Psaki Flat Out Lies About What Most People Who Fly Think About Masks Wearing

I was off base in uniform one afternoon and was approached by a reporter, wanting to know "what the troops thought about Dick Cheney". I referred him to the Public Affairs office. He persisted, saying I could be quoted anonymously. I again referred him to the Public Affairs office.
At 5th Group PBS wanted to interview some of the guys on the teams to get negative comments about Bush.
Several hours later they left with Jack Squat.
Bunch of long greasy haired black pajama wearing hippies.
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I told you that job sucked. It is not just her. It's everybody in that position for any president. The bimbos Trump had, were no better. Pay her no mind. Nobody else really pays attention to a White House Press mouthpiece. As far as lying goes, if you haven't been lied to by professionals intentionally, just for practice at lying, you ain't been around.
The White House Press Sec is supposed to be honest.
The President's spokesperson is allowed to play loose with the truth.....but the press sec is supposed to tell the media what's going on and that's it.
Democrat White Houses these days have to lie.
Republican White Houses can't be totally frank with the press because the questions were purposely meant to trip them up.
They're not trying to trip the Biden adm up...or sabotage them like they did with Trump....yet still...they can't tell the truth.
I don't like her because she lies to us.....and we all know she's lying. Even she knows she's lying.
They can't explain what they're doing in a rational they lie about it....and even the journalists show their obvious lack of trust.
Sean Spicer, Sara Sanders, Stephanie Grisham, and Kayleigh McEnany. Now these were liars.
Sean Spicer, Sara Sanders, Stephanie Grisham, and Kayleigh McEnany. Now these were liars.
Only in your mind.
You just assume everything they said was a lie......but they just weren't answering the questions the way you wanted them to.....and so because you have a biased opinion of the falsely accuse them of lying.

Fact: Whatever a Democrat says......the opposite is usually the truth.

The White House Press Sec is supposed to be honest.
The President's spokesperson is allowed to play loose with the truth.....but the press sec is supposed to tell the media what's going on and that's it.
Democrat White Houses these days have to lie.
Republican White Houses can't be totally frank with the press because the questions were purposely meant to trip them up.
They're not trying to trip the Biden adm up...or sabotage them like they did with Trump....yet still...they can't tell the truth.
You don't get it. They work in the executive branch, directly for the chief executive. You might like them to work for the people, but they don't and never did. Gotcha questions abound and always have. Obfuscation is their stock in trade. All of them are the first line propaganda spokesperson for whatever administration is in power. It is a suck job, that pays well, always damaging the reputation of whoever they have doing it. Smart ones don't plan to stay long and stick to a timetable to get out. What is it with you? Are you reverting childhood fantasies of the way all governments work and expecting others to play along with your faux outrage BS? In the movie The Last dragon, Sho'nuff, shogun of Harlem said it best.
You don't get it. They work in the executive branch, directly for the chief executive. You might like them to work for the people, but they don't and never did. Gotcha questions abound and always have. Obfuscation is their stock in trade. All of them are the first line propaganda spokesperson for whatever administration is in power. It is a suck job, that pays well, always damaging the reputation of whoever they have doing it. Smart ones don't plan to stay long and stick to a timetable to get out. What is it with you? Are you reverting childhood fantasies of the way all governments work and expecting others to play along with your faux outrage BS? In the movie The Last dragon, Sho'nuff, shogun of Harlem said it best.

Yeah....What you're saying is you're okay with the fact that Democrats have turned the White House into a criminal organization that lies to the public as a force of habit....because they do so many things that are so damaging to their image that if the public found out what they were up to they wouldn't be able function as a legitimate branch of government.

Tell that to anyone who has worked inside the government like myself, who is required to be 100% honest with the government, or face horrific consequences.

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Yeah....What you're saying is you're okay with the fact that Democrats have turned the White House into a criminal organization that lies to the public as a force of habit....because they do so many things that are so damaging to their image that if the public found out what they were up to they wouldn't be able function as a legitimate branch of government.

Tell that to anyone who has worked inside the government like myself, who is required to be 100% honest with the government, or face horrific consequences.

What? You think I didn't and wasn't? Grow up for Christ sake, Pollyanna.
Well, there is this:
The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that despite opposition to that requirement that included verbal abuse and physical violence against flight attendants, 56% of Americans favor requiring people on planes, trains and public transportation to wear masks, compared with 24% opposed and 20% who say they’re neither in favor nor opposed.
View attachment 633796
As someone who flies more in one year than most people fly in their entire life I can tell you this poll is shit. People that fly on the regular hate that shit and think its ridiculous.
As someone who flies more in one year than most people fly in their entire life I can tell you this poll is shit. People that fly on the regular hate that shit and think its ridiculous.
I understand. If the poll would were restricted to frequent fliers, it undoubtably would have turned out different, but it wasn't. Go fund your own poll and maybe people will quote it.
If I were you, I would have travel pick my airlines based on my preferences. Corporate always went along with my preferences, as they wanted me to go, so somebody higher up the chain didn't have to, though they knew my plate was loaded as it was. Now, I am retired. I go when and where I want.
Don't waste time whining about a national poll. Go do your job with the most convenience you can find, unless you really aren't worth it, to your people.
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What? You think I didn't and wasn't? Grow up for Christ sake, Pollyanna.
Grow up? LOL!!!!!
You just made a major admission that Democrats don't expect honesty from their government.
Look you SOB, if you don't expect honesty from your government then you don't have the right to complain when the other side lies to you, you stupid bastard!!!!
First you must demand honesty from your own fucking side before you can complain about lies from your opposition.
That's the job. :p
The job for Democrat/Communist presidents is to lie to the public.
For a GOP president the job is to keep the press informed.

This is just more proof that Democrats have been conditioned to accept lower expectations.
They don't give a sh*t if their retarded president sh*ts his long as he's not a GD conservative.
Those passengers and crewmembers concerned over their personal safety will wear masks to protect themselves, just as they will be vaccinated and boosted. For those gleeful the mask mandate is no more, COVID-19 and its variants will be present for them to inhale deeply for the entire flight.

It is a benefit guaranteed them by, their now, favorite federal judge.

COVID 19 and its variants are inhaled deeply by people exposed to it whether they are wearing a mask not. That's the science. The rest is theater.
Grow up? LOL!!!!!
You just made a major admission that Democrats don't expect honesty from their government.
Look you SOB, if you don't expect honesty from your government then you don't have the right to complain when the other side lies to you, you stupid bastard!!!!
First you must demand honesty from your own fucking side before you can complain about lies from your opposition.
You thought I was a Democratic spokesperson? Boy, are you fooled easily, not even trying. Probably because you think you know everything, already and have met all kinds, except independents. Yes, you really need to grow up. The Army didn't do it for you. That's for sure. A person of normal intelligence as a thinking adult would like the truth from government, but only a fool actually expects it freely given. I know better, so I read between the lines, check sources and am conservative in lending trust, having been burned before, so no long expecting it 24/7 from people wanting my vote on either side. If you want truth, do the research and go find it. Don't just whine liar, liar, liar even when they are not lying, thinking normal people care about your histrionics. You think either party wants you to have the unvarnished truth. Good God, who raised you?
Probably about 25% care what that shitstain sputters

She's going to MSNBC to help Make the USSR Great Again!


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