Prove to me that "trickle down" or "rising tide lifts all boats" are wrong?

Ok, I see your point. The 1% spends their money employing blue collar workers and buying goods that our business are selling. Fair point. But let me ask you something....

Let’s look at the sum of our currency as a whole and the 1% as a single entity for simplicity sake. Do you think the 1% are accumulating wealth or spending more than they make?
Let's say they're accumulating wealth....Does that mean that they're just stuffing money into big vaults, so they can roll around in it like Scrooge McDuck?
No, they are most liking investing it
Republicans have worked it so the rising tide only lifts the yachts

ARE YOU f...king STUPID???? No wonder fewer and fewer people are voting Democrat because of idiotic dumb ass comments like YOURS!

HEY dummy! I bet you believe lawyers for example are good guys right?? I bet you believe lawyers are all Republicans? I bet you believe lawyers are looking out for your BEST interest?

WELL guess what DUMMY a MAJOR MAJOR reason that nearly $1 trillion a year is WASTED health care expenses is according to the people that do the
wasting the FAULT lies at the feet of "LAWYERS"!

And guess what dummy READ the following study and then come back and tell me that YOU STILL support Lawyers as thinking ONLY in YOUR best interest!

MY point just to make it clear so you won't be confused is that nearly 1/3 of all the expenses that Medicare rings up are (WHICH comes out of the Federal Budget dummy) is CAUSED by the lawyers greedy attacking of health care providers.
NOTHING you say can excuse the VAST majority of the waste I'm describing below and THAT waste of 62% of the mandatory budget spending comes from this wasteful ignorance on the part of people like you!
View attachment 223312
Starve/Binge Syndrome

Yet the hypocritical Rightists support the fact that college is work without pay (they don't count the high allowances they give their brats as a form of salary). Someone who wants to become a lawyer goes through 7 years of that. When he finishes his indentured-servitude "education," all he cares about is making as much money as he can, as fast as he can, and any way he can.
It works great for the rich. How about those stagnant wages?

What kind of annual growth in wages would be acceptable for you?

Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829
Multiply 0.4% times 12 months: 5% increase in the median household income or at the end of 2018 of 61,889 equals $2,834 INCREASE.

Now since that estimate in Jan. 2018 the actual median has grown at an average of 0.77% which is nearly double.

According to Sentier Research, median household income in the United States rose to $62,685 in August 2018, which is an average /month of 0.77%!
At that rate then the end of 2018 will see median household income of $64,500 a 9.22% gain.
Now is that "trickle down"??? Of course it is!
9.22% is a higher rate than interest on CDs pay.
Wages are up 2.7 percent in the last year


So start a business and pay employees what you think they should get
It works great for the rich. How about those stagnant wages?

What kind of annual growth in wages would be acceptable for you?

Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829
Multiply 0.4% times 12 months: 5% increase in the median household income or at the end of 2018 of 61,889 equals $2,834 INCREASE.

Now since that estimate in Jan. 2018 the actual median has grown at an average of 0.77% which is nearly double.

According to Sentier Research, median household income in the United States rose to $62,685 in August 2018, which is an average /month of 0.77%!
At that rate then the end of 2018 will see median household income of $64,500 a 9.22% gain.
Now is that "trickle down"??? Of course it is!
9.22% is a higher rate than interest on CDs pay.
Wages are up 2.7 percent in the last year


So start a business and pay employees what you think they should get

Which has nothing to do with our economy
Ok, I see your point. The 1% spends their money employing blue collar workers and buying goods that our business are selling. Fair point. But let me ask you something....

Let’s look at the sum of our currency as a whole and the 1% as a single entity for simplicity sake. Do you think the 1% are accumulating wealth or spending more than they make?
Let's say they're accumulating wealth....Does that mean that they're just stuffing money into big vaults, so they can roll around in it like Scrooge McDuck?
No, they are most liking investing it
OK....And what do the businesses that have that additional invested capital do with it in turn?
Anyone and I do mean anyone can increase his net worth (wealth) starting today

IF they want to
It works great for the rich. How about those stagnant wages?

What kind of annual growth in wages would be acceptable for you?

Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829
Multiply 0.4% times 12 months: 5% increase in the median household income or at the end of 2018 of 61,889 equals $2,834 INCREASE.

Now since that estimate in Jan. 2018 the actual median has grown at an average of 0.77% which is nearly double.

According to Sentier Research, median household income in the United States rose to $62,685 in August 2018, which is an average /month of 0.77%!
At that rate then the end of 2018 will see median household income of $64,500 a 9.22% gain.
Now is that "trickle down"??? Of course it is!
9.22% is a higher rate than interest on CDs pay.
Wages are up 2.7 percent in the last year


So start a business and pay employees what you think they should get

Which has nothing to do with our economy
Of course it does if all the whiners like you actually got off their asses and started businesses they could pay millions of people more money
How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060

Prove to me that "trickle down" or "rising tide lifts all boats" are wrong?

The federal budget deficit is soaring, and you can blame it all on Republican tax cuts


What happened under Bush? Yes, a slightly rising economy (the economy right now isn't rising) and then a huge bang and the economy dropped, 7 million people lost their homes and some rich people got even richer.

Kind of proves is, right?

It only proves that your knowledge of economics is deplorable. The housing bubble collapse did help bring the economy down, because it dried up consumer credit. The seeds of that bubble, and subsequent collapse, were sown years before Bush ever took office. And, it has absolutely nothing to do with trickle down economics.

You've said stuff, but none of it disproves in any way what I said. Funny that.

Yes, the seeds of the housing bubble were sown years before. They're still sown now, they always are. Part of the problem is that presidents can only serve two terms.

The doesn't mean that the Bush tax cuts didn't play their part in making the recession worse than it could have been had it happened in about 2003.

The first recession occurred two months after Bush took office. A result of the bad economics of the Clinton administration. The Bush tax cuts were instrumental in correcting that recession. The housing bubble, like the dot com bubble had little to do with "trickle down" economics.

Trickle down and supply side are the same thing, and neither is accurate as economic terms. Government has the ability to create, maintain, or destroy an economic environment that is positive for economic growth. Good economic growth is good for everyone who is participating in the economy, and therefore is referred to as raising all boats.

Trump has created a good economic environment through tax cuts and regulation cuts. This good economic environment has to be maintained by preventing socialists from cutting it off through more taxes and regulations.
More Proof That Liberals Are Trustfundies Who Despise People Who Have to Work for a Living

Both Labor and Capital should unite in destroying job-killing Liberal indulgences.
Ok, I see your point. The 1% spends their money employing blue collar workers and buying goods that our business are selling. Fair point. But let me ask you something....

Let’s look at the sum of our currency as a whole and the 1% as a single entity for simplicity sake. Do you think the 1% are accumulating wealth or spending more than they make?
Let's say they're accumulating wealth....Does that mean that they're just stuffing money into big vaults, so they can roll around in it like Scrooge McDuck?
No, they are most liking investing it
OK....And what do the businesses that have that additional invested capital do with it in turn?
You don’t have to lead me through the logic, I stated that they spend their money on employing workers and growing businesses before I asked my question. Now instead of responding to my question with more questions would you mind just giving an answer?

Are they accumulating wealth or spending more than they make? Do you see it as a positive or negative thing for our economy.?
Anyone and I do mean anyone can increase his net worth (wealth) starting today

IF they want to
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, buckle down, try harder, suck it up

Pay no attention to rising corporate profits, they have nothing to do with you
It works great for the rich. How about those stagnant wages?

What kind of annual growth in wages would be acceptable for you?

Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829
Multiply 0.4% times 12 months: 5% increase in the median household income or at the end of 2018 of 61,889 equals $2,834 INCREASE.

Now since that estimate in Jan. 2018 the actual median has grown at an average of 0.77% which is nearly double.

According to Sentier Research, median household income in the United States rose to $62,685 in August 2018, which is an average /month of 0.77%!
At that rate then the end of 2018 will see median household income of $64,500 a 9.22% gain.
Now is that "trickle down"??? Of course it is!
9.22% is a higher rate than interest on CDs pay.
Wages are up 2.7 percent in the last year


So start a business and pay employees what you think they should get

Which has nothing to do with our economy
Of course it does if all the whiners like you actually got off their asses and started businesses they could pay millions of people more money
Has nothing to do with the pay structure of existing businesses
You don’t have to lead me through the logic, I stated that they spend their money on employing workers and growing businesses before I asked my question. Now instead of responding to my question with more questions would you mind just giving an answer?

Are they accumulating wealth or spending more than they make? Do you see it as a positive or negative thing for our economy.?
If they can't potentially accumulate more by way of their investments, what's their motivation to invest?

If there's no way for the rich to possibly get richer, we're all going to be in one hell of an economic mess.
What kind of annual growth in wages would be acceptable for you?

Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829
Multiply 0.4% times 12 months: 5% increase in the median household income or at the end of 2018 of 61,889 equals $2,834 INCREASE.

Now since that estimate in Jan. 2018 the actual median has grown at an average of 0.77% which is nearly double.

According to Sentier Research, median household income in the United States rose to $62,685 in August 2018, which is an average /month of 0.77%!
At that rate then the end of 2018 will see median household income of $64,500 a 9.22% gain.
Now is that "trickle down"??? Of course it is!
9.22% is a higher rate than interest on CDs pay.
Wages are up 2.7 percent in the last year


So start a business and pay employees what you think they should get

Which has nothing to do with our economy
Of course it does if all the whiners like you actually got off their asses and started businesses they could pay millions of people more money
Has nothing to do with the pay structure of existing businesses

It would if you whiners actually DID something besides whining and blaming everyone else for your failures
Anyone and I do mean anyone can increase his net worth (wealth) starting today

IF they want to

That’s it, tell the workers to work harder
Beats telling corporations to cough up more of their profits

You don’t have to lead me through the logic, I stated that they spend their money on employing workers and growing businesses before I asked my question. Now instead of responding to my question with more questions would you mind just giving an answer?

Are they accumulating wealth or spending more than they make? Do you see it as a positive or negative thing for our economy.?
If they can't potentially accumulate more by way of their investments, what's their motivation to invest?

If there's no way for the rich to possibly get richer, we're all going to be in one hell of an economic mess.
I agree that motivation for the wealthy to invest needs to stay intact however I don’t think the dollars in their bank accounts mean the same to them as regular folk. The wealthy aren’t worried about how to pay bills and afford the next family vacation, they are more concerned with legacy and power.

Do you always answer a question with a question? How about you give an answer to my questions and then ask ones of your own and we can go back and forth that way.

So for the third time. Do you think the 1% is accumulating wealth or not? Is it positive or negative for our economy?
I agree that motivation for the wealthy to invest needs to stay intact however I don’t think the dollars in their bank accounts mean the same to them as regular folk. The wealthy aren’t worried about how to pay bills and afford the next family vacation, they are more concerned with legacy and power.
That's begging the question...And it smacks of thinly veiled envy to me.

Do you always answer a question with a question? How about you give an answer to my questions and then ask ones of your own and we can go back and forth that way.

So for the third time. Do you think the 1% is accumulating wealth or not? Is it positive or negative for our economy?
I want to know why this even matters....Why should it be any of my business in the first place?....What does a wealthy person being wealthy do to harm me or anyone else?...Do you realize that the detested "1%" (a dehumanizing term BTW) aren't the same people from year to year?
Anyone and I do mean anyone can increase his net worth (wealth) starting today

IF they want to

That’s it, tell the workers to work harder
Beats telling corporations to cough up more of their profits


Tell me how much has your pay ever dropped because some corporation made more?

If you don't work for one of those corporations (and you probably don't) then what they do has absolutely no effect on your income

And I never once said anything about working harder all I said was that anyone can increase their net worth , which is all wealth is, starting today if they wanted to.

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