Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

"The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research. While advancements in technology have increased the amount of goods and services that can be produced in a set amount of time, wages have remained relatively flat, the study points out.

Even if the minimum wage kept up with inflation since it peaked in real value in the late 1960s, low-wage workers should be earning a minimum of $10.52 an hour, according to the study."
Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study

Are those on fixed retirement incomes and/or Social Security going to get a raise to cover the increases cost of goods and services as well?

So what you are saying is that this is yet another half baked idiot liberal idea they haven't thought through?
Nothing would rise in price....still haven't gotten an answer that if high wages equals high prices for products how come with CEO's making MILLIONS prices are still fairly low? Hmmm aka Just another republican excuse/lie to try and derail human rights.

You probably already got the answer but ignored it.

Here it is again: In companies where the CEO makes millions, the employees usually make more than minimum wage already and the price of the product is already covering the current pay rate. If you doubled the salary of all it's employees, the price of the product would increase. The fact that you used this example shows me that you aren't capable of thinking on your own and heard this stupid talking point somewhere. It's a bad example, you lose moron.
McDonalds,Wal Mart.....I can go on and on...those places pay low and min wages....

Again if they can pay a CEO millions they can pay ALL workers a fraction of that and they still make a decent living.No matter how much you republicans fight this its coming.

In other words you want government to force private companies to divide up the revenue equally, isn't that basically communism?
Are those on fixed retirement incomes and/or Social Security going to get a raise to cover the increases cost of goods and services as well?

So what you are saying is that this is yet another half baked idiot liberal idea they haven't thought through?
Nothing would rise in price....still haven't gotten an answer that if high wages equals high prices for products how come with CEO's making MILLIONS prices are still fairly low? Hmmm aka Just another republican excuse/lie to try and derail human rights.

You probably already got the answer but ignored it.

Here it is again: In companies where the CEO makes millions, the employees usually make more than minimum wage already and the price of the product is already covering the current pay rate. If you doubled the salary of all it's employees, the price of the product would increase. The fact that you used this example shows me that you aren't capable of thinking on your own and heard this stupid talking point somewhere. It's a bad example, you lose moron.
McDonalds,Wal Mart.....I can go on and on...those places pay low and min wages....

Again if they can pay a CEO millions they can pay ALL workers a fraction of that and they still make a decent living.No matter how much you republicans fight this its coming.

In other words you want government to force private companies to divide up the revenue equally, isn't that basically communism?
No. Communism is when the government OWNS all the companies. And all in all 99.9% of people would be happy just getting a decent wage and not have to worry about bills etc.
Maybe if work was done instead of protests you would get paid more.

Worry more about fixing problems for others and you will do great.
They is owed !!!! Lol

Perhaps 20% of the staff should get $15 an hr, 20% $12 an hr, 20% $10 an hr, 20% $8 sn hr, and fire the bottom 20% .......
Maybe the CEO's should cut their million dollar salaries and pay all their employees a wage they can live off of. Its a win win. Less people on welfare less people that need welfare less money needed for welfare
you don't understand that most fast food places are franchised and do not have CEOs do you?

So let me keep a list

You don't know the difference between government spending and private sector wages and you don't know how franchises work.
Compared to wages adjusted for inflation, or what they are in Europe, $15/hour is a gift.

Adjusted for inflation of what? Since when?

"The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research. While advancements in technology have increased the amount of goods and services that can be produced in a set amount of time, wages have remained relatively flat, the study points out.

Even if the minimum wage kept up with inflation since it peaked in real value in the late 1960s, low-wage workers should be earning a minimum of $10.52 an hour, according to the study."
Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study

Are those on fixed retirement incomes and/or Social Security going to get a raise to cover the increases cost of goods and services as well?

So what you are saying is that this is yet another half baked idiot liberal idea they haven't thought through?
Nothing would rise in price....still haven't gotten an answer that if high wages equals high prices for products how come with CEO's making MILLIONS prices are still fairly low? Hmmm aka Just another republican excuse/lie to try and derail human rights.

So if you overnight double your labor costs you wouldn't have to raise prices?

Another item for the list

you don't know anything about running a business.
Maybe if work was done instead of protests you would get paid more.

Worry more about fixing problems for others and you will do great.
They are protesting because they aren't getting paid enough. Try keeping up now...
They aren't getting paid more because the skills they have aren't worth the higher pay.

And that is why the board, ceo's and owners are making huge bang? Because the skills that are apparently earning that money somehow should only go into the pockets of the fat cats! lol
Maybe if work was done instead of protests you would get paid more.

Worry more about fixing problems for others and you will do great.
They are protesting because they aren't getting paid enough. Try keeping up now...
They aren't getting paid more because the skills they have aren't worth the higher pay.

And that is why the board, ceo's and owners are making huge bang? Because the skills that are apparently earning that money somehow should only go into the pockets of the fat cats! lol

The people who make the profits for the company are not the unskilled people at the point of sale.

It's the buyers who make the deals to get products and raw materials, it's the people who run the distribution channels efficiently etc it's not the guy stuffing stuff into a bag.
Paul you really are oblivious to the economic turmoil that would ensue if the minimum wage were to be doubled overnight.

There aren't enough minimum wage workers to cause even the slightest of blips to the economy.
Another one who's never played domino's.

Do ANY of you posses a lick of common sense?

Yup, and before you know it, workers are making too much money and we all go broke.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
"The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research. While advancements in technology have increased the amount of goods and services that can be produced in a set amount of time, wages have remained relatively flat, the study points out.

Even if the minimum wage kept up with inflation since it peaked in real value in the late 1960s, low-wage workers should be earning a minimum of $10.52 an hour, according to the study."
Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study

Are those on fixed retirement incomes and/or Social Security going to get a raise to cover the increases cost of goods and services as well?

So what you are saying is that this is yet another half baked idiot liberal idea they haven't thought through?
Nothing would rise in price....still haven't gotten an answer that if high wages equals high prices for products how come with CEO's making MILLIONS prices are still fairly low? Hmmm aka Just another republican excuse/lie to try and derail human rights.

You probably already got the answer but ignored it.

Here it is again: In companies where the CEO makes millions, the employees usually make more than minimum wage already and the price of the product is already covering the current pay rate. If you doubled the salary of all it's employees, the price of the product would increase. The fact that you used this example shows me that you aren't capable of thinking on your own and heard this stupid talking point somewhere. It's a bad example, you lose moron.
McDonalds,Wal Mart.....I can go on and on...those places pay low and min wages....

Again if they can pay a CEO millions they can pay ALL workers a fraction of that and they still make a decent living.No matter how much you republicans fight this its coming.

More bad examples. Those are franchises. The owners do not make millions, try thinking for yourself dumbass.

Ha ha! You think you're winning because there are more protests? Dumbass, it isn't going to happen. It's a stupid idea that any first year economics student could tell you won't do what you want it to.

Jesus you people are really fucking stupid.
We are winning because A LOT of major companies are raising wages to try and head this off...won't work.

How about a list of those companies? I call your bluff dude. I think that there is that one company and that's all you have.
I posted them early in the thread pretty sure...I know
Wal Mart
TJ Maxx
10 Companies That Aren t Waiting For Congress To Raise The Minimum Wage

All of those are going to raise it to $15 an hour? Do you read the shit you post dumbass?
They is owed !!!! Lol

Perhaps 20% of the staff should get $15 an hr, 20% $12 an hr, 20% $10 an hr, 20% $8 sn hr, and fire the bottom 20% .......
Maybe the CEO's should cut their million dollar salaries and pay all their employees a wage they can live off of. Its a win win. Less people on welfare less people that need welfare less money needed for welfare
you don't understand that most fast food places are franchised and do not have CEOs do you?

So let me keep a list

You don't know the difference between government spending and private sector wages and you don't know how franchises work.

Unions are paying most of those people to protest but they don't pay union wages

I find that ironic
No. Unions are NOT paying ANY of these people. They see they are being shit on by the big companies and are fighting back.We WILL unionize though...soon enough.
More bad examples. Those are franchises. The owners do not make millions, try thinking for yourself dumbass.

Don't be so sure. Owners can indeed make millions in a year. It's not as likely (though not impossible) for owners of single locations. But nowadays the single location franchisee is practically extinct. Most franchisees are corporate entities who own multiple locations. I once knew the owners of a chain of 10 McDonalds. They averaged about 20 million a year, personally, or about 2 million per store.
You can all calm down They're asking for $15 an hour but I'd bet they'd settle for $12.

Anyone who anything about negotiating knows that you always start with more than you really want.
YES! We are winning the fight brothers and sisters!

Winning what?
Your stupidity will force prices up, or the number of employees down.
If the former, you'll end up not manufacturing anything in the states (See the UK after the disaster of union power of the 1970s).
If the employer decide price rises will mess up their business, say hello to machines to do your jobs - don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Unions and left wing fools - they can't see past getting something for nothing.
10.10 might be more economical. It is a balancing game...Of course, 10.10 per hour + a cap on ceo pay to encourage higher pay to the employees might be better.

Can I decide a cap on your pay?

With the greedy burger flippers, it'll be this cap.


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