Proud Boys Lawsuit

Here's the point that the Trump cultists are all crying about.

All of them squealed that the Proud Boys weren't racist POS's, and that their lawsuit was sure to win. Now we see half of the Proud Boys splitting off because the group wasn't openly racist enough for them. That indicates Biden and CNN were right, so the judge will probably dismiss with prejudice and have the Proud Boys pay court costs. It also indicates that those here defending the Proud Boys were either very stupid or very racist.

Who really gives a flying fuck? There are racists on both sides of the aisle, you yourself even harbor closet racism.
"Both sides"?


Oh and nice avatar asshole

You like it? Thanks, I stole everything your side represents and threw it all together in one big mess. It has everything: A Sodomite flag, peace symbols, a hammer and sickle, and a swastika.

It suits you well.

It mocks you better.

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