Psaki says that Biden will not apologize for calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist

You’re just babbling unrelated non sense because you have nothing to contribute. No one carry’s an AR15 around without causing anxiety in a crowd. None of the people he shot were arrested for any crimes. None of them were seen looting. All had paid their debt to society. He’s the instigator.
Kyle - kid with no criminal record who committed no crime (but he’s white)

His attackers: criminals and ex-felons guilty of assault, arson, destruction of personal property, and likely attempted murder (but they’re on the side of the racist hate group BLM)
YOU are utterly deranged. You are assigning all sorts of negatives to Kyle, expecting him to be willing to risk his life as criminal thugs are kicking him, swiping a skateboard at him, pointing a gun at him - and nary a word against the REAL problem: the rabid animals setting the place on fire, ruining businesses, destroying property because…..wait for it…. Black Lives Matter.

Kyle was a kid. The criminal lowlifes out there that night, trying to destroy everything in sight and do as much damage as possible, were grown ass men, with children! And you are siding with THEM?

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
It’s on Video! Huber tried to decapitate him with the skateboard; the child 👦 Molester was grabbing his gun. Prior to that the Child Molester threatened to kill him
The maniac who testified ADMITTED he aimed his gun at Kyle first ! Only Leftist Maniacs condemn him for his actions
Oh, it’s a disorder to believe in science, AGW, vaccinations, the constitution and a woman’s right to choose ? Really. Anyone who puts themselves on the opposite side of all these issues has the mentality of a mature cucumber..
its a disorder to push CRT down Children’s throats. Sic the FBI on parents who object, MANDATE Vaccines, order police 👮‍♀️ to “
Stand down” like the “ peaceful riot” Kyle was involved in or the ones last Summer, forgo ALL Immigration Laws and let them in UNVACCINATED. That’s just a start.
It’s on Video! Huber tried to decapitate him with the skateboard; the child 👦 Molester was grabbing his gun. Prior to that the Child Molester threatened to kill him
The maniac who testified ADMITTED he aimed his gun at Kyle first ! Only Leftist Maniacs condemn him for his actions

its a disorder to push CRT down Children’s throats. Sic the FBI on parents who object, MANDATE Vaccines, order police 👮‍♀️ to “
Stand down” like the “ peaceful riot” Kyle was involved in or the ones last Summer, forgo ALL Immigration Laws and let them in UNVACCINATED. That’s just a start.

Retennhouse is a liar and this is a perfect example why children should not be carrying assault style weapons in crowded areas. It’s an invitation to disaster.
It’s on Video! Huber tried to decapitate him with the skateboard; the child 👦 Molester was grabbing his gun. Prior to that the Child Molester threatened to kill him
The maniac who testified ADMITTED he aimed his gun at Kyle first ! Only Leftist Maniacs condemn him for his actions

its a disorder to push CRT down Children’s throats. Sic the FBI on parents who object, MANDATE Vaccines, order police 👮‍♀️ to “
Stand down” like the “ peaceful riot” Kyle was involved in or the ones last Summer, forgo ALL Immigration Laws and let them in UNVACCINATED. That’s just a start.
Nope. You wouldn’t let anyone with a dangerous infectious disease anywhere in public.

BTW, It’s child abuse not to teach children science when every corporation, industry, university, law firm and our entire economy is TOTALLY dependent upon it. Geesus, 80% of our economy is dependent on quantum theory which 99.999% of the public isn’t even aware of; science permeates our existsncev and to not teach the basics IS CHILD ABUSE and makes us a third world nation. You guys are fools to think otherwise.
Deflection. Just admit you can’t answer

Why would I do that when most posters here see you're an idiot who doesn't know Rittenhouse was charged for shooting at jump-kick guy or why that guy didn't testify. I know you don't know and so do other posters. So why on Earth should I educate you and spoil everyone's fun??
You're utterly deranged.
YOU are utterly deranged.


And here you parade your utter derangement, showing the forum you can't even think for yourself. You require others to do your thinking for you that you can mindlessly squawk back like a parrot.

And you're still answering the voices in your head snd not what I asked.

Why would I do that when most posters here see you're an idiot who doesn't know Rittenhouse was charged for shooting at jump-kick guy or why that guy didn't testify. I know you don't know and so do other posters. So why on Earth should I educate you and spoil everyone's fun??
You’re the moron. When a person is charged there is usually either a trial or a plea. Why is it he was “ only” charged for shooting three Caucasian’s? He shot a black man yet the prosecutor failed to mention it? You’re the imbecile
Nope. You wouldn’t let anyone with a dangerous infectious disease anywhere in public.

BTW, It’s child abuse not to teach children science when every corporation, industry, university, law firm and our entire economy is TOTALLY dependent upon it. Geesus, 80% of our economy is dependent on quantum theory which 99.999% of the public isn’t even aware of; science permeates our existsncev and to not teach the basics IS CHILD ABUSE and makes us a third world nation. You guys are fools to think otherwise.
Deflection, MORON. My post isn’t about science or infection
Retennhouse is a liar and this is a perfect example why children should not be carrying assault style weapons in crowded areas. It’s an invitation to disaster.
He’s a liar in your delusional mind. The video says otherwise. The “ witness” for the prosecution admitted he aimed his gun at Kyle first. Why isn’t he being condemned?
You’re the moron. When a person is charged there is usually either a trial or a plea. Why is it he was “ only” charged for shooting three Caucasian’s? He shot a black man yet the prosecutor failed to mention it? You’re the imbecile
My G-d, you're a flaming idiot. He had 6 charges against him, not just the 3 for the 3 people he shot.

G'head, flaming idiot, tell me again how you paid attention to the trial.

Oh, but the one who pointed the gun at him first isn’t? The thugs who were looting, setting fires, etc, etc, are the Good Guys? Kyle ‘s friend had two garages that were destroyed by those thugs. That’s how he got involved. Kyle isn’t the paranoid one

He is a white supremeist desperately wanting to appear to a tough guy with his guns. You never heard of him until he went crazy. Now he's a national hero because he used his gun for your pathetic justification to keep guns.
That's what its about so cut your childish excuses.
He is a white supremeist desperately wanting to appear to a tough guy with his guns. You never heard of him until he went crazy. Now he's a national hero because he used his gun for your pathetic justification to keep guns.
That's what its about so cut your childish excuses.
Deflection. Apparently you missed the entire trial and didn’t see the Video. The three he shot were white. How does that make him a a White Supremacist?
My G-d, you're a flaming idiot. He had 6 charges against him, not just the 3 for the 3 people he shot.

G'head, flaming idiot, tell me again how you paid attention to the trial.

Yes, you are correct you Moron. He did have six charges against him which were read in court and he was acquitted on all counts.
The six charges involved the two WHITE people he killed and the third who testified
You are Stupid
Asked if President Biden would apologize to Kyle Rittenhouse for suggesting he was a white supremacist, press secretary Jen Psaki deflected to President Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacy.
During the trial, prosecutors presented a photo of Rittenhouse as evidence of him consorting with white supremacists, citing the use of the 'OK' sign, which has been co-opted as a sign of 'white power.'

The corrupt Democrat Party is using race as a campaign tool of hate and fear.
They are dividing American every chance that they get.
Psaki needs to review Joe Biden's long history of racist statements.
She is making fool of herself every day.

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Why should Joe Biden apologize to Rittenhouse for anythng?

Obviously because Rittenhouse was using legitimate self defense as he had good reason to fear for his life or health.

Will Joe Biden admit he was wrong. Of course not.

Joe is a democrat and democrats willl never admit that they are wrong. .

Democrats are never wrong and most very important democrats are TOTALLY above the rule of law.

Miss your point.
These areas have many unions. Many of those unions are corrupted and have much power. Those employed by government sweetheart unions and teamsters and port workers and the rest leave with huge pension packages with them to sunnier environs. The costs to the areas they live in and to the taxpayers and consumers is immense. The same areas have huge social programs paid for by federal, state, local, regional and city taxes. It is so bad that businesses wanting to locate in many areas demand tax breaks. There are even tax breaks for new housing with abatements for a period of time. These are warnings. AOC cut the legs off of an amazon plant that would have employed 25 thousand people and created thousands of other jobs associated with it because of tax breaks for the warehouse and other concerns and not part of government budget for a period of time. Just tax breaks! But everything else would be taxed including employees and offshoot businesses.. New York will become a huge ghetto. An ugly Rio.
These areas have many unions. Many of those unions are corrupted and have much power. Those employed by government sweetheart unions and teamsters and port workers and the rest leave with huge pension packages with them to sunnier environs. The costs to the areas they live in and to the taxpayers and consumers is immense. The same areas have huge social programs paid for by federal, state, local, regional and city taxes. It is so bad that businesses wanting to locate in many areas demand tax breaks. There are even tax breaks for new housing with abatements for a period of time. These are warnings. AOC cut the legs off of an amazon plant that would have employed 25 thousand people and created thousands of other jobs associated with it because of tax breaks for the warehouse and other concerns and not part of government budget for a period of time. Just tax breaks! But everything else would be taxed including employees and offshoot businesses.. New York will become a huge ghetto. An ugly Rio.
So, you believe in indentured servitude .
Deflection, MORON. My post isn’t about science or infection
Obviously. You seem to know little about it. There seems to be a direct link between people with integrity and science as opposed to the Retennhouse of the world who lie about their qualifications to make people think they are people of science…..that’s what he did. EMTs are emergency responders that use medical science. He obviously wants all the trappings without the responsibility.
Deflection. Apparently you missed the entire trial and didn’t see the Video. The three he shot were white. How does that make him a a White Supremacist?
To the leftists, anyone who doesn’t support the racist, destructive BLM is called a white supremacist, and anyone who supports the BLM, no matter how criminal and heinous their behavior, gets a pass.

As far as the black lowlife who tried to knock Kyle unconscious, where the rabid animals would have likely beaten him to death, I too question why he wasn’t charged with assault and battery, with attempt to murder. I suspect it was because the prosecution feared there would be riots if a black man was charged.
So, you believe in indentured servitude .
Indentured servitude does not exist. You’re saying that only if taxpayers pay bloated salaries to government workers who show up in the office only twice a week and claim to “work” from home the rest of the time, only to retire with large pensions, they are servants?

The cheating that goes on in government is blatant. My cousin went on a ski vacation to Colorado last week, brought her laptop, and said she was working the entire time. That’s because she will get lose money by taking annual leave, which she will be paid for upon retirement.
Retennhouse is a liar and this is a perfect example why children should not be carrying assault style weapons in crowded areas. It’s an invitation to disaster.
And adults with felony records should not carry matches and set businesses on fire.

You racist liberals defend the wrong people and blame the wrong people. That is at the crux of why our country is spiraling downhill.

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