Proud boys guy gets 22 years in jail and he was not even at the January 6 protest.. BLM leaders get no prison time and their rioters killed 25 people

Where is your law degree from? I dont have a law degree. But then again I"m not sitting here questioning why things dont turn out in my favor and placing blame elsewhere when it happens now am I?
Where are your brains? We have a sitting POTUS trying to use his DOJ to incarcerate his political opponent!!!
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No, there is PROOF of U.S. citizens questioning the validity of an election and wanting to stop certification until a valid tally could be agreed upon. You call that 'seditious conspiracy' I call it having the right to question an obviously questionable election where one party did not even campaign.

The court called it seditious conspiracy. A jury convicted them.
“What happened that day did not honor the founders, it was the kind of thing they wrote the Constitution to prevent,” the judge said.

This guy is also a rat on a previous case. Everybody in prison is going to know he is a rat. Because he got 22 years he starts off in a higher security prison, at least a medium which is much more serious and bad than it sounds. They kill rats in those places.

This guy got exactly what he deserves and he is going to be food. None of the Spanish people will ride with him because he is a rat, and he will be on his own. There is a good chance he gets killed, but he will definitely get f'ed up badly.

This is what happens when you get played by Trump. Gullible suckers getting exactly what they deserve.

Another win for the good guys.
No, there is PROOF of U.S. citizens questioning the validity of an election and wanting to stop certification until a valid tally could be agreed upon. You call that 'seditious conspiracy' I call it having the right to question an obviously questionable election where one party did not even campaign.
Every state had certified the election. Trump knew that and the idiots who stormed the Capitol knew it.
People wearing BLM T-shirts caused absolute chaos they killed people in the summer of 2020. They attacked huge numbers of people caused billions of dollars worth of damage.

The January 6 protesters killed not a single person not a single one. At worst they got into violent fist fights, but that was only a small portion of them. They did not loot the capitol building.

But certainly looking at this type of political violence from both sides(it overwhelmingly comes from the far left,), you really have to think clearly, and what’s best for the future of this country. Looking at how all other countries have handled these issues and how the United States has handled violent labor disputes in the late 19th and early 20th century. One would have to be an absolute monster, an evil satanic beast to believe that somebody who wasn’t even involved in the BLM riots or the January 6 protests but was perhaps a proud boys leader or a BLM leader should have to go to jail for 22 years.

If a BLM rioter or a January 6 rioter punched a cop in the face. There’s no way they should ever get 22 years in jail. That is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

BLM riders attempted to attack and they did attack government buildings attempting to overthrow law and order. But neither group had tanks or airplanes with them or had a 1 million man army….. only somebody who is stupid or evil, motivated by the devil would lie and say they could “overthrow the government.”

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I’m a critic of Black Lives Matter, but if I saw a young black man clock a police officer in the face, and I believe he should get 22 years in jail …that would be evil. I don’t think a Black Lives Matter young man, a young man wearing a BLM T-shirt, who viciously attacked police should ever get 22 years in jail. I’m a Catholic. . You see the time doesn’t fit the crime.

For the left-wing people in the US message board …if you think for a moment that a Black Lives Matter protester, who entered a government building and then walked around the Minnesota police building like many of them did, and that they deserve five years in jail like the January 6 protesters got for simply walking around the building …that’s pure evil. We need change in this country country.
Rioting and murder?

He conspired to overthrow the government.

In many places that would indeed have gotten him a death sentence.

I am not advocating for that.

I do not, however, think he needs to be let out any time soon to try again.
I am advocating anything that pushes this along. Wanting a fair election is certainly wanting the overthrow of a corrupt democrat regime. A fair election would wipe out the criminal enterprise our government has become and we can't have that.
Based on the accumulation of all his past crimes, he should get life.
What were 'all his past crimes?' Oh yeah, petty theft for which he got community service and reselling stolen diabetic strips for which he cooperated with investigators. He was sentenced to 30 months. That's all I can find. How about you? Try not to make any up. You know he did work for DOJ and FBI?
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