stupid holy shit.
Come on little bitch....give me an can't because it defeats your entire argument

Sorry, but the people that built the company deserve something for their work, too. The company didn't just happen.

And there is no way that you deserve what all the employees before you, for the last 50 years, earned for the company.

So you see, you lost when you demanded more than your work is worth. You can't get what everybody else made too. That defeats your entire argument about being fair and exposes you as a thief and a worthless leech.

I actually hope your antics costs you your job (and I'm sure it will if you present your scheme to the company).
The six Waltons on Forbes' list of wealthiest Americans have a net worth of $144.7 billion.

That's NOT including This fiscal year three Waltons—Rob, Jim, and Alice (and the various entities that they control)—will receive an estimated $3.1 billion in Walmart dividends from their majority stake in the company.

Divide the 144 billion up between the 2 milllion wal mart workers that's 72k per person. Works for me! :) 6 scum "worth" what 2 million people could EASILY live off of. 6 scumbags who have stolen the labor of 2 million workers and who in my view are worthy of nothing more than a jail cell. :)

Divide the 144 billion up between the 2 milllion wal mart workers that's 72k per person. Works for me!

Well you're an idiot, so yeah.

6 scumbags who have stolen the labor of 2 million workers

Sorry they fired your dumb ass.

Sorry, but the people that built the company deserve something for their work, too. The company didn't just happen.

And there is no way that you deserve what all the employees before you, for the last 50 years, earned for the company.

So you see, you lost when you demanded more than your work is worth. You can't get what everybody else made too. That defeats your entire argument about being fair and exposes you as a thief and a worthless leech.

I actually hope your antics costs you your job (and I'm sure it will if you present your scheme to the company).
Have you not learned to quote people? Its easier to respond to.

My work is worth a livable wage. As is EVERY worker in America. Period. You people can take this fake free market shit and shove it. When something only benefits the rich it ain't worth keeping.
Paul you really are oblivious to the economic turmoil that would ensue if the minimum wage were to be doubled overnight.
There aren't enough minimum wage workers to cause even the slightest of blips to the economy.
Another one who's never played domino's.

Do ANY of you posses a lick of common sense?

Hell, with the crap Odium is coming up, he doesn't have a lick of sense, and if Wal-Mart were to "pay" him what he's worth, he would owe the company.

He does have strong criminal tendencies, though. Maybe he should look into that field.

I did better than quote you. I saved your test, where you laid out your scheme. Want to see it?
The six Waltons on Forbes' list of wealthiest Americans have a net worth of $144.7 billion.

That's NOT including This fiscal year three Waltons—Rob, Jim, and Alice (and the various entities that they control)—will receive an estimated $3.1 billion in Walmart dividends from their majority stake in the company.

Divide the 144 billion up between the 2 milllion wal mart workers that's 72k per person. Works for me! :) 6 scum "worth" what 2 million people could EASILY live off of. 6 scumbags who have stolen the labor of 2 million workers and who in my view are worthy of nothing more than a jail cell. :)
The six Waltons on Forbes' list of wealthiest Americans have a net worth of $144.7 billion.

That's NOT including This fiscal year three Waltons—Rob, Jim, and Alice (and the various entities that they control)—will receive an estimated $3.1 billion in Walmart dividends from their majority stake in the company.

Divide the 144 billion up between the 2 milllion wal mart workers that's 72k per person. Works for me! :) 6 scum "worth" what 2 million people could EASILY live off of. 6 scumbags who have stolen the labor of 2 million workers and who in my view are worthy of nothing more than a jail cell. :)
You are supposed to say something outside of the quote marks.
Paul you really are oblivious to the economic turmoil that would ensue if the minimum wage were to be doubled overnight.

There aren't enough minimum wage workers to cause even the slightest of blips to the economy.

Yanno, on its face that is correct (so why are we even having this discussion) but as with most subjects, you loony lefties never seem to grasp the whole picture. For instance, what would happen to a company's pay scale ... that which they already pay those above MW? That's right, Sparky ... the whole scale goes up. Then there is the small matter of union contracts which are often MW+ based. Raise the MW and everybody working under any MW+ contract - none of whom are MW workers - gets a raise. Do you see where your half-baked thinking goes? No? Why am I not surprised?

I don't have to say anything outside the quotation marks. The post of yours I copied says it all.
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My work is worth a livable wage...

If it was you'd be making it.

My work is worth a livable wage. As is EVERY worker in America. Period. You people can take this fake free market shit and shove it. When something only benefits the rich it ain't worth keeping.

And there you have it. Odious's disdain - or should I say hate - for the wealthy is so all-consuming he believes it justifies violating the laws of supply and demand as well as our constitutionally protected rights.
You're a sick and hate-filled puppy, Odious, and it's easy to see why you became such a virulent white supremacist.
The poor little darlings should start their own businesses instead of whining like womanly pussies.......

Show everyone how a real socialist commune of a company works.

Like other progressives have done..... Lol

I don't have to say anything outside the quotation mark. The post of yours I copied says it all. act like I should be ashamed. Everything I say I believe 100%
So you believe you deserve everything that employees of Wal-Mart have earned for the company in the last 50 years?

I actually worked for Wal-Mart for several years, so you deserve what I made for the company, right? I did the work, but you want the money...

My opinion is that you are a thief and low life scum, who is just looking for a free ride at the expense of others. There is nothing "fair" about that.

I don't have to say anything outside the quotation mark. The post of yours I copied says it all. act like I should be ashamed. Everything I say I believe 100%
So you believe you deserve everything that employees of Wal-Mart have earned for the company in the last 50 years?

I actually worked for Wal-Mart for several years, so you deserve what I made for the company, right? I did the work, but you want the money...

My opinion is that you are a thief and low life scum, who is just looking for a free ride at the expense of others. There is nothing "fair" about that.

You may want to read a few of Odious's posts. He's a proud white supremacist, an splinter of National SOCIALISM (what mine is mine and what's yours is mine) or NAZI for short.

As Barney Fyfe would put it- "HE'S A NUT!!!"

I just can't believe he would blow his entire argument like he did. He sure exposed himself as a fool, and totally blew those protesters and their agenda out of the water by doing the math for us, and laying it out here. If anybody thought they might have had a case for more money before, they sure don't now.
Compared to wages adjusted for inflation, or what they are in Europe, $15/hour is a gift.

Adjusted for inflation of what? Since when?

"The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research. While advancements in technology have increased the amount of goods and services that can be produced in a set amount of time, wages have remained relatively flat, the study points out.

Even if the minimum wage kept up with inflation since it peaked in real value in the late 1960s, low-wage workers should be earning a minimum of $10.52 an hour, according to the study."
Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study

Are those on fixed retirement incomes and/or Social Security going to get a raise to cover the increases cost of goods and services as well?

So what you are saying is that this is yet another half baked idiot liberal idea they haven't thought through?
Nothing would rise in price....still haven't gotten an answer that if high wages equals high prices for products how come with CEO's making MILLIONS prices are still fairly low? Hmmm aka Just another republican excuse/lie to try and derail human rights.

You probably already got the answer but ignored it.

Here it is again: In companies where the CEO makes millions, the employees usually make more than minimum wage already and the price of the product is already covering the current pay rate. If you doubled the salary of all it's employees, the price of the product would increase. The fact that you used this example shows me that you aren't capable of thinking on your own and heard this stupid talking point somewhere. It's a bad example, you lose moron.

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