proud boys, We Will Kill You Says gavin mcinnes

“…calling for all trump people to be violent.”

We’ve heard the same from far too many others on the right – including USMB conservatives calling for ‘war’ and ‘violence’ should Biden be elected.
Being benign will be a start. The destruction of blue cities means nothing. What we are witnessing is not part of the Constitution. It is revolution. And the traitors are for all to see. All selling themselves as nice. And they are not. Your brains are scrambled. The 21st Century Americans are a spoiled lot.
The only difference one is going around insisting that Antifa is just a friendly neighborhood beer chugging club.
Mmm... I don't recall Proud boys burning anything down or killing anyone. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
This is a video of the person who started the proud boys talking to his followers. He calls for people to go out and beat people up, to kill people, to choke people. He says that violence is beautiful and the answer to most things.

They have always been all about violence. Their whole hierarchy revolves around it

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Yes they always have.

The far right on this board are in total denial.
The only difference one is going around insisting that Antifa is just a friendly neighborhood beer chugging club.

If ya thunk antifa are the only ones who can shoot ya got another thunk commin'.

When whitey has finally had enough it's gonna get real new orleans after hurricane katrina kinda ugly!
This is a video of the person who started the proud boys talking to his followers. He calls for people to go out and beat people up, to kill people, to choke people. He says that violence is beautiful and the answer to most things.

They have always been all about violence. Their whole hierarchy revolves around it

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Yes they always have.

The far right on this board are in total denial.
Did you actually read what he posted? The first one was about maturation. That didn't make you pause at all? Normally I would ask if you knew the history of the proud boys, and how what he just posted applied to that. But I'm not going to... Because you are fuck'n stupid.

Someone else came up with this, and you just posted it. Didn't bother at all, once again, to look and see what is actually written. Didn't question it a bit. I quote you, but I'm not really talking to you... I'm talking to the people who upvote your posts. I see that.
All you who bring up Antifa as if that absolves you all from your lies that the proud boys aren't violent.

It doesn't.

Antifa isn't making videos calling people to go out and commit violent acts. Nor do we see any Antifa saying violence is beautiful and to go out to commit as much violence as you can.

Antifa isn't an organized group and doesn't have a leader. Antifa isn't the problem.

The far right are. Those like the proud boys.

You far right radical extremists can deny and lie to yourselves but the rest of us know the truth.
This is a video of the person who started the proud boys talking to his followers. He calls for people to go out and beat people up, to kill people, to choke people. He says that violence is beautiful and the answer to most things.

Listen to him speak in his own words calling for all trump people to be violent. That it's beautiful.

See that's the problem with your thinking Dana, You and other libs think that only you have the right to incite violence, or attack people...You wanted revolution, the problem is that it won't be one side against the other, it'll be ALL sides getting involved because they can...Guess what, at some point people fight back. Tough shit.
This is a video of the person who started the proud boys talking to his followers. He calls for people to go out and beat people up, to kill people, to choke people. He says that violence is beautiful and the answer to most things.

They have always been all about violence. Their whole hierarchy revolves around it

View attachment 396460

Yes they always have.

The far right on this board are in total denial.
Did you actually read what he posted? The first one was about maturation. That didn't make you pause at all? Normally I would ask if you knew the history of the proud boys, and how what he just posted applied to that. But I'm not going to... Because you are fuck'n stupid.

Someone else came up with this, and you just posted it. Didn't bother at all, once again, to look and see what is actually written. Didn't question it a bit. I quote you, but I'm not really talking to you... I'm talking to the people who upvote your posts. I see that.

It's from their meetup page. They are all about violence. Everyone knows it. Only fascists don't care.
When police agencies are told to stand down like in the blue cities of America the people jump in to save their city...their homes and if you libs want to continue to play we will....but you had better rethink it....the more Trump supporters come out the more ANTIFA and BLM punks turn and run home.....and by the way you cops standing in the background should be ashamed of yourselves....
It's from their meetup page. They are all about violence. Everyone knows it. Only fascists don't care.
Oh... Another morbidly stupid. I thought you were just trolling. My fault. I suggest you look into that. It's downright funny that you didn't catch it either. Or sad... I guess it depends.
Does it take a PhD to figure out that if you oppose anti-fascist groups, you probably support fascists?
McInnes is Canadian and a British born Canadian at that. My guess is that his political leanings are left wing.
October 1, 2020

Enrique Tarrio insists that the Proud Boys aren’t White supremacists, and he would be in a position to know. For one, he’s the international chairman. For another, he’s Black.

“I denounce White supremacy,” Mr. Tarrio said in a Thursday interview with WSVN-TV in Miami. “I denounce anti-Semitism. I denounce racism. I denounce fascism. I denounce communism and any other -ism that is prejudiced toward people because of their race, religion, culture, tone of the skin.”

Mr. Tarrio headed the rising tide of those defending the Proud Boys against accusations of racism after President Trump came under fire for refusing to denounce the right-wing activist group at Tuesday’s debate.

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio speaks to supporters at a rally in Delta Park on Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020, in Portland, Ore. (AP Photo/Allison Dinner)

Kinda hard to be white supremacists when your leader is black. Hell the leader of the Miami branch is black as well. White supremacists my ass.

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