PTL. Satan,demons and their tools,fools and puppets are Defeated foes!!! ptl.

REINCARNATION????? =nothing but a SILLY IDEA OF DEMONS and silly little man. ===27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time. Hebrews 9:27-28
REINCARNATION????? =nothing but a SILLY IDEA OF DEMONS and silly little man. ===27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time. Hebrews 9:27-28

Do you really believe that God isn't powerful enough to grant reincarnation, if it is God's will?
13 All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. 14 For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. 15 And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them. (Hebrews 11:13-16, NASB) - emphasis Capstone's

So, according to the Bible, it seems people who die "thinking of that country from which they went out" (read Earth), should be given the chance after death to return to it. Sounds pretty reincarnation-like to me. :dunno:
REINCARNATION????? =nothing but a SILLY IDEA OF DEMONS and silly little man. ===

Just trying to keep it Biblical, GISMYS. ==== AND YOU??

...27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

But does that "judgement" preclude any 'afterlife' options for an all-powerful God?

According to the passage from Hebrews 11, one of those options may be reincarnation, with your God as the Judge as to whether a given dead person should be sent back to "that country from which [he or she] went out".

...28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time. Hebrews 9:27-28

Reincarnated, in a sense, maybe? :dunno: :D
Jesus is my Counselor, His Holy Spirit is my comforter and my teacher. I do not need advice from you. Instead you should listen to my advice and turn to the LORD with all your heart and repent of your sins. He will forgive you. It does not matter what you've done. His mercy is greater than anything you've done, Ashterah. Its up to you and your decision. You should consider where you are headed.

In other words, you will not fully read the Old Testament because it was I who told you to. I sense that you fear you will discover something that will shed light on your flawed view of the Creator. You would instead skip around the Bible and look up select verses to twist to your liking- rather than actually read the Bible from beginning to end.. How can you even begin to assume you know so much about the God we both worship?

You are confused about God. I believe that God loves Iblis and Lilith, for they are God's children. Why would God allow Lilith to reign in Hell, and Iblis to rule as "God of this world"?

Well Jeremiah?

I see you. I'm going to answer this in as much detail as I gave to RV in the first question I had thought he was asking about. Hebrews 2:8. Stay tuned, Ashtara. I will post my reply on this thread. I won't vindicate myself on my having read the Old Testament. I'll let my work speak for itself. That is all. I'll be back when I get back.

- Jeremiah
God does not have a dark side. God is Holy. Through and through. Whoever denies Jesus Christ denies the Father also. Jesus is LORD.

God in the Old Testament had the maturity of a spoiled 4-year-old!

No, God does not have the maturity of a spoiled 4 year old. That is the perpective of a spoiled adult ( who isn't getting their way ) about God.
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God in the Old Testament had the maturity of a spoiled 4-year-old!
No, God does not have the maturity of a spoiled 4 year old. That is the perpective of a spoiled adult ( who isn't getting their way ) about God.

Yeah, don't be such a baby, Jarlaxle. Just because you want a God who wouldn't slaughter newborns on a whim (Exodus 12:29-30), or send pestilence to wipe-out or ruin innocent by-standers because David pissed HIM off by taking a census (1 Chronicles 21:12), or murder 50,070 people in a single instance for the heinous crime of human curiosity (1 Samuel 6:19), or order HIS followers to kill all unbelievers, including one's own family members (Deut. 13:6-9), or command acts of genocide (1 Samuel 15:2-3, 2 Samuel 12:31, Numbers 31:16-18), or condone raping, pillaging, and the murder of children and the elderly explicitly (Isaiah 13:15-16, Ezekiel 9:5-6), to name but a few of the things the God of the Bible reportedly did or condoned, doesn't mean you're going to get your way! Now bow down and praise HIM, OR ELSE ...He'll only roast your ass like an overdone marshmallow for the remainder of eternity in the afterlife.
God does not have a dark side. God is Holy. Through and through. Whoever denies Jesus Christ denies the Father also. Jesus is LORD.

God in the Old Testament had the maturity of a spoiled 4-year-old!

No, God does not have the maturity of a spoiled 4 year old. That is the perpective of a spoiled adult ( who isn't getting their way ) about God.

Actually, the god of the OT was a serial mass murderer and more cruel and calculating in that role than any spoiled 4 year old could ever be.

And, as we know, the Abrahamic gods are just reinventions of earlier gods who could be cruel mass-murderers as well. Zeus was descended from earlier primal entities, the Titans. He was in fact the son of Kronos and Rhea. Kronos was himself the child of Ouranos and Gaia, Gaia herself being the original existent.

It is no surprise that different religious traditions actually tend to define their gods as simply bigger more powerful versions of their own political or social systems. Zeus was simply another Greek tyrant. De' hey-zeus/the father/the spirit, was nothing more than an amalgam of existing messiahs of the time, most notably a rabbi of the Essenes who lived about 100 years before what is commonly referred to as the years of Jesus Christ. There's clear biblical notation that the Jews did not initially reject the messiah, not until they discovered his way was not that of the sword. Allah is simply the divine projection of another 7th century Arab warlord with whom we are familiar; Muhammad.
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God in the Old Testament had the maturity of a spoiled 4-year-old!

No, God does not have the maturity of a spoiled 4 year old. That is the perpective of a spoiled adult ( who isn't getting their way ) about God.

Actually, the god of the OT was a serial mass murderer and more cruel and calculating in that role than any spoiled 4 year old could ever be.

And, as we know, the Abrahamic gods are just reinventions of earlier gods who could be cruel mass-murderers as well. Zeus was descended from earlier primal entities, the Titans. He was in fact the son of Kronos and Rhea. Kronos was himself the child of Ouranos and Gaia, Gaia herself being the original existent.

It is no surprise that different religious traditions actually tend to define their gods as simply bigger more powerful versions of their own political or social systems. Zeus was simply another Greek tyrant. De' hey-zeus/the father/the spirit, was nothing more than an amalgam of existing messiahs of the time, most notably a rabbi of the Essenes who lived about 100 years before what is commonly referred to as the years of Jesus Christ. There's clear biblical notation that the Jews did not initially reject the messiah, not until they discovered his way was not that of the sword. Allah is simply the divine projection of another 7th century Arab warlord with whom we are familiar; Muhammad.

wow!!WOW!!! I T is easy to see why GOD says athiest are FOOLS!!!
God in the Old Testament had the maturity of a spoiled 4-year-old!

No, God does not have the maturity of a spoiled 4 year old. That is the perpective of a spoiled adult ( who isn't getting their way ) about God.

Actually, the god of the OT was a serial mass murderer and more cruel and calculating in that role than any spoiled 4 year old could ever be.

And, as we know, the Abrahamic gods are just reinventions of earlier gods who could be cruel mass-murderers as well. Zeus was descended from earlier primal entities, the Titans. He was in fact the son of Kronos and Rhea. Kronos was himself the child of Ouranos and Gaia, Gaia herself being the original existent.

It is no surprise that different religious traditions actually tend to define their gods as simply bigger more powerful versions of their own political or social systems. Zeus was simply another Greek tyrant. De' hey-zeus/the father/the spirit, was nothing more than an amalgam of existing messiahs of the time, most notably a rabbi of the Essenes who lived about 100 years before what is commonly referred to as the years of Jesus Christ. There's clear biblical notation that the Jews did not initially reject the messiah, not until they discovered his way was not that of the sword. Allah is simply the divine projection of another 7th century Arab warlord with whom we are familiar; Muhammad.

Please. All good Christians know that sort of scholarly anthropological nonsense is the work of Satan, right alongside dinosaur fossils, bones of neanderthals and of *pre-modern humans (*anatomically speaking), and ever more reliable dating techniques. Tricks! All designed to lead God's children away from the scientific Truths espoused in the one and only authoritative textbook ever written -- the Bible! Get thee behind us, Satanás!

YES!! SATAN isc a liar and the father of liars but fools are happy to believe satan's lies,why??? because they love sin and want to hope they will not face final judgment. DREAM ON!!!
YES!! SATAN isc a liar and the father of liars but fools are happy to believe satan's lies,why??? because they love sin and want to hope they will not face final judgment. DREAM ON!!!

Exactly the mindset that really doesn't need to be parodied in order to be seen as the dark humor it is...

Keep up the good work, Gizmo. Before you know it, people all around you will be back-sliding in droves just to get the hell away from your embarrassing worldview.
YES!! SATAN isc a liar and the father of liars but fools are happy to believe satan's lies,why??? because they love sin and want to hope they will not face final judgment. DREAM ON!!!

Exactly the mindset that really doesn't need to be parodied in order to be seen as the dark humor it is...

Keep up the good work, Gizmo. Before you know it, people all around you will be back-sliding in droves just to get the hell away from your embarrassing worldview.

THE ANSWER IS POSTED HERE FROM GOD'S WORD==That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
Exactly because Jesus is the Jewish Messiah the Prophets foretold of. He is the one. That is his law - he came to fulfill it not do away with it. The Apostles throughout the New Testament proved Jesus was the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy by using the teachings of the prophets and their own words speaking of him. Jesus is obviously the subject of Isaiah 53 the man of sorrows - it fits perfectly!

Which once again proves Jesus is who he said he was.

How could an unborn baby choose his own lineage ( King Davids lineage) his place of birth, his own name, his life, his miracles, his healing ministry, his destiny to go to the cross, how could he know that they would cast lots for his garment ( as prophets foretold in Psalm 22? ) that his own brothers would not believe him ( his siblings ) although it would be foretold?

How could he know they would hate him without a cause as Psalms 69:4 states?

How could he have known that he would be a reproach to men as Psalms 109 prophesied he would be.

How could he know they would give him vinegar for his thirst? As Psalm 69 foretold..

How could King David have written My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me in fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus own words at the cross ( see Matt 27:46 for that one )

How could he have known the soldiers would pierce his side as John wrote in John 19:34?

How could Zechariah have known this prophecy......... They will look on Me whom they have pierced....... Zechariah 12:10 prophecy...

How could Jesus have known his mother would be named Mary? That she would be a virgin and be with child? So he could "PLAN IT OUT" --------> as if it were possible. HA.

How could Jesus have planned his tomb to be that of a rich man from Arimathea?

Although Jesus knew that Isaiah had prophesied His grave was assigned to be with the wicked men, Yet with a rich man in his death....... Isaiah 53: 9

- how could Jesus Christ have planned his own birth, life, death and resurrection to have been prophesied some 2500 years before his birth?

Do you have any idea how impossible that is?

What the odds are for such a scenario? It is impossible to suggest Jesus is not Yeshua HaMachiah the Messiah of the Jews.


All of which would support the veracity of the Old Testament --the entire Old Testament-- and by extension, Goddess_Ashtara's advice to you.

Not that any portion of the Bible is good for much beyond improvised toilet paper, in my view. That's why I keep a copy on the counter in the bathroom, in case I ever find myself in a pinch.

...When the anti christ tells the Jews he is God? When he commits the abomination in the temple? It will hit them like a ton of bricks. Ut-oh! Jesus Christ was our Messiah afterall! Then it will be family reunion time. Think Joseph at the Kings table with his brothers. That day is coming. Oh what a glorious day it will be. Truly glorious.

Duly noted. I'll go ahead and file that away under Highly Contested Bibbly Babble along with pretty much everything else I've heard from zealots from opposing camps.

Tell it to the hand. :eusa_hand:

Do you realize, Capstone, that you did not address a single point I made? Not a single point? You completely breezed by the rock solid evidence I provided to you. You didn't even attempt to explain how it would be possible for Jesus to have planned out his own life from the womb to match identically with prophecy therein fulfilling it and proving he was who he said he was. What possible point would there be to having a debate with someone who does not understand what debate is? Who is incapable of responding to the points made?

You didn't counter a single point!

I'll tell you what. I've decided not to have debate with you. I simply cannot debate someone who plays such games. I've served as a judge for debates before - I would have disqualified you immediately. You're not qualified, Capstone. I'm considering someone else here. If I decide to invite her to a debate you can listen in and see how it's done.

- Jeremiah
No, God does not have the maturity of a spoiled 4 year old. That is the perpective of a spoiled adult ( who isn't getting their way ) about God.

Actually, the god of the OT was a serial mass murderer and more cruel and calculating in that role than any spoiled 4 year old could ever be.

And, as we know, the Abrahamic gods are just reinventions of earlier gods who could be cruel mass-murderers as well. Zeus was descended from earlier primal entities, the Titans. He was in fact the son of Kronos and Rhea. Kronos was himself the child of Ouranos and Gaia, Gaia herself being the original existent.

It is no surprise that different religious traditions actually tend to define their gods as simply bigger more powerful versions of their own political or social systems. Zeus was simply another Greek tyrant. De' hey-zeus/the father/the spirit, was nothing more than an amalgam of existing messiahs of the time, most notably a rabbi of the Essenes who lived about 100 years before what is commonly referred to as the years of Jesus Christ. There's clear biblical notation that the Jews did not initially reject the messiah, not until they discovered his way was not that of the sword. Allah is simply the divine projection of another 7th century Arab warlord with whom we are familiar; Muhammad.

wow!!WOW!!! I T is easy to see why GOD says athiest are FOOLS!!!

Yes, dear. Feel free to use your religion in promotion of hate. It's pretty typical.

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