Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

Aren't you worried they'll replace you on the fry machine, after your unexcused absence?
You think they actually have a job lol.

Odium did have a job, but now someone else will have to drop that basket into the hot oil.
Is that all you people can ever think of, how unoriginal, it's like the bumper sticker mentality...

It's easy to mock his bumper sticker mentality.
Just checking in. Are they making $15/hour yet?


I guess the OP is still full of shit.
Yawn....Rome wasn't built in a day my boy....the Labor Thieves aka Corporations have started raising wages on their own thanks to our pressure. They tipped their hand by doing so showing that they are bending under the pressure we have already won.

According to you you already won. Are they making $15/hour yet?


You're still full of shit.
Just checking in. Are they making $15/hour yet?


I guess the OP is still full of shit.
Yawn....Rome wasn't built in a day my boy....the Labor Thieves aka Corporations have started raising wages on their own thanks to our pressure. They tipped their hand by doing so showing that they are bending under the pressure we have already won.
Yes companies are raising wages on their own and reducing their work force on their own too.

Emoloyees are making more money. There are just fewer employees. So what was it you won?

The funny part is that on Wednesday I was out and about. There was one place whereaybe 20 protesters were but every single other fast food restaurant was un tarnished by the presence of those parasites. 15/hour will never happen.
Is there something anathema to progressives that menial jobs deserve commensurate wages? A crappy job should serve as a stepping stone--not a career. :thup:

Right, but people don't want to put in the hard work to get a decent job. They want to be paid like a decent job, for doing a job that doesn't require any effort.
When did $15 an hour become a lot of money? What is this, 1955?

It's a lot of money for a 15 year-old. Which is who Minimum Wage is for.

You're an Adult and all you can make is MW? You got bigger problems than that.

Many, many Union scumbag Contracts are set to Minimum Wage. If MW goes up 30% so do their Union scumbag wages.

And the last thing we need in this country is working people making a decent buck.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
$31.200 a year is more than enough to live on.
ALL jobs no matter what they are should be paid enough for the worker to live WITHOUT welfare. A livable wage.Funny how the RICHEST nation on earth can't afford that but we find BILLIONS and TRILLIONS for welfare,warfare and foreign aid.

So unskilled jobs should BE welfare, then?
Nope. Its not. If your statement was true then CEO's wouldn't be making MILLIONS while all their workers are below the poverty line.

How about we pay them based on the revenue they directly control?

Tim Cook controls $400 billion with the Apple Empire.

You control $1.79 with the fries you're cooking.
McDonald s Is Closing Hundreds of Stores This Year - TIME

McDonald’s shuttered 350 poorly performing stores in Japan, the United States, and China the first three months of 2015 as part of its plan to boost its sagging profits.

And there you have it, boys and girls, get $15/hour until the restaurant closes down.

The "workers" and their staggeringly obvious stupidity is amazing.
They're killing their own jobs.
Micky D's and Walmart would be total shitholes to be employed at and why any adult applies to them is beyond me. Another reason to get educated with a college degree.
And go into debt for 25 years. Brilliant! What about those that either can't afford,don't have good enough grades or just don't wan to go to college? They should just be thrown to the way side and to hell with them making decent wages?

Stop blaming others. Your failure in life is YOUR fault, not anyone else's. Man up and own it!
Someone has a sever case of envy and victimhood.
I have a severe case of getting FUCKED while my employer makes MILLIONS off my hard work. I would not mind going French Revolution on ALL assholes who refuse to pay their workers livable wages but whine their million dollar salaries aren't enough and their multimillion dollar bonuses aren't enough but raising the wage of your workers would "bankrupt the company" they either meet our demands or we use force. Its pretty simple.

You are a poster child for involuntary institutionalization n a secure mental health facility.
15 bucks an hour to toss a burger? PAHLEASE.
Have you ever worked fast food. Those people bust their ass and deal with asshole customers. You can call the position inferior if you want, but it's non stop productivity for these restaurant and they get paid jack shit.

It's a job that can be done by a trained chimp. It is unskilled labor and pays appropriately.
And why is it that they get paid jack shit?

They get paid jack shit so you can eat cheap ass hamburgers.
Well that and so that the management and executives can take home a nice fat pay check.
Is that hard for you to understand?

You don't know a damn thing about running a McD's franchise, do you. (That's not a question.)
...Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....

And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

Face the facts..... When you price yourself out of the market, you get replaced, and the Republicans have nothing to do with it. The business owners do it.

Ever see a self-checkout at Wal-Mart or the grocery store?

Ha, most Americans are too fat, dumb, and lazy to use self-checkouts. So your fantasy of robots replacing American Workers isn't gonna happen. But if it does somehow happen, what are you gonna do with all those unemployed Americans?

Actually, I see people using self-checkouts all the time. Can I help you jam your OTHER foot in your mouth, now?
Funny how it GREW when a democrat was in office and DROPPED when BUSH a republican was in office and its taking Obama time to fix it.

Wait...when did George W. Bush become a Democrat?

You are a fucking idiot.
...Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....

And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

Face the facts..... When you price yourself out of the market, you get replaced, and the Republicans have nothing to do with it. The business owners do it.

Ever see a self-checkout at Wal-Mart or the grocery store?

Ha, most Americans are too fat, dumb, and lazy to use self-checkouts. So your fantasy of robots replacing American Workers isn't gonna happen. But if it does somehow happen, what are you gonna do with all those unemployed Americans?

Actually, I see people using self-checkouts all the time. Can I help you jam your OTHER foot in your mouth, now?

They're ok if you only have a few items. But trust me, most Americans are way too fat, lazy, and dumb to checkout a hundred items themselves. You greedy Republicans vastly over-estimate the general Public. Your robot fantasy is a long long way off.
McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....

And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

Face the facts..... When you price yourself out of the market, you get replaced, and the Republicans have nothing to do with it. The business owners do it.

Ever see a self-checkout at Wal-Mart or the grocery store?

Ha, most Americans are too fat, dumb, and lazy to use self-checkouts. So your fantasy of robots replacing American Workers isn't gonna happen. But if it does somehow happen, what are you gonna do with all those unemployed Americans?

Actually, I see people using self-checkouts all the time. Can I help you jam your OTHER foot in your mouth, now?

They're ok if you only have a few items. But trust me, most Americans are way too fat, lazy, and dumb to checkout a hundred items themselves. You greedy Republicans vastly over-estimate the general Public. Your robot fantasy is a long long way off.

I go to them all the time, much easier, the issue now is the lines seem to be getting longer.
And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

Face the facts..... When you price yourself out of the market, you get replaced, and the Republicans have nothing to do with it. The business owners do it.

Ever see a self-checkout at Wal-Mart or the grocery store?

Ha, most Americans are too fat, dumb, and lazy to use self-checkouts. So your fantasy of robots replacing American Workers isn't gonna happen. But if it does somehow happen, what are you gonna do with all those unemployed Americans?

Actually, I see people using self-checkouts all the time. Can I help you jam your OTHER foot in your mouth, now?

They're ok if you only have a few items. But trust me, most Americans are way too fat, lazy, and dumb to checkout a hundred items themselves. You greedy Republicans vastly over-estimate the general Public. Your robot fantasy is a long long way off.

I go to them all the time, much easier, the issue now is the lines seem to be getting longer.

Fat ignorant Americans sure do love that cheap Chinese shit. I won't argue with you there. But shopping at Walmart is a miserable shopping experience. The stinky loud crowds and long lines. Products ripped open and thrown on the floor. It's a real Third World mess. I choose to shop elsewhere.

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