Public Disrespect For The President

Haha, I didn't think you could give specifics. You're all fluff, no substance. Let me know when you're ready to be serious. Carry on.

Your inability to comprehend is not my problem.

You didn't say anything of meaning. More fluff speak with nothing behind it. I asked for specifics and you gave me "creating an unstable economy" "taking citizenship and offering it to others who have stolen it" and "control sources of energy". Not one of those did you give any specifics on how it directly relates to you.

Listen, I get it. You're either not intelligent enough or just too lazy to think things through and actually understand why you believe the things you do. If you had an actual gripe, you would be able to explain it. But you don't. You spout off the same shit we hear on Fox News.

Let's try this:
His policies mean that I now pay over $4.50/gal for fuel to get to my job(s). I am paying 46% more to drive to work. Even with the (small) raise I received this year, I'm still about $1550 in the hole...because of this shitwad, ex-pat Kenyan's energy policy. That's just the fuel I need to get to the job(s). It doesn't take into account the increase in heating my home, the groceries, and every other service/good I purchase. Because, guess what? Everyone else has to pay for those increased fuel prices.

He tells a bunch of criminal trespassers that dutiful, law-abiding AMERICAN citizens are their "enemy". He panders to those criminals, stealing money from hard-working, decent AMERICANs in order to pay off those criminals in the form of social welfare programs. He promises to reward their criminal ways if they just work to get him a second term.

There's two examples. I have to go to my second job now, so I cannot go into further detail. Yes, I work three, count 'em THREE fucking jobs to make ends meet when one used to suffice.

So if you think this administration has had no impact on your life, it can only mean that you are one of the approximately 47% who sit on your lazy fucking ass and suck off the public tit that I (and millions like me) pay for.
Go ahead, vote for your useless, know-nothing, piece-of-shit, marxist/socialist, redistributing, hateful, mulatto, Globalist whore. You may not be feeling the same "change" decent people are feeling...yet. But once the golden goose is dead, good luck sucking that shriveled, dry tit.
TDM's new avie?


Comes complete with typo!
Your inability to comprehend is not my problem.

You didn't say anything of meaning. More fluff speak with nothing behind it. I asked for specifics and you gave me "creating an unstable economy" "taking citizenship and offering it to others who have stolen it" and "control sources of energy". Not one of those did you give any specifics on how it directly relates to you.

Listen, I get it. You're either not intelligent enough or just too lazy to think things through and actually understand why you believe the things you do. If you had an actual gripe, you would be able to explain it. But you don't. You spout off the same shit we hear on Fox News.

Let's try this:
His policies mean that I now pay over $4.50/gal for fuel to get to my job(s). I am paying 46% more to drive to work. Even with the (small) raise I received this year, I'm still about $1550 in the hole...because of this shitwad, ex-pat Kenyan's energy policy. That's just the fuel I need to get to the job(s). It doesn't take into account the increase in heating my home, the groceries, and every other service/good I purchase. Because, guess what? Everyone else has to pay for those increased fuel prices.

He tells a bunch of criminal trespassers that dutiful, law-abiding AMERICAN citizens are their "enemy". He panders to those criminals, stealing money from hard-working, decent AMERICANs in order to pay off those criminals in the form of social welfare programs. He promises to reward their criminal ways if they just work to get him a second term.

There's two examples. I have to go to my second job now, so I cannot go into further detail. Yes, I work three, count 'em THREE fucking jobs to make ends meet when one used to suffice.

So if you think this administration has had no impact on your life, it can only mean that you are one of the approximately 47% who sit on your lazy fucking ass and suck off the public tit that I (and millions like me) pay for.
Go ahead, vote for your useless, know-nothing, piece-of-shit, marxist/socialist, redistributing, hateful, mulatto, Globalist whore. You may not be feeling the same "change" decent people are feeling...yet. But once the golden goose is dead, good luck sucking that shriveled, dry tit.

You had me at "mulatto".
The ignorance, lies and lack of patriotism of the rw's is just plain disgusting.

You wouldn't know a lie if it bitch slapped you in the face.
just an observation....
yea i know what you mean....Dudley just goes with the flow,never have i seen him even Question something coming out of Left you wanna see him get riled up?.....Hey Dudley?.....say something negative about the Democratic Party....they suck you know,they can care less about you,they are just telling you what you wanna hear.....when you walk away they are laughing at you and calling you a do know this right?.....
You didn't say anything of meaning. More fluff speak with nothing behind it. I asked for specifics and you gave me "creating an unstable economy" "taking citizenship and offering it to others who have stolen it" and "control sources of energy". Not one of those did you give any specifics on how it directly relates to you.

Listen, I get it. You're either not intelligent enough or just too lazy to think things through and actually understand why you believe the things you do. If you had an actual gripe, you would be able to explain it. But you don't. You spout off the same shit we hear on Fox News.

Let's try this:
His policies mean that I now pay over $4.50/gal for fuel to get to my job(s). I am paying 46% more to drive to work. Even with the (small) raise I received this year, I'm still about $1550 in the hole...because of this shitwad, ex-pat Kenyan's energy policy. That's just the fuel I need to get to the job(s). It doesn't take into account the increase in heating my home, the groceries, and every other service/good I purchase. Because, guess what? Everyone else has to pay for those increased fuel prices.

He tells a bunch of criminal trespassers that dutiful, law-abiding AMERICAN citizens are their "enemy". He panders to those criminals, stealing money from hard-working, decent AMERICANs in order to pay off those criminals in the form of social welfare programs. He promises to reward their criminal ways if they just work to get him a second term.

There's two examples. I have to go to my second job now, so I cannot go into further detail. Yes, I work three, count 'em THREE fucking jobs to make ends meet when one used to suffice.

So if you think this administration has had no impact on your life, it can only mean that you are one of the approximately 47% who sit on your lazy fucking ass and suck off the public tit that I (and millions like me) pay for.
Go ahead, vote for your useless, know-nothing, piece-of-shit, marxist/socialist, redistributing, hateful, mulatto, Globalist whore. You may not be feeling the same "change" decent people are feeling...yet. But once the golden goose is dead, good luck sucking that shriveled, dry tit.

You had me at "mulatto".

GREAT line!

To me, it seems the President doesn't respect me, because I want to use my rights and responsibilities to make a life of my choosing and by my efforts, without the "help" of government. My independence offends him in some way and he responds with disrespect towards me. Worse, he tries to take what is mine and craft it into something I owe to others.

* * * * Don't use public roads or lands...if you're dying and the only option is a public hospital that will save your life, insist that they leave you to die.
* * * *

Proof that Dr. G has entirely missed the point.

Proof that Liability doesn't see the big picture or the end game...
To me, it seems the President doesn't respect me, because I want to use my rights and responsibilities to make a life of my choosing and by my efforts, without the "help" of government. My independence offends him in some way and he responds with disrespect towards me. Worse, he tries to take what is mine and craft it into something I owe to others.

Off you go...go live on an island then. Don't use public roads or lands...if you're dying and the only option is a public hospital that will save your life, insist that they leave you to die.

What I love most about Conservatives. What it's really all about:

To me, it seems the President doesn't respect me, because I want to use my rights and responsibilities to make a life of my choosing and by my efforts, without the "help" of government. My independence offends him in some way and he responds with disrespect towards me. Worse, he tries to take what is mine and craft it into something I owe to others

I pay my taxes, in full and on time. I also donate to charity. You on the otherhand, are interested in taking. That is selfish and hateful. You get to own that.

What do I take? I pay my taxes too and donate to charity. What is selfish and hateful?
Obama is a U.S. Navy Seal now?
I didn't even think the limp-wrist knew how to operate a BB gun, nevermind personally take out Osama Bin Laden.

Saying that obama got Bin Laden is like saying that Richard Nixon landed on the moon.

That's like saying "Mission Accomplished"..

So if Obama didn't "get" OBL, then you are prepared to admit he isn't responsible for anything? Taking your pathetic attempt at one upmanship, anybody who does anything on behalf of the president is responsible for the outcome, not the president...
I'd like to avoid logging on to the former comedian turned anti (christian) religious bigot's rant. Is Mahr claiming that the conversation that nobody heard on the tarmac (initiated by Obama) was an indication of "disrespect" by the Arizona Governor? The radical left has a pretty thin skin these days don't day? I remember left wing democrats calling President Bush all kinds of vile names that could actually be heard.
Oh, I get it. Your examples are worse than, how intriguing and insightful......

So one side says the other is a socialist, while the other wants to murder the first.

In your world, it's all the same.

To criticize your Messiah® is just like calling for the murder of sitting President Bush, in your world.

Do you see why I point out that you're a mindless hack?

Oh, you win that little battle. Feel better now? Is Widdle Uncensored doing his little happy dance?

Because some people called for Bush's death, then any criticisms of Obama pale in comparison, right? :cuckoo:

Criticism DOES pale in comparison to death threats, among rational people.

For a start, he ain't my Messiah. He's an average president at best. The reason he looks so good to so many people is because he followed who is easily the worst president in US history bar none.

Yeah, because those people carrying those placards really meant it right? They really wanted to either kill or have Bush killed right? :cuckoo:
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Your inability to comprehend is not my problem.

You didn't say anything of meaning. More fluff speak with nothing behind it. I asked for specifics and you gave me "creating an unstable economy" "taking citizenship and offering it to others who have stolen it" and "control sources of energy". Not one of those did you give any specifics on how it directly relates to you.

Listen, I get it. You're either not intelligent enough or just too lazy to think things through and actually understand why you believe the things you do. If you had an actual gripe, you would be able to explain it. But you don't. You spout off the same shit we hear on Fox News.

Let's try this:
His policies mean that I now pay over $4.50/gal for fuel to get to my job(s). I am paying 46% more to drive to work. Even with the (small) raise I received this year, I'm still about $1550 in the hole...because of this shitwad, ex-pat Kenyan's energy policy. That's just the fuel I need to get to the job(s). It doesn't take into account the increase in heating my home, the groceries, and every other service/good I purchase. Because, guess what? Everyone else has to pay for those increased fuel prices.

He tells a bunch of criminal trespassers that dutiful, law-abiding AMERICAN citizens are their "enemy". He panders to those criminals, stealing money from hard-working, decent AMERICANs in order to pay off those criminals in the form of social welfare programs. He promises to reward their criminal ways if they just work to get him a second term.

There's two examples. I have to go to my second job now, so I cannot go into further detail. Yes, I work three, count 'em THREE fucking jobs to make ends meet when one used to suffice.

So if you think this administration has had no impact on your life, it can only mean that you are one of the approximately 47% who sit on your lazy fucking ass and suck off the public tit that I (and millions like me) pay for.
Go ahead, vote for your useless, know-nothing, piece-of-shit, marxist/socialist, redistributing, hateful, mulatto, Globalist whore. You may not be feeling the same "change" decent people are feeling...yet. But once the golden goose is dead, good luck sucking that shriveled, dry tit.

This has got to be one of the most ill-informed, ignorant posts I've seen in a while, and thats' saying something....
This has got to be one of the most ill-informed, ignorant posts I've seen in a while, and thats' saying something....

Finally took up that two pair for $69.95 optical offer huh? Was the exam free?

I've had little interaction with I can see why. My 11 year old makes more sense and offers better arguments. See my second sig line. Fits you to a T....
This has got to be one of the most ill-informed, ignorant posts I've seen in a while, and thats' saying something....

Finally took up that two pair for $69.95 optical offer huh? Was the exam free?

I've had little interaction with I can see why. My 11 year old makes more sense and offers better arguments. See my second sig line. Fits you to a T....

You might be a wee bit too serious Doc.
This has got to be one of the most ill-informed, ignorant posts I've seen in a while, and thats' saying something....

Finally took up that two pair for $69.95 optical offer huh? Was the exam free?

I've had little interaction with I can see why. My 11 year old makes more sense and offers better arguments. See my second sig line. Fits you to a T....

Your sig is EXACTLY what she is about. Look at her responses to my questions earlier in this thread. She has no clue why she believes the things she does. She just believes them.
Finally took up that two pair for $69.95 optical offer huh? Was the exam free?

I've had little interaction with I can see why. My 11 year old makes more sense and offers better arguments. See my second sig line. Fits you to a T....

You might be a wee bit too serious Doc.

Hey, I can laugh with the best of them. Trying to find nuance on a messageboard without the benefit of the inflection a post is delivered with, is not my forte...

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