Proud boys guy gets 22 years in jail and he was not even at the January 6 protest.. BLM leaders get no prison time and their rioters killed 25 people

Nobody was arrested.........sure.
Memes “ intellectual dishonesty”, personal attacks, evil, off-topic post, ignoring murders by BLM , ignoring the billions of dollars of damage Black Lives Matter cause of the summer of 2020 alone, ignoring the blatantly, obvious fact that BLM protesters shot people while the January 6 protesters shot nobody, and word games all a part of the demented viewpoints of far left-wing Democrats that support Joe Biden, and that support the January 6 Showtrial…

And far lefties ignoring of the original post that said a young black man who punched a cop in the face shd not get 10 years in jail. A January 6 protester who punched a cop should not get 10 years in jail, ignoring the original post which said a young black man who broke the law and illegally walked around the government building just like the January 6 processors did you not get three years in jail like the shaman did. .. and that’s where the word play comes in the “intellectual” dishonesty(apparently Biden supporters aren’t very smart though) itt

This is completely insane what is happening in America just some years ago we allowed the KKK , Neo Nazis and the Jewish defense league to march and protest . I disagree with those groups but it is there a right to hold a protest. What happened to free speech in this country.????
Talking about "intellectual dishonesty" and "ignoring the blatantly, obvious facts" etc.... Why are you avoiding my question? Who are you blaming for BLM not getting stiffer sentences?

Are you able to answer the question or are you going to keep dancing away?
“What happened that day did not honor the founders, it was the kind of thing they wrote the Constitution to prevent,” the judge said.

This guy is also a rat on a previous case. Everybody in prison is going to know he is a rat. Because he got 22 years he starts off in a higher security prison, at least a medium which is much more serious and bad than it sounds. They kill rats in those places.

This guy got exactly what he deserves and he is going to be food. None of the Spanish people will ride with him because he is a rat, and he will be on his own. There is a good chance he gets killed, but he will definitely get f'ed up badly.

This is what happens when you get played by Trump. Gullible suckers getting exactly what they deserve.

He got off easy.
There is clearly something going on. A mental issue with only a tiny percentage of Americans. Most Americans accept the fact that Black people and white people throughout history owned slaves. But a tiny percentage of BLM supporters when they hear the term “BLM riots” something turns in their head a switch turns on …and they lose all sense of reality.

From the tiny percentage of far left wingers who posted in this thread we see that. We see how mentally deranged they are. They simply don’t respond to any posts about BLM riots or if they do they play word games. They get involved in distractions, off-topic posts. It is brutal as it gets. That’s why they often never respond to posts about the BLM riots the 25 murders that BLM engaged in during 2020 and the thousands of attacks they launched against people, the billions of dollars of damage the Looting .

And the far left ideology which is sick and twisted and seeks to somehow blame white people for the struggles of some blacks in this country ….it is preposterous. Again it is undeniable black Africans owned white slaves in the same time period As American white people owned black slaves so BLM leaders have no leg to stand on ….they are thieves they took in $90 million one year and only had about $40 million to show on the books , they stole the rest.

It in a country of over 300 million people only a few of them support BLM. But these few deranged Americans that support BLM they actually think that Black Lives Matter rioters who again killed people, again cost billions of dollars worth of damage….. were justified in their message. Maybe not the reactions but they’re message.

And of course they cannot provide any kind of a reasonable counter argument when people say wait a minute yes we don’t agree with January 6 protesters who attacked cops, but by enlarge they peacefully walked around the capitol hill building, they did not engage in billions of dollars worth of Looting , they didn’t shoot a single person.

Complete and utter madness and lunacy from far left wing Democrats.

And watch what the far left will do what they always do, they make things up about other posters, they lie about the positions of Trump supporters. They engage in trolling and personal attacks. In response to a poster like myself who did vote for Donald Trump in 2020. They will call me all sorts of names just like they do with other Trump supporters.

They will keep on supporting the message of BLM even though right now, there are millions of white people who are either homeless or living in poverty. There is no white privilege. The homeless white man faces the same struggle as a homeless black man.

All across the country, blacks and whites are United. Nobody will tear down this unity. Trump is coming back in 2024 and our economy will rebound. That’s another thing how could Biden supporters support what’s going on , we have a horrendous economy today.
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“What happened that day did not honor the founders, it was the kind of thing they wrote the Constitution to prevent,” the judge said.

This guy is also a rat on a previous case. Everybody in prison is going to know he is a rat. Because he got 22 years he starts off in a higher security prison, at least a medium which is much more serious and bad than it sounds. They kill rats in those places.

This guy got exactly what he deserves and he is going to be food. None of the Spanish people will ride with him because he is a rat, and he will be on his own. There is a good chance he gets killed, but he will definitely get f'ed up badly.

This is what happens when you get played by Trump. Gullible suckers getting exactly what they deserve.

If he had only got 2 years instead of 22, the idiots would have claimed that he got off scot-free because he is not white.

You can't with the trumptards.
There is clearly something going on. A mental issue with only a tiny percentage of Americans. Most Americans accept the fact that Black people and white people throughout history owned slaves. But a tiny percentage of BLM supporters when they hear the term “BLM riots” something turns in their head a switch turns on …and they lose all sense of reality.

From the tiny percentage of far left wingers who posted in this thread we see that. We see how mentally deranged they are. They simply don’t respond to any posts about BLM riots or if they do they play word games. They get involved in distractions, off-topic posts. It is brutal as it gets. That’s why they often never respond to posts about the BLM riots the 25 murders that BLM engaged in during 2020 and the thousands of attacks they launched against people, the billions of dollars of damage the Looting .

And the far left ideology which is sick and twisted and seeks to somehow blame white people for the struggles of some blacks in this country ….it is preposterous. Again it is undeniable black Africans owned white slaves in the same time period As American white people owned black slaves so BLM leaders have no leg to stand on ….they are thieves they took in $90 million one year and only had about $40 million to show on the books , they stole the rest.

It in a country of over 300 million people only a few of them support BLM. But these few deranged Americans that support BLM they actually think that Black Lives Matter rioters who again killed people, again cost billions of dollars worth of damage….. were justified in their message. Maybe not the reactions but they’re message.

And of course they cannot provide any kind of a reasonable counter argument when people say wait a minute yes we don’t agree with January 6 protesters who attacked cops, but by enlarge they peacefully walked around the capitol hill building, they did not engage in billions of dollars worth of Looting , they didn’t shoot a single person.

Complete and utter madness and lunacy from far left wing Democrats.

And watch what the far left will do what they always do, they make things up about other posters, they lie about the positions of Trump supporters. They engage in trolling and personal attacks. In response to a poster like myself who did vote for Donald Trump in 2020. They will call me all sorts of names just like they do with other Trump supporters.

They will keep on supporting the message of BLM even though right now, there are millions of white people who are either homeless or living in poverty. There is no white privilege. The homeless white man faces the same struggle as a homeless black man.

All across the country, blacks and whites are United. Nobody will tear down this unity. Trump is coming back in 2024 and our Konomi will rebound. That’s another thing how could Biden supporters support what’s going on we have a horrendous economy today.
You are a racist piece of shit
Democrats are getting ridiculous with their weaponized justice department.

Normies are seeing these crazy sentences and see it for what it is. Political.

Democrats/WEF are waking Americans up to the threat WEF/Democrats pose to their way of life.
Oh look, another asshole.

Apparently, Democrats are now evil incarnate.
He committed crimes that in many countries would have resulted in death.

He got off way to easy. I'm not saying kill him, but we sure as hell don't need him loose any time soon.
Speak for yourself

You are not qualified to predict what MAGA patriots will do
Lol MAGA have proved themselves to be useless. They lack the brains and ultimately the will. These are the same morons who posted on social media their crimes. That mountain of evidence is why we are here
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He should have been executed. All of them should have been executed to make sure no one forgets or misunderstands what we have become. Oh well. There will be more opportunities.

What is really poetic justice is that Tarrio's parents fled Cuba because of the Castro regime and the political persecutions.
He conspired to overthrow the government.

In many places that would indeed have gotten him a death sentence.

I am not advocating for that.

I do not, however, think he needs to be let out any time soon to try again.
“What happened that day did not honor the founders, it was the kind of thing they wrote the Constitution to prevent,” the judge said.

This guy is also a rat on a previous case. Everybody in prison is going to know he is a rat. Because he got 22 years he starts off in a higher security prison, at least a medium which is much more serious and bad than it sounds. They kill rats in those places.

This guy got exactly what he deserves and he is going to be food. None of the Spanish people will ride with him because he is a rat, and he will be on his own. There is a good chance he gets killed, but he will definitely get f'ed up badly.

This is what happens when you get played by Trump. Gullible suckers getting exactly what they deserve.

This is disgusting

The gulags are filling up

They're torturing some of these guys remind yourselves what country you're supposed to be living in ..

Not gonna matter if youre left ,right, or center either..if you think otherwise you're kidding yourself

Tyrants upon us

Show the videos of Black Lives Matter rioters burning down police buildings.

Ah, let's not do more videos.
Newspapers work too.

BBC, October 2020:

"George Floyd protests: 'Boogaloo' member held in precinct attack"

Washington Post, June 2020

"Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carrillo, 32, was an adherent of the “boogaloo boys,” a growing online extremist movement that has sought to use peaceful protests against police brutality to spread fringe views and ignite a race war.
This is disgusting

The gulags are filling up

They're torturing some of these guys remind yourselves what country you're supposed to be living in ..

Not gonna matter if youre left ,right, or center either..if you think otherwise you're kidding yourself

Tyrants upon us

View attachment 825382
Don’t break the fucking law and you won’t have to worry about prison.

Remember that
He conspired to overthrow the government.

In many places that would indeed have gotten him a death sentence.

I am not advocating for that.

I do not, however, think he needs to be let out any time soon to try again.
Justice will prevail for these men. I promise this will turn against you.

"You" conspired to steal an election then jail anyone who strongly protests.

JUSTICE is coming for you.

Karma is a bitch
“What happened that day did not honor the founders, it was the kind of thing they wrote the Constitution to prevent,” the judge said.

This guy is also a rat on a previous case. Everybody in prison is going to know he is a rat. Because he got 22 years he starts off in a higher security prison, at least a medium which is much more serious and bad than it sounds. They kill rats in those places.

This guy got exactly what he deserves and he is going to be food. None of the Spanish people will ride with him because he is a rat, and he will be on his own. There is a good chance he gets killed, but he will definitely get f'ed up badly.

This is what happens when you get played by Trump. Gullible suckers getting exactly what they deserve.

He won't be in general population, that's for sure.
Since he is part of a gay mans club he'll be housed either in PC or SO.

He got off easy.

If he had only got 2 years instead of 22, the idiots would have claimed that he got off scot-free because he is not white.

You can't with the trumptards.

Lol MAGA have proved themselves to be useless. They either lack the brains ultimately the will. These are the same morons who posted on social media their crimes. That mountain of evidence is why we are here

Meanwhile, outside of the leftarded Twilight Zone, Biden begs wetbacks to kill American children and you sick fucks say nothing.


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