Proud Boy says he knew it was illegal (J6)


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
I saw this reportage this morning in Politico. Another Proud Boy being sentenced for conspiring to sedition. In my opinion, it adds context to that Colorado ruling barring Don Trump from their ballot.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, nor ever been in law enforcement, but......but I've seen 'em on TV.

Anyway, for me, I am persuadable that these Proud Boys and Oathkeepers who were the tip of the spear for that MAGA Mob...well, they weren't completely on the hook by their lonsesomes.

They had a tacit or explicit or a nod or a wink or a non-objection.....within someone in the Don Trump campaign or in his tight circle of activists and enablers.

The Oathkeepers/Proud Boys attacked our elected representatives because they had been given a sense of impunity.....a sense of immunity from prosecution.

I'm honestly surprised that one of the ringleaders hasnn't flipped on a Roger Stone-type of operative, or a Steve Bannon, or a Mike Flynn, or some other conspirer.

At any rate, here, in this story we see that Proud Boys knew that what they were doing was illegal as hell.

Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 40 months in prison for Capitol riot plot​

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” Charles Donohoe said.
Rioters loyal to former President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

WASHINGTON — A former leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Tuesday to more than three years behind bars for joining a plot to attack the U.S. Capitol nearly three years ago.

Charles Donohoe was the second Proud Boy to plead guilty to conspiring with other group members to obstruct the Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress for certifying President Joe Biden’s electoral victory. His sentence could be a bellwether for other Proud Boys conspirators who agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

Donohoe, 35, of Kernersville, North Carolina, apologized to his family, the law-enforcement officers who guarded the Capitol on Jan. 6, and “America as a whole” for his actions on Jan. 6.

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” he said.

Donohoe was president of a local Proud Boys chapter in North Carolina. He was a lieutenant of former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison — the longest prison term so far in a Capitol riot case.
You can't blame these new people being charged for begging for mercy. They saw what they did to the people who were charged for the J6 demonstration. They know how they will end up, regardless of any wrongdoing. Our justice system has decided to make an example out of them to help insinuate that Trump is an insurrectionist and prevent him from running again. Our DOJ and law enforcement personnel had as much to do with the capitol breakin as anyone else. Actually, their participation made it easier for our corrupt DOJ to pin it on the protestors, like they planned to all along. MAGA
He had a 15-year long career as a Union sheet metal worker, he was laid off due to covid and then doxed by members of Antifa, resulting in being blacklisted from the Union,
He got "doxed" by ANTIFA?
For being a union member?
And then the Union blacklisted him?
Methinks there is a backstory there.
Or not all of the relevant facts have been revealed.
First, at the bottom of the OP, the prolific poster Wamose signalled the OP was "Fake News".
Actually, it wasn't. It was in the news this morning.
And, it appeared to be factual. The guy was before the court. The court ruled. And the reporter reported that.
What was fake about that, poster Wamose?

More importantly than Wamose's puzzler, he states this:

Our DOJ and law enforcement personnel had as much to do with the capitol breakin as anyone else. Actually, their participation made it easier for our corrupt DOJ to pin it on the protestors, like they planned to all along.
I don't understand this assertion. Wamose does not offer a fulsome enough explanation. Nor does he offer us verifiable and vetted factual information. If he can do that, fine. Let us see it.

However, as context, yesterday there was a lot of coverage and even one thread that was oddly put over into another discussion category, but, the news yesterday of the Interior Dpt'.s investigation revealing that the planners, organizers, activists of that rally at the Ellipse, and the subsequent notorious 'March' had planned it for weeks, had intentionally and conspiratorily (with others) kept the plan for Don Trump to announce the march to the Capitol and used the guise that it was impromptu, it was unexpected, it was unplanned. It was none of those things. The Trump people lied to the Parks Service and the DC administration.

So, it appears where there was 'much-to-do' with the horrible attack on our country on J6...well, it was done by the circle of enablers around Don Trump.


That impromptu 'march' on January 6th wasn't impromptu.
It was a set-up.
Not by Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell or the FBI.
It was planned and organized by a close-knit group of White House operatives, Trump allies and enablers.

And as we all witnessed live on our TV's on January 6th, those thousands and thousands of marchers overwhelmed the few dozen Capitol guards who were not informed of a planned march, were not prepared for a march that had not been publicized or approved of by authorities beforehand.

Why was it kept secret by Trump and his enablers?
Did they truly want those guards to be trampled over and largely ineffective?
Why would they want that?
Did they truly want those thousands and thousands to get to our elected representatives and force them away from the Constitutionally mandated EC vote?

Yes, there was a 'set-up'. And it was under the knowledge and acquiescence of Don Trump, and Don Trump's enablers in the White House and his cabal of sycophant lawyers, aides and MAGA activists.


Just yesterday, another report came out about the subterfuge of a planned march...secret planned march. (ps...that's not fake news. That was news, yesterday. Reported by many legitimate credible news organizations. Plus the Interior Dpt. published a 47-page report on their findings)

"Interior Watchdog Confirms J6 Organizers Lied About Planned March On Capitol"

"The group that organized the pro-Donald Trump rally in front of the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, knowingly misled government officials about plans for attendees to march on the U.S. Capitol, according to a new investigation from the Interior Department’s internal watchdog.

The report, published Monday by Interior’s Official of Inspector General, includes text messages from Kylie Kremer ― the rally’s organizer, and a representative of the group Women for America First ― and one potential event speaker. The Interior report does not name the individuals, but the exchange between Kremer and Mike Lindell, the MyPillow CEO and Trump ally, was previously made public by the House Jan. 6 select committee.

“This stays only between us, we are having a second stage at the Supreme Court again after the ellipse. POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol,” Kremer wrote to Lindell on Jan. 4. “It cannot get out about the second stage because people will try and set up another and Sabotage it. It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the national park service and all the agencies but the POTUS is going to just call for it ‘unexpectedly.’”

“If anyone tells you otherwise, it’s not accurate info,” she continued. “Only myself and [White House liaison] know full story of what is actually happening and we are having to appease many people by saying certain things.”

Officials with the National Park Service who were involved in permitting and preparing for the rally expressed shock when Interior investigators showed them the text exchange.

“One official stated it ‘bl[ew her] mind’ because the NPS repeatedly asked WFAF whether there would be a march and, according to the NPS official, the WFAF representative ‘was just adamant there was gonna be no march,’” the report states. “Another NPS official with whom we spoke similarly stated, ‘we asked [the WFAF representative] repeatedly if she was going to do a march ... So, um, basically she lied to all of us.’”
I saw this reportage this morning in Politico. Another Proud Boy being sentenced for conspiring to sedition. In my opinion, it adds context to that Colorado ruling barring Don Trump from their ballot.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, nor ever been in law enforcement, but......but I've seen 'em on TV.

Anyway, for me, I am persuadable that these Proud Boys and Oathkeepers who were the tip of the spear for that MAGA Mob...well, they weren't completely on the hook by their lonsesomes.

They had a tacit or explicit or a nod or a wink or a non-objection.....within someone in the Don Trump campaign or in his tight circle of activists and enablers.

The Oathkeepers/Proud Boys attacked our elected representatives because they had been given a sense of impunity.....a sense of immunity from prosecution.

I'm honestly surprised that one of the ringleaders hasnn't flipped on a Roger Stone-type of operative, or a Steve Bannon, or a Mike Flynn, or some other conspirer.

At any rate, here, in this story we see that Proud Boys knew that what they were doing was illegal as hell.

Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 40 months in prison for Capitol riot plot​

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” Charles Donohoe said.
Rioters loyal to former President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

WASHINGTON — A former leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Tuesday to more than three years behind bars for joining a plot to attack the U.S. Capitol nearly three years ago.

Charles Donohoe was the second Proud Boy to plead guilty to conspiring with other group members to obstruct the Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress for certifying President Joe Biden’s electoral victory. His sentence could be a bellwether for other Proud Boys conspirators who agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

Donohoe, 35, of Kernersville, North Carolina, apologized to his family, the law-enforcement officers who guarded the Capitol on Jan. 6, and “America as a whole” for his actions on Jan. 6.

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” he said.

Donohoe was president of a local Proud Boys chapter in North Carolina. He was a lieutenant of former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison — the longest prison term so far in a Capitol riot case.

Yeah but he has been in prison for a long time now and there were a lot of reports from prisoners and from staff about how those prisoners were treated. There were also a lot of concerns on why it took so damn long for them to get their trial. Guantanamo Bay is a long way off from prying eyes. It's also a long way from their home and family

If you mistreat someone long enough and torture them enough they will eventually say whatever they are told to just to escape a truly miserable life.

So is what they say truly how they feel? Or are they saying it in order to be able to come home?

Considering the amazing lengths the current administration is going to in order to "get trump" it wouldn't surprise me in the least they would do anything they could to these people in order to have ammunition against trump.
Is a PROUD BOY hiding under your bed right now?
No just a lot of rifles. TBone the eight lb ancient wiener dog would go under there when he realized he was getting a bath and the current poodle will get in there when its thundering.
I saw this reportage this morning in Politico. Another Proud Boy being sentenced for conspiring to sedition. In my opinion, it adds context to that Colorado ruling barring Don Trump from their ballot.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, nor ever been in law enforcement, but......but I've seen 'em on TV.

Anyway, for me, I am persuadable that these Proud Boys and Oathkeepers who were the tip of the spear for that MAGA Mob...well, they weren't completely on the hook by their lonsesomes.

They had a tacit or explicit or a nod or a wink or a non-objection.....within someone in the Don Trump campaign or in his tight circle of activists and enablers.

The Oathkeepers/Proud Boys attacked our elected representatives because they had been given a sense of impunity.....a sense of immunity from prosecution.

I'm honestly surprised that one of the ringleaders hasnn't flipped on a Roger Stone-type of operative, or a Steve Bannon, or a Mike Flynn, or some other conspirer.

At any rate, here, in this story we see that Proud Boys knew that what they were doing was illegal as hell.

Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 40 months in prison for Capitol riot plot​

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” Charles Donohoe said.
Rioters loyal to former President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

WASHINGTON — A former leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Tuesday to more than three years behind bars for joining a plot to attack the U.S. Capitol nearly three years ago.

Charles Donohoe was the second Proud Boy to plead guilty to conspiring with other group members to obstruct the Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress for certifying President Joe Biden’s electoral victory. His sentence could be a bellwether for other Proud Boys conspirators who agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

Donohoe, 35, of Kernersville, North Carolina, apologized to his family, the law-enforcement officers who guarded the Capitol on Jan. 6, and “America as a whole” for his actions on Jan. 6.

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” he said.

Donohoe was president of a local Proud Boys chapter in North Carolina. He was a lieutenant of former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison — the longest prison term so far in a Capitol riot case.
I often drive faster than the speed limit. Not terribly, not dangerously, but definitely over the speed limit. And, guess what? I know it's illegal.

A ridiculous post from a ridiculous poster.

Let me tell you people something, and you better take it to heart -- Someday, somebody is going to go after one of your 'Sacred Cows' in a big, big, BIGLY way.

There will be calls for leniency, mercy, kind consideration, etc.

And we will show you the same mercy we showed your other dimocrap scum pals.
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Conspiring of sedition? They haven't even charged anyone with sedition (except Jan 6 prisoners) since WW1 now they get away with charging someone for talking about sedition. Lefties are like Stalinists parading their prisoners and making a big political deal when one of them cracks under the incredible pressure of the U.S. government.
I saw this reportage this morning in Politico. Another Proud Boy being sentenced for conspiring to sedition. In my opinion, it adds context to that Colorado ruling barring Don Trump from their ballot.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, nor ever been in law enforcement, but......but I've seen 'em on TV.

Anyway, for me, I am persuadable that these Proud Boys and Oathkeepers who were the tip of the spear for that MAGA Mob...well, they weren't completely on the hook by their lonsesomes.

They had a tacit or explicit or a nod or a wink or a non-objection.....within someone in the Don Trump campaign or in his tight circle of activists and enablers.

The Oathkeepers/Proud Boys attacked our elected representatives because they had been given a sense of impunity.....a sense of immunity from prosecution.

I'm honestly surprised that one of the ringleaders hasnn't flipped on a Roger Stone-type of operative, or a Steve Bannon, or a Mike Flynn, or some other conspirer.

At any rate, here, in this story we see that Proud Boys knew that what they were doing was illegal as hell.

Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 40 months in prison for Capitol riot plot​

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” Charles Donohoe said.
Rioters loyal to former President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

WASHINGTON — A former leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Tuesday to more than three years behind bars for joining a plot to attack the U.S. Capitol nearly three years ago.

Charles Donohoe was the second Proud Boy to plead guilty to conspiring with other group members to obstruct the Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress for certifying President Joe Biden’s electoral victory. His sentence could be a bellwether for other Proud Boys conspirators who agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

Donohoe, 35, of Kernersville, North Carolina, apologized to his family, the law-enforcement officers who guarded the Capitol on Jan. 6, and “America as a whole” for his actions on Jan. 6.

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” he said.

Donohoe was president of a local Proud Boys chapter in North Carolina. He was a lieutenant of former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison — the longest prison term so far in a Capitol riot case.
they are fanatics. many give only name rank and serial number to american interrogators. if i remember the lessons of 9/11, that makes them enemy combatants who MUST be interrogated in the mosr advanced and enhanced methods to assure the "ticking bomb" scenario"

don't you watch 24?" a fox ,where else (tv show glorifying torture i have been told) " cheney
Conspiring of sedition? They haven't even charged anyone with sedition (except Jan 6 prisoners) since WW1 now they get away with charging someone for talking about sedition.

Your point?

No one has tried to overthrow our government in a long time. That's just how fucked up Trump and the insurrectionists are.
I saw this reportage this morning in Politico. Another Proud Boy being sentenced for conspiring to sedition. In my opinion, it adds context to that Colorado ruling barring Don Trump from their ballot.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, nor ever been in law enforcement, but......but I've seen 'em on TV.

Anyway, for me, I am persuadable that these Proud Boys and Oathkeepers who were the tip of the spear for that MAGA Mob...well, they weren't completely on the hook by their lonsesomes.

They had a tacit or explicit or a nod or a wink or a non-objection.....within someone in the Don Trump campaign or in his tight circle of activists and enablers.

The Oathkeepers/Proud Boys attacked our elected representatives because they had been given a sense of impunity.....a sense of immunity from prosecution.

I'm honestly surprised that one of the ringleaders hasnn't flipped on a Roger Stone-type of operative, or a Steve Bannon, or a Mike Flynn, or some other conspirer.

At any rate, here, in this story we see that Proud Boys knew that what they were doing was illegal as hell.

Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 40 months in prison for Capitol riot plot​

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” Charles Donohoe said.
Rioters loyal to former President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

WASHINGTON — A former leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Tuesday to more than three years behind bars for joining a plot to attack the U.S. Capitol nearly three years ago.

Charles Donohoe was the second Proud Boy to plead guilty to conspiring with other group members to obstruct the Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress for certifying President Joe Biden’s electoral victory. His sentence could be a bellwether for other Proud Boys conspirators who agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

Donohoe, 35, of Kernersville, North Carolina, apologized to his family, the law-enforcement officers who guarded the Capitol on Jan. 6, and “America as a whole” for his actions on Jan. 6.

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” he said.

Donohoe was president of a local Proud Boys chapter in North Carolina. He was a lieutenant of former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison — the longest prison term so far in a Capitol riot case.

ILMAO..........Let's paraphrase given your context.

"adds reason for Trump being removed from the ballot, because it's my feeling someone other than Trump winked in approval".
I saw this reportage this morning in Politico. Another Proud Boy being sentenced for conspiring to sedition. In my opinion, it adds context to that Colorado ruling barring Don Trump from their ballot.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, nor ever been in law enforcement, but......but I've seen 'em on TV.

Anyway, for me, I am persuadable that these Proud Boys and Oathkeepers who were the tip of the spear for that MAGA Mob...well, they weren't completely on the hook by their lonsesomes.

They had a tacit or explicit or a nod or a wink or a non-objection.....within someone in the Don Trump campaign or in his tight circle of activists and enablers.

The Oathkeepers/Proud Boys attacked our elected representatives because they had been given a sense of impunity.....a sense of immunity from prosecution.

I'm honestly surprised that one of the ringleaders hasnn't flipped on a Roger Stone-type of operative, or a Steve Bannon, or a Mike Flynn, or some other conspirer.

At any rate, here, in this story we see that Proud Boys knew that what they were doing was illegal as hell.

Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 40 months in prison for Capitol riot plot​

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” Charles Donohoe said.
Rioters loyal to former President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

WASHINGTON — A former leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Tuesday to more than three years behind bars for joining a plot to attack the U.S. Capitol nearly three years ago.

Charles Donohoe was the second Proud Boy to plead guilty to conspiring with other group members to obstruct the Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress for certifying President Joe Biden’s electoral victory. His sentence could be a bellwether for other Proud Boys conspirators who agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

Donohoe, 35, of Kernersville, North Carolina, apologized to his family, the law-enforcement officers who guarded the Capitol on Jan. 6, and “America as a whole” for his actions on Jan. 6.

“I knew what I was doing was illegal from the very moment those barricades got knocked down,” he said.

Donohoe was president of a local Proud Boys chapter in North Carolina. He was a lieutenant of former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison — the longest prison term so far in a Capitol riot case.
They're hanging their hopes on Dotard being reelected & he'll pardon them. Dotard has a soft spot on his big ass for his private militias who were stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.

As they rot in prison, Dotard is living large on his golf resort.

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