PTL. Satan,demons and their tools,fools and puppets are Defeated foes!!! ptl.

It is good to worship God. To exalt His Holy Name! God is Worthy! He is Worthy!!

[ame=]I Exalt Thee Phil Driscoll video - YouTube[/ame]

God inhabits the praises of His people. When you worship God you put Satan to flight. Satan cannot stay in the presence of the anointing. Worship the LORD in spirit and in truth today. The LORD is here to deliver, to heal and to restore what the cankerworm has eaten. Come to the Lord Jesus Christ today and accept him for who He is. The Only Begotten Son of God who came to earth and hung on a cross at calvary for the remission of your sins. He is the perfect sin offering - perfectly acceptable to God - as Jesus said at the cross....

It is finished.

- Jeremiah
Here is a video of Rheinhart Bonke - the evangelist seen in the other video There is power in the name of Jesus. He has led millions upon millions of souls to the LORD. A very humble man of God. Here he is ministering to a smaller group. You'll get to hear one of his sermons. This one is about the Blood of Jesus.

Reinhard Bonnke - Marked By The Blood of Jesus - YouTube

The very first reference to the bible this guy gets wrong. Shall I watch more?

Someone should really explain the concept of Jesus to this guy. Of course he's more interested in selling tickets.

Jesus Christ isn't a concept. He is LORD. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is the LORD. Reihardt Bonke didn't get anything wrong. He is a Servant of the Most High G-d and those who slander God's anointed are striving against God Almighty.

Very dangerous. I'd repent of such a blasphemy. That is a serious sin. As a Christian I am required and commanded by God to warn those who do it. Consider it done.

- Jeremiah

NOTE* In Reinhardt Bonke's defense he has never charged admission to hear the gospel. He's blameless. He has shunned the world, money, fame, everything for heaven's sake. He has laid down his life to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the real deal. Listen to the videos and see for yourselves.
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People who are depressed probably wonder why I tell them to sing a praise song to God. The reason is simple. The bible prescribes worship as the cure for depression. ( it would be the same concept as the world when they take 2 aspirins for a headache - 2 aspirin - headache is gone )

The scriptures declare, Put on the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness. Depression comes from a spirit of heaviness. A demonic spirit that is sent from hell to create hopelessness and despair. The answer to this in the spirit realm is the worship the Lord. When you praise God you are putting on the garment of Praise. You need to keep it on. Stay in the presence of God and worship him. Read the Word of God daily. Pray for others and pray for yourselves. Encourage yourselves in the LORD as King David did. There may come a time when you are isolated and unable to reach a friend. There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

His Name is Jesus. Call upon His name today. He loves you and has a beautiful plan for your life. To God be the glory!
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Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound....

[ame=]Phil Driscoll "Amazing Grace" (phenomenal trumpet) - YouTube[/ame]
The very first reference to the bible this guy gets wrong. Shall I watch more?

Someone should really explain the concept of Jesus to this guy. Of course he's more interested in selling tickets.

Jesus Christ isn't a concept. He is LORD. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is the LORD. Reihardt Bonke didn't get anything wrong. He is a Servant of the Most High G-d and those who slander God's anointed are striving against God Almighty.

Very dangerous. I'd repent of such a blasphemy. That is a serious sin. As a Christian I am required and commanded by God to warn those who do it. Consider it done.

- Jeremiah

Would you please briefly explain want the first reference to the bible he makes, what that means?
Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. 46 Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47 He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.” john 8:42-47
Someone should really explain the concept of Jesus to this guy. Of course he's more interested in selling tickets.

Jesus Christ isn't a concept. He is LORD. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is the LORD. Reihardt Bonke didn't get anything wrong. He is a Servant of the Most High G-d and those who slander God's anointed are striving against God Almighty.

Very dangerous. I'd repent of such a blasphemy. That is a serious sin. As a Christian I am required and commanded by God to warn those who do it. Consider it done.

- Jeremiah

Would you please briefly explain want the first reference to the bible he makes, what that means?

Gladly. Which video are you referring to and what precisely did Bonke say that confuses you? - Jeri
It is written:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world, and not after Christ. - Colossians 2: 8

The NCT (that's the New Capstone Translation, FYI) renders Colossians 2: 8 as follows:

The New Capstone Translation: said:
[. . .]8 Beware of the fruits of rational thought, after the tradition of history's most prominent thinkers (from Heraclitus to Galileo to Einstein and beyond), after the rudiments of this world (such as the scientific method and other modes of critical thought), so that your own minds remain susceptible to *brain-cleansing* through the irrational dictates of Christianity.[...]

I took a little less poetic license in my rendering than most of the other translations, but I think the gist of the author's original intentions comes through.

Is this the bible verse RV is referring to? I'm not sure. That was not the words of Bonke'. That is holy scripture. Colossians is in the New Testament. I'm not familiar with Capstones translation and know of no bible that quotes Einstein and Galileo but I don't find it amusing......

I'm quoting King James Version Bible.
Jesus Christ isn't a concept. He is LORD. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is the LORD. Reihardt Bonke didn't get anything wrong. He is a Servant of the Most High G-d and those who slander God's anointed are striving against God Almighty.

Very dangerous. I'd repent of such a blasphemy. That is a serious sin. As a Christian I am required and commanded by God to warn those who do it. Consider it done.

- Jeremiah

Would you please briefly explain want the first reference to the bible he makes, what that means?

Gladly. Which video are you referring to and what precisely did Bonke say that confuses you? - Jeri

I replied to that post but looks like I have to link to the post from here.
It is written:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world, and not after Christ. - Colossians 2: 8

The NCT (that's the New Capstone Translation, FYI) renders Colossians 2: 8 as follows:

The New Capstone Translation: said:
[. . .]8 Beware of the fruits of rational thought, after the tradition of history's most prominent thinkers (from Heraclitus to Galileo to Einstein and beyond), after the rudiments of this world (such as the scientific method and other modes of critical thought), so that your own minds remain susceptible to *brain-cleansing* through the irrational dictates of Christianity.[...]

I took a little less poetic license in my rendering than most of the other translations, but I think the gist of the author's original intentions comes through.

God didn't give you a poetic license. I think we have our debate topic, Capstone. The debate topic ( which was my option ) shall be based on Colossians 2:8. Study up. We'll begin 2 weeks from tomorrow in order to give you time to prepare. The debate is Colossians 2: 8. Humanism vs. Christianity

- Jeremiah
You are quoting Gismy's opening post of Hebrews 2 and want to know what this scripture means?

Hebrews 2:===JESUS

14 For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

Yes or no <---------- is this what you are referring to,RV?
It is written:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world, and not after Christ. - Colossians 2: 8

So... is that really going to be your response to my advice for you to go back and read the Old Testament, to ascertain whether or not God has a dark side? Come. We both worship the highest God. Let us not be ashamed to openly discuss our views on the nature of our Creator, and our methods of worship.

You are not spiritually worthy to advise me. You're serving Satan, Ashtara. Your god is under my feet. My God doesn't even acknowledge your god as anything but a defeated foe. ( It happened at the cross)

How could you possibly do a thing for me? You're stuck like cement where you stand. Kick Lileth to the curb by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Then I'll be delighted for you to advise me as there is wisdom in many counselors according to Solomon. *( godly counselors ) I'd welcome it. First you'll have to be saved, delivered and filled with the Holy Ghost. Stand by because it is coming... I'm praying for you, Ashtara. I know God hears my prayers and your deliverance is coming.

- Jeremiah

How is advising you to go back and read the Old Testament of the Bible anything but a good thing?
If that is it let's start from the beginning shall we?

Let's start with Hebrews 2: 6 which is actually a reciting of Psalm 8 - King Davids Psalm referencing dominion power... the latter part of the same verse is referring to Psalm 17 because David had encountered the Lord visiting him in the night seasons. He is referencing the visitations God gives his sons and daughters.

Verse 7 refers to the scripture which states Thus sayeth the LORD, the Holy Maker of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands command ye me..... it's Gods invitation to the Servants... quite literally...

Verse 8 refers to dominion authority. You can refer back to Luke 10:19, Satan is under the Lords feet and he puts him under your feet as well when your name is written in the lambs book of life which is Luke 10:20. verse 8 explains that although satan is under the Lords feet he has been given a short season to be loosed upon the earth. The coming of the antichrist is part of the explanation for this verse ..

Verse 9 Jesus is referred to as the second Adam because he came in the form of a man born to a virgin - his bloodtype that of His Father (God) just as your bloodtype is defined by your father. Your blood is the blood of a man, it cannot redeem anything.. The blood of Jesus comes His Father. It is the perfect sin offering once and for all for the sins of mankind. Unlike the sin offerings the Jewish priests offered up - see the Chapter of Hebrews for full story.. I'll post a link to Hebrews. I wrote out the entire book on a thread called Hebrews. I'll post it here that link here for you also...
moving on.......

verse 10 - this is referencing John Chapter one verse one ......It is written: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. end of verse - who is the Word? Jesus. When was he with God? In the beginning. Where is the beginning? Genesis 1:1 Lets go back to Genesis - that is the first book of your bible - we'll read together ..In the beginning God created heaven and earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the waters. And God SAID, Let their be light. That is verses 1 , 2, 3. God the father verse 1 God the Holy Spirit? Verse 2 and God the Word - Jesus is verse 3. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Right there in Genesis one. Who is the creator? Go back to John 1:3 ( still talking about Jesus here who is called The Word -
All things were made by him and without him not anything was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. - John1:3 - 5

next is verse 11 - Jesus is the One who sanctifies us through His shed blood at the cross, the believers who are sanctified are One with Jesus. We are IN CHRIST. We are the body. He is the head. Get it? We are one with Christ and because we are one with Him he is not ashamed to call us "brethren"..

Next is verse 12 - The followers of Christ are his brethren and we do not deny the name of Jesus Christ even under threat of death. We do not deny the name of Jesus because he is our Lord and Savior. Those who deny Jesus are denying the Father who sent him which is why he warns if you deny me before men, I will deny you before the father. We don't need a grand showdown stage for denying Christ. You can deny Christ on a message board by simply denying him before others! The brethren of Jesus will not deny him. That is why he doesn't deny us either.

Verse 13 - Jesus prayed that the believers would be one even as he and the Father were one. The teaching is about - being of One Mind, One accord, One body, In the unity of the Holy Spirit. in verse 19 of John 17 Jesus said, And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through Truth. What is the truth? Jesus is the truth, the way and the life. The doctrine of Christ which is stated in 2 John 1:9 which states Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, recieve them not into your house, neither bid them God speed. For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. Again this is all going back to the powerful revelation that Christ is truth. The doctrine of Christ is truth.

Verse 14 - This is divine. It is speaking of Gods children who are born of flesh and blood and Jesus likewise took on flesh and blood form so that he could destroy the power of Satan at the cross. Part of the work of the cross was Jesus descending into hell to take the keys of hell and death from Satan in order to destroy his power. He did! That is what Luke 10:19 is all about, folks! When we take communion we drink the grape juice and partake of the bread in remembrance of Christ we are remembering what he did for us at the cross. Has any christian ever eaten flesh and drank blood? No. That is Satan who has perverted and counterfeited his own "unholy communion" because his arch enemy is Jesus Christ. Why? Jesus defeated him at the cross. It is quite horrific to think how Satan humiliates and degrades his own followers. What are some of the stories coming out from ex satanists? Forced to kidnap children / babies or become a breeder who hands over the baby to the coven for sacrifice, eat their flesh, drink their blood, raping women and children on altars, forced to kill for Satan (ever listen to the serial killers who admitted they were involved in Satanic covens ? ) in fear for their lives if they leave their covens, in fear of the demons that force them to do such horrific things under threats of torment? These people believe they have no hope! OH! WHAT A LIE THAT IS! There is always hope. Where there is life? There's hope. Put your hope in Christ. When you accept Christ and are baptised with His Holy Spirit? The gates of hell shall not prevail against you.

Verse 15 - In Christ there is no fear of death. It is impossible unless you are on the run from God and that might be what he uses to wake you up. But truly the fearlessness of Christians is the sign of their salvation while the fearfulness of Unbelievers is a sign of their perdition. They are perishing. That is what the bible has to say about us and why Jesus came. The only way to be conquer fear is to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior - into the King of Glory into your heart to become your LORD. Jesus defeated Satan so if you are in Christ you have no fear. He who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Verse 16 - Jesus came through Abrahams seed because he was fulfilling prophecy. In Genesis we read in chapter 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. This was Gods plan to send His Son to redeem the seed of the woman by becoming part of that seed coming through that seed - Abrahams specificly.. in order to redeem his brethren just as Joseph redeemed his own brothers.

If you have any further questions, RandomVariable, please feel free to ask.

It is written:
Hebrews Chapter 2 verse 6...

verse 7....

verse 8
THOU HAST PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.

verse 9

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour, that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

verse 10

For it became him for whom all things are made and by whom all things were made, to bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain their salvation perfect through sufferings.

verse 11

For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one, for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.

verse 12


verse 13


verse 14

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of the flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.

verse 15

And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

verse 16

For verily he took not on him the nature of angel but of the seed of Abraham.
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God does not have a dark side. God is Holy. Through and through.

Go read the Old Testament again if you really believe that God does not have a dark side :)

Just so happens I am reading the old Testament, Job to be precise. What part of the old Testament are you referring to?

No, start from Genesis and work your way forward through the entire Old Testament. God has more destructive power than any deity I have ever read about. He can be also be ruthless and unforgiving at times. Maybe later on when I am more awake I will seek out the list I wrote in jail where I recorded every known method that God uses to slay humans in the bible.
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If that is it let's start from the beginning shall we?

Let's start with Hebrews 2: 6 which is actually a reciting of Psalm 8 - King Davids Psalm referencing dominion power... the latter part of the same verse is referring to Psalm 17 because David had encountered the Lord visiting him in the night seasons. He is referencing the visitations God gives his sons and daughters. Verse 7 refers to the scripture which states Thus sayeth the LORD, the Holy Maker of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands command ye me..... it's Gods invitation to the Servants... quite literally... verse 8 refers to dominion authority. You can refer back to Luke 10:19. Satan is under the Lords feet. If you are in Christ he is under your feet as well.I am going to be going line upon line here for each verse so you get the big picture, RV.

It is written:
Hebrews Chapter 2 verse 6...

verse 7....

verse 8
THOU HAST PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.

......still under construction.. I'm giving you some reading material in the meantime, RV.

What? My question was much more simple than that. He refers to Peter Chapter 1:18. Why does he refer to that particular verse? What does that mean in the context in which he uses it? What is he, the evangelist, trying to say unto the masses?
Go read the Old Testament again if you really believe that God does not have a dark side :)

Just so happens I am reading the old Testament, Job to be precise. What part of the old Testament are you referring to?

No, start from Genesis and work your way forward through the entire Old Testament. God has more destructive power than any deity I have ever read about. He can be also be ruthless and unforgiving at times. Maybe later on when I am more awake I will seek out the list I wrote in jail where I recorded every known method that God uses to slay humans in the bible.

I have read some of Genesis, I might have finished it, working on Job now, I was reading of the sacrifices on the alter but it might have been new Testament. Here is a trivia question for anyone. Why did God reject Cain's offering unto God?
Just so happens I am reading the old Testament, Job to be precise. What part of the old Testament are you referring to?

No, start from Genesis and work your way forward through the entire Old Testament. God has more destructive power than any deity I have ever read about. He can be also be ruthless and unforgiving at times. Maybe later on when I am more awake I will seek out the list I wrote in jail where I recorded every known method that God uses to slay humans in the bible.

I have read some of Genesis, I might have finished it, working on Job now, I was reading of the sacrifices on the alter but it might have been new Testament. Here is a trivia question for anyone. Why did God reject Cain's offering unto God?

Just so happens I am reading the old Testament, Job to be precise. What part of the old Testament are you referring to?

No, start from Genesis and work your way forward through the entire Old Testament. God has more destructive power than any deity I have ever read about. He can be also be ruthless and unforgiving at times. Maybe later on when I am more awake I will seek out the list I wrote in jail where I recorded every known method that God uses to slay humans in the bible.

I have read some of Genesis, I might have finished it, working on Job now, I was reading of the sacrifices on the alter but it might have been new Testament. Here is a trivia question for anyone. Why did God reject Cain's offering unto God?

I'm tellin' you. The Bible is freakin' epic. It was way more brutal than I thought it was going to be. You are "working on" Job when you haven't even finished Genesis! How do you have any idea what is going on? You're missin' out! Read the Books in order yo!
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Literally translated, the Greek term tetelestai does indeed mean that something's "finished, done, accomplished, completed" or any such synonym. It occurs only twice in the NT, first in John 19:28, then again in John 19:30.

The KJV renders verses 28-30 as follows (relevant words highlighted):

28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.

29 Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.

30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

The NCT might shed some light on a possible misunderstanding on which the common Christian doctrine alluded to by Jeremiah may have been based.

The New Capstone Translation: said:
[. . .]28 After this, Jesus, knowing that *all things to fulfill the scripture had already been accomplished*, said, "I am thirsty." 29 A jar of sour wine was standing by, so they soaked a sponge in the sour wine, put it on a branch of hyssop, and brought it up to his mouth. 30 After Jesus sucked all of the sour wine out of the sponge, he said, "It is finished! (the wine, that is)". His thirst then quenched, he bowed his head and eventually gave up his spirit. [...]

*As implied here, the Vulgate, though derivative from the original Greek, may provide a clue as to the author's intended meaning for the first case:

[. . .]The Vulgate has “Postea sciens Jesus quia omnia consummata sunt ut consummaretur Scriptural - Perhaps the nearest English rendering is “that all things were now completed that the Scripture might be accomplished.” But then there arises the difficult question, Is this connected with the words which follow, or not? The margin assumes that it is, and refers to Psalm 69:21. On the other hand (1) St. John’s custom is to quote the fulfilment of Scripture as seen in the event after its occurrence; (2) he does not here use the ordinary words which accompany such a reference; (3) the actual meaning of “knowing that all things were now accomplished” seems to exclude the idea of a further accomplishment, and to refer to the whole life which was an accomplishment of Scripture; (4) the context of words as they occur in the Psalm (John 19:22 et seq.) cannot be understood of our Lord. There seems to be good reason, therefore, for understanding the words “that the Scripture might be completed,” of the events of the whole life, and not of the words which immediately follow.[...]

...which supports my interpretation of the second case as something wholly distinct from scriptural fulfillment -- namely the finishing-off of the alcoholic beverage he was offered in the waning moments of his life.

Could it be that many Christian theologians have had it wrong all along, and he was simply talking about the nasty wine-soaked sponge on a stick, when he said "It is finished!"? :dunno:

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