Psaki says that Biden will not apologize for calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist

To the leftists, anyone who doesn’t support the racist, destructive BLM is called a white supremacist, and anyone who supports the BLM, no matter how criminal and heinous their behavior, gets a pass.

As far as the black lowlife who tried to knock Kyle unconscious, where the rabid animals would have likely beaten him to death, I too question why he wasn’t charged with assault and battery, with attempt to murder. I suspect it was because the prosecution feared there would be riots if a black man was charged.
BLM is not a terrorist link group as the ” proud boys “ are according to federal law enforcement agencies.
that’s why lefties can support much of what they do. Now, the right is bending over backwards supporting Retennhouse who admits to cavorting with proud boys, a terrorist linked group with white nationalism ties according to federal agencies tasked with our safety.

Trump had this same problem. He doesn’t think he’s a White supremacist but feels free to bathe in the support of of these groups who identify with his agenda ( while keeping Stephen Miller a devote white nationalist as an advisor)
So, you believe in indentured servitude .
So pay Mickee Dees employees 50 bucks and hour plus benefits and massive pensions. Psaki is a Prog bitch fraud. The stone looks they give you. Look at the expenses of high ticket tech/defense items we pay for because of this. China will be our bosses in a couple of decades. And nations that become second rate do not leave nicely much of the time. Teh Soviet Union could have used nukes. We are Prog broad controlled nation now. They will have feminine conniptions and blow up the world or give up completely.
Retennhouse is a liar and this is a perfect example why children should not be carrying assault style weapons in crowded areas. It’s an invitation to disaster.
Actually, this shows why Democrats should not have allowed violent and disgusting felons to riot, burn, assault, and murder all summer long in support of a terrorist hate group with the word “black” in their name.
And adults with felony records should not carry matches and set businesses on fire.

You racist liberals defend the wrong people and blame the wrong people. That is at the crux of why our country is spiraling downhill.
Why should you care about his victims ? Two are now dead thanks to a juvenile vigilantly.
Deflection. Apparently you missed the entire trial and didn’t see the Video. The three he shot were white. How does that make him a a White Supremacist?
ha ha
BLM is not a terrorist link group as the ” proud boys “ are according to federal law enforcement agencies.
that’s why lefties can support much of what they do. Now, the right is bending over backwards supporting Retennhouse who admits to cavorting with proud boys, a terrorist linked group with white nationalism ties according to federal agencies tasked with our safety.

Trump had this same problem. He doesn’t think he’s a White supremacist but feels free to bathe in the support of of these groups who identify with his agenda ( while keeping Stephen Miller a devote white nationalist as an advisor)
You are so completely deranged I don’t even know where to start.

Most people never even heard of the Proud Boys until leftists started holding them up as some example of white supremacy. They’re some fringe group that does little of signficance.

OTOH, we saw tens of thousands of racist blacks and idiotic self-loathing whites (not sure which one you are) destroy city after city, month after month, in support of BLM - a terrorist racist group that threatened if whitey didn’t do what they DEMANDED, they would continue their destructive rampage.

And you are raging on the innocent white kid who broke no laws, but what about the black thug who was looting a story during one of the hundreds of BLM riots, and killed an innocent retired police captain? Where is THAT piece of scum’s trial? Why are you condemning him?

Oh yeah right…..the lowlife POS is black, so no criticism.
Actually, this shows why Democrats should not have allowed violent and disgusting felons to riot, burn, assault, and murder all summer long in support of a terrorist hate group with the word “black” in their name.
You’re saying Retennhouse a proud boy protege didn’t contribute to the violence ? He’s the idiot parading around with an AR15 without authorization and without qualification. The violence woukd woukd have never occurred if he kept his whinny lying ass home and continued playing video games.
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Why should you care about his victims ? Two are now dead thanks to a juvenile vigilantly.
Two are dead? Aww…….let’s cry. Both were criminal thugs, and one was a five-time child rapist. There are children waking up this morning who will not know what it feels like to be raped, since their rapist was killed as he tried to murder someone else.

Are you on meds? You should be.
You’re saying Retennhouse a proud boy protege didn’t contribute to the violence ? He’s the idiot parading around with an AR15 without authorization and without qualification. The violence woukd woukd have never occurred if he kept his whinny lying ass home and continued playing video games.
He wasn’t a proud boy protege. He tried to keep the BLM barbarians from setting the place on fire, and was threatened with his life as a result. Apparently, when thugs are destroying innocent people’s lives in support of black terrorists, any whitey who tries to stop them will be threatened with being killed, and then vilified by the deranged leftists.

I can’t decide if you have been driven to insanity by your racism, or you are a mental patient somewhere with a laptop and an internet connection.
So pay Mickee Dees employees 50 bucks and hour plus benefits and massive pensions. Psaki is a Prog bitch fraud. The stone looks they give you. Look at the expenses of high ticket tech/defense items we pay for because of this. China will be our bosses in a couple of decades. And nations that become second rate do not leave nicely much of the time. Teh Soviet Union could have used nukes. We are Prog broad controlled nation now. They will have feminine conniptions and blow up the world or give up completely.
The Communists are moving in fast, and the idiots on the left are encouraging it.
Didnt you all claim Trump had 1st Amendment free speech rights when commenting on pending court cases and other people??? Yes, yes you did! So what's different?
SLANDER----Biden lied about Rittenhouse being a white Supremist---even worse it was to rile up the terrorists in the dems in the BLM/Anti-fa Criminal/Terrorist/thug movement to attack both Rittenhouse and the US (which also mean terrorism and treason too, but you get the picture.)
To the leftists, anyone who doesn’t support the racist, destructive BLM is called a white supremacist, and anyone who supports the BLM, no matter how criminal and heinous their behavior, gets a pass.

As far as the black lowlife who tried to knock Kyle unconscious, where the rabid animals would have likely beaten him to death, I too question why he wasn’t charged with assault and battery, with attempt to murder. I suspect it was because the prosecution feared there would be riots if a black man was charged.
Stupid , ignorant Faun makes it appear that he tried to shoot a black man 👨 just for sport
SLANDER----Biden lied about Rittenhouse being a white Supremist---even worse it was to rile up the terrorists in the dems in the BLM/Anti-fa Criminal/Terrorist/thug movement to attack both Rittenhouse and the US (which also mean terrorism and treason too, but you get the picture.)
You’re a MORON. Since when does a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE announce to the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY that some is GUILTY without a trial which would also include trying to influence the upcoming JURY!!!!
Why should Joe Biden apologize to Rittenhouse for anythng?

Obviously because Rittenhouse was using legitimate self defense as he had good reason to fear for his life or health.

Will Joe Biden admit he was wrong. Of course not.

Joe is a democrat and democrats willl never admit that they are wrong. .

Democrats are never wrong and most very important democrats are TOTALLY above the rule of law.

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It’s worse then that! BEFORE the trial he said he was GUILTY! JURY TAMPERING ANYONE?? 💀
Yes, you are correct you Moron. He did have six charges against him which were read in court and he was acquitted on all counts.
The six charges involved the two WHITE people he killed and the third who testified
You are Stupid

Retard, one of the counts was for him shooting at the black guy he missed.

Again, yell me how you paid attention to the trial but don't know about that.

Obviously. You seem to know little about it. There seems to be a direct link between people with integrity and science as opposed to the Retennhouse of the world who lie about their qualifications to make people think they are people of science…..that’s what he did. EMTs are emergency responders that use medical science. He obviously wants all the trappings without the responsibility.
YAWN…. DEFLECTION. Science has nothing to do with his defense. Even a Legally Blind person can accurately see what happened in the Video and would not call him a WHITE SUPREMACIST
SLANDER----Biden lied about Rittenhouse being a white Supremist---even worse it was to rile up the terrorists in the dems in the BLM/Anti-fa Criminal/Terrorist/thug movement to attack both Rittenhouse and the US (which also mean terrorism and treason too, but you get the picture.)
Not true. He referred to him as being militia, which Rittenhouse's own attorney at that time said he was.

Retard, one of the counts was for him shooting at the black guy he missed.

Again, yell me how you paid attention to the trial but don't know about that.

Isn’t it amazing that CNN, MSNBC, the View, and all the Rest of the Media spoke about him shooting three WHITE GUYS but not the Black Guy?
Why is that, RETARD? 🤠
Stupid , ignorant Faun makes it appear that he tried to shoot a black man 👨 just for sport

Now you're lying about what I said. Clear evidence you don't know what you're talking about. I never said he shotvat a black man "for sport."
He was asked by his friend who already had major damage to his property. You may disagree that he shouldn’t have gotten involved but that does not mean that he killed them for no reason or went there for that purpose. That’s the difference. Get it? Of course not
I am sure he had a reason in his mind.

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