Psaki says that Biden will not apologize for calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist

Asked if President Biden would apologize to Kyle Rittenhouse for suggesting he was a white supremacist, press secretary Jen Psaki deflected to President Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacy.
During the trial, prosecutors presented a photo of Rittenhouse as evidence of him consorting with white supremacists, citing the use of the 'OK' sign, which has been co-opted as a sign of 'white power.'

The corrupt Democrat Party is using race as a campaign tool of hate and fear.
They are dividing American every chance that they get.
Psaki needs to review Joe Biden's long history of racist statements.
She is making fool of herself every day.

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And he shouldn't...for speaking the truth.
You’re conveniently ignoring that the black criminal who tried to knock Kyle unconscious would have set him up to be beaten to death. Just because someone is black is no excuse, and I wish you leftists would drop your double standards of cheering on the $2 million bail because….whitey!….and then pushing for dropping bail when the perpetrator is black.
There's no evidence he would have been beaten to death while unconscious. Your hysterics don't compensate for delusions. And exactly who do you think pushed for Brooks to have a low bail set?
There's no evidence he would have been beaten to death while unconscious. Your hysterics don't compensate for delusions. And exactly who do you think pushed for Brooks to have a low bail set?
Oh please…..the BLM thugs were advancing on him, and had threatened to kill him. You think he should take a chance with his life that maybe the rabid animals had a change of heart and would let him live? Why would you expect an innocent kid to be willing to sacrifice his life?

I know you leftists think whites should be willing to sacrifice to give blacks more advantages - give up seats in college, get passed over for promotions, etc. - but it’s really ridiculous that you think a whitey under attack by a black criminal should take a chance with his life and not do what’s necessary to stop the threat.

DISGUSTING that you are criticizing a white kid under imminent threat of death and not the black criminal setting him up for it. THIS is how low the militant blacks and self-loathing whites have taken things!
Oh please…..the BLM thugs were advancing on him, and had threatened to kill him. You think he should take a chance with his life that maybe the rabid animals had a change of heart and would let him live? Why would you expect an innocent kid to be willing to sacrifice his life?

I know you leftists think whites should be willing to sacrifice to give blacks more advantages - give up seats in college, get passed over for promotions, etc. - but it’s really ridiculous that you think a whitey under attack by a black criminal should take a chance with his life and not do what’s necessary to stop the threat.

DISGUSTING that you are criticizing a white kid under imminent threat of death and not the black criminal setting him up for it. THIS is how low the militant blacks and self-loathing whites have taken things!
You're utterly deranged. That why you think leftists think the way you think they do. You're not even arguing what i said. You're arguing with the voices in your head. Again... who was pushing for Brooks' bail to be lowered....?
The popular vote doesn’t matter in the election of the president. Even an idiot like you should know that. Only the EC counts. Trump won one and lost one that’s a better average than most professional ball players have.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all….another stupid statement The most ignorant statement ever about elections. You do get that all the delegates for the electoral college are chosen by a popular vote in each state. You are totally ignorant of the election process. .
Please tell us how he did “ Republican dirty work “ Don’t see you condemning Gaige the one who admitted he initially aimed his gun at Kyle . Why don’t you condemn him?
It was Demo RAT IC dirty work that the riot was on its 3 RD NITE

Of course it was. It's always a democrats fault if it floods in Mississippi. How pathetic are you desperadoes?
You're all p paranoid. Kyle is a two bob piece if shit and you worship him because he justified your guns.
Of course it was. It's always a democrats fault if it floods in Mississippi. How pathetic are you desperadoes?
You're all p paranoid. Kyle is a two bob piece if shit and you worship him because he justified your guns.
Oh, but the one who pointed the gun at him first isn’t? The thugs who were looting, setting fires, etc, etc, are the Good Guys? Kyle ‘s friend had two garages that were destroyed by those thugs. That’s how he got involved. Kyle isn’t the paranoid one

Your questions utterly expose you didn't pay attention to the trial.

A pity you chose to be ignorant.

Again... Rittenhouse was charged and had you paid attention to the trial, you would know why that guy didn't testify.
Deflection. Just admit you can’t answer
And he shouldn't...for speaking the truth.
Everyday people are bombarded by Pravda type propaganda. They can not even think for themselves as they have to get their views from the 95% Prog controlled media/entertainment czars.
If the "innocent" person was carrying, then he is guilty and should be charged for fomenting a riot.
Maybe that's why.
He was asked by his friend who already had major damage to his property. You may disagree that he shouldn’t have gotten involved but that does not mean that he killed them for no reason or went there for that purpose. That’s the difference. Get it? Of course not
You're utterly deranged. That why you think leftists think the way you think they do. You're not even arguing what i said. You're arguing with the voices in your head. Again... who was pushing for Brooks' bail to be lowered....?
YOU are utterly deranged. You are assigning all sorts of negatives to Kyle, expecting him to be willing to risk his life as criminal thugs are kicking him, swiping a skateboard at him, pointing a gun at him - and nary a word against the REAL problem: the rabid animals setting the place on fire, ruining businesses, destroying property because…..wait for it…. Black Lives Matter.

Kyle was a kid. The criminal lowlifes out there that night, trying to destroy everything in sight and do as much damage as possible, were grown ass men, with children! And you are siding with THEM?

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
Kyle was a kid.
Exactly. WTF is a “ kid” doing in the middle of a demonstration armed with an AR15 he wasn’t old enough to buy hanging from his torso. He lied about his qualifications like most kids do to play toy EMT/soldier. Lying about who you are is a dead giveaway to incompetence. Gun a holics will gravitate to any humanoid that helps their insane cause.
Everyday people are bombarded by Pravda type propaganda. They can not even think for themselves as they have to get their views from the 95% Prog controlled media/entertainment czars.
They Gain Power by Doing Certain Things Most Listeners Think Aren't Political

Opponents of the MSM use the On-Air AirHead's same ignorant and dysfunctional grammar, so they can't say they aren't affected by these sloppy speakers if they blindly follow along with the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords' NewSpeak.
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
Oh, it’s a disorder to believe in science, AGW, vaccinations, the constitution and a woman’s right to choose ? Really. Anyone who puts themselves on the opposite side of all these issues has the mentality of a mature cucumber..
Exactly. WTF is a “ kid” doing in the middle of a demonstration armed with an AR15 he wasn’t old enough to buy hanging from his torso. He lied about his qualifications like most kids do to play toy EMT/soldier. Lying about who you are is a dead giveaway to incompetence. Gun a holics will gravitate to any humanoid that helps their insane cause.
Wow. More anger at a naive but well-intentioned teen than grown men with criminal records setting the place on fire, trying to destroy businesses and property.

Until liberals stop defending criminal and barbaric thugs (or avoiding placing any blame on them for their thug behavior) and start being able to recognize right and wrong, this country is in a heap of trouble.
Wow. More anger at a naive but well-intentioned teen than grown men with criminal records setting the place on fire, trying to destroy businesses and property.

Until liberals stop defending criminal and barbaric thugs (or avoiding placing any blame on them for their thug behavior) and start being able to recognize right and wrong, this country is in a heap of trouble.
Wow. More anger at a naive but well-intentioned teen than grown men with criminal records setting the place on fire, trying to destroy businesses and property.

Until liberals stop defending criminal and barbaric thugs (or avoiding placing any blame on them for their thug behavior) and start being able to recognize right and wrong, this country is in a heap of trouble.
It’s well intended to run around pretending to be someone you aren’t ? He’s game playing. Typical sniveling, whinny little cowboy who,can’t tell the difference between real life and a video game.
It’s well intended to run around pretending to be someone you aren’t ? He’s game playing. Typical sniveling, whinny little cowboy who,can’t tell the difference between real life and a video game.
What the BLM criminal savages were doing were 100x worse, but you go back to criticizing the white teenager for interfering with BLM arson and destruction.
What the BLM criminal savages were doing were 100x worse, but you go back to criticizing the white teenager for interfering with BLM arson and destruction.
You’re just babbling unrelated non sense because you have nothing to contribute. No one carry’s an AR15 around without causing anxiety in a crowd. None of the people he shot were arrested for any crimes. None of them were seen looting. All had paid their debt to society. He’s the instigator.

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