Psaki Flat Out Lies About What Most People Who Fly Think About Masks Wearing

But but there are still posters here who think the GOP /Conservatives are the Bad Actors in all of this
That's what happens when you spend years brainwashing and conditioning people to hate the GOP.

Hate White Males = Hate GOP
Hate Cops = Hate GOP
Hate Racism = Hate GOP

Who cares that most Democrats in Washington are White or White Males.
Psaki is flat-out lying about what people think about having to wear masks on flights.
Very few people actually like the practice.
Most hate it....and it showed when the pilot announced that masks will no-longer be required on flights.

But that didn't stop Psaki from trying to lie that the video that proved it.......wasn't a true representation of the public's feelings on the subject.

Good practice for her heading over to MSNBC. She's a Russian asset, btw.

Look at her in her favorite "Make the USSR Great Again" hat:

Move the goalposts again.
Not me. I did create or implement the poll. Doubt if Psaki did either.
What happened to her leaving the White House to go be a "news babe" for somebody? I thought we were getting somebody new to dance around the Q&A sessions up there.
Psaki is flat-out lying about what people think about having to wear masks on flights.
Very few people actually like the practice.
Most hate it....and it showed when the pilot announced that masks will no-longer be required on flights.

But that didn't stop Psaki from trying to lie that the video that proved it.......wasn't a true representation of the public's feelings on the subject.

She's a democrat spokesperson, lying is a prerequisite for the job
Not me. I did create or implement the poll. Doubt if Psaki did either.
What happened to her leaving the White House to go be a "news babe" for somebody? I thought we were getting somebody new to dance around the Q&A sessions up there.
That's another issue. She's working for the federal government while commenting in public on political issues...which when I was an employee of the Dept of the Army was a definite no-no.
You can get fired/ punished for even talking or advertising online for any particular political party.
This rule was instituted back in 2019 around the time I was retiring.
That's rich. Nice sentiment and truly the way it should be, but the reality is the press secretary's job is to promote the current admin--by hook or by crook--mostly by crook.
She answers questions for the adm, which is her assigned job....but she cannot talk smack about Republicans at Democrat Party events.
The only reason Democrats can get away with it on the Senate and House floor is because it is the only place, by rule, that they can get away with it other than during their campaigns.
However, federal employees are not the same as candidates and members of congress. They cannot campaign for anyone as long as they are working for the federal government. That is what spokespersons do...which are hired by the president, senators, and representatives. Technically they aren't federal employees better known as civil servants.
I know it sounds confusing....and it is....but they shouldn't have come up with the rule in the first place. It's on them if they sometimes go over the line.
That's another issue. She's working for the federal government while commenting in public on political issues...which when I was an employee of the Dept of the Army was a definite no-no.
You can get fired/ punished for even talking or advertising online for any particular political party.
This rule was instituted back in 2019 around the time I was retiring.
I heard she was getting out of that position and would no longer be working for the government, at least that is what she announced last year.
I heard she was getting out of that position and would no longer be working for the government, at least that is what she announced last year.
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Didn't cost her a red penny to say it... Took her a year to act on her words... Words are cheap and guess what, that is what she does for a living... Back when I was growing up, we called them manure spreaders... Now a daze their called Press Secretaries...
She's still working at the White House.
So whatever her plans doesn't matter.
I have never thought highly of White House press secretaries in general for many years. You obviously don't like her and in true message board form call her a liar, even when quoting polls. Me, I think if you say in public you are going to do something, such as leave a high profile position, like that one, you should be about it or are indeed a liar.
I have never thought highly of White House press secretaries in general for many years. You obviously don't like her and in true message board form call her a liar, even when quoting polls. Me, I think if you say in public you are going to do something, such as leave a high profile position, like that one, you should be about it or are indeed a liar.
I don't like her because she lies to us.....and we all know she's lying. Even she knows she's lying.
They can't explain what they're doing in a rational they lie about it....and even the journalists show their obvious lack of trust.
That's another issue. She's working for the federal government while commenting in public on political issues...which when I was an employee of the Dept of the Army was a definite no-no.
You can get fired/ punished for even talking or advertising online for any particular political party.
This rule was instituted back in 2019 around the time I was retiring.
I was off base in uniform one afternoon and was approached by a reporter, wanting to know "what the troops thought about Dick Cheney". I referred him to the Public Affairs office. He persisted, saying I could be quoted anonymously. I again referred him to the Public Affairs office.
I don't like her because she lies to us.....and we all know she's lying. Even she knows she's lying.
They can't explain what they're doing in a rational they lie about it....and even the journalists show their obvious lack of trust.
I told you that job sucked. It is not just her. It's everybody in that position for any president. The bimbos Trump had, were no better. Pay her no mind. Nobody else really pays attention to a White House Press mouthpiece. As far as lying goes, if you haven't been lied to by professionals intentionally, just for practice at lying, you ain't been around.

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