Prove to me that "trickle down" or "rising tide lifts all boats" are wrong?

You don’t have to lead me through the logic, I stated that they spend their money on employing workers and growing businesses before I asked my question. Now instead of responding to my question with more questions would you mind just giving an answer?

Are they accumulating wealth or spending more than they make? Do you see it as a positive or negative thing for our economy.?
If they can't potentially accumulate more by way of their investments, what's their motivation to invest?

If there's no way for the rich to possibly get richer, we're all going to be in one hell of an economic mess.
I agree that motivation for the wealthy to invest needs to stay intact however I don’t think the dollars in their bank accounts mean the same to them as regular folk. The wealthy aren’t worried about how to pay bills and afford the next family vacation, they are more concerned with legacy and power.

Do you always answer a question with a question? How about you give an answer to my questions and then ask ones of your own and we can go back and forth that way.

So for the third time. Do you think the 1% is accumulating wealth or not? Is it positive or negative for our economy?
If you're worrying about paying your bills the last thing you should be doing is planning a family vacation.

And if it's their money the effect on the economy is no one's business.

What do you care if a rich guy makes more this year than last year?

Did it reduce your pay?

No rich guy has ever stopped you from earning more
I agree that motivation for the wealthy to invest needs to stay intact however I don’t think the dollars in their bank accounts mean the same to them as regular folk. The wealthy aren’t worried about how to pay bills and afford the next family vacation, they are more concerned with legacy and power.
That's begging the question...And it smacks of thinly veiled envy to me.

Do you always answer a question with a question? How about you give an answer to my questions and then ask ones of your own and we can go back and forth that way.

So for the third time. Do you think the 1% is accumulating wealth or not? Is it positive or negative for our economy?
I want to know why this even matters....Why should it be any of my business in the first place?....What does a wealthy person being wealthy do to harm me or anyone else?...Do you realize that the detested "1%" (a dehumanizing term BTW) aren't the same people from year to year?
I’m not envious at all. I have close relationships with a handful of billionaires. They are great people and extremely generous. But when you achieve wealth at that level Money is viewed very differently than those who live paycheck to paycheck. I don’t think that is a controversial statement.

This is 3rd time now youve avoided answering my simple question and have responded with more questions. I’ve given your questions the respect of an answer. I expect the same from you or I’m done talking. So for the last time... do you think the 1% is accumulating wealth or not? Do you think economically speaking it is a good or bad thing?
You don’t have to lead me through the logic, I stated that they spend their money on employing workers and growing businesses before I asked my question. Now instead of responding to my question with more questions would you mind just giving an answer?

Are they accumulating wealth or spending more than they make? Do you see it as a positive or negative thing for our economy.?
If they can't potentially accumulate more by way of their investments, what's their motivation to invest?

If there's no way for the rich to possibly get richer, we're all going to be in one hell of an economic mess.
I agree that motivation for the wealthy to invest needs to stay intact however I don’t think the dollars in their bank accounts mean the same to them as regular folk. The wealthy aren’t worried about how to pay bills and afford the next family vacation, they are more concerned with legacy and power.

Do you always answer a question with a question? How about you give an answer to my questions and then ask ones of your own and we can go back and forth that way.

So for the third time. Do you think the 1% is accumulating wealth or not? Is it positive or negative for our economy?
If you're worrying about paying your bills the last thing you should be doing is planning a family vacation.

And if it's their money the effect on the economy is no one's business.

What do you care if a rich guy makes more this year than last year?

Did it reduce your pay?

No rich guy has ever stopped you from earning more
What’s with you people not being able to answer simple questions? Is that the tactic... bombard your reply with a flood of other questions to divert away from answering the tough question? Is it ok if I try this tactic or do you think it would be frustrating and get us nowhere?
Anyone and I do mean anyone can increase his net worth (wealth) starting today

IF they want to

That’s it, tell the workers to work harder
Beats telling corporations to cough up more of their profits


Tell me how much has your pay ever dropped because some corporation made more?

If you don't work for one of those corporations (and you probably don't) then what they do has absolutely no effect on your income

And I never once said anything about working harder all I said was that anyone can increase their net worth , which is all wealth is, starting today if they wanted to.
Not just me but the entire nation

As we continue to give corporations more tax breaks and lower tax rates, they give their workers less and less of the profits

Makes you question.....Why?
How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060
Your post are mostly correct problem is much of that money has been put in to their agendas to make more by Killing off the American way of life. People like Gates,Soros, Skinka, Buffet, Rockefeller, Kennedy, and many more have put the Dark Money into PAKS to further the tearing down agenda, and names are hidden from us the People. Soros alone put 33 million into the Ferguson riots.
Not just me but the entire nation

As we continue to give corporations more tax breaks and lower tax rates, they give their workers less and less of the profits

Makes you question.....Why?
You didn't answer the question.

If somebody else gets to pay less, and that cut does not mean you have to pay more, why do you give a fuck?
How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060

'trickle down' has NEVER WORKED & it NEVER WILL WORK.

The 1%ers & the corporations have made more $$$$$$$$ in the past 20 years than in all of history.

You fucking people are insatiable; ENUFF is NEVER enuff for you rich bastards.

Keep creating that wealth for the top 1% & keep leaving the 99% further behind every goddam time you jackasses crash the economy.

See how great that works, again & again & again & again & again & again & ......
Last edited:
Not just me but the entire nation

As we continue to give corporations more tax breaks and lower tax rates, they give their workers less and less of the profits

Makes you question.....Why?
You didn't answer the question.

If somebody else gets to pay less, and that cut does not mean you have to pay more, why do you give a fuck?

It is not is EVERY corporation on average paying their employees $7660 a year less than they used to

It directly takes money out of the pockets of working Americans every year
It is not is EVERY corporation on average paying their employees $7660 a year less than they used to
You're mixing the issues.

One is a jobs-market issue. The other is taxation.

They are paying less because the market allows it. Too many illegals have flooded the jobs market. Believe me. When the jobs market is balanced, they will pay top dollar for employees. They will practically throw money at candidates to lure them away from competition.

Taxation does not directly affect pay, although corporations are more likely to increase pay when they have a lower tax burden.

It is not is EVERY corporation on average paying their employees $7660 a year less than they used to
You're mixing the issues.

One is a jobs-market issue. The other is taxation.

They are paying less because the market allows it. Too many illegals have flooded the jobs market. Believe me. When the jobs market is balanced, they will pay top dollar for employees. They will practically throw money at candidates to lure them away from competition.

Taxation does not directly affect pay, although corporations are more likely to increase pay when they have a lower tax burden.

Bullshit....Illegals compete at the lower spectrum
Jobs pay less at all levels of employment except upper executive

The question remains....why are we rewarding this behavior with lower taxes?
It is not is EVERY corporation on average paying their employees $7660 a year less than they used to
You're mixing the issues.

One is a jobs-market issue. The other is taxation.

They are paying less because the market allows it. Too many illegals have flooded the jobs market. Believe me. When the jobs market is balanced, they will pay top dollar for employees. They will practically throw money at candidates to lure them away from competition.

Taxation does not directly affect pay, although corporations are more likely to increase pay when they have a lower tax burden.

Bullshit....Illegals compete at the lower spectrum
Jobs pay less at all levels of employment except upper executive

The question remains....why are we rewarding this behavior with lower taxes?
Rightwinger makes a valid point. If executive salaries and corporate profits have been growing at record levels then why aren’t wages growing proportionally? Isn’t this proportionality and relationship a key element of trickle down theory?
How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060
Your post are mostly correct problem is much of that money has been put in to their agendas to make more by Killing off the American way of life. People like Gates,Soros, Skinka, Buffet, Rockefeller, Kennedy, and many more have put the Dark Money into PAKS to further the tearing down agenda, and names are hidden from us the People. Soros alone put 33 million into the Ferguson riots.

And, unfortunately, most folks don't know that the heavy money is all on the Left.

How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060

Prove to me that "trickle down" or "rising tide lifts all boats" are wrong?

The federal budget deficit is soaring, and you can blame it all on Republican tax cuts


What happened under Bush? Yes, a slightly rising economy (the economy right now isn't rising) and then a huge bang and the economy dropped, 7 million people lost their homes and some rich people got even richer.

Kind of proves is, right?

It only proves that your knowledge of economics is deplorable. The housing bubble collapse did help bring the economy down, because it dried up consumer credit. The seeds of that bubble, and subsequent collapse, were sown years before Bush ever took office. And, it has absolutely nothing to do with trickle down economics.

You've said stuff, but none of it disproves in any way what I said. Funny that.

Yes, the seeds of the housing bubble were sown years before. They're still sown now, they always are. Part of the problem is that presidents can only serve two terms.

The doesn't mean that the Bush tax cuts didn't play their part in making the recession worse than it could have been had it happened in about 2003.

The first recession occurred two months after Bush took office. A result of the bad economics of the Clinton administration. The Bush tax cuts were instrumental in correcting that recession. The housing bubble, like the dot com bubble had little to do with "trickle down" economics.

Trickle down and supply side are the same thing, and neither is accurate as economic terms. Government has the ability to create, maintain, or destroy an economic environment that is positive for economic growth. Good economic growth is good for everyone who is participating in the economy, and therefore is referred to as raising all boats.

Trump has created a good economic environment through tax cuts and regulation cuts. This good economic environment has to be maintained by preventing socialists from cutting it off through more taxes and regulations.

Trump hasn't created a good economic environment. Quite the contrary. His tax cuts are a disaster. He promised "jobs on steroids", and yet his job creation numbers continue to be lower than that of the Obama Administration. His goosing of the US economy by cutting taxes promised every worker a $4,000 raise. That didn't happen.

Trickle down economics only works when there is "pent up demand". There is no pent up demand among the wealthy. Both the big corporations and their shareholders, are awash in cash from the tax cuts and the buy backs generated by them. These people have all of the jets, yachts and jewellry they can ever want, and none of that is tricklilng down to the service workers, manufacturing workers, or retail workers.

In every jurisdiction where the minimum wage has risen, jobs have increased, because the segment of the economy with the most pent up demand is the working poor and the middle class. If these people had disposable income, they'd spend it. And the effects would indeed, trickle up to the wealthy they buy from. But when you need government assistance to feed your family, you don't have a lot left over for luxury goods or services, and there is no way to save for a better opportunity or a better life.

Trump opened trade wars on 7 different fronts. And he's losing all of them. Where he has negotiated deals, they really aren't much different that the deals he already had in place.

His much vaunted "rewrite" of NAFTA, did nothing of the kind. All they did was incorporate the auto industry standards the three countries had previously agreed to in the TransPacific Partnership. American Dairy Farmers can sell a few more cheese curds provided there are no growth hormones or anti-biotics in their milk. That's about it. The US caved utterly on softwood lumber and the dispute resolution mechanism, which have been the two biggest sources of dispute between the two countries. This is a huge win for Canada. The concessions on milk solids allow him to claim a victory, but really, the softwood lumber dispute has cost Canada thousands of jobs.
Last edited:
Prove to me that "trickle down" or "rising tide lifts all boats" are wrong?

The federal budget deficit is soaring, and you can blame it all on Republican tax cuts


What happened under Bush? Yes, a slightly rising economy (the economy right now isn't rising) and then a huge bang and the economy dropped, 7 million people lost their homes and some rich people got even richer.

Kind of proves is, right?

It only proves that your knowledge of economics is deplorable. The housing bubble collapse did help bring the economy down, because it dried up consumer credit. The seeds of that bubble, and subsequent collapse, were sown years before Bush ever took office. And, it has absolutely nothing to do with trickle down economics.

You've said stuff, but none of it disproves in any way what I said. Funny that.

Yes, the seeds of the housing bubble were sown years before. They're still sown now, they always are. Part of the problem is that presidents can only serve two terms.

The doesn't mean that the Bush tax cuts didn't play their part in making the recession worse than it could have been had it happened in about 2003.

The first recession occurred two months after Bush took office. A result of the bad economics of the Clinton administration. The Bush tax cuts were instrumental in correcting that recession. The housing bubble, like the dot com bubble had little to do with "trickle down" economics.

Trickle down and supply side are the same thing, and neither is accurate as economic terms. Government has the ability to create, maintain, or destroy an economic environment that is positive for economic growth. Good economic growth is good for everyone who is participating in the economy, and therefore is referred to as raising all boats.

Trump has created a good economic environment through tax cuts and regulation cuts. This good economic environment has to be maintained by preventing socialists from cutting it off through more taxes and regulations.

Trump hasn't created a good economic environment. Quite the contrary. His tax cuts are a disaster. He promised "jobs on steroids", and yet his job creation numbers continue to be lower than that of the Obama Administration. His goosing of the US economy by cutting taxes promised every worker a $4,000 raise. That didn't happen.

Trickle down economics only works when there is "pent up demand". There is no pent up demand among the wealthy. Both the big corporations and their shareholders, are awash in cash from the tax cuts and the buy backs generated by them. These people have all of the jets, yachts and jewellry they can ever want, and none of that is tricklilng down to the service workers, manufacturing workers, or retail workers.

In every jurisdiction where the minimum wage has risen, jobs have increased, because the segment of the economy with the most pent up demand is the working poor and the middle class. If these people had disposable income, they'd spend it. And the effects would indeed, trickle up to the wealthy they buy from. But when you need government assistance to feed your family, you don't have a lot left over for luxury goods or services, and there is no way to save for a better opportunity or a better life.

Trump opened trade wars on 7 different fronts.

"Trump hasn't created a good economic environment."


You're as dumb as asphalt!!!

How do you find your way back to that refrigerator box you call home???????

Market Watch just posted data showing what a detriment Obama was to America.

1. "U.S. regains its spot as ‘most competitive’ economy in the world

Published: Oct 17, 2018 11:29 a.m. ET

2. After a decadelong absence, the U.S. has regained the distinction of most competitive country in the world, according to the World Economic Forum. In fact, only Japan made a bigger improvement of all 140 countries in the survey."
U.S. regains its spot as ‘most competitive’ economy in the world

3. "U.S. regains crown as most competitive economy for first time since 2008: WEF
[Who was President during that hiatus??????]

4. The U.S. beat off Singapore, Germany, Switzerland and Japan, the other top four markets, with a score of 85.6 out of 100, the report said, due to its “vibrant” entrepreneurial culture and “strong” labor market and financial system.

5. ...drivers of competitiveness, including a country’s institutions and the policies that help drive productivity. [That mean Trump.]

6.The last time the U.S. topped the list was 2008."
U.S. regains crown as most competitive economy for first time since 2008: WEF | Reuters

Let's see.......good during Bush.....great under Trump.....
And between the two…..who couldn’t get the job done? Hussein.

See what happens when you use melanin as a reason to vote?
How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060
dude; this is the best tax cut economics can do; stop whining about the cost of social services.
How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060

Do you consume lots of caffeinated coffee before posting one of your rants, such as this one?

a) Please provide the names of the numbers of socialists, and the number of times they made the claim "bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy"

b) Trickle down has never trickled down, working men and women's wages have remained stagnant since 1981.

c) The filthy wealth own The Congress, which is why we have a massive debt and across the board tax cuts; Congress critters know, raise a tax, lose their job.

d) There are liars, damn liars and estimated statistics.
How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060
Your post are mostly correct problem is much of that money has been put in to their agendas to make more by Killing off the American way of life. People like Gates,Soros, Skinka, Buffet, Rockefeller, Kennedy, and many more have put the Dark Money into PAKS to further the tearing down agenda, and names are hidden from us the People. Soros alone put 33 million into the Ferguson riots.

And, unfortunately, most folks don't know that the heavy money is all on the Left.

And why does that matter?
How many times have we heard socialists bitch and moan about the filthy wealthy. The 1%ers! And how many times have we heard "trickle down" doesn't work or "rising tide lifts all boats" is wrong?

YET my simple question that even the most IGNORANT socialist, 1%er hater seemingly can't answer is this:

Do the filthy wealthy bury their wealth in the backyard or hide under their mattresses ?

Seriously folks what happens?
Those evil filthy wealthy 1%ers buy yachts. Yep they do ...who builds them?
They buy private jets. Who builds them?
They buy mansions. Who builds them. Who staffs them?

So ignorant people point out that "trickle down" doesn't work. Trump tax cuts were wrong. The little people aren't
getting the share and the filthy wealthy,
why they are ...."burying their wealth in the backyard or hiding under their mattresses"....???

Today's employment picture show more jobs than people to fill them!
Each of those NEW jobs creates TAX REVENUE to the federal government.
The economy added 3.2 million jobs since Trump took office:
Trump's Numbers (Second Quarterly Update) -
Let's assume that each job pays Median household income in the U.S. rose to an estimated $59,055 in January 2018, an increase of nearly 0.4% from our December 2017 estimate of $58,829.Mar 1, 2018

So 3.2 million times $59,055 is at 12.4% payroll taxes $23.3 billion a year ... additional federal payroll revenue.

So what has happened to the $190 billion in gross income these 3.2 million job holders generated?
Did they bury in the backyard or hide under their mattresses?

Of course not...

So why then do ignorant people continue to use that phrase "trickle down" as a failure?
Look at the following chart and tell me how many of these 50 S&P companies are hiding their tax break
under the mattress or burying in the backyard?
View attachment 223060
Your post are mostly correct problem is much of that money has been put in to their agendas to make more by Killing off the American way of life. People like Gates,Soros, Skinka, Buffet, Rockefeller, Kennedy, and many more have put the Dark Money into PAKS to further the tearing down agenda, and names are hidden from us the People. Soros alone put 33 million into the Ferguson riots.
The Pak are backing the lastes Wetbacks: here it is from www.Judicial

In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north. Let’s not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama’s open border free-for-all. They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education

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