Psaki Flat Out Lies About What Most People Who Fly Think About Masks Wearing

She was quoting a public information source. No more, no less. Take it up with the source. People quote crap, I give little credence to here, all the time. It may make them stupid for trusting their source, but not liars.
Yes....and no public information source would lie to the people of this country. Is this what you're trying to convey?

Considering the fact that the White House Press Sec is a public information source....good luck trying to sell that BS to the public.
Yes....and no public information source would lie to the people of this country. Is this what you're trying to convey?

Considering the fact that the White House Press Sec is a public information source....good luck trying to sell that BS to the public.
That is the source. Same as on here. She didn't create the poll. If you are making that charge, simply prove it. But, you can't, right? You are just being a whiney bitch about something somebody said, that you don't like. Life ain't a message board, ya know. You've just been on the message board too long and think the regular rules don't apply. If you were in a bar and some big guy was quoting a poll, you wouldn't jump up and call him a liar, as you might get your ass whipped. I suspect it is just because you are here. You have message board-itis.
Psaki is flat-out lying about what people think about having to wear masks on flights.
Very few people actually like the practice.
Most hate it....and it showed when the pilot announced that masks will no-longer be required on flights.

But that didn't stop Psaki from trying to lie that the video that proved it.......wasn't a true representation of the public's feelings on the subject.

Those passengers and crewmembers concerned over their personal safety will wear masks to protect themselves, just as they will be vaccinated and boosted. For those gleeful the mask mandate is no more, COVID-19 and its variants will be present for them to inhale deeply for the entire flight.

It is a benefit guaranteed them by, their now, favorite federal judge.

Well, there is this:
The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that despite opposition to that requirement that included verbal abuse and physical violence against flight attendants, 56% of Americans favor requiring people on planes, trains and public transportation to wear masks, compared with 24% opposed and 20% who say they’re neither in favor nor opposed.
View attachment 633796
Posting a bunch of stories that all reference the exact same poll really doesn't prove much.
Posting a bunch of stories that all reference the exact same poll really doesn't prove much.
How many different polls did you want her to quote? Have you got a competing published poll that disagrees, or do you just disagree?
She should have left for msdnc yesterday... I hope they give her a 2 hour show same time slot as Watters and Carlson...
...and simulcast on CNN to make it fair...
It doesn't matter where they put her-----she does not have an interesting personality---she won't do well in any news time slot.
How many different polls did you want her to quote? Have you got a competing published poll that disagrees, or do you just disagree?
No, I was pointing out that YOU showed a bunch of stories quoting the same poll.
Psaki is flat-out lying about what people think about having to wear masks on flights.
Very few people actually like the practice.
Most hate it....and it showed when the pilot announced that masks will no-longer be required on flights.

But that didn't stop Psaki from trying to lie that the video that proved it.......wasn't a true representation of the public's feelings on the subject.

One - you obviously do not know what the word 'lying' actually means.

Two - what do you care if she was being honest or not?
Are you really so staggeringly stupid/gullible to think that almost everyone in Washington - on both sides - does not lie every day?
One - you obviously do not know what the word 'lying' actually means.

Two - what do you care if she was being honest or not?
Are you really so staggeringly stupid/gullible to think that almost everyone in Washington - on both sides - does not lie every day?
Honesty in a political candidate is a rarity. For those few with such integrity, their appeal is only to those voters that truly understand the issues.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of U.S. voters are drawn to the liars and cheats that most feed their misinformed beliefs, their prejudices, and their outright hatreds.

The political division that has grown in this country over the past seven decades is by design. This division was first cultivated by the Republican Party with the introduction of their Southern Strategy. It brought increased political contributions from anyone interested in wealth and power, and average individuals whose biases the candidates' lies validated. After watching the growing success of GOP candidates election after election, moderate Democrats gradually jumped on the bandwagon.

Both conservatives and moderate Democrats now reap the political rewards for their devotion to the greedy and powerful, and by completely ignoring the needs of their constituents back home. They remain in office election after election because they are skillful liars the voters back home love.

Give it a rest. If you don't want to wear a mask, you don't have to now. If you want to wear a mask go ahead and keep wearing one. You have a choice. Just stfu about it.

You didn't actually expect the Branch Covidians to give up forcing their masking sacrament on everyone without a fight, did you?
One - you obviously do not know what the word 'lying' actually means.

Two - what do you care if she was being honest or not?
Are you really so staggeringly stupid/gullible to think that almost everyone in Washington - on both sides - does not lie every day?
One-Lying is pretty cut and dried. Bearing false witness.
Two-I care if my government is intentionally trying to mislead me by using false information from the media, the AP in this case (And anyone knows if you count off a list you should have at least three examples)
Three-I know that you have to question everything your government says at all times no matter who is saying it.
Four-Kiss my ass.
Honesty in a political candidate is a rarity. For those few with such integrity, their appeal is only to those voters that truly understand the issues.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of U.S. voters are drawn to the liars and cheats that most feed their misinformed beliefs, their prejudices, and their outright hatreds.

The political division that has grown in this country over the past seven decades is by design. This division was first cultivated by the Republican Party with the introduction of their Southern Strategy. It brought increased political contributions from anyone interested in wealth and power, and average individuals whose biases the candidates' lies validated. After watching the growing success of GOP candidates election after election, moderate Democrats gradually jumped on the bandwagon.

Both conservatives and moderate Democrats now reap the political rewards for their devotion to the greedy and powerful, and by completely ignoring the needs of their constituents back home. They remain in office election after election because they are skillful liars the voters back home love.

Honesty in a political candidate is a liability....because their opponent surely will lie his ass off to get elected.
However, a public official is a employee of the federal government....and if he or she gets caught lying....they can be prosecuted for it.
Well, there is this:
The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that despite opposition to that requirement that included verbal abuse and physical violence against flight attendants, 56% of Americans favor requiring people on planes, trains and public transportation to wear masks, compared with 24% opposed and 20% who say they’re neither in favor nor opposed.
View attachment 633796
People are ecstatic to be able to throw those masks away. The airline workers are tired of telling people to mask up when they don't work, and the people don't want to wear them. I just spent the whole day in airports last Wednesday and thousands of people were already openly defying the mask mandates. It's stupid to try to enforce laws that don't make sense and people will ignore. But then again, Democrats are stupid.
Honesty in a political candidate is a rarity. For those few with such integrity, their appeal is only to those voters that truly understand the issues.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of U.S. voters are drawn to the liars and cheats that most feed their misinformed beliefs, their prejudices, and their outright hatreds.

The political division that has grown in this country over the past seven decades is by design. This division was first cultivated by the Republican Party with the introduction of their Southern Strategy. It brought increased political contributions from anyone interested in wealth and power, and average individuals whose biases the candidates' lies validated. After watching the growing success of GOP candidates election after election, moderate Democrats gradually jumped on the bandwagon.

Both conservatives and moderate Democrats now reap the political rewards for their devotion to the greedy and powerful, and by completely ignoring the needs of their constituents back home. They remain in office election after election because they are skillful liars the voters back home love.

Give all the people a massive tax cuts and raise the level of tax brackets in which federal taxes start. That does not happen with Progs. They select groups within the peasant class to give their blessings to. Well now we are seeing the worst tax of all. Inflation that may be stagflation with cooked false numbers to even give reduced COLA increases to those on fixed incomes. That 5.9% increase for anyone with COLA is bullshit. The inflation was higher. Much higher. The problem is that when we vote for someone, we take all that goes with it. And frankly, Repubs have been good to Dems while the other way around has been almost nonexistent.
The vast majority of Americans have not flown in the last 9 months, but figure they might. I understand your point totally, but it is highly unlikely the poll was only to the frequent fly group of Americans.
Honesty in a political candidate is a liability....because their opponent surely will lie his ass off to get elected.
However, a public official is a employee of the federal government....and if he or she gets caught lying....they can be prosecuted for it.
Except when campaigning--then those lying bastards can and do get away with it.
Still was not a lie, because the poll is out there. The fact you don't like it has no bearing on truth or lie. Obviously she didn't lie, if the proof is right there. Trolling her as being a liar does you no good. You might as well stomp your little foot and call her dirty names, bit boy.
she is full shit, just came off a flight that had two masks in 200 roughly

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