Psycho at the White House: American Dean (Harvard)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does the American Dream remind you of Laurel and Hardy?

This patriotism-parody referencing Marvel Comics' Red Goblin (an artistic symbol of biopsychological trauma) was inspired by the patriotic-comedy film My Fellow Americans.

Signing off,



After Donald Trump attended a special conference about the American-borne global fast-food empire at Harvard's Business School, the Trustees of Harvard decided to appoint a new dean for the university --- an American named Thomas Hewitt. Hewitt himself was a Harvard graduate and had worked for years at the White House and was now appointed as Dean. This enraged one Harvard student, a sophomore named Michael Myers who was eager to see his mentor, female Professor Heather Sawyer, appointed as Dean. Myers completely snapped and decided to stalk Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump, since it was their visit to Harvard that motivated the Trustees to appoint Hewitt instead of Sawyer (who was, up to that point, the favorite candidate for the position of Harvard dean).


As Michael searched through various costume stores, he finally found a perfect outfit for his maniacal 'scheme.' It was a basic janitor's uniform complemented by a plain white mask with dark-brown matted hair. Michael purchased the costume/outfit and then purchased a large knife from a kitchen store and then proceeded from Boston to Washington in the summer. Michael arrived in Washington and purchased a small apartment after finding work at a local Kinko's. He studied the patterns of traffic surrounding the White House for a full three months and also took notes about the activities of Donald Trump and Melania Trump, now the U.S. President and First Lady, observing their preferences and behaviors (from afar). Michael was now ready to strike --- as Halloween Eve approached.


As President Trump made his way into the White House kitchen late one night while working laboriously on new notes regarding an upcoming trade-meeting between North Korea and South Korea, he noticed there was a cold breeze in the hallway. Donald made his way down the hallway and noted that one of the large windows of the White House was open. He shut it and called security to check around the building to make sure there wasn't any intruder who broke in through the open window. Donald then proceeded back towards the White House kitchen to make himself a delicious ham sandwich and glass of homemade carrot juice. Donald didn't know that there was indeed an intruder that night (Michael Myers), and he was in real danger.


MICHAEL: I've found you at last...
DONALD: Who are you? Why are you in that mask/costume?
MICHAEL: It's Halloween Eve, Mr. President.
DONALD: I'm aware of that; I was working late and getting myself a sandwich.
MICHAEL: Too late for that!
DONALD: What? Where's the First Lady?
MICHAEL: My name is Michael Myers, and I assure you Melania is safe (for now).
DONALD: What the hell do you want? Where's my security?
MICHAEL: I've killed two of your guardsmen, Donald; just relax...
DONALD: Relax? I want to know what you want, Mr. Myers.
MICHAEL: My Harvard mentor (Prof. Sawyer) wasn't appointed Dean.
DONALD: What? And you blame me for this 'oversight' (why)?
MICHAEL: You visited Harvard with Melania years ago (at the Business School).
DONALD: Yes, I think I remember what? I'm very scared...
MICHAEL: Don't be worried too much; that visit prompted the Trustees to appoint Hewitt.
DONALD: Yes, I read that. Thomas Hewitt was appointed Dean of Harvard.
MICHAEL: He did a fine job too...but my dear mentor Professor Sawyer was crushed!
DONALD: I blame me for all your academic sentimental worries.
MICHAEL: Precisely; I feel you're part of an American system of 'superficial governance.'
DONALD: Get in line, pal; there're plenty of 'anti-TrumpUSA' protesters in the streets.
MICHAEL: I know; I've been watching a lot of CNN; I won't kill the First Lady, Donald.
DONALD: Oh, but I suppose you'll indeed slit my throat. Well, how can I dissuade you?
MICHAEL: You're no exorcist, Mr. Trump; I want a Hollywood movie made about Red Goblin.
DONALD: Red Goblin (Marvel Comics); I'm familiar; well, I'll see what I can do...
MICHAEL: You inspired Hewitt to be appointed Dean; you can also grease Hollywood.
DONALD: Like I said, Mr. Myers, I'll see what I can do for you. Why the Red Goblin?
MICHAEL: Red Goblin (Marvel Comics) symbolizes modern terrorism, which concerns me.
DONALD: I see, you're some kind of 'radical patriot' (but nothing like the Unabomber).
MICHAEL: I still believe that...I'll expect the film to be made within 2 years.
DONALD: Right, and you want Leo DiCaprio to portray the Red Goblin; I'll work on it!
MICHAEL: Then I bid you adieu, Mr. President. Sleep beautifully.
DONALD: What a strange rendition of marketing!

The End


{Red Goblin --- Marvel Comics}


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