PTL. Satan,demons and their tools,fools and puppets are Defeated foes!!! ptl.

Why would demons scream that?

If demons did think there was an appointed time when they would be eradicated, and that time was not then, why concern oneself with that question?

Or if demons did not know there was a time they will be eradicated, how could they ask the question?

The more I look at NT scripture, the more I realize how it is structured to lead one to believe it. The moment you put it to the side as a questionable source, it becomes more and more self-contained and needing others to make it grow.

Demons fear the LORD. They know what lies in store for them and hell is a horrific place. There are millions there even now screaming 24 / 7 and no one hears them. Consider what a blessing it is to still be alive and avoid that place.

To the Christians here.....knowing how much satans angels and demons fear the LORD it is quite beautiful when the believer awakens to the truth that the same Holy Spirit that dwelled in Jesus Christ on the earth is dwelling inside of us today. Demons fear us. They tremble at the very thought that we are going drive them out by the power of Luke 10:19. They shudder at the sight of a praying saint. This is the truth. The wicked fear the godly because they know the godly are under the covering of the Almighty God.

That is why Christ says to His Children, Ye are more than conquerers through Him! Yea and Amen to that! Ye are indeed more than Conquerers through Christ Jesus because it is not by might and not by power but by my Spirit sayeth the LORD. Thank G-d for the Holy Ghost! - Jeri
◄ Matthew 8:29
"What do you want with us, Son of God?" they shouted(SCREAMED). "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?"

fuck off.

That is uncalled for, Hobelim. If you don't want to hear the gospel don't tune in. Problem solved. Don't be a gate keeper. The gate keepers get trampled to death when the stampede comes because you cannot hold back a dying, thirsting people from where the living waters are flowing... Standing in front of the gate ( blocking it ) is a dangerous thing to do at any time. Particularly dangerous now... because God is on the move. Right now? He's on the move.. Big Time.

- Jeremiah

Living water is not flowing from either you or gism or from any imaginary trinity that became a man.

You both, he goats 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as a sin offering. Your slaughters have been dedicated to the Lord.

that's your blood draining into the ground.
It is written:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world, and not after Christ. - Colossians 2: 8

So... is that really going to be your response to my advice for you to go back and read the Old Testament, to ascertain whether or not God has a dark side? Come. We both worship the highest God. Let us not be ashamed to openly discuss our views on the nature of our Creator, and our methods of worship.

You are not spiritually worthy to advise me. You're serving Satan, Ashtara. Your god is under my feet. My God doesn't even acknowledge your god as anything but a defeated foe. ( It happened at the cross)

How could you possibly do a thing for me? You're stuck like cement where you stand. Kick Lileth to the curb by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Then I'll be delighted for you to advise me as there is wisdom in many counselors according to Solomon. *( godly counselors ) I'd welcome it. First you'll have to be saved, delivered and filled with the Holy Ghost. Stand by because it is coming... I'm praying for you, Ashtara. I know God hears my prayers and your deliverance is coming.

- Jeremiah
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fuck off.

That is uncalled for, Hobelim. If you don't want to hear the gospel don't tune in. Problem solved. Don't be a gate keeper. The gate keepers get trampled to death when the stampede comes because you cannot hold back a dying, thirsting people from where the living waters are flowing... Standing in front of the gate ( blocking it ) is a dangerous thing to do at any time. Particularly dangerous now... because God is on the move. Right now? He's on the move.. Big Time.

- Jeremiah

Living water is not flowing from either you or gism or from any imaginary trinity that became a man.

You both, he goats 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as a sin offering. Your slaughters have been dedicated to the Lord.

that's your blood draining into the ground.

Wrong again. Neither Gismy nor I will be sacrificed to Satan and not one drop of our blood shall touch the ground. Do not believe the lie, Hobelim, that your denying Christ will protect you from Satan and his workers because the plans he has for those who do his bidding? Is a big double cross. Straight down the line. You've been had. By the way an undeserved curse shall fall to the ground like a feather. It just did.

Gismy and I shall live and testify of the goodness of the LORD. That is the Word of the LORD. I break these words spoken against Gismy and myself - I break all words spoken by any evil spirit, human spirit or person practicing witchcraft or the occult. I condemn the tongues who spoke these words according to the commands of God and claim the souls of every satanist / occult practitioner, demon possessed person who spoke these word curses against us and I send ministering spirits to go forth and prepare them for an encounter with Jesus Christ. Right now... In Jesus name. Amen! :eusa_angel:

Ha! Ha! Today is going to be a glorious day! There is nothing like serving Jesus Christ.

What an adventure! Does it get any better than this?


- Jeremiah

Why did I do this? I am commmanded to love my enemies. I do. I am commanded to pray for my enemies. I have. I'm commanded to intercede night and day for the lost and to win souls. I intend to. A BUNCH.
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Not after you leave this earth he doesn't. The choice isn't between heaven and hell, Huggy. That is too easy. Anyone would choose heaven. No. The choice is between heaven and this world. That's the choice. Choose wisely. Eternity is a very long time. I'd have a look at the Reinhardt Bonke Vids just for the sake of making an "informed decision".

Maybe so but the end for earth and the sun and perhaps the collapse of the universe is fixed.. and with THAT, time.

I'm not concerned with made up stuff like god and heaven. There are plenty of meaningfull REAL things to take up ones time while we have some here and now.

You religists have been convinced otherwise. No sweat off my beak until your dogma runs out in front of my Karma. Observe the local leash laws and everything's good. In THIS country you don't have the right of way.

You're wrong about that one. As children of God we've been given dominion authority. ( that covers the earth - including this country ) It begins with the promise in the Garden where God gave the authority to Adam and Eve and they lost it through sin. Then it picks up again with Gods servants - the Prophets - then it goes to King David in Psalm 8 - then it continues to the New Testament and the cross where the believer recieves the ultimate authority which is all power over satan and his works. It is in Luke 10:19. Read it. Christians have more power then you realize. They have the power of the Holy Spirit residing inside of them. Do you have any idea what that means for satans kingdom? He's a defeated foe! So are his employees.

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To the USMB staff who cleaned up this thread overnight. When I signed out after 4 a.m. this morning there were 101 replies. This morning the thread was down to 40 something which means the staff here cleaned up alot of threads. My prayer for you people today is that God blesses you and makes His face to shine upon you. That he protects you night and day ( I pray for that anyhow ) and that something wonderful is going to happen to you and he's going to give you the realisation.. that it was no coincidence. It was Him.. Bless you all, in Jesus name.

- Jeri

Have an awesome day.
That is uncalled for, Hobelim. If you don't want to hear the gospel don't tune in. Problem solved. Don't be a gate keeper. The gate keepers get trampled to death when the stampede comes because you cannot hold back a dying, thirsting people from where the living waters are flowing... Standing in front of the gate ( blocking it ) is a dangerous thing to do at any time. Particularly dangerous now... because God is on the move. Right now? He's on the move.. Big Time.

- Jeremiah

Living water is not flowing from either you or gism or from any imaginary trinity that became a man.

You both, he goats 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as a sin offering. Your slaughters have been dedicated to the Lord.

that's your blood draining into the ground.

Wrong again. Neither Gismy nor I will be sacrificed to Satan and not one drop of our blood shall touch the ground. Do not believe the lie, Hobelim, that your denying Christ will protect you from Satan and his workers because the plans he has for those who do his bidding? Is a big double cross. Straight down the line. You've been had. By the way an undeserved curse shall fall to the ground like a feather. It just did.

Gismy and I shall live and testify of the goodness of the LORD. That is the Word of the LORD. I break these words spoken against Gismy and myself - I break all words spoken by any evil spirit, human spirit or person practicing witchcraft or the occult. I condemn the tongues who spoke these words according to the commands of God and claim the souls of every satanist / occult practitioner, demon possessed person who spoke these word curses against us and I send ministering spirits to go forth and prepare them for an encounter with Jesus Christ. Right now... In Jesus name. Amen! :eusa_angel:

Ha! Ha! Today is going to be a glorious day! There is nothing like serving Jesus Christ.

What an adventure! Does it get any better than this?


- Jeremiah

Why did I do this? I am commmanded to love my enemies. I do. I am commanded to pray for my enemies. I have. I'm commanded to intercede night and day for the lost and to win souls. I intend to. A BUNCH.

Damn, Jeri. You must have downed a vat of communion wine.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

When you were first exposed to whatever brand of Christianity that you belong to, you were told that Jesus is God and he died for "our" sins and all you have to do to is believe and you will be saved. you were also told that Satan is an invisible disembodied entity from hell that tries to possess people by entering their minds somehow.

What this does as a consequence to your acceptance of that belief is make you think that any rational thought or intelligent question that arises in your own mind that casts doubt on your belief in Jesus as God is a satanic attack which makes you pray to your imaginary God with all your might to resist.

What eventually happens is that you end up murdering any rational or intelligent thought in your head as it comes up leaving your mind empty and swept clean for any number of devils to come into and control exactly like GISMs or you own preacher set you about the task of turning yourself into a golem, a victim of mind control who then goes trying to lure more victims as if it was a religious duty..

The Law of God is not hard to conform to, Its about as easy or as difficult as it is for a person to not be stupid.

The least you can do is try.
Here is a video of Rheinhart Bonke - the evangelist seen in the other video There is power in the name of Jesus. He has led millions upon millions of souls to the LORD. A very humble man of God. Here he is ministering to a smaller group. You'll get to hear one of his sermons. This one is about the Blood of Jesus.

Reinhard Bonnke - Marked By The Blood of Jesus - YouTube

Todays sermon was chosen by the Holy Ghost. See what God has for you in this message. I'm believing you'll all be pleasantly surprised! It's a magnificent message and Spirit led from start to finish! Pay close attention to how the sorcerers sent the most powerful witch in the world to curse Bonke because they could not do it themselves! lol... it's such a great story.... He's delightful!

p.s. I was laughing when he said everyone has their trials and people that hate them but with him it is always the Sorcerers! I can so relate to that! It seems like from the very beginning it was Sorcerers and people involved in the occult! Today? Over twenty years later? It's still true. I know who they are before they even show up because with the Holy Spirit, how could I not? Right? So anyhow it gave me a good laugh and I believe this message will set many hearts at ease. Satan has no authority over the believer.

p.s.s. my first encounter with a sorcerer was a PTA school meeting years ago where I confronted the school board about occult teachings in the public school. This man in the front row went stark raving mad at hearing me preach the gospel of Jesus Christ from a public school PTA meeting platform but I continued on and ignored him because Christ never answered the mockery of the Mockers and Scorners. ( never vindicate yourself - Jesus never did)

Anyhow the sorcerer was stuck in his chair twisting like a contortionist and when I left had I known he was going to die that night I would have ministered to him privately. I didn't.

That Monday morning I drove over to the school to ask the principal to follow up on my suggestions and he informed me they had to go to a funeral. Who died? The sorcerer that was in the front row challenging me. I pray to God that no one is ever so foolish again. It grieves me to the core to hear of anyone going to hell. Even sorcerers.
"The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or
Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world,
nothing is left to chance...logic can be happily tossed out the window."
..........Stephen King
Living water is not flowing from either you or gism or from any imaginary trinity that became a man.

You both, he goats 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as a sin offering. Your slaughters have been dedicated to the Lord.

that's your blood draining into the ground.

Wrong again. Neither Gismy nor I will be sacrificed to Satan and not one drop of our blood shall touch the ground. Do not believe the lie, Hobelim, that your denying Christ will protect you from Satan and his workers because the plans he has for those who do his bidding? Is a big double cross. Straight down the line. You've been had. By the way an undeserved curse shall fall to the ground like a feather. It just did.

Gismy and I shall live and testify of the goodness of the LORD. That is the Word of the LORD. I break these words spoken against Gismy and myself - I break all words spoken by any evil spirit, human spirit or person practicing witchcraft or the occult. I condemn the tongues who spoke these words according to the commands of God and claim the souls of every satanist / occult practitioner, demon possessed person who spoke these word curses against us and I send ministering spirits to go forth and prepare them for an encounter with Jesus Christ. Right now... In Jesus name. Amen! :eusa_angel:

Ha! Ha! Today is going to be a glorious day! There is nothing like serving Jesus Christ.

What an adventure! Does it get any better than this?


- Jeremiah

Why did I do this? I am commmanded to love my enemies. I do. I am commanded to pray for my enemies. I have. I'm commanded to intercede night and day for the lost and to win souls. I intend to. A BUNCH.

Damn, Jeri. You must have downed a vat of communion wine.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

When you were first exposed to whatever brand of Christianity that you belong to, you were told that Jesus is God and he died for "our" sins and all you have to do to is believe and you will be saved. you were also told that Satan is an invisible disembodied entity from hell that tries to possess people by entering their minds somehow.

What this does as a consequence to your acceptance of that belief is make you think that any rational thought or intelligent question that arises in your own mind that casts doubt on your belief in Jesus as God is a satanic attack which makes you pray to your imaginary God with all your might to resist.

What eventually happens is that you end up murdering any rational or intelligent thought in your head as it comes up leaving your mind empty and swept clean for any number of devils to come into and control exactly like GISMs or you own preacher set you about the task of turning yourself into a golem, a victim of mind control who then goes trying to lure more victims as if it was a religious duty..

The Law of God is not hard to conform to, Its about as easy or as difficult as it is for a person to not be stupid.

The least you can do is try.

A very good piece on the subject

"After reading the Bible, many people are mystified as to why grown, otherwise intelligent adults would believe that it is the direct communication or the "inspired Word" of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good being. To many people, it seems absolutely incredible that any reasonable person could maintain this belief in the face of our current scientific knowledge and the contemporary understanding of history, religion and mythology. To outsiders, the phenomenon of Christian belief is a puzzlement.
However, after a bit of research and reflection, the mystery is resolved. It soon becomes apparent that the whole bizarre Christian belief system is predicated, to a large degree, on two compelling ideas. The first idea is that maintaining faith in Bible claims is the most morally virtuous act one can perform and will be rewarded with an eternal life of bliss. The second belief is that doubting biblical claims represents the greatest evil imaginable and will be punished with an eternity of torture. These linchpin beliefs make it possible for Christians to accept thoroughly ridiculous biblical assertions not merely in the absence of evidence, but against the evidence-against reason.
The sanctification of "faith" and demonization of doubt short-circuits the thinking process. Since it is continually drilled into Christians' brains that faith must be maintained at all costs, anything which contradicts a Bible claim is automatically rationalized away as the arrogance of the "wise," as a ploy of Satan, or as a test of faith from God himself. So when it is explained and demonstrated to a Christian that the Bible is simply a collection of ancient writings masquerading as the "Word of God," this is dismissed as the delusion of unbelievers blinded by their sin. When scientific discoveries are shown to clearly, directly and unambiguously contradict biblical pronouncements, these scientific discoveries are interpreted by the Christian as satanic trickery. If it is patiently and painstakingly evinced to the Christian that the Bible is filled from one end to the other with obscene cruelty and violence, pagan mythology and superstition, blatant contradictions, ludicrous claims and outrageous, blithering idiocy, the Christian smiles in the face of this, confident that his faith is being tested by God and that he will be rewarded accordingly in the Age To Come.
It must be understood that in the Alice-in-Wonderland Christian world view, the more difficult it is to believe in a biblical claim, the more one is glorified for believing it. Faith, believing no matter what the facts say, is the highest manifestation of moral righteousness. Developing and maintaining one's faith in the preposterous and the incomprehensible becomes the ultimate purpose of life. Tertullian's declaration, "I believe because it is impossible," is the boast of a man who celebrates his irrationality. While liberal Christians today may pay lip service to the notion of a reasonable faith, the sentiment of Tertullin's inane "I believe because it is impossible" is alive and well and continues to be spouted from church pulpits on Sunday mornings: "Brethren, did not Paul say that God will make foolish the wisdom of the world, and choose that which is foolish to shame the wise of the world? Brothers and Sisters, did not JEEEZ-ZUSS tell us that unless we become as little children we will never enter the kingdom of heaven, that God has chosen to hide his light from the eyes of the wise and reveal himself to babes?" Reason and knowledge are ridiculed while biblical absurdities are held aloft as bless-ed revelation. This is how Christianity sustains itself. It is the only way that it can.
Thus the Christian faith's invisible attributes are now clearly to be seen. Behind all the sacraments and the rituals, the organ music and the angelic choirs, the praying lips and the arms thrust heavenward, behind all this, propping it all up, is the monstrous doctrine that gullibility and ignorance are divine.
Please don't try to explain this to a Christian though, for it has been most assuredly foretold that he would be mocked and persecuted for Jesus' sake by the "wise" of a fallen, perishing world. Yea, lo, verily, for it has been written..."

Skeptic Ring
Living water is not flowing from either you or gism or from any imaginary trinity that became a man.

You both, he goats 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as a sin offering. Your slaughters have been dedicated to the Lord.

that's your blood draining into the ground.

Wrong again. Neither Gismy nor I will be sacrificed to Satan and not one drop of our blood shall touch the ground. Do not believe the lie, Hobelim, that your denying Christ will protect you from Satan and his workers because the plans he has for those who do his bidding? Is a big double cross. Straight down the line. You've been had. By the way an undeserved curse shall fall to the ground like a feather. It just did.

Gismy and I shall live and testify of the goodness of the LORD. That is the Word of the LORD. I break these words spoken against Gismy and myself - I break all words spoken by any evil spirit, human spirit or person practicing witchcraft or the occult. I condemn the tongues who spoke these words according to the commands of God and claim the souls of every satanist / occult practitioner, demon possessed person who spoke these word curses against us and I send ministering spirits to go forth and prepare them for an encounter with Jesus Christ. Right now... In Jesus name. Amen! :eusa_angel:

Ha! Ha! Today is going to be a glorious day! There is nothing like serving Jesus Christ.

What an adventure! Does it get any better than this?


- Jeremiah

Why did I do this? I am commmanded to love my enemies. I do. I am commanded to pray for my enemies. I have. I'm commanded to intercede night and day for the lost and to win souls. I intend to. A BUNCH.

Damn, Jeri. You must have downed a vat of communion wine.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

When you were first exposed to whatever brand of Christianity that you belong to, you were told that Jesus is God and he died for "our" sins and all you have to do to is believe and you will be saved. you were also told that Satan is an invisible disembodied entity from hell that tries to possess people by entering their minds somehow.

What this does as a consequence to your acceptance of that belief is make you think that any rational thought or intelligent question that arises in your own mind that casts doubt on your belief in Jesus as God is a satanic attack which makes you pray to your imaginary God with all your might to resist.

What eventually happens is that you end up murdering any rational or intelligent thought in your head as it comes up leaving your mind empty and swept clean for any number of devils to come into and control exactly like GISMs or you own preacher set you about the task of turning yourself into a golem, a victim of mind control who then goes trying to lure more victims as if it was a religious duty..

The Law of God is not hard to conform to, Its about as easy or as difficult as it is for a person to not be stupid.

The least you can do is try.

While I appreciate your sharing your opinion, Hobelim... that is truly all it is. An opinion. I am not afforded the luxury of an "opinon" when it comes to the Bible. God never asked for my opinion on how to define Him or His Word. He never told me to interpret His words for him according to my own comfort level. No. God has made it painfully clear to me that He isn't grading on a curve here. God is Holy.

WIthout holiness no one will see the Lord.

Our righteousness is not our own. It was bought with the price of the blood of Jesus Christ and if you are not marked by that blood you are as vulnerable as the unmarked in Ezekiel chapter 8:11 - 9: 11 before the slaughter began. The man in the linen garment is moving in the midst of us now. Don't miss your opportunity to be marked by the blood while Jesus is passing by. Reach out and grab the hem of his garment while he is near.

We are facing very serious times here. You must get under the blood of Jesus Christ for God to be able to protect you. There is no other name under heaven by which a man can be saved. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the Father except through the Son. Jesus said so. If you deny him before men? Then, he will deny you before Father.

I have a word for someone here. It's about when the Holy Spirit convicts. When the Holy Spirit is convicting you of your sin and you need to come to Jesus, you need to come right then. Do not wait.

The time is coming when the Lord will say That's Enough! Do not strive with that person any longer. Do not risk that the Holy Spirit may not strive for your soul again. The hour is late and you need to come when he calls. What God has done for me, for others he will do for you. God is no respector of persons. Just repent, get washed in the blood of Jesus and forget the things behind. Today is a new day. Receive the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ today. If the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart, do not ignore Him. Answer and surrender to him completely. No matter how broken you are, God will make something beautiful out of your life. He gives beauty for ashes. He makes all things beautiful in its own time. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. By all means avoid it. Recieve His grace and mercy while it can still be found..

- Jeremiah
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Wrong again. Neither Gismy nor I will be sacrificed to Satan and not one drop of our blood shall touch the ground. Do not believe the lie, Hobelim, that your denying Christ will protect you from Satan and his workers because the plans he has for those who do his bidding? Is a big double cross. Straight down the line. You've been had. By the way an undeserved curse shall fall to the ground like a feather. It just did.

Gismy and I shall live and testify of the goodness of the LORD. That is the Word of the LORD. I break these words spoken against Gismy and myself - I break all words spoken by any evil spirit, human spirit or person practicing witchcraft or the occult. I condemn the tongues who spoke these words according to the commands of God and claim the souls of every satanist / occult practitioner, demon possessed person who spoke these word curses against us and I send ministering spirits to go forth and prepare them for an encounter with Jesus Christ. Right now... In Jesus name. Amen! :eusa_angel:

Ha! Ha! Today is going to be a glorious day! There is nothing like serving Jesus Christ.

What an adventure! Does it get any better than this?


- Jeremiah

Why did I do this? I am commmanded to love my enemies. I do. I am commanded to pray for my enemies. I have. I'm commanded to intercede night and day for the lost and to win souls. I intend to. A BUNCH.

Damn, Jeri. You must have downed a vat of communion wine.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

When you were first exposed to whatever brand of Christianity that you belong to, you were told that Jesus is God and he died for "our" sins and all you have to do to is believe and you will be saved. you were also told that Satan is an invisible disembodied entity from hell that tries to possess people by entering their minds somehow.

What this does as a consequence to your acceptance of that belief is make you think that any rational thought or intelligent question that arises in your own mind that casts doubt on your belief in Jesus as God is a satanic attack which makes you pray to your imaginary God with all your might to resist.

What eventually happens is that you end up murdering any rational or intelligent thought in your head as it comes up leaving your mind empty and swept clean for any number of devils to come into and control exactly like GISMs or you own preacher set you about the task of turning yourself into a golem, a victim of mind control who then goes trying to lure more victims as if it was a religious duty..

The Law of God is not hard to conform to, Its about as easy or as difficult as it is for a person to not be stupid.

The least you can do is try.

A very good piece on the subject

"After reading the Bible, many people are mystified as to why grown, otherwise intelligent adults would believe that it is the direct communication or the "inspired Word" of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good being. To many people, it seems absolutely incredible that any reasonable person could maintain this belief in the face of our current scientific knowledge and the contemporary understanding of history, religion and mythology. To outsiders, the phenomenon of Christian belief is a puzzlement.
However, after a bit of research and reflection, the mystery is resolved. It soon becomes apparent that the whole bizarre Christian belief system is predicated, to a large degree, on two compelling ideas. The first idea is that maintaining faith in Bible claims is the most morally virtuous act one can perform and will be rewarded with an eternal life of bliss. The second belief is that doubting biblical claims represents the greatest evil imaginable and will be punished with an eternity of torture. These linchpin beliefs make it possible for Christians to accept thoroughly ridiculous biblical assertions not merely in the absence of evidence, but against the evidence-against reason.
The sanctification of "faith" and demonization of doubt short-circuits the thinking process. Since it is continually drilled into Christians' brains that faith must be maintained at all costs, anything which contradicts a Bible claim is automatically rationalized away as the arrogance of the "wise," as a ploy of Satan, or as a test of faith from God himself. So when it is explained and demonstrated to a Christian that the Bible is simply a collection of ancient writings masquerading as the "Word of God," this is dismissed as the delusion of unbelievers blinded by their sin. When scientific discoveries are shown to clearly, directly and unambiguously contradict biblical pronouncements, these scientific discoveries are interpreted by the Christian as satanic trickery. If it is patiently and painstakingly evinced to the Christian that the Bible is filled from one end to the other with obscene cruelty and violence, pagan mythology and superstition, blatant contradictions, ludicrous claims and outrageous, blithering idiocy, the Christian smiles in the face of this, confident that his faith is being tested by God and that he will be rewarded accordingly in the Age To Come.
It must be understood that in the Alice-in-Wonderland Christian world view, the more difficult it is to believe in a biblical claim, the more one is glorified for believing it. Faith, believing no matter what the facts say, is the highest manifestation of moral righteousness. Developing and maintaining one's faith in the preposterous and the incomprehensible becomes the ultimate purpose of life. Tertullian's declaration, "I believe because it is impossible," is the boast of a man who celebrates his irrationality. While liberal Christians today may pay lip service to the notion of a reasonable faith, the sentiment of Tertullin's inane "I believe because it is impossible" is alive and well and continues to be spouted from church pulpits on Sunday mornings: "Brethren, did not Paul say that God will make foolish the wisdom of the world, and choose that which is foolish to shame the wise of the world? Brothers and Sisters, did not JEEEZ-ZUSS tell us that unless we become as little children we will never enter the kingdom of heaven, that God has chosen to hide his light from the eyes of the wise and reveal himself to babes?" Reason and knowledge are ridiculed while biblical absurdities are held aloft as bless-ed revelation. This is how Christianity sustains itself. It is the only way that it can.
Thus the Christian faith's invisible attributes are now clearly to be seen. Behind all the sacraments and the rituals, the organ music and the angelic choirs, the praying lips and the arms thrust heavenward, behind all this, propping it all up, is the monstrous doctrine that gullibility and ignorance are divine.
Please don't try to explain this to a Christian though, for it has been most assuredly foretold that he would be mocked and persecuted for Jesus' sake by the "wise" of a fallen, perishing world. Yea, lo, verily, for it has been written..."

Skeptic Ring

Guno is Jewish. He has yet to realize Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah whom Israel is waiting for. When the anti christ announces himself as G-d and demands he bow down to worship him he'll remember this discussion and it will all make sense to him. In the meantime it doesn't.
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This song is very edifying and encourages the believer to come up higher.

[ame=]Phil Driscoll - Up In The Spirit - YouTube[/ame]
Because he lives ....... Praise the Lord! This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

[ame=]Phil Driscoll Because He Lives - YouTube[/ame]
"The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or
Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world,
nothing is left to chance...logic can be happily tossed out the window."
..........Stephen King

Do you really believe the Satanists don't know about Jesus Christ? Of course they do! Why do you think the black mass is a mockery of all that is holy? The drinking of blood and eating the flesh of the infants they sacrifice? Satan is a counterfeiter and he is counterfeiting / blaspheming the communion Jesus commanded before his death. Do this in remembrance of me, He said. Satan is mocking God. Satan knows Jesus is God.

The broken cross, upside down cross, the altar , the sacrifice, the purpose of a blood sacrifice -infants - which are gifts from God.. it's all meant to be one giant Insult to God Almighty! Who requires this? The one who lost the battle at the cross. Lucifer.

Wake up, Guno. When you're a target? There is a motive. Hatred of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God is what is at the root of all of this. Why? He is G-d.

1 x 1 x 1 = 1 not 3, Guno. We are triune beings, a trichotomy created in the image of God who said in Genesis 1:26 Let US make man in our image. Who is US? The Father, The Word - Jesus Christ - the Holy Spirit - Gods Spirit.. God is a triune being and we were created in his image as triune beings also. It is in the Tanuch read it. It could not be an angel as some Rabbis have suggested. We are not made in the image of angels. We are made in the image of God.

We are a spirit that lives in a body and has a soul. When we die the body stays here and the soul (seat of mind, will , emotions- see Psalm 103 and King David defines the soul by commanding it) will go with our spirit to one of two places. Heaven or hell. Spirits cannot die. We are eternal beings. It's one place or the other. Choose wisely.

Jesus is the Messiah although some Jews do not have the revelation of this yet I believe the day is drawing very near and they will. Through the power of the Holy Spirit they will recognize Jesus when he reveals himself. Just as Joseph disguised himself from his own brothers the day came when he revealed himself. He told them the plan was from God and they should not blame themselves because it was meant for a great redemption. Joseph is a forerunner type of Jesus. In fact every book in your Tanuch is a picture of Christ. I can go book by book and see Christ in each one. The Tanuch, Torah, New Testament are a 2,000 year old arrow pointing directly as Jesus Christ - the Only Begotten Son of God - Christ our Redeemer.

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It is written:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world, and not after Christ. - Colossians 2: 8

The NCT (that's the New Capstone Translation, FYI) renders Colossians 2: 8 as follows:

The New Capstone Translation: said:
[. . .]8 Beware of the fruits of rational thought, after the tradition of history's most prominent thinkers (from Heraclitus to Galileo to Einstein and beyond), after the rudiments of this world (such as the scientific method and other modes of critical thought), so that your own minds remain susceptible to *brain-cleansing* through the irrational dictates of Christianity.[...]

I took a little less poetic license in my rendering than most of the other translations, but I think the gist of the author's original intentions comes through.
Here is a video of Rheinhart Bonke - the evangelist seen in the other video There is power in the name of Jesus. He has led millions upon millions of souls to the LORD. A very humble man of God. Here he is ministering to a smaller group. You'll get to hear one of his sermons. This one is about the Blood of Jesus.

Reinhard Bonnke - Marked By The Blood of Jesus - YouTube

The very first reference to the bible this guy gets wrong. Shall I watch more?
Here is a video of Rheinhart Bonke - the evangelist seen in the other video There is power in the name of Jesus. He has led millions upon millions of souls to the LORD. A very humble man of God. Here he is ministering to a smaller group. You'll get to hear one of his sermons. This one is about the Blood of Jesus.

Reinhard Bonnke - Marked By The Blood of Jesus - YouTube

The very first reference to the bible this guy gets wrong. Shall I watch more?

Someone should really explain the concept of Jesus to this guy. Of course he's more interested in selling tickets.

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