Prove you are real

I took a philosophy class, and learned that some philosophers don't believe anything is real, even other people.

So I ask you, if I was to doubt your existence, how would you prove to me you are real, and not a figment of my imagination?

I don't believe you could.
If I shit on your chest you'd know..
I took a philosophy class, and learned that some philosophers don't believe anything is real, even other people.

So I ask you, if I was to doubt your existence, how would you prove to me you are real, and not a figment of my imagination?

I don't believe you could.

I'd piss on you. You would feel the warmth, and smell the stench. Would that be real enough for you?
People are constantly demanding God prove he's real.

I ask you, prove you are real.
Descarte: "I think therefore I am".

René Descartes walks into a bar. He orders une bière.

Bartender asks "would you like a glass with that?"

Descartes says "I think not". And disappears.

Why must we make René Descartes sit and allow someone with a bad cough to speak first?

Because otherwise we'd be putting Descartes before the hoarse.
I took a philosophy class, and learned that some philosophers don't believe anything is real, even other people.

So I ask you, if I was to doubt your existence, how would you prove to me you are real, and not a figment of my imagination?

I don't believe you could.

Define real, then we can know what is acceptable proof.
Worried me for a second.... But I finally found some photographic evidence.

I took a philosophy class, and learned that some philosophers don't believe anything is real, even other people.

So I ask you, if I was to doubt your existence, how would you prove to me you are real, and not a figment of my imagination?

I don't believe you could.

If I were to smack you upside the head would you believe I'm real?
All your offers to shit and piss on me make no difference. If I doubt even my senses, you could not prove you are real by doing that.
I took a philosophy class, and learned that some philosophers don't believe anything is real, even other people.

So I ask you, if I was to doubt your existence, how would you prove to me you are real, and not a figment of my imagination?

I don't believe you could.
I would guess a smack upside the head might give you pause for thought.
Biggest mistake Theologians and Atheists and Agnostic make in the argument over God, is that they fail to first DEFINE what they are arguing existence over. *SLAPS FOREHEAD*
Then they pretty much all use a singular anthropromorphic precept that not all cultures use and in fact is forbidden in Judaism. Which brings us to a huge mistaken assumption by both theologians and atheists that taint all arguments.
CHRISTIAN CONCEPT OF GOD is not an extension or common precept with what JUDAISM DEFINES ...
AS G-D. So much so, that we even refuse to write it the same way, so you KNOW IT'S NOT THE SAME.

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