Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

10.10 might be more economical. It is a balancing game...Of course, 10.10 per hour + a cap on ceo pay to encourage higher pay to the employees might be better.

Static quantity, fluid value. These are things that don't mix well. Why do people not understand that fixing static quantity will not fix fluid value?
The six Waltons on Forbes' list of wealthiest Americans have a net worth of $144.7 billion.

That's NOT including This fiscal year three Waltons—Rob, Jim, and Alice (and the various entities that they control)—will receive an estimated $3.1 billion in Walmart dividends from their majority stake in the company.

Divide the 144 billion up between the 2 milllion wal mart workers that's 72k per person. Works for me! :) 6 scum "worth" what 2 million people could EASILY live off of. 6 scumbags who have stolen the labor of 2 million workers and who in my view are worthy of nothing more than a jail cell. :)
Youre basing that on stock dividends.
what's their actual salary?
They is owed !!!! Lol

Perhaps 20% of the staff should get $15 an hr, 20% $12 an hr, 20% $10 an hr, 20% $8 sn hr, and fire the bottom 20% .......
Maybe the CEO's should cut their million dollar salaries and pay all their employees a wage they can live off of. Its a win win. Less people on welfare less people that need welfare less money needed for welfare
you don't understand that most fast food places are franchised and do not have CEOs do you?

So let me keep a list

You don't know the difference between government spending and private sector wages and you don't know how franchises work.

Unions are paying most of those people to protest but they don't pay union wages

I find that ironic
No. Unions are NOT paying ANY of these people. They see they are being shit on by the big companies and are fighting back.We WILL unionize though...soon enough.

Of course they are.

It's a well kn own practice look it up.

And it won't matter if you unionize or not. unskilled jobs are not now and never will be worth 15 an hour.

If you want to make 15 an hour then learn a skill that an employer will pay 15 an hour for.
Maybe if work was done instead of protests you would get paid more.

Worry more about fixing problems for others and you will do great.
They are protesting because they aren't getting paid enough. Try keeping up now...

Paid enough according to who? Since when do people decide for themselves what their labor is worth instead of what value the market places on it? I got news for you Leftwats, anyone who is being paid the wage they agreed to by contract is NOT being screwed over by their employer. All you people have is an evil heart of covetousness, and that kind of greed will never be satisfied.
And with most of the replies about the middle class and the working force in this country. One can tell that the right wingers hate them to the Nth degree.

Highly skilled workers should be making $30 - $40 an hour.

From Matt Walsh Blog on the Blaze....
I've excerpted a few paragraphs but there is so much more that the entire blog should be read!

Dear fast food workers,

It’s come to my attention that many of you, supposedly in 230 cities across the country, are walking out of your jobs today and protesting for $15 an hour. You earnestly believe — indeed, you’ve been led to this conclusion by pandering politicians and liberal pundits who possess neither the slightest grasp of the basic rules of economics nor even the faintest hint of integrity — that your entry level gig pushing buttons on a cash register at Taco Bell ought to earn you double the current federal minimum wage.

I’m aware, of course, that not all of you feel this way. Many of you might consider your position as Whopper Assembler to be rather a temporary situation, not a career path, and you plan on moving on and up not by holding a poster board with “Give me more money!” scrawled across it, but by working hard and being reliable. To be clear, I am not addressing the folks in this latter camp. They are doing what needs to be done, and I respect that.

Instead, I want to talk to those of you who actually consider yourselves entitled to close to a $29 thousand a year full time salary for doing a job that requires no skill, no expertise, and no education;
those who think a fry cook ought to earn an entry level income similar to a dental assistant;
those who insist the guy putting the lettuce on my Big Mac ought to make more than the Emergency Medical Technician who saves lives for a living; those who believe you should automatically be able to “live comfortably,” as if “comfort” is a human right.

To those in this category, I have a few things I need to say, for your own sake:

First, let me start with a story. It’s anecdotal, obviously, but then this whole #FightFor15 “movement” is based entirely on anecdotes.

I submit mine: I’m 28 years old now. I started working when I was about 15. I did hourly, customer service-type stuff at grocery stores, snowball stands, and pizza places, never making much more than the bare minimum at any of them.

When I was 20 I moved out of the house and got my first job in radio. Starting out as a rock DJ in Delaware, I made $17,000 a year, or about $8 an hour. I lived off of that, earning a few small raises through the years — having to eat fewer meals, buy fewer things, and, God forbid, even forgo cable and internet access in my apartment — right up to when I got married at 25.

Fast Food Workers You Don t Deserve 15 an Hour to Flip Burgers and That s OK
Yes, if it wasn't for a couple of recessions....I made ten and hour cash in the early eighties as a brick layer....

Jackass, most of us are in the middle class and are part of the labor force because we aren't Leftists sitting around and watching Judge Judy on welfare like you Leftwats.

Actually, if you had been paying attention, Judge Judy is popular with the right wing crowd. Many a positive thread has started about the Judge by our left right leaning posters.
I agree that there are many middle class righties on this board. Problem is they don't stick up for the middle class and condone much of the legislation that hurts the working middle class. Such as not raising the minimum wage (which the right leaning Cato Institute pointed out raising the minimum wage helps the middle class), no equal pay for women (which would have helped many dual income households), cutting the Earned Income Tax and cutting the Child Tax Credit Credit. That's four pieces of legislation that the GOP decided to go against the working class. But the GOP did pass the elimination of the estate tax that only benefited .2% of Americans who are in the highest earning quintile. That adds up to 4 pieces of legislation that hurt the middle class and one piece of legislation that only helps the uber wealthy.
What are people thinking?
The difference between the Dems and the GOP? The Dems talk the talk regarding helping the working class, they just don't walk the walk. In other words, they are worthless.
The GOP doesn't bother talking the talk about helping the working class, they just go ahead and cut programs or don't pass programs that help the working class. Buit damn it, we got plenty of money to cut $280 billion in taxes for a tiny, tiny uber wealth group of people.
In other words, both parties have no real interest in doing anything about America's Middle Class.

Keep repeating that...long after we win this war.
you obviously don't know what war is.
He is so god damn lazy even his fellow rednecks thinks WTF?

The foregoing post ^ from immODIUM is, of course, unadulterated horse shit.

The orchestrated, staged, mass set of "protests" are not orchestrated or coordinated by workers seeking $15 per hour. They might like that much money to sling burgers, but they are not the ones setting up these predictable "protests." They can't get a decent job (based on their "skills" and education); but they can plot plan and coordinate all this nonsense? Please.

No no.

It is being set up by the same usual suspects who arrange for that idiotic mindless "1%" O.W.S. crap. In both cases the actual desired goal (tell me if this doesn't sound familiar) is to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America. We are still too much akin to a Capitalist based economy and society for their tastes.

The change they seek is not about fair 'living wages' nor is it actually about any of their other trite bromides.

The change they seek is to a more conventional socialist society where individual rights and freedoms come under much closer government control and scrutiny.
Maybe if work was done instead of protests you would get paid more.

Worry more about fixing problems for others and you will do great.
They are protesting because they aren't getting paid enough. Try keeping up now...

Paid enough according to who? Since when do people decide for themselves what their labor is worth instead of what value the market places on it? I got news for you Leftwats, anyone who is being paid the wage they agreed to by contract is NOT being screwed over by their employer. All you people have is an evil heart of covetousness, and that kind of greed will never be satisfied.
Tell that to the worlds billionaires, not the working poor...

Aren't you worried they'll replace you on the fry machine, after your unexcused absence?
You think they actually have a job lol.

Odium did have a job, but now someone else will have to drop that basket into the hot oil.
Is that all you people can ever think of, how unoriginal, it's like the bumper sticker mentality...

Yeah, you're winning.......

Wal-Mart suddenly closes stores - Business Insider

Tell that to the worlds billionaires, not the working poor...

Know why those people are rich? Of course you don't -- They're intelligent.

Know why you're not? No, you do not, but I'll tell you.......

Because you're stupid.

It's called genetic superiority. You don't have it.
Some employees believe that the stores were closed because of worker protests for higher pay.

Employees of the the Pico Rivera store were among the first to hold Black Friday protests in 2012.

Seems like a fair guess.
What better way is there to dump the commies?
Get rid of the moaning lefties, get new people, reopen, but the workers can't moan about wages because they signed up knowing what they were, and they know they're out if the get all Bolshie like the last lot.

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