Psych exams for gun purchases

Actually, they are when technology changes. When the Slave Rapists wrote the Militia Amendment, state of the art was a muzzle loaded musket that took three minutes to reload.

Now we have semi-automatic rifles that can fire 30 rounds a minute.
How does that make any difference? Do you think the threats we face like home invaders are limited to single shots?

Do you think in the event of an invasion, we'd only face people with muskets?

Do you think when you find yourself confronting cartel drug runners in the desert they will only be carrying cap and ball single shot pistols?

They were really smart guys who understood that the biggest reason we were able to win the revolution was the fact militiamen were armed with rifles that could shoot accurately at 3 times the range the enemy could even lob rounds by volley.

The whole point was that we be able to arm and equip ourselves well enough to resist any force including that of our own gov't should it ever become tyrannical which of course is exactly where folks like yourself are trying to take us.

By the way dumbass, if you know what' you're doing you can get off 30 rounds a minute at an aimed target with a bolt action hundred year old rifle with just a bit of practice.

People who have no clue what they are talking about should learn to shut up and listen.
How does that make any difference? Do you think the threats we face like home invaders are limited to single shots?

Do you think in the event of an invasion, we'd only face people with muskets?

Do you think when you find yourself confronting cartel drug runners in the desert they will only be carrying cap and ball single shot pistols?

They were really smart guys who understood that the biggest reason we were able to win the revolution was the fact militiamen were armed with rifles that could shoot accurately at 3 times the range the enemy could even lob rounds by volley.

The whole point was that we be able to arm and equip ourselves well enough to resist any force including that of our own gov't should it ever become tyrannical which of course is exactly where folks like yourself are trying to take us.

By the way dumbass,

People who have no clue what they are talking about should learn to shut up and listen.

You think you do?

"if you know what' you're doing you can get off 30 rounds a minute at an aimed target with a bolt action hundred year old rifle with just a bit of practice".

If you know what you're doing a person would only, at the maximum, need 1/6th of that to hit anything.

If you need 30 rounds to wound someone, you deserve to die.
You think you do?

"if you know what' you're doing you can get off 30 rounds a minute at an aimed target with a bolt action hundred year old rifle with just a bit of practice".

If you know what you're doing a person would only, at the maximum, need 1/6th of that to hit anything.

If you need 30 rounds to wound someone, you deserve to die.
Spoken like one utterly clueless about gun fighting and engaging multiple threats.
Spoken like one utterly clueless about gun fighting and engaging multiple threats.

"if you know what' you're doing you can get off 30 rounds a minute at an aimed target with a bolt action hundred year old rifle with just a bit of practice".

You stated TARGET.
Is this taget racist ?
"if you know what' you're doing you can get off 30 rounds a minute at an aimed target with a bolt action hundred year old rifle with just a bit of practice".

You stated TARGET.
The Mad Minute is shot on targets rather than live people as are most challenges and contests.

The point was to make a British infantryman so well skilled he could at least approximate the same performance in the field facing any number of threats.

You are an idiot.
The Mad Minute is shot on targets rather than live people as are most challenges and contests.

The point was to make a British infantryman so well skilled he could at least approximate the same performance in the field facing any number of threats.

You are an idiot.
You're the idiot.
You changed your BS from TARGET to TARGETS, now?
You can't really be this dense, it has to be an act.
You're the moron who needs to shoot at something 30 times to hit it.
A man shoots at a target to qualify.
Men shoot at targets to qualify
So, 30 "rounds"?
Ammo or beers?
You're a blithering idiot.
I don't need 30 chances to hit something, even after 30 beers.
Only a blithering idiot would............................YOU.
How does this get past "shall not be infringed"?

We're so far passed that now, not sure why the 2A supporters still cry about it?
Gun Permits
Gun registration
Felons who aren't allowed to buy or carry or even be around a gun
Federal Background checks
Waiting periods.
Age requirements
How does that make any difference? Do you think the threats we face like home invaders are limited to single shots?

Do you think in the event of an invasion, we'd only face people with muskets?

Do you think when you find yourself confronting cartel drug runners in the desert they will only be carrying cap and ball single shot pistols?

By that logic, we should all be allowed to own tanks and howitzers... because hey, if we were invaded that's what the other side would be packing.

You kind of hint at why the Second Amendment needs to be shitcanned. In 1776, a citizen militia in an agrarian society kind of made sense. In 2022, it doesn't. We have professional armies and police forces. We don't need citizens armed like soldiers.

They were really smart guys who understood that the biggest reason we were able to win the revolution was the fact militiamen were armed with rifles that could shoot accurately at 3 times the range the enemy could even lob rounds by volley.

The whole point was that we be able to arm and equip ourselves well enough to resist any force including that of our own gov't should it ever become tyrannical which of course is exactly where folks like yourself are trying to take us.

Uh, we were able to win the revolution because France and Spain intervened on our side to stick it to the Brits...

Today we have tanks, howitzers, fighters, bombers, and fucking NUKES. We aren't going to arm ourselves well enough to resist anyone.. Certainly not worth the 43,000 deaths we have every year from the gun culture.
Cars aren't designed to kill people. But if you want to compare cars to guns, that's fine. Let's have licensing, mandatory insurance, registration, and a large portion of police resources focused on enforcement.

(Pssst... this is the part where you start whining about how the Founding Slave Rapists GAVE you the right to a gun!!!!)

And that's exactly the problem. The NRA works for the gun industry. They want to make it EASY for guns to be sold. No delays. No restrictions!

Why should there be? We barely have enough resources to lock up real criminals, not "You forgot about that pot conviction you got in 92 when you applied for a gun permit."

And why would that be a bad thing? It seems to me that if someone is scared enough of you having a gun, there's probably a good reason.

You can't kill someone with a vote or a speech, so, um.. no.

Cars are so mich more deadly than guns, cars kill more people accidentally than guns do intentionally, you idiot….

It doesn’t matter how many violent criminals you put in prison if you keep letting them back out…you idiot.
Actually, they are when technology changes. When the Slave Rapists wrote the Militia Amendment, state of the art was a muzzle loaded musket that took three minutes to reload.

Now we have semi-automatic rifles that can fire 30 rounds a minute.

No, guy, if a crazy person buys a gun and shoots a bunch of people, THEN BACKGROUND CHECKS DID NOT WORK!!!!

Everyone in their lives knew they were crazy. A real background check would have alerted someone.

Well, that's a problem, isn't it? People really don't know when things expire, do they?

But you vote for that all the time, dummy, whenever you put Republicans in office, they take all sorts of rights away from you.

I would love to enjoy the kinds of rights at work my Dad had back in the 1970's...

You actually vote for the slave rapist, slave murdering political party…….the democrat party was created by two slave rapists……..and you vote for them
Cars are so mich more deadly than guns, cars kill more people accidentally than guns do intentionally, you idiot….

Cars aren't designed to kill people. If you want to treat cars like guns, let's have licensing, registration, mandentory insurance AND a large section of police manpower to enforce it.

"But the Founding Fathers SAAAAAID I can have guns!"

It doesn’t matter how many violent criminals you put in prison if you keep letting them back out…you idiot.

Except we can't lock up everyone. There are 100 million Americans with a police record. We have 7 million on probation or parole. Eventually, you have to make a decision who to let out.

You actually vote for the slave rapist, slave murdering political party…….the democrat party was created by two slave rapists……..and you vote for them
Do you just have macros where you repeat the same phrases? Does the NRA pay you by the word?
Cars aren't designed to kill people. If you want to treat cars like guns, let's have licensing, registration, mandentory insurance AND a large section of police manpower to enforce it.

"But the Founding Fathers SAAAAAID I can have guns!"

Except we can't lock up everyone. There are 100 million Americans with a police record. We have 7 million on probation or parole. Eventually, you have to make a decision who to let out.

Do you just have macros where you repeat the same phrases? Does the NRA pay you by the word?

Cars accidentally kill more people than guns do when criminals intentionally shoot people….so that means, you dumb ass…cars are more dangerous than guns and need to be banned.
Cars accidentally kill more people than guns do when criminals intentionally shoot people….so that means, you dumb ass…cars are more dangerous than guns and need to be banned.
Yes, let's compare car regulation and gun regulation ALL DAY.

You guys step in it every time, with that silly argument.

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