Prove to me that "trickle down" or "rising tide lifts all boats" are wrong?

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can ensure I can circulate capital, pay taxes, and create demand.
So, for any reason, I can stop working and still get paid? What happens when everyone does this?
You beg the question and suppose that everyone would Want to be lazy, just to be able to be Poor under Any form of Capitalism.


What is the Sound of a Cricket Biting a Cow? MOO-Ch!

Liberals gave voting rights to the races that would rather wallow in subsidized laziness than make more money.
you do realuze the multiplier effect is basically Keynesian macroeconomics, right?

Whether it is Keynesian, Friedman, etc. doesn't alter reality that it works.
Proof is what happens when you deposit say $1,000 into a bank CD.
Does the bank just sit on that $1,000?
NOPE they put part into a reserve, part into govt. treasuries and they loan out the money!
Now guess what happens to the non-reserves?
Treasuries either pay off interest (multiplier..) or spend it (multiplier) or loan not out (multiplier.)
Then the money left for loans are then lent out which again... the borrower generally spends part of it, puts into reserves or invest it.
Again multiplier effect.
So it is well within economic reason that $1,000 saved by an individual and put into the bank has multiplier effects at play.
Regardless of the is a reality.

The economic multiplier states for every $1 million spent, IT is multiplied by 1.18 or the economy grows with that $1 trillion to $1.2 trillion.
• $1.188 million in total economic activity takes place for every $1 million spent..
• Each $1 million spent provides $205,829 in labor incomes
• Each $1 million represents 7.7 workers and assuming 35% (payroll taxes, FICA, FUTA, Medicare, SS)
You claim everyone will Want to Poor when they could just get a job that pays more.
We have historical examples of this very thing happening, all the way back to the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock.

Full text of "Bradford's history of Plymouth plantation, 1606-1646;"

All this whille no supply was heard of, neither knew they
when they might expecte any. So they begane to thinke how
they might raise as much come as they could, and obtaine a
beter crope then they had done, that they might not still thus
languish in miserie. At length, after much debate of things,
the Gov'' (with the advise of the cheefest amongest them)
gave way that they should set corne every man for his owne
perticuler, and in that regard trust to them selves; in all
other things to goe on in the generall way as before. And so
assigned to every family a parcell of land, according to the
proportion of their number for that end, only for present use
(but made no devission for inheritance), and ranged all boys
and youth under some familie. This had very good success;
for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corne
was planted then other waise would have bene by any means
the Gov"" or any other could use, and saved him a great
deall of trouble, and gave farr better contente. The women
now wente wiUingly into the feild, and tooke their Utle-ons
with them to set corne, which before would aledg weaknes,
and inabihtie; whom to have compelled would have bene
thought great tiranie and oppression.

The experience that was had in this commone course and
condition, tried sundrie years, and that amongst godly and
sober men, may well evince the vanitie of that conceite of
Platos and other .ancients, applauded by some of later times;
— that the taking away of propertie, and bringing in com-
Selfist Cognitive Dissonance

What stake to farmworkers have that would make them produce more for their Masters?

Since everybody else is indoctrinated to accept quoting obsolete spelling, I'm the only one that points out that it makes the writer look like a moron. It's bizarre to read the letters of Isaac Newton, a towering genius coming across like a grade-school dropout.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can ensure I can circulate capital, pay taxes, and create demand.
So, for any reason, I can stop working and still get paid? What happens when everyone does this?
Our Preppy Republic

Right now, only Trustfundies do that, which is why they become Liberals.
the right is saving up their moral trust fund; to eventually not whine about solving simple poverty and a Minimum wage.
In other words, that shit you propose sucks ass. Some will be productive while others lay around and wait for their food. Eventually, everyone is slothful and no one is productive.
all you have is a fallacy of false cause.
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

Scare-story economics financed by plutocrats, who, because they firmly believe in their overreaching privilege to set up their freeloading brats, must have gotten their own loot through luck and cheating.
In other words, that shit you propose sucks ass. Some will be productive while others lay around and wait for their food. Eventually, everyone is slothful and no one is productive.
all you have is a fallacy of false cause.
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

Scare-story economics financed by plutocrats, who, because they firmly believe in their overreaching privilege to set up their freeloading brats, must have gotten their own loot through luck and cheating.
...just another reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; higher paid labor can create more demand and pay more in taxes by merely circulating capital under our form of Capitalism; how easy and convenient, is that.
In other words, that shit you propose sucks ass. Some will be productive while others lay around and wait for their food. Eventually, everyone is slothful and no one is productive.

How many of you have gutted a critter for din din?

Seriously, have ANY of you been either that hungry, or have a lifestyle like i do?

But i digress, those of you who see America and it's voodoo economy as some socilaist end game might just be right.

Because when 'we the people' allow them the corporate msaters to suck all the life, liberty,and pursuit of anything past waving your flag for thier cheerleading elected lackies ,all we'll have left is the crumbs from their tables...

What the fuck are you spewing about?

We should be commies?

"Parlor Socialists"

Communism is the creation of the Daddy-hating sons of Capitalists. Further proof of that revealing oxymoron is that such preachy power-hungry gibberish is most prevalent at the universities, which are obsolete aristocratic institutions designed specifically for Born to Rule spoiled brats living off a big allowance.
It requires Ten simple Commandments from a God whenever we have not enough morals betwixt ourselves--all that is necessary is social morals for free to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

And - from your link - here is the main reason trickle-down is pure nonsense:

'The federal debt rose by more than $1 trillion, and projected annual deficits increased.'

Now the Moron-In-Chief wants to cut middle class taxes by 10%. That sounds great...but how the hell is this dumbass going to pay for it?

Does he even know what a 'fiscal deficit' is?

Does he care?
The Country That Pays Students for Their Grades Will Rule This Century's World Economy

Over the decades, we've wasted $20 trillion on defective human resources. Cut that out and there'd be no National Debt. At the risk of going outside the assigned parameters, if it had been invested in potentially productive human resources, we'd have a $20 trillion surplus rather than just no debt.
In other words, that shit you propose sucks ass. Some will be productive while others lay around and wait for their food. Eventually, everyone is slothful and no one is productive.
all you have is a fallacy of false cause.
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

Scare-story economics financed by plutocrats, who, because they firmly believe in their overreaching privilege to set up their freeloading brats, must have gotten their own loot through luck and cheating.
...just another reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; higher paid labor can create more demand and pay more in taxes by merely circulating capital under our form of Capitalism; how easy and convenient, is that.
Idle at the Top, Idle at the Bottom, and Soon the Whole Country Shuts Down

There is a limit to how many of the same product the rich can buy. But the same amount distributed to those who created that concentrated and hoarded inert wealth will create a market for many purchases of the same product.
In other words, that shit you propose sucks ass. Some will be productive while others lay around and wait for their food. Eventually, everyone is slothful and no one is productive.
all you have is a fallacy of false cause.
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

Scare-story economics financed by plutocrats, who, because they firmly believe in their overreaching privilege to set up their freeloading brats, must have gotten their own loot through luck and cheating.
...just another reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; higher paid labor can create more demand and pay more in taxes by merely circulating capital under our form of Capitalism; how easy and convenient, is that.
Idle at the Top, Idle at the Bottom, and Soon the Whole Country Shuts Down

There is a limit to how many of the same product the rich can buy. But the same amount distributed to those who created that concentrated and hoarded inert wealth will create a market for many purchases of the same product.

You are right! There is a limit.
But you seemingly don't understand the flow of money by calling it "inert"!

It is only "inert" if you believe they hide it under their mattress or bury in the backyard!

What do they do?
Obviously they invest it.
Banks' CDs with which what do the banks do? Loan it out!
Buy stocks. If it is an IPO used to start another Apple,etc. or if it is a established company... guess what company pays dividends back to who "filthy wealthy"
Who by the way have to pay taxes on the dividends. I know you know that but evidently you don't understand where those excess profits go!
In other words, that shit you propose sucks ass. Some will be productive while others lay around and wait for their food. Eventually, everyone is slothful and no one is productive.
all you have is a fallacy of false cause.
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

Scare-story economics financed by plutocrats, who, because they firmly believe in their overreaching privilege to set up their freeloading brats, must have gotten their own loot through luck and cheating.
...just another reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; higher paid labor can create more demand and pay more in taxes by merely circulating capital under our form of Capitalism; how easy and convenient, is that.
Idle at the Top, Idle at the Bottom, and Soon the Whole Country Shuts Down

There is a limit to how many of the same product the rich can buy. But the same amount distributed to those who created that concentrated and hoarded inert wealth will create a market for many purchases of the same product.
unemployment compensation should function in a manner analogous to an oil pump.
In other words, that shit you propose sucks ass. Some will be productive while others lay around and wait for their food. Eventually, everyone is slothful and no one is productive.
all you have is a fallacy of false cause.
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

Scare-story economics financed by plutocrats, who, because they firmly believe in their overreaching privilege to set up their freeloading brats, must have gotten their own loot through luck and cheating.
...just another reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; higher paid labor can create more demand and pay more in taxes by merely circulating capital under our form of Capitalism; how easy and convenient, is that.
Idle at the Top, Idle at the Bottom, and Soon the Whole Country Shuts Down

There is a limit to how many of the same product the rich can buy. But the same amount distributed to those who created that concentrated and hoarded inert wealth will create a market for many purchases of the same product.

You are right! There is a limit.
But you seemingly don't understand the flow of money by calling it "inert"!

It is only "inert" if you believe they hide it under their mattress or bury in the backyard!

What do they do?
Obviously they invest it.
Banks' CDs with which what do the banks do? Loan it out!
Buy stocks. If it is an IPO used to start another Apple,etc. or if it is a established company... guess what company pays dividends back to who "filthy wealthy"
Who by the way have to pay taxes on the dividends. I know you know that but evidently you don't understand where those excess profits go!
Atlas Mugged

In real life, your imaginary Motors of the World blow a lot of their loot on degenerate luxuries, especially America-draining foreign ones, and a lot more they stash away to set up their mediocre brats in high places.

As for the banks, there is a long delay and blockage in the circulation of money while they ponder what in the confusing market can pay off the most for them. And Wall Street doesn't benefit the economy any more than a racehorse will run faster depending on how many people bet that he will win.
all you have is a fallacy of false cause.
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

Scare-story economics financed by plutocrats, who, because they firmly believe in their overreaching privilege to set up their freeloading brats, must have gotten their own loot through luck and cheating.
...just another reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; higher paid labor can create more demand and pay more in taxes by merely circulating capital under our form of Capitalism; how easy and convenient, is that.
Idle at the Top, Idle at the Bottom, and Soon the Whole Country Shuts Down

There is a limit to how many of the same product the rich can buy. But the same amount distributed to those who created that concentrated and hoarded inert wealth will create a market for many purchases of the same product.

You are right! There is a limit.
But you seemingly don't understand the flow of money by calling it "inert"!

It is only "inert" if you believe they hide it under their mattress or bury in the backyard!

What do they do?
Obviously they invest it.
Banks' CDs with which what do the banks do? Loan it out!
Buy stocks. If it is an IPO used to start another Apple,etc. or if it is a established company... guess what company pays dividends back to who "filthy wealthy"
Who by the way have to pay taxes on the dividends. I know you know that but evidently you don't understand where those excess profits go!
Atlas Mugged

In real life, your imaginary Motors of the World blow a lot of their loot on degenerate luxuries, especially America-draining foreign ones, and a lot more they stash away to set up their mediocre brats in high places.

As for the banks, there is a long delay and blockage in the circulation of money while they ponder what in the confusing market can pay off the most for them. And Wall Street doesn't benefit the economy any more than a racehorse will run faster depending on how many people bet that he will win.

ONE major point before I go on shooting your dumb ass comments out of the water...
WHERE are your links proving your dumb ass comments? What form of PROOF do you PROVIDE for your totally inane and ignorant comments?

NOW for proof!
I can see where $400,000 lamborghini are not American made for sure.
Over 3000 orders came in worldwide for the new model, of which 1/3 were from the U.S
1,000 time $400,000 is less than half a billion. So where does the rest of it go?
You said they stash away.... again do they bury that "stash" or hide the stash under their mattresses?
Anything you say works against you because THEY either Spend it or invest it!
Either way it is NOT just "stashed"!

Now as far as banks... again... do they hide it under a mattress? Convert it all to "CASH" and store it? Really?
Most banks I know do what is called "lending" or "investing" not many keep all their money in "cash" in a vault.
In fact here is the REAL number of dollars kept in CASH in banks!

"Ive been working as a teller/teller supervisor who manages the cash levels at a bank in Utah and can tell you we normally had $400,000 plus not including our two ATMS.
Now with U.S. banks have reduced their footprint by around 8 percent since the financial crisis, from 97,000 branches to roughly 90,000.
Number of U.S. bank branches to shrink 20 percent in five years: real estate report | Reuters
So for sake of generalization say these 90,000 banks each keep as the above supervisor indicated $400,000 in cash at any one time...
That's still less than $36 billion!

So with $36 billion in cash... my goodness what does those filthy rich banks do with the rest of the $16.7 trillion in assets?
Do they hide it under the mattresses or bury in the backyard? Well we DO know they keep at least $36 billion maybe more in green cash that doesn't earn anything! But what else happens to the other $16.7 Trillion? Where is it??? Idiots like you evidently don't KNOW!!!
Total Assets, All Commercial Banks
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is more cost effective.

Automatic stabilizers are economic policies and programs designed to offset fluctuations in a nation's economic activity without intervention by the government or policymakers on an individual basis. The best-known automatic stabilizers are corporate and personal taxes, and transfer systems such as unemployment insurance and welfare. Automatic stabilizers are so called because they act to stabilize economic cycles and are automatically triggered without explicit government action.--[]

We assess the extent to which unemployment insurance (UI) serves as an automatic stabilizer to mitigate the economy's sensitivity to shocks. Using a local labor market design based on heterogeneity in local benefit generosity, we estimate that a one standard deviation increase in generosity attenuates the effect of adverse shocks on employment growth by 7% and on earnings growth by 6%. Consistent with a local demand channel, we find that consumption is less responsive to local labor demand shocks in counties with more generous benefits. Our analysis finds that the local fiscal multiplier of unemployment insurance expenditure is approximately 1.9.The Importance of Unemployment Insurance as an Automatic Stabilizer
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

Scare-story economics financed by plutocrats, who, because they firmly believe in their overreaching privilege to set up their freeloading brats, must have gotten their own loot through luck and cheating.
...just another reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; higher paid labor can create more demand and pay more in taxes by merely circulating capital under our form of Capitalism; how easy and convenient, is that.
Idle at the Top, Idle at the Bottom, and Soon the Whole Country Shuts Down

There is a limit to how many of the same product the rich can buy. But the same amount distributed to those who created that concentrated and hoarded inert wealth will create a market for many purchases of the same product.

You are right! There is a limit.
But you seemingly don't understand the flow of money by calling it "inert"!

It is only "inert" if you believe they hide it under their mattress or bury in the backyard!

What do they do?
Obviously they invest it.
Banks' CDs with which what do the banks do? Loan it out!
Buy stocks. If it is an IPO used to start another Apple,etc. or if it is a established company... guess what company pays dividends back to who "filthy wealthy"
Who by the way have to pay taxes on the dividends. I know you know that but evidently you don't understand where those excess profits go!
Atlas Mugged

In real life, your imaginary Motors of the World blow a lot of their loot on degenerate luxuries, especially America-draining foreign ones, and a lot more they stash away to set up their mediocre brats in high places.

As for the banks, there is a long delay and blockage in the circulation of money while they ponder what in the confusing market can pay off the most for them. And Wall Street doesn't benefit the economy any more than a racehorse will run faster depending on how many people bet that he will win.

WHERE are your links What form of PROOF do you PROVIDE ?

NOW for proof!
I can see where $400,000 lamborghini are not American made for sure.
Over 3000 orders came in worldwide for the new model, of which 1/3 were from the U.S
1,000 time $400,000 is less than half a billion. So where does the rest of it go?

Now as far as banks... Really?

In fact here is the REAL number

"Ive been working as a teller/teller supervisor who manages the cash levels at a bank in Utah and can tell you ATMS.
the financial crisis,

Where is it??? don't KNOW!!!
How Know-It-All Nobodies Become Experts at Trickling Down Selective or Irrelevant Data

Links are part of a chain shackling our minds. The only thing they proof is that the drooling link-loving dupe thinks he's independent and objective. All these talking points point upward to the regime that controls all channels of communication so that we love the High and Mighty Low Life.

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