Prove conservatives wrong

Ok Democrats here's your chance. Prove conservatives wrong by cleaning up San Francisco or Los Angeles or Portland or New York City. Turn any one of those cities into a place where people feel save, where people want to live, where businesses want to do business. Turn one of those cities into the gold mine they once were. Opportunity is knocking.
Satire, but still valid.
Conservatives prove the liberals wrong by having just one state that is lead by conservatives replace CA as the wealthiest state in the country. Unless you want to concede liberals just so much better at creating a large, wealthy economy?

Or, we could face the truth here that cherry-picking specific datasets (like crime in cities) does not prove or even provide evidence of anything.
Conservatives prove the liberals wrong by having just one state that is lead by conservatives replace CA as the wealthiest state in the country. Unless you want to concede liberals just so much better at creating a large, wealthy economy?

Or, we could face the truth here that cherry-picking specific datasets (like crime in just cities) does not prove or even provide evidence of anything.

Reality proves the progressive's policies wrong by the increased violence, property theft, and overall lawlessness we are seeing in progressive cities.
Ok Democrats here's your chance. Prove conservatives wrong by cleaning up San Francisco or Los Angeles or Portland or New York City. Turn any one of those cities into a place where people feel save, where people want to live, where businesses want to do business. Turn one of those cities into the gold mine they once were. Opportunity is knocking.

"Prove conservatives wrong..."

What conservatives?
There aren't any around anymore.
They have either left the GOP and registered as independents or they suck Donald's cock while sending him money to pay his exorbitant legal fees for all the investigations and litigation and indictments coming his way.
(Get out that checkbook, Donnie, and send Caroll her $5M, you fucking piece of shit liar.)
Sorry, truth hurts.
"Prove conservatives wrong..."
What conservatives?
There aren't any around anymore.
They have either left the GOP and registered as independents or they suck Donald's cock while sending him money to pay his exorbitant legal fees for all the investigations and litigation and indictments coming his way.
(Get out that checkbook, Donnie, and send Caroll her $5M, you fucking piece of shit liar.)
Sorry, truth hurts.
So would that be "No, I'd rather whine about Trump"?
Reality proves the progressive's policies wrong by the increased violence, property theft, and overall lawlessness we are seeing in progressive cities.
And reality proves democrats are vastly superior when it comes to economics, right? At least under your silly way of doing things. Why do you keep avoiding the fact that your assertion works both ways?
And reality proves democrats are vastly superior when it comes to economics, right? At least under your silly way of doing things. Why do you keep avoiding the fact that your assertion works both ways?

Making the economics look good while the underlying structure is teetering towards failure, maybe.
Making the economics look good while the underlying structure is teetering towards failure, maybe.
lol. I see you still can't come to terms with how broken your reasoning process is.

CA economy does not 'look good.' It is the largest economy in the US. If your logic does not hold for economic systems then it also does not hold for your assertions as well. This is a direct 1:1 comparison.

The underlying logic is absolutely flawed making your conclusion nothing more than what you want to see rather than something backed up by the claims you have brought to the table.
lol. I see you still can't come to terms with how broken your reasoning process is.

CA economy does not 'look good.' It is the largest economy in the US. If your logic does not hold for economic systems then it also does not hold for your assertions as well. This is a direct 1:1 comparison.

The underlying logic is absolutely flawed making your conclusion nothing more than what you want to see rather than something backed up by the claims you have brought to the table.

The government impedes that economy in California, it doesn't help it.

Look how they ruined the luxury house business by that idiotic Mansion tax.

They are trying to ruin the gig economy as well.
The government impedes that economy in California, it doesn't help it.

Look how they ruined the luxury house business by that idiotic Mansion tax.

They are trying to ruin the gig economy as well.
I agree.

Which is why your entire point is moot. I used that example for exactly that reason, your logical inference you made in the start of this back and fourth does not establish anything whatsoever and is rejected for the very same reason you reject the idea that democrats are so much better at creating strong economies.
I agree.

Which is why your entire point is moot. I used that example for exactly that reason, your logical inference you made in the start of this back and fourth does not establish anything whatsoever and is rejected for the very same reason you reject the idea that democrats are so much better at creating strong economies.

No, they aren't. they are emboldened by strong economies to impart their hair brained socialsim/ecoism/whateverism schemes and the economies hold on long enough to fuck over the next guy.
No, they aren't. they are emboldened by strong economies to impart their hair brained socialsim/ecoism/whateverism schemes and the economies hold on long enough to fuck over the next guy.
That has nothing to do with the fact that your logical inference has been shown to be false.

You cannot address that point, can you?
That has nothing to do with the fact that your logical inference has been shown to be false.

You cannot address that point, can you?

And you keep pretending to be not a progressive while sucking democratic dick.

All because ORANGE MAN BAD.
And you keep pretending to be not a progressive while sucking democratic dick.

All because ORANGE MAN BAD.
I do not pretend. I know you could not find a post of me actually articulating support for Biden or the left but that is irrelevant, you live entirely in a fantasy land where facts and reality simply do not matter.

All to avoid the simple fact that your asinine assertion was shown to be based on bullshit.

You are a shinning example of why the right is falling apart.
I do not pretend. I know you could not find a post of me actually articulating support for Biden or the left but that is irrelevant, you live entirely in a fantasy land where facts and reality simply do not matter.

All to avoid the simple fact that your asinine assertion was shown to be based on bullshit.

You are a shinning example of why the right is falling apart.

In a Binary system you help one side, or the other, and you support the grooming, cheating, socalist side.

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