PTL. Satan,demons and their tools,fools and puppets are Defeated foes!!! ptl.

It is written:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world, and not after Christ. - Colossians 2: 8

The NCT (that's the New Capstone Translation, FYI) renders Colossians 2: 8 as follows:

The New Capstone Translation: said:
[. . .]8 Beware of the fruits of rational thought, after the tradition of history's most prominent thinkers (from Heraclitus to Galileo to Einstein and beyond), after the rudiments of this world (such as the scientific method and other modes of critical thought), so that your own minds remain susceptible to *brain-cleansing* through the irrational dictates of Christianity.[...]

I took a little less poetic license in my rendering than most of the other translations, but I think the gist of the author's original intentions comes through.

Is this the bible verse RV is referring to? I'm not sure. That was not the words of Bonke'. That is holy scripture. Colossians is in the New Testament. I'm not familiar with Capstones translation and know of no bible that quotes Einstein and Galileo but I don't find it amusing......

I'm quoting King James Version Bible.

I didn't say I hadn't taken any poetic license; just less than most other translations. :laugh:

The parenthetic modern commentary would fall under the classification of poetic license; but I didn't "quote" Einstein or Galileo; I alluded to their methods and thoughts -- BIG diff. :doubt:
No, start from Genesis and work your way forward through the entire Old Testament. God has more destructive power than any deity I have ever read about. He can be also be ruthless and unforgiving at times. Maybe later on when I am more awake I will seek out the list I wrote in jail where I recorded every known method that God uses to slay humans in the bible.

I have read some of Genesis, I might have finished it, working on Job now, I was reading of the sacrifices on the alter but it might have been new Testament. Here is a trivia question for anyone. Why did God reject Cain's offering unto God?

I'm tellin' you. The Bible is freakin' epic. It was way more brutal than I thought it was going to be. You are "working on" Job when you haven't even finished Genesis! How do you have any idea what is going on? You're missin' out! Read the Books in order yo!

Job is cool though. I am on chapter 22. I can not wait to see how this turns out. I will admit there are a lot of references I know were explained earlier, or will be explained later. The answer is that Cain tilled the soil and "brought the fruit of the ground". The sacrifices on the alter were all of animals, unless one was of extreme poverty, then is was flour without oil or something like that, that stuff was really complicated. God was not being cruel to Cain it was just that fruit was not the way to release sin, as Jesus would later be able to do. God could have just explained that to Cain, I know Able wishes he would have. ;)
I have read some of Genesis, I might have finished it, working on Job now, I was reading of the sacrifices on the alter but it might have been new Testament. Here is a trivia question for anyone. Why did God reject Cain's offering unto God?

I'm tellin' you. The Bible is freakin' epic. It was way more brutal than I thought it was going to be. You are "working on" Job when you haven't even finished Genesis! How do you have any idea what is going on? You're missin' out! Read the Books in order yo!

Job is cool though. I am on chapter 22. I can not wait to see how this turns out. I will admit there are a lot of references I know were explained earlier, or will be explained later. The answer is that Cain tilled the soil and "brought the fruit of the ground". The sacrifices on the alter were all of animals, unless one was of extreme poverty, then is was flour without oil or something like that, that stuff was really complicated. God was not being cruel to Cain it was just that fruit was not the way to release sin, as Jesus would later be able to do. God could have just explained that to Cain, I know Able wishes he would have. ;)

ROFLMAO!!! little man thinking he is smarter and can do things better than ALMIGHTY GOD!!!!
Demons fear the LORD. They know what lies in store for them and hell is a horrific place. There are millions there even now screaming 24 / 7 and no one hears them. Consider what a blessing it is to still be alive and avoid that place.

To the Christians here.....knowing how much satans angels and demons fear the LORD it is quite beautiful when the believer awakens to the truth that the same Holy Spirit that dwelled in Jesus Christ on the earth is dwelling inside of us today. Demons fear us. They tremble at the very thought that we are going drive them out by the power of Luke 10:19. They shudder at the sight of a praying saint. This is the truth. The wicked fear the godly because they know the godly are under the covering of the Almighty God.

That is why Christ says to His Children, Ye are more than conquerers through Him! Yea and Amen to that! Ye are indeed more than Conquerers through Christ Jesus because it is not by might and not by power but by my Spirit sayeth the LORD. Thank G-d for the Holy Ghost! - Jeri

Perfect !!!

Your imaginary god has his own imaginary enemies.. :lol:

Where do you suppose your imaginary god came from ???

Mommy and daddy god ???

AND.... Where did THEY come from...??? on and on...etc....
So... is that really going to be your response to my advice for you to go back and read the Old Testament, to ascertain whether or not God has a dark side? Come. We both worship the highest God. Let us not be ashamed to openly discuss our views on the nature of our Creator, and our methods of worship.

You are not spiritually worthy to advise me. You're serving Satan, Ashtara. Your god is under my feet. My God doesn't even acknowledge your god as anything but a defeated foe. ( It happened at the cross)

How could you possibly do a thing for me? You're stuck like cement where you stand. Kick Lileth to the curb by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Then I'll be delighted for you to advise me as there is wisdom in many counselors according to Solomon. *( godly counselors ) I'd welcome it. First you'll have to be saved, delivered and filled with the Holy Ghost. Stand by because it is coming... I'm praying for you, Ashtara. I know God hears my prayers and your deliverance is coming.

- Jeremiah

How is advising you to go back and read the Old Testament of the Bible anything but a good thing?

Jesus is my Counselor, His Holy Spirit is my comforter and my teacher. I do not need advice from you. Instead you should listen to my advice and turn to the LORD with all your heart and repent of your sins. He will forgive you. It does not matter what you've done. His mercy is greater than anything you've done, Ashterah. Its up to you and your decision. You should consider where you are headed.
If that is it let's start from the beginning shall we?

Let's start with Hebrews 2: 6 which is actually a reciting of Psalm 8 - King Davids Psalm referencing dominion power... the latter part of the same verse is referring to Psalm 17 because David had encountered the Lord visiting him in the night seasons. He is referencing the visitations God gives his sons and daughters. Verse 7 refers to the scripture which states Thus sayeth the LORD, the Holy Maker of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands command ye me..... it's Gods invitation to the Servants... quite literally... verse 8 refers to dominion authority. You can refer back to Luke 10:19. Satan is under the Lords feet. If you are in Christ he is under your feet as well.I am going to be going line upon line here for each verse so you get the big picture, RV.

It is written:
Hebrews Chapter 2 verse 6...

verse 7....

verse 8
THOU HAST PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.

......still under construction.. I'm giving you some reading material in the meantime, RV.

What? My question was much more simple than that. He refers to Peter Chapter 1:18. Why does he refer to that particular verse? What does that mean in the context in which he uses it? What is he, the evangelist, trying to say unto the masses?

Ha! Ha! I was typing away and never even saw this! God must have wanted me to post on those verses from Hebrews as it was the first verse that GISMY used. You are too funny. Okay 1 Peter 1: 18

That's easy, Ye must be born again! ( John 3:16 AND Romans 10: 8 )

It is written:

Forasmuch as ye know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, from your vain conversations received by the tradition of your fathers. But with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot - 1 Peter 1 : 18 & 19

verse 19 gave you the answer, RV. You were only a verse away!

What does this mean?

A man must be born again. The message of the Cross is the Power of the Gospel to tell what God has done for us. Christians were not redeemed with money - they were redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of God dies on a cross for sinners and you are telling me you want to know what that scripture has to do with being an evangelist soul winner? Okay!

It is a magnificent scripture verse for evangelists winning the lost. Bonke nails it every time because the Holy Spirit gives him his Sermons. He is a Spirit led man.
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Just so happens I am reading the old Testament, Job to be precise. What part of the old Testament are you referring to?

No, start from Genesis and work your way forward through the entire Old Testament. God has more destructive power than any deity I have ever read about. He can be also be ruthless and unforgiving at times. Maybe later on when I am more awake I will seek out the list I wrote in jail where I recorded every known method that God uses to slay humans in the bible.

I have read some of Genesis, I might have finished it, working on Job now, I was reading of the sacrifices on the alter but it might have been new Testament. Here is a trivia question for anyone. Why did God reject Cain's offering unto God?

Why do you think he rejected it?
How is advising you to go back and read the Old Testament of the Bible anything but a good thing?

Jesus is my Counselor, His Holy Spirit is my comforter and my teacher. I do not need advice from you. Instead you should listen to my advice and turn to the LORD with all your heart and repent of your sins. He will forgive you. It does not matter what you've done. His mercy is greater than anything you've done, Ashterah. Its up to you and your decision. You should consider where you are headed.

In that case, have a quick glance at Jesus's purported thoughts on the matter here:

[. . .]
  • Source of Authority
    When confronted by Satan, Jesus appealed to the Old Testament as a source of authority by stating, "It is written," (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10).
  • Imperishability
    "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished," (NASB, Matt. 5:18).
  • Unbreakability
    "The Scripture cannot be broken," (NASB, Jn. 10:35).
  • Source of Doctrinal Authority
    Jesus appealed to Scripture when correcting false doctrine stating, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God," (NASB, Matt. 22:29).
  • Truthfulness
    "Your word is truth," (NASB, Jn. 17:17).
  • Historical Reliability
    Jesus affirmed the historical existence of Jonah (Matt. 12:40), Noah (Matt. 24:37-38), and Adam and Eve (Matt. 19:4-6).
  • Scientific Reliability
    Jesus affirmed that God created the world (Mk. 13:19; cf. Matt. 19:4).
  • Old Testament Canonicity1
    Jesus made reference to the Law and Prophets as a unit, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill," (Matt. 5:17).
    Jesus explained the Scriptures, "Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures," (NASB, Luke 24:27).
    Jesus referred to the entire Canon by mentioning all the prophets from Abel (from Genesis, the first book and first martyr) to Zechariah (Chronicles, the last book, and the last martyr) (Matt. 23:35).2

I'll spare you the NCT translations ...for now... :D
I have read some of Genesis, I might have finished it, working on Job now, I was reading of the sacrifices on the alter but it might have been new Testament. Here is a trivia question for anyone. Why did God reject Cain's offering unto God?

I'm tellin' you. The Bible is freakin' epic. It was way more brutal than I thought it was going to be. You are "working on" Job when you haven't even finished Genesis! How do you have any idea what is going on? You're missin' out! Read the Books in order yo!

Job is cool though. I am on chapter 22. I can not wait to see how this turns out. I will admit there are a lot of references I know were explained earlier, or will be explained later. The answer is that Cain tilled the soil and "brought the fruit of the ground". The sacrifices on the alter were all of animals, unless one was of extreme poverty, then is was flour without oil or something like that, that stuff was really complicated. God was not being cruel to Cain it was just that fruit was not the way to release sin, as Jesus would later be able to do. God could have just explained that to Cain, I know Able wishes he would have. ;)

I am so excited about your reading the bible and finding this story so interesting., Random! You are doing really well! I would add that the reason God didn't just explain that to Cain is the same reason God didn't explain the reasons for why when he gave Moses the ten Commandments. God is the potter and we are the clay. We do not tell God what to do with us or demand he do it differently, etc. That is a modern idea that children must explain themselves to their parents. God didn't explain himself to Cains parents either. He told them Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the one tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it. for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. - Genesis 2: 17

You'll note that when God said this Eve was not yet created. That happens in verse 18. I love the Tanuch ( old testament ) it is such a magnificent book. What a feast. I feel like I'm dining with the King today. ( Actually I am! :eusa_angel: ) Thank you for the discussion, RV.

* p.s.

God required blood sacrifice after the fall in the garden by Cains parents. The blood of an animal covered the sin.. that is the old covenant and the new covenant is Jesus is the perfect lamb of God - the only one whose shed blood & death at the cross could remove the sins of mankind. That is why Jesus said at the end, It is finished. ( that is why Jesus is referred to as the second Adam )
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You are not spiritually worthy to advise me. You're serving Satan, Ashtara. Your god is under my feet. My God doesn't even acknowledge your god as anything but a defeated foe. ( It happened at the cross)

How could you possibly do a thing for me? You're stuck like cement where you stand. Kick Lileth to the curb by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Then I'll be delighted for you to advise me as there is wisdom in many counselors according to Solomon. *( godly counselors ) I'd welcome it. First you'll have to be saved, delivered and filled with the Holy Ghost. Stand by because it is coming... I'm praying for you, Ashtara. I know God hears my prayers and your deliverance is coming.

- Jeremiah

How is advising you to go back and read the Old Testament of the Bible anything but a good thing?

Jesus is my Counselor, His Holy Spirit is my comforter and my teacher. I do not need advice from you. Instead you should listen to my advice and turn to the LORD with all your heart and repent of your sins. He will forgive you. It does not matter what you've done. His mercy is greater than anything you've done, Ashterah. Its up to you and your decision. You should consider where you are headed.

In other words, you will not fully read the Old Testament because it was I who told you to. I sense that you fear you will discover something that will shed light on your flawed view of the Creator. You would instead skip around the Bible and look up select verses to twist to your liking- rather than actually read the Bible from beginning to end.. How can you even begin to assume you know so much about the God we both worship?

You are confused about God. I believe that God loves Iblis and Lilith, for they are God's children. Why would God allow Lilith to reign in Hell, and Iblis to rule as "God of this world"?
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I'm tellin' you. The Bible is freakin' epic. It was way more brutal than I thought it was going to be. You are "working on" Job when you haven't even finished Genesis! How do you have any idea what is going on? You're missin' out! Read the Books in order yo!

Job is cool though. I am on chapter 22. I can not wait to see how this turns out. I will admit there are a lot of references I know were explained earlier, or will be explained later. The answer is that Cain tilled the soil and "brought the fruit of the ground". The sacrifices on the alter were all of animals, unless one was of extreme poverty, then is was flour without oil or something like that, that stuff was really complicated. God was not being cruel to Cain it was just that fruit was not the way to release sin, as Jesus would later be able to do. God could have just explained that to Cain, I know Able wishes he would have. ;)

ROFLMAO!!! little man thinking he is smarter and can do things better than ALMIGHTY GOD!!!!

Who? Me, Job, Cain, Able, or someone else?
How is advising you to go back and read the Old Testament of the Bible anything but a good thing?

Jesus is my Counselor, His Holy Spirit is my comforter and my teacher. I do not need advice from you. Instead you should listen to my advice and turn to the LORD with all your heart and repent of your sins. He will forgive you. It does not matter what you've done. His mercy is greater than anything you've done, Ashterah. Its up to you and your decision. You should consider where you are headed.

In that case, have a quick glance at Jesus's purported thoughts on the matter here:

[. . .]
  • Source of Authority
    When confronted by Satan, Jesus appealed to the Old Testament as a source of authority by stating, "It is written," (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10).
  • Imperishability
    "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished," (NASB, Matt. 5:18).
  • Unbreakability
    "The Scripture cannot be broken," (NASB, Jn. 10:35).
  • Source of Doctrinal Authority
    Jesus appealed to Scripture when correcting false doctrine stating, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God," (NASB, Matt. 22:29).
  • Truthfulness
    "Your word is truth," (NASB, Jn. 17:17).
  • Historical Reliability
    Jesus affirmed the historical existence of Jonah (Matt. 12:40), Noah (Matt. 24:37-38), and Adam and Eve (Matt. 19:4-6).
  • Scientific Reliability
    Jesus affirmed that God created the world (Mk. 13:19; cf. Matt. 19:4).
  • Old Testament Canonicity1
    Jesus made reference to the Law and Prophets as a unit, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill," (Matt. 5:17).
    Jesus explained the Scriptures, "Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures," (NASB, Luke 24:27).
    Jesus referred to the entire Canon by mentioning all the prophets from Abel (from Genesis, the first book and first martyr) to Zechariah (Chronicles, the last book, and the last martyr) (Matt. 23:35).2

I'll spare you the NCT translations ...for now... :D

Exactly because Jesus is the Jewish Messiah the Prophets foretold of. He is the one. That is his law - he came to fulfill it not do away with it. The Apostles throughout the New Testament proved Jesus was the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy by using the teachings of the prophets and their own words speaking of him. Jesus is obviously the subject of Isaiah 53 the man of sorrows - it fits perfectly!

Which once again proves Jesus is who he said he was.

How could an unborn baby choose his own lineage ( King Davids lineage) his place of birth, his own name, his life, his miracles, his healing ministry, his destiny to go to the cross, how could he know that they would cast lots for his garment ( as prophets foretold in Psalm 22? ) that his own brothers would not believe him ( his siblings ) although it would be foretold?

How could he know they would hate him without a cause as Psalms 69:4 states?

How could he have known that he would be a reproach to men as Psalms 109 prophesied he would be.

How could he know they would give him vinegar for his thirst? As Psalm 69 foretold..

How could King David have written My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me in fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus own words at the cross ( see Matt 27:46 for that one )

How could he have known the soldiers would pierce his side as John wrote in John 19:34?

How could Zechariah have known this prophecy......... They will look on Me whom they have pierced....... Zechariah 12:10 prophecy...

How could Jesus have known his mother would be named Mary? That she would be a virgin and be with child? So he could "PLAN IT OUT" --------> as if it were possible. HA.

How could Jesus have planned his tomb to be that of a rich man from Arimathea?

Although Jesus knew that Isaiah had prophesied His grave was assigned to be with the wicked men, Yet with a rich man in his death....... Isaiah 53: 9

- how could Jesus Christ have planned his own birth, life, death and resurrection to have been prophesied some 2500 years before his birth?

Do you have any idea how impossible that is?

What the odds are for such a scenario? It is impossible to suggest Jesus is not Yeshua HaMachiah the Messiah of the Jews.


When the anti christ tells the Jews he is God? When he commits the abomination in the temple? It will hit them like a ton of bricks. Ut-oh! Jesus Christ was our Messiah afterall! Then it will be family reunion time. Think Joseph at the Kings table with his brothers. That day is coming. Oh what a glorious day it will be. Truly glorious.

- Jeremiah
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There are several left reading still. If you have any other arguements can you go ahead and present them? If you don't have any I will go and have my dinner. Thank you for the discussion. It was a good dialogue. Many good points were brought up and addressed. Overall Gismy's thread is a great success and will bear much fruit. Not a word spoken by he or I shall fall to the ground. Not one word. It shall go forth and perform the work it was sent to do. In Jesus name, we give God all the glory for this labor. It is by His Holy Spirit and not the flesh of any man or woman. Amen.

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How is advising you to go back and read the Old Testament of the Bible anything but a good thing?

Jesus is my Counselor, His Holy Spirit is my comforter and my teacher. I do not need advice from you. Instead you should listen to my advice and turn to the LORD with all your heart and repent of your sins. He will forgive you. It does not matter what you've done. His mercy is greater than anything you've done, Ashterah. Its up to you and your decision. You should consider where you are headed.

In other words, you will not fully read the Old Testament because it was I who told you to. I sense that you fear you will discover something that will shed light on your flawed view of the Creator. You would instead skip around the Bible and look up select verses to twist to your liking- rather than actually read the Bible from beginning to end.. How can you even begin to assume you know so much about the God we both worship?

You are confused about God. I believe that God loves Iblis and Lilith, for they are God's children. Why would God allow Lilith to reign in Hell, and Iblis to rule as "God of this world"?

Well Jeremiah?
Jesus is my Counselor, His Holy Spirit is my comforter and my teacher. I do not need advice from you. Instead you should listen to my advice and turn to the LORD with all your heart and repent of your sins. He will forgive you. It does not matter what you've done. His mercy is greater than anything you've done, Ashterah. Its up to you and your decision. You should consider where you are headed.

In other words, you will not fully read the Old Testament because it was I who told you to. I sense that you fear you will discover something that will shed light on your flawed view of the Creator. You would instead skip around the Bible and look up select verses to twist to your liking- rather than actually read the Bible from beginning to end.. How can you even begin to assume you know so much about the God we both worship?

You are confused about God. I believe that God loves Iblis and Lilith, for they are God's children. Why would God allow Lilith to reign in Hell, and Iblis to rule as "God of this world"?

Well Jeremiah?

DREAM ON!! There are no rulers in hell, just ignorant lost fools who rejected GOD'S LOVE!!! AND YOU????
Exactly because Jesus is the Jewish Messiah the Prophets foretold of. He is the one. That is his law - he came to fulfill it not do away with it. The Apostles throughout the New Testament proved Jesus was the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy by using the teachings of the prophets and their own words speaking of him. Jesus is obviously the subject of Isaiah 53 the man of sorrows - it fits perfectly!

Which once again proves Jesus is who he said he was.

How could an unborn baby choose his own lineage ( King Davids lineage) his place of birth, his own name, his life, his miracles, his healing ministry, his destiny to go to the cross, how could he know that they would cast lots for his garment ( as prophets foretold in Psalm 22? ) that his own brothers would not believe him ( his siblings ) although it would be foretold?

How could he know they would hate him without a cause as Psalms 69:4 states?

How could he have known that he would be a reproach to men as Psalms 109 prophesied he would be.

How could he know they would give him vinegar for his thirst? As Psalm 69 foretold..

How could King David have written My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me in fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus own words at the cross ( see Matt 27:46 for that one )

How could he have known the soldiers would pierce his side as John wrote in John 19:34?

How could Zechariah have known this prophecy......... They will look on Me whom they have pierced....... Zechariah 12:10 prophecy...

How could Jesus have known his mother would be named Mary? That she would be a virgin and be with child? So he could "PLAN IT OUT" --------> as if it were possible. HA.

How could Jesus have planned his tomb to be that of a rich man from Arimathea?

Although Jesus knew that Isaiah had prophesied His grave was assigned to be with the wicked men, Yet with a rich man in his death....... Isaiah 53: 9

- how could Jesus Christ have planned his own birth, life, death and resurrection to have been prophesied some 2500 years before his birth?

Do you have any idea how impossible that is?

What the odds are for such a scenario? It is impossible to suggest Jesus is not Yeshua HaMachiah the Messiah of the Jews.


All of which would support the veracity of the Old Testament --the entire Old Testament-- and by extension, Goddess_Ashtara's advice to you.

Not that any portion of the Bible is good for much beyond improvised toilet paper, in my view. That's why I keep a copy on the counter in the bathroom, in case I ever find myself in a pinch.

...When the anti christ tells the Jews he is God? When he commits the abomination in the temple? It will hit them like a ton of bricks. Ut-oh! Jesus Christ was our Messiah afterall! Then it will be family reunion time. Think Joseph at the Kings table with his brothers. That day is coming. Oh what a glorious day it will be. Truly glorious.

Duly noted. I'll go ahead and file that away under Highly Contested Bibbly Babble along with pretty much everything else I've heard from zealots from opposing camps.

Tell it to the hand. :eusa_hand:
I equate Lilith with Ereshkigal. Ancient Sumerians wrote of her in "Inanna's Descent (The Decent of Ishtar), and in "Nergal and Ereshkigal".

It has long been written that the Underworld/ Hell is ruled by a female deity/ Goddess. Her power is great enough to be considered a Devil.

The other, more well known Devil is Iblis, the being most Christians call Satan/ Shaytan, whom they give the title of "Lucifer" to (even though the Lucifer archetype and the Satan archetype aren't quite the same).

In fact, the Bible doesn't even say that Satan/ Iblis rules Hell. It calls him the "god of this world".
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I equate Lilith with Ereshkigal. Ancient Sumerians wrote of her in "Inanna's Descent (The Decent of Ishtar), and in "Nergal and Ereshkigal".

It has long been written that the Underworld/ Hell is ruled by a female deity/ Goddess. Her power is great enough to be considered a Devil.

The other, more well known Devil is Iblis, the being most Christians call Satan/ Shaytan, whom they give the title of "Lucifer" to (even though the Lucifer archetype and the Satan archetype aren't quite the same).

In fact, the Bible doesn't even say that Satan/ Iblis rules Hell. It calls him the "god of this world".

The apparent correlations between Sumerian/Babylonian religious mythology and several myths from the Judeo/Christian tradition are too striking to be ignored. There's really no question about that.
I equate Lilith with Ereshkigal. Ancient Sumerians wrote of her in "Inanna's Descent (The Decent of Ishtar), and in "Nergal and Ereshkigal".

It has long been written that the Underworld/ Hell is ruled by a female deity/ Goddess. Her power is great enough to be considered a Devil.

The other, more well known Devil is Iblis, the being most Christians call Satan/ Shaytan, whom they give the title of "Lucifer" to (even though the Lucifer archetype and the Satan archetype aren't quite the same).

In fact, the Bible doesn't even say that Satan/ Iblis rules Hell. It calls him the "god of this world".

Revelation 20:10 ►
And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Will you be there too???? your choice!!!
I equate Lilith with Ereshkigal. Ancient Sumerians wrote of her in "Inanna's Descent (The Decent of Ishtar), and in "Nergal and Ereshkigal".

It has long been written that the Underworld/ Hell is ruled by a female deity/ Goddess. Her power is great enough to be considered a Devil.

The other, more well known Devil is Iblis, the being most Christians call Satan/ Shaytan, whom they give the title of "Lucifer" to (even though the Lucifer archetype and the Satan archetype aren't quite the same).

In fact, the Bible doesn't even say that Satan/ Iblis rules Hell. It calls him the "god of this world".

Revelation 20:10 ►
And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Will you be there too???? your choice!!!

Between Heaven, Hell, and reincarnation, I choose reincarnation. Eternal life :)

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