Provocateurs at work

So true, as a resident of Ukraine I 100% agree.

Dec 17
Sergey Lavrov: We are not at war with the Ukrainian regime, which has all the features of the Nazi and neo-Nazi. The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine who live in Donbass are fighting it. The Ukrainian people have nothing to do with it. The overwhelming majority, I am sure, wants peace in the country, wants to get rid of this shameful regime and return to normal relations with the Russian Federation.

According to additional information that we tend to believe, in the last ten days of December, President Poroshenko is planning an armed provocation on the border with the Russian Federation – Crimea.

He will get a response. He won’t find it funny, I can assure you.

According to our data, which seem credible, he is advised to maintain low-intensity hostilities to support the ongoing outcry in the propaganda space about “Russians attacking Ukraine” and “Russians need to be further sanctioned,” but in no case should military operations be allowed to reach a phase to elicit a full-blown response. Nasty, petty provocation. Our respective services take all necessary measures to prevent such excesses from happening.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018

P.S. You'll see your thread will not get too much attention, nobody cares about genocide of civilians in Donbass which Ukrainian officials have been busy with for the last 5 years. And ... silence from all Human Rights organizations about Ukrainians' actions with 24/7 lies about "Russian aggression in Ukraine" .

Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted and allowed us to have a referendum and to decide our future.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?
So true, as a resident of Ukraine I 100% agree.

Dec 17
Sergey Lavrov: We are not at war with the Ukrainian regime, which has all the features of the Nazi and neo-Nazi. The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine who live in Donbass are fighting it. The Ukrainian people have nothing to do with it. The overwhelming majority, I am sure, wants peace in the country, wants to get rid of this shameful regime and return to normal relations with the Russian Federation.

According to additional information that we tend to believe, in the last ten days of December, President Poroshenko is planning an armed provocation on the border with the Russian Federation – Crimea.

He will get a response. He won’t find it funny, I can assure you.

According to our data, which seem credible, he is advised to maintain low-intensity hostilities to support the ongoing outcry in the propaganda space about “Russians attacking Ukraine” and “Russians need to be further sanctioned,” but in no case should military operations be allowed to reach a phase to elicit a full-blown response. Nasty, petty provocation. Our respective services take all necessary measures to prevent such excesses from happening.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018

P.S. You'll see your thread will not get too much attention, nobody cares about genocide of civilians in Donbass which Ukrainian officials have been busy with for the last 5 years. And ... silence from all Human Rights organizations about Ukrainians' actions with 24/7 lies about "Russian aggression in Ukraine" .

Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors,CIA agents and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? Full house. That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Sebastopol as well as the whole Crimea was NEVER "Ukrainian" in the sense of the language and menrality. Probably it is for the first time that we can fully agree with the Kremlin's claims that the population of the Crimea made its own choice. My uncle lived in Sebastopol and my whole family (parents) used to go the Crimea on vacation
Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map)when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

Don't make the mistake of thinking I don't know what's happening.
The Ukrainian Gov is openly ADVOCATING war with Russia. NATO is preparing to participate.

I can't change how the American people see anything. I can tell you that I am an American and I have a beautiful blonde reason to care about all of this.I am paying attention, I understand my countries role in it
Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

Just because the American cryptoneozionists claim the whole planet (where there is gold, platinum, natural gas and oil, etc.) is a zone of the US EXCLUSIVE "national" interests...
Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?


Because Deep State does not approve it, the twofold standards.
So true, as a resident of Ukraine I 100% agree.

Dec 17
Sergey Lavrov: We are not at war with the Ukrainian regime, which has all the features of the Nazi and neo-Nazi. The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine who live in Donbass are fighting it. The Ukrainian people have nothing to do with it. The overwhelming majority, I am sure, wants peace in the country, wants to get rid of this shameful regime and return to normal relations with the Russian Federation.

According to additional information that we tend to believe, in the last ten days of December, President Poroshenko is planning an armed provocation on the border with the Russian Federation – Crimea.

He will get a response. He won’t find it funny, I can assure you.

According to our data, which seem credible, he is advised to maintain low-intensity hostilities to support the ongoing outcry in the propaganda space about “Russians attacking Ukraine” and “Russians need to be further sanctioned,” but in no case should military operations be allowed to reach a phase to elicit a full-blown response. Nasty, petty provocation. Our respective services take all necessary measures to prevent such excesses from happening.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018

P.S. You'll see your thread will not get too much attention, nobody cares about genocide of civilians in Donbass which Ukrainian officials have been busy with for the last 5 years. And ... silence from all Human Rights organizations about Ukrainians' actions with 24/7 lies about "Russian aggression in Ukraine" .

Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors,CIA agents and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? II

They are 'Fighters for Freedom' and 'Democracy'

So true, as a resident of Ukraine I 100% agree.

Dec 17
Sergey Lavrov: We are not at war with the Ukrainian regime, which has all the features of the Nazi and neo-Nazi. The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine who live in Donbass are fighting it. The Ukrainian people have nothing to do with it. The overwhelming majority, I am sure, wants peace in the country, wants to get rid of this shameful regime and return to normal relations with the Russian Federation.

According to additional information that we tend to believe, in the last ten days of December, President Poroshenko is planning an armed provocation on the border with the Russian Federation – Crimea.

He will get a response. He won’t find it funny, I can assure you.

According to our data, which seem credible, he is advised to maintain low-intensity hostilities to support the ongoing outcry in the propaganda space about “Russians attacking Ukraine” and “Russians need to be further sanctioned,” but in no case should military operations be allowed to reach a phase to elicit a full-blown response. Nasty, petty provocation. Our respective services take all necessary measures to prevent such excesses from happening.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018

P.S. You'll see your thread will not get too much attention, nobody cares about genocide of civilians in Donbass which Ukrainian officials have been busy with for the last 5 years. And ... silence from all Human Rights organizations about Ukrainians' actions with 24/7 lies about "Russian aggression in Ukraine" .

Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors,CIA agents and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? II

They are 'Fighters for Freedom' and 'Democracy'


Unfortunately, men and women from poor American families are becoming hostages to the politics of a small but very powerful group of special interests.
The same thing happens in the Ukrainian army - simple Slavic guys forced into the zone of military conflict are dying from the fire of their cultural brothers, Russian-speaking fighters of Donetsk and Liganskaya People's republics.

As always, both our government and the Congress are talking about the struggle for democracy and freedom, covering up an ordinary business - the arms trade.
Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors,CIA agents and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? II

They are 'Fighters for Freedom' and 'Democracy'


dying from the fire of their cultural brothers, Russian-speaking fighters

sorry pal, blood brothers
As always, both our government and the Congress are talking about the struggle for democracy and freedom, covering up an ordinary business - the arms trade.

Weaponizing democracy is really the only thing our government and intelligence agencies do right.
Don't think for a minute that Russia isn't behind the DPR.

I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted and allowed us to have a referendum and to decide our future.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Excellent questions.
Do any other regions have the right to leave Russia today?
Can Chechnya leave?
I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted and allowed us to have a referendum and to decide our future.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Excellent questions.
Do any other regions have the right to leave Russia today?
Can Chechnya leave?
After Putin has finished the war in Chechnya, Chechnya votes for Putin and his guys with over 85%, the highest numbers in all Russia.

I don't know why I'm still responding to your ignorant posts. May be just because it's not so much your fault that all your Media keeps serving Deep State interests and keeps telling you mainly lies about both Trump and Putin, the main two Deep State's enemies.
Last edited:
I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted and allowed us to have a referendum and to decide our future.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Excellent questions.
Do any other regions have the right to leave Russia today?
Can Chechnya leave?

What's about the Free Californian Republic and Independent Texas.
Russia has not killed tens of millions 'separatists' as USA a while ago.

Let at first own folks free, than teach others ones democracy

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted and allowed us to have a referendum and to decide our future.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Excellent questions.
Do any other regions have the right to leave Russia today?
Can Chechnya leave?
After Putin has finished the war in Chechnya, Chechnya votes for Putin and his guys with over 85%, the highest numbers in all Russia.

I don't know why I'm still responding to your ignorant posts. May be just because it's not so much your fault that all your Media keeps serving Deep State interests and keeps telling you mainly lies about both Trump and Putin.

Don't explain it.
Almost forgot Hawaii, Vermont, Alaska, New England, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and South Carolina.
All want go away from the US
I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted and allowed us to have a referendum and to decide our future.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Excellent questions.
Do any other regions have the right to leave Russia today?
Can Chechnya leave?

Hi pal, what's about California, Texas, Hawaii, Vermont, Alaska, New England, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and South Carolina.
They all desire independence.
Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted and allowed us to have a referendum and to decide our future.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Excellent questions.
Do any other regions have the right to leave Russia today?
Can Chechnya leave?
After Putin has finished the war in Chechnya, Chechnya votes for Putin and his guys with over 85%, the highest numbers in all Russia.

I don't know why I'm still responding to your ignorant posts. May be just because it's not so much your fault that all your Media keeps serving Deep State interests and keeps telling you mainly lies about both Trump and Putin.

Chechnya votes for Putin and his guys with over 85%

Sure they did, comrade.
Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? That's probably why DPR needs to do something to match.

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

That’s ^ all his “treason”, he dared to betray the interests of Neocons and War Party, who have been successfully manipulating all the recent ex-presidents. BTW, the majority of American Media belongs to War party, they cooperate very well and the any alternative point of view causes a lot of aggression immediately.

Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

I said I've been paying close attention all along. I know who is doing what and I know what the end game is, we the (United States) are ass deep in this shit. Putin wanted the natural resources that Crimea provides. The VERY same reason Hitler dashed south to take it. The Azov and Ukraine are but bit players in the game of World Geopolitical Chess. NOTHING going on around the Globe is not happening with a purpose behind it.

Possible flash points?
Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria/Turkey/Israel.
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine (where I'm from) used to be Russian for ages, since 981 (several centuries before USA has even appeared on the map) when Russia has been baptized in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Crimeans voted to come back to Russia and according to International Law made it. So would do we if anybody cared what we wanted and allowed us to have a referendum and to decide our future.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Excellent questions.
Do any other regions have the right to leave Russia today?
Can Chechnya leave?

What's about the Free Californian Republic and Independent Texas.
Russia has not killed tens of millions 'separatists' as USA a while ago.

Let at first own folks free, than teach others ones democracy


Russia has not killed tens of millions 'separatists' as USA a while ago.

They were too busy killing tens of millions in Ukraine and in the Gulags.

When Putin bombed the buildings in Moscow, did you hear the explosions?
I DO NOT! I can say even more: definetely that was a PRIVATE secret operation - a mix of the Russian special services' veterans and of certain individuals from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, poorly planned and without a vision of the future. I know colonel Strelkov who started the civil war in the Donbass really well However, it was a PRIVATE covert operation, in which only the retired military were employed.

As a person who was born there I can asure you that we, Russian-speakers of Donbass, would not have accepted violent Ukrainization, of which I, by the way, became a victim when I was seven years old — I refused to learn Ukrainian and speak in Ukrainian and was persecuted at school. I would like to share my own experience with the Foreign Affairs Committee of our Congress...

Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors,CIA agents and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? II

They are 'Fighters for Freedom' and 'Democracy'


dying from the fire of their cultural brothers, Russian-speaking fighters

sorry pal, blood brothers

Well, you know, a moment comes in a war when murder becomes the only pattern of mutual behavior, especially after heavy losses and atrocities commited by the Ukrainian forces.... It’s easy to embroil nations, but it takes decades to heal spiritual wounds...
Sure, and that's why Russia has so much men and materiel on the border. They're also supplying Russian Trained Snipers to the DPR. Don't misunderstand me, I do not support the Ukrainian but I also don't underestimate Putin's ambitions.
Do you know how many American and British military advisors,CIA agents and NATO representatives are there now in Ukraine? II

They are 'Fighters for Freedom' and 'Democracy'


dying from the fire of their cultural brothers, Russian-speaking fighters

sorry pal, blood brothers

Well, you know, a moment comes in a war when murder becomes the only pattern of mutual behavior, especially after heavy losses and atrocities commited by the Ukrainian forces.... It’s easy to embroil nations, but it takes decades to heal spiritual wounds...

If one has never experienced it on lives in a completely theoretical world. comparatively few people in the West know anything about war. They can self righteously pontificate about "war crimes" , "proportional force" and "rules of engagement because they've never witnessed the barbarity in person.

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