Public Breastfeeding = Dehumanization

Never much cared one way or another on this issue as it really doesn't bother me to see a booby. But upon watching the latest liveleak video on this, a mass demonstration, I could not help but think these ladies were just turning themselves into cows. Sorry, but civil standards exist for a reason. If they didn't, a 450 lb naked dude and his 450 lb wife could just walk up the street naked.

This isn't a real issue, and people spending their time on it clearly should get a life.

There's a happy medium here. I do not think any mother has to go sit in a dirty bathroom to feed her child, but I'm also not into mass breastfeeding demonstrations to prove a point. If you can feed modestly and cover, do that. If you cannot because the baby is hot or can't breathe well, do what you need to do. Neither offends me. But again we don't need performance art.
The crucial difference I think you're forgetting is that breast-feeding one's young is a normal, standard procedure for ALL us mammals and I honestly don't see what's gross about a mammal consuming milk. Whereas weighing 450 lbs. is a destructive, suicidal perversion that goes against all our mammalian body functions - it's essentially a person committing suicide with a knife and fork.

As a slim140-lb. 5-7 guy, I really do agree with you that morbidly obese people have no business being in public UNCOVERED......EVER, at all, under any circumstances. Never, ever, ever. When morbidly obese human dirigibles go shirtless it goes beyond a public eyesore and into a full-fledged visual abomination.

I do not understand the antipathy against obesity on this board. I'm not fat, so it's not personal, but sheesh. Other people's bodies are not your business and this obsession with it is really an extension of our society's gripping narcissism: "I don't like to look at it". Okay, then turn the heck away.
The crucial difference I think you're forgetting is that breast-feeding one's young is a normal, standard procedure for ALL us mammals and I honestly don't see what's gross about a mammal consuming milk. Whereas weighing 450 lbs. is a destructive, suicidal perversion that goes against all our mammalian body functions - it's essentially a person committing suicide with a knife and fork.

As a slim140-lb. 5-7 guy, I really do agree with you that morbidly obese people have no business being in public UNCOVERED......EVER, at all, under any circumstances. Never, ever, ever. When morbidly obese human dirigibles go shirtless it goes beyond a public eyesore and into a full-fledged visual abomination.

The simple fact is that it makes some people uncomfortable (the breast feeding in public), and it doesn't take much prep or work to cover up a bit.

But that's my point: no mammal has any rational reason to feel uncomfortable to see a female lifeform breastfeeding. That is a universal feeding function for the mammalian animal family we're all part of. How can it possibly be offensive to see a fellow mammal consuming milk? I admit I really don't get it.

It ignores the fact that for humans female breasts are an erogenous zone, and elicit responses of arousal from males (and some females).

There is NOTHING erogenous about breast feeding. Certainly not for the women. And I say that as a woman who breastfed all three of my children.

Guys see tits, guys get aroused.
These hags ain't Sylvia Sorrente. If they were, there'd be no controversy.


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