Puberty blockers are child abuse

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That's the science. More were harmed than helped. Can we get some prosecutions if no not I'd settle for "First do no harm.
Puberty blockers should be blocked. Kids can make a decision on gender, against what nature decided, on their own after they are 18, in my opinion.
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Puberty blockers should be blocked. Kids and make decision on gender, against what nature decided, on their own after they are 18, in my opinion.

Even after adulthood, “gender affirm care” is fraud, and it is harmful malpractice, and should be treated as such.

An an undeniable scientific fact, it is biologically impossible to turn a man into a woman, or vice versa, and any treatments that are sold on that premise are being sold on a blatant lie.

Anyone who believes that he is, or should be the opposite sex, and seeks treatment to that end, is suffering from a severe mental illness, and it is wholly unjustifiable to take advantage of someone with such delusions in order to sell him fraudulent treatments to pander to those delusions, which only end up harming him even further.
Even after adulthood, “gender affirm care” is fraud, and it is harmful malpractice, and should be treated as such.

An an undeniable scientific fact, it is biologically impossible to turn a man into a woman, or vice versa, and any treatments that are sold on that premise are being sold on a blatant lie.

Anyone who believes that he is, or should be the opposite sex, and seeks treatment to that end, is suffering from a severe mental illness, and it is wholly unjustifiable to take advantage of someone with such delusions in order to sell him fraudulent treatments to pander to those delusions, which only end up harming him even further.
That is your opinion and welcome to it. Once they are adult and can act on their own, it is none of the other adults business.
That is your opinion and welcome to it. Once they are adult and can act on their own, it is none of the other adults business.

So you are on record as supporting the “right” of quacks and frauds to exploit people with severe mental deficiencies for profit, to the great harm of those being so exploited, then?
So you are on record as supporting the “right” of quacks and frauds to exploit people with severe mental deficiencies for profit, to the great harm of those being so exploited, then?
After age 18, YES. I don't care. At age 18, the kids are still dumb, inexperienced, prone to bad judgment, and definitively immature, but adults in the eyes of established law. I don't care what you do to your body for reasons all your own or no reason at all. At 18, it is none of my business or yours either.
I find it amusing that a grown man can’t buy testosterone to build muscle but it’s fine for a young girl who “feels like” a boy

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