Psaki Says Biden Will Not Apologize For Slandering Texas Border Patrol Officer

No surprise. The Obama administration never apologized for the death of a Border Patrol Officer who was killed by one of the weapons the administration shipped to Mexican drug cartels. Democrats care more about filthy diseased illegal aliens than the Officers who risk their lives to try to stem the flow across the border.

Why should he. There's no evidence any of those guns killed a border agent. It was one of the other 250,000 guns that cross the border every year.
And he's doing a fine job, thanks. 2021 was my best year ever... 2022 is going to be awesome, maybe the first time I hit six figures.

No, you didn't, and no, he hasn't.

Actually, he'll be far better regarded than Trump, who has been impeached twice.
Trump was impeached twice to impress people such as yourself who don’t care that the impeachments would both fail. Obvious the tactic worked with you,
Trump was impeached twice to impress people such as yourself who don’t care that the impeachments would both fail. Obvious the tactic worked with you,

Trump was impeached for breaking the law...

If you held a secret vote in the senate, there would have been plenty of Republicans who would have been happy to get rid of Trump, but the party is afraid of the slice of you Bleach Drinkers...

Let's not forget, you guys impeached Clinton over lying about a blow job. Shaking down a foreign government or inciting a coup are a lot more serious than that.
Trump was impeached for breaking the law...

If you held a secret vote in the senate, there would have been plenty of Republicans who would have been happy to get rid of Trump, but the party is afraid of the slice of you Bleach Drinkers...

Let's not forget, you guys impeached Clinton over lying about a blow job. Shaking down a foreign government or inciting a coup are a lot more serious than that.
Clinton was not impeached for a blow job. He was impeached for lying about the relationship and obstruction of Justice.


Clinton's impeachment came after a formal House inquiry, which had been launched on October 8, 1998. The charges for which Clinton was impeached stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones. During pre-trial discovery in the lawsuit, Clinton gave testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The catalyst for the president's impeachment was the Starr Report, a September 1998 report prepared by Independent Counsel Ken Starrfor the House Judiciary Committee.[1]

According to The History Place, President Bill Clinton was impeached for committing two acts of perjury, one act of obstruction of justice and one act of abuse of power to commit perjury. The investigations involved Clinton’s extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones’ allegations of sexual harassment.

Two of the acts of perjury involved lying about the extra-marital affair with Monica Lewinsky. The other count and the obstruction of justice charge involved the sexual harassment case regarding Paula C. Jones. The prosecuting attorney was Kenneth Starr. Other allegations of sexual misconduct by the former president were reported but have not been proven.


Both Trump impeachments had no chance of success and were merely the Democratic Parties way of punishing Trump for the gall he had to beat Hillary And ruin her chance to be our first female President.
And he's doing a fine job, thanks. 2021 was my best year ever... 2022 is going to be awesome, maybe the first time I hit six figures.

No, you didn't, and no, he hasn't.

Actually, he'll be far better regarded than Trump, who has been impeached twice.
Biden has such high regard that entire stadiums chant, “F**k Joe Biden.”

Trump‘s two impeachments were just political theater with no chance of success. Basically they were an attempt to punish Trump for having the gall to beat Hillary and stop her chances to become our first female President. Of course they also tried to make Trump look bad so he would lose on his second Try.
Clinton was not impeached for a blow job. He was impeached for lying about the relationship and obstruction of Justice.

Right. For a blow job.

So lying about a blow job is a criminal offense, but instigating a riot/attempted coup where five people died isn't.


People died because of 1/6. They are dying now because Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine.
K Right. For a blow job.

So lying about a blow job is a criminal offense, but instigating a riot/attempted coup where five people died isn't.


People died because of 1/6. They are dying now because Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine.
People do not have to die for you to be charged with lying to investigators or obstructing justice.

Bill Clinton lied under oath to a federal grand jury.

Less than a month later, on September 9, Kenneth Starr submitted his report and 18 boxes of supporting documents to the House of Representatives. Released to the public two days later, the Starr Report outlined a case for impeaching Clinton on 11 grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness-tampering, and abuse of power, and also provided explicit details of the sexual relationship between the president and Ms. Lewinsky. On October 8, the House authorized a wide-ranging impeachment inquiry, and on December 11, the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment. On December 19, the House impeached Clinton.

Clinton had a sexual relationship with an intern which was not illegal but lied about it, which was illegal.

If Lewinsky had just taken her blue dress to a dry cleaners, Clinton would have never been impeached.


Interesting painting of Bill Clinton found in hanging in the New York City mansion of Jeffrey Epstein, who was conveniently suicided.


Trump held up funds for Ukrainian weapons in July of 2019 and released those funds in September. That may have been illegal but probably had little effect on Ukrainian resistance. Joe Biden has slow walked funds to Ukraine which likely has had an effect. That definitely might have caused Ukrainian deaths.

People do not have to die for you to be charged with lying to investigators or obstructing justice.

Bill Clinton lied under oath to a federal grand jury.

Well, actually, no he didn't. He lied to the Civil court, but when he got the grand jury, he admitted his relationship with Lewinsky.

Clinton had a sexual relationship with an intern which was not illegal but lied about it, which was illegal.

If Lewinsky had just taken her blue dress to a dry cleaners, Clinton would have never been impeached.

If Ken Starr hadn't abused his office, then Clinton never would have been distracted from important stuff, like getting Bin Laden. The time he tried to take Bin Laden out, all the Republicans rushed out and screamed "WAG THE DOG! WAG THE DOG!"
Trump held up funds for Ukrainian weapons in July of 2019 and released those funds in September. That may have been illegal but probably had little effect on Ukrainian resistance. Joe Biden has slow walked funds to Ukraine which likely has had an effect. That definitely might have caused Ukrainian deaths.

Biden is trying to avoid WWIII, Trump was trying to shake down the Ukraine government to do his political dirty tricks.
Biden is trying to avoid WWIII, Trump was trying to shake down the Ukraine government to do his political dirty tricks.
Dirty political tricks like exposing Joe and Hunter’s grifting schemes after they had been covered up by the government and the liberal media.

Dirty political tricks like exposing Joe and Hunter’s grifting schemes after they had been covered up by the government and the liberal media.

Okay, but if any laws were actually being broken, then Trump should have ordered the FBI to look into it or appoint a speical prosecutor... not try go get Zelensky to dirty the man up because he was desperate for weapons.
Well, actually, no he didn't. He lied to the Civil court, but when he got the grand jury, he admitted his relationship with Lewinsky.

If Ken Starr hadn't abused his office, then Clinton never would have been distracted from important stuff, like getting Bin Laden. The time he tried to take Bin Laden out, all the Republicans rushed out and screamed "WAG THE DOG! WAG THE DOG!"

WASHINGTON (September 21) -- Independent Counsel Ken Starr says President Bill Clinton's videotaped testimony contains three lies -- three instances of perjury to the federal grand jury


If Hillary and the DNC had not bought the false Steele Dossier and used it to make Trump’s time in office difficult, Trump might have been able to accomplish a lot more than he was able. Even so he did more in four years than Obama did in eight.

Okay, but if any laws were actually being broken, then Trump should have ordered the FBI to look into it or appoint a speical prosecutor... not try go get Zelensky to dirty the man up because he was desperate for weapons.
The FBI was corrupt at the top.

WASHINGTON (September 21) -- Independent Counsel Ken Starr says President Bill Clinton's videotaped testimony contains three lies -- three instances of perjury to the federal grand jury

Ho-hum... Nobody believed Ken Starr at the time, which is why even Republicans rejected impeachment.

This is the SAME Ken Starr who covered up ACTUAL RAPES at Baylor University when he was President there.

If Hillary and the DNC had not bought the false Steele Dossier and used it to make Trump’s time in office difficult, Trump might have been able to accomplish a lot more than he was able. Even so he did more in four years than Obama did in eight.

If Hillary was really just playing a dirty trick, why not do a document dump of the Steele Dossier BEFORE the election instead of after it. By the time it got sorted out, enough people would have voted against Trump.

The reality is, they found this in Opposition Research, realized it would cause a lot of trouble to unleash as an "October Surprise" and handed it off to the FBI to investigate. Since everyone was pretty sure Trump was going to lose, anyway, this attempt by the Russians to sabotage our democracy could have been handled quietly.

I'm not sure why Republicans are fine with Russians rigging our elections... you'd think they'd be worried about that sort of thing.
Well, actually, no he didn't. He lied to the Civil court, but when he got the grand jury, he admitted his relationship with Lewinsky.

If Ken Starr hadn't abused his office, then Clinton never would have been distracted from important stuff, like getting Bin Laden. The time he tried to take Bin Laden out, all the Republicans rushed out and screamed "WAG THE DOG! WAG THE DOG!"
History called and says you’re lying again. Starr didn’t “abuse his office”. That was Mueller. Starr wasn’t even looking at the Lewinsky stuff until one of her friends brought it to his attention. Then he did his due diligence and found a dozen felonies. With all the underlying evidence. But facts don’t fit in your fantasy world.
Ho-hum... Nobody believed Ken Starr at the time, which is why even Republicans rejected impeachment.

This is the SAME Ken Starr who covered up ACTUAL RAPES at Baylor University when he was President there.

If Hillary was really just playing a dirty trick, why not do a document dump of the Steele Dossier BEFORE the election instead of after it. By the time it got sorted out, enough people would have voted against Trump.

The reality is, they found this in Opposition Research, realized it would cause a lot of trouble to unleash as an "October Surprise" and handed it off to the FBI to investigate. Since everyone was pretty sure Trump was going to lose, anyway, this attempt by the Russians to sabotage our democracy could have been handled quietly.

I'm not sure why Republicans are fine with Russians rigging our elections... you'd think they'd be worried about that sort of thing.

You stated Bill Clinton didn’t lie in front of a Federal Grand Jury. He was charged with doing so. Just correcting you.

Simple. Hillary pushed the Steele Dossier after the election as she was worried she might face charges from the Trump administration. Remember the debates where Trump told her she would be in jail?

Plus Hillary is a vindictive bitch so she would want to ruin Trump’s Presidency and possibly get him impeached and removed from office. Hillary cares only about Hillary. The damage she did to the country is no beg deal to her.

You asked why Republcians are not worried about foreign interference in our elections. Perhaps you have no idea how many times our government interferes in elections all over the world. We are hardly the good guys in white hats.

Interfering in elections is part of the big game played by many different nations all the time. It’s a lot like spying.

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You stated Bill Clinton didn’t lie in front of a Federal Grand Jury. He was charged with doing so. Just correcting you.

Actually, Ken Starr didn't have the ability to charge Clinton, he could only make a referral to Congress.

He made seven claims. The House Committee only considered four of them. The full house only voted on two, and the Senate rejected those.

Since no one was convicted, he clearly didn't do it.

Simple. Hillary pushed the Steele Dossier after the election as she was worried she might face charges from the Trump administration. Remember the debates where Trump told her she would be in jail?
Yeah, funny how nothing ever came of that.

Plus Hillary is a vindictive bitch so she would want to ruin Trump’s Presidency and possibly get him impeached and removed from office. Hillary cares only about Hillary. The damage she did to the country is no beg deal to her.

Except it wasn't Hillary that let Covid cut swaths of death through the country, allowed millions of jobs to be lost, and let riots burn in the streets. That was Trump.

You asked why Republcians are not worried about foreign interference in our elections. Perhaps you have no idea how many times our government interferes in elections all over the world. We are hardly the good guys in white hats.

Why do you hate America?
Actually, Ken Starr didn't have the ability to charge Clinton, he could only make a referral to Congress.

He made seven claims. The House Committee only considered four of them. The full house only voted on two, and the Senate rejected those.

Since no one was convicted, he clearly didn't do it.

Yeah, funny how nothing ever came of that.

Except it wasn't Hillary that let Covid cut swaths of death through the country, allowed millions of jobs to be lost, and let riots burn in the streets. That was Trump.

Why do you hate America?
Yes, Clinton lied about having sex with an intern. The fact that he was not convicted has nothing to do with that fact. That was politics in play. Had Lewinsky taken the famous blue dress to the dry cleaners Bill Clinton would have waltzed away scot-free.

Something may still come from the Steele Dossier. I personally doubt it because Hillary is above the rule of law but the possibility still exists. Time will tell and rumors are that time will be shortly.

Trump’s warp speed program gave us three vaccines in record time. If Hillary had been elected, we would still be waiting for the first vaccine. Trump didn’t invent the virus but he sure saved lives by speeding up the development of the vaccines. I might be alive today because I am a prime target for COVID but am fully vaccinated and boosted.

Let’s compare how your wonderful Joe Biden has handled COVID to how Trump did.

Like most liberals you are projecting when you ask why I hate this nation. It is YOU that should be answering that question.

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