Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

He had absolutely zero to do with J6. Get your head out of your ass and stop watching CNN


Who invited them to DC that day?

Who riled them up with lies about the election being stolen?

Who then summoned them to the Capitol?

Then who waited hours to tell them to leave?

Looks like he had something to do with it.

Who invited them to DC that day?

Who riled them up with lies about the election being stolen?

Who then summoned them to the Capitol?

Then who waited hours to tell them to leave?

Looks like he had something to do with it.
Stop watching PMSNBC and Commie News Network and you'll discover the truth.
The majority of Americans disagree with you. They voted his orange ass out.

And now the vast majority of Americans think the nation is on the "wrong track". And chew on this:

Joe Biden: Overall, 62% of adults say his mental fitness is a real concern about his ability to be president, while 36% say it's a campaign strategy used by his opponents. 3% are unsure.

And now the vast majority of Americans think the nation is on the "wrong track". And chew on this:

Joe Biden: Overall, 62% of adults say his mental fitness is a real concern about his ability to be president, while 36% say it's a campaign strategy used by his opponents. 3% are unsure.


I don't want Joe Biden either. And like the majority of America, I agree that he was the better choice compared to the idiot you guys put up.

Nominate someone better. Stop going with with this lunatic who is hated by America and go with someone sensible.
I can see why the fascists here are so upset. "Love it or leave it" was their selling point, a justification for brownshirt violence. And now they've lost that.

On the plus side for them, it does give them an excuse to whine and proclaim their victimhood, as you saw them do here.
Another dimbulb head from. LOL
Those are not "nations," dumbass.

Dumbass ... one moment ... verbally "dummer Arsch" ... aha ... I speak with an uneductated US-American who never visited a kindergarten and who tries to defend now the expression "diversity" against all dumbassese in the world including all dumbasses in the USA.

You have two important political parties in the USA. Most democracies in the world have much more than only two political parties. Much more diversity! I guess in Germany alone - 3% of the size of the USA - live much more people from foreign nations who speak different languages than live in the whole USA. Grmany ahs 9 neighbors - the USA 2 and much more problems. The EU has a size of about 50% of the size of the USA and has 24 official languages. And so on and so on. In areas of the size of the USA in Africa or Asia exists also a higher diversity. ...

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Who invited them to DC that day?

Who riled them up with lies about the election being stolen?

Who then summoned them to the Capitol?

Then who waited hours to tell them to leave?

Looks like he had something to do with it.
He told them to peacefully go to the Capitol snd voice their displeasure.

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