Public Education run amok with Police State

This is where people need to say "screw off, get a warrant". And then let them know the lawsuits will fly when they find nothing.

The school official that called this in should be fired.
"The school official that called this in should be fired."

Probably a mandated reporter. If they hadnt called it in it would have been their job.

There are no such requirements.
Yeah there is. My wife is a mandated reporter.

" Mandated reporters are individuals who are mandated by law to report known or suspected child maltreatment. They are primarily people who have contact with children through their employment. Mandated reporters are required by the state of California to report any known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect to the county child welfare department or to a local law enforcement agency (local police/sheriff’s department). "

If that was an actual weapon it would fall under neglect.

Then someone needs to educate the mandated reporters as to what maltreatment is. It is nether maltreatment, abuse or neglect for a kid to own a bb gun...
Unless you know the laws of Maryland you dont know that. Also you cant always tell a BB gun from a real one on a conference call. I have one that looks exactly like a Glock. You literally have to check to see if you can rack it.
Laws in Maryland, Ohio, Fla., or anywhere else, do not make a bb gun the cause or the result of abuse or neglect. That is a decision the parents make, not some mandate. If it looked like a 22 semiautomatic, or was a 22, still nobody's business except the parents. Mandated reporters are spies...
This is where people need to say "screw off, get a warrant". And then let them know the lawsuits will fly when they find nothing.

The school official that called this in should be fired.
"The school official that called this in should be fired."

Probably a mandated reporter. If they hadnt called it in it would have been their job.

There are no such requirements.
Yeah there is. My wife is a mandated reporter.

" Mandated reporters are individuals who are mandated by law to report known or suspected child maltreatment. They are primarily people who have contact with children through their employment. Mandated reporters are required by the state of California to report any known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect to the county child welfare department or to a local law enforcement agency (local police/sheriff’s department). "

If that was an actual weapon it would fall under neglect.

Then someone needs to educate the mandated reporters as to what maltreatment is. It is nether maltreatment, abuse or neglect for a kid to own a bb gun...
Unless you know the laws of Maryland you dont know that. Also you cant always tell a BB gun from a real one on a conference call. I have one that looks exactly like a Glock. You literally have to check to see if you can rack it.
Laws in Maryland, Ohio, Fla., or anywhere else, do not make a bb gun the cause or the result of abuse or neglect. That is a decision the parents make, not some mandate. If it looked like a 22 semiautomatic, or was a 22, still nobody's business except the parents. Mandated reporters are spies...
Your opinion is of zero relevance. My point is that as a mandated reporter if you see what appears to be a firearm where a child can reach it you are obligated to report it.
This is where people need to say "screw off, get a warrant". And then let them know the lawsuits will fly when they find nothing.

The school official that called this in should be fired.
"The school official that called this in should be fired."

Probably a mandated reporter. If they hadnt called it in it would have been their job.

There are no such requirements.
Yeah there is. My wife is a mandated reporter.

" Mandated reporters are individuals who are mandated by law to report known or suspected child maltreatment. They are primarily people who have contact with children through their employment. Mandated reporters are required by the state of California to report any known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect to the county child welfare department or to a local law enforcement agency (local police/sheriff’s department). "

If that was an actual weapon it would fall under neglect.

Then someone needs to educate the mandated reporters as to what maltreatment is. It is nether maltreatment, abuse or neglect for a kid to own a bb gun...
Unless you know the laws of Maryland you dont know that. Also you cant always tell a BB gun from a real one on a conference call. I have one that looks exactly like a Glock. You literally have to check to see if you can rack it.
Laws in Maryland, Ohio, Fla., or anywhere else, do not make a bb gun the cause or the result of abuse or neglect. That is a decision the parents make, not some mandate. If it looked like a 22 semiautomatic, or was a 22, still nobody's business except the parents. Mandated reporters are spies...
Your opinion is of zero relevance. My point is that as a mandated reporter if you see what appears to be a firearm where a child can reach it you are obligated to report it.

If the parents are not alarmed by it, it is no one else's business. No other "obligation" is necessary. It is spying.
This is where people need to say "screw off, get a warrant". And then let them know the lawsuits will fly when they find nothing.

The school official that called this in should be fired.
"The school official that called this in should be fired."

Probably a mandated reporter. If they hadnt called it in it would have been their job.

There are no such requirements.
Yeah there is. My wife is a mandated reporter.

" Mandated reporters are individuals who are mandated by law to report known or suspected child maltreatment. They are primarily people who have contact with children through their employment. Mandated reporters are required by the state of California to report any known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect to the county child welfare department or to a local law enforcement agency (local police/sheriff’s department). "

If that was an actual weapon it would fall under neglect.

Then someone needs to educate the mandated reporters as to what maltreatment is. It is nether maltreatment, abuse or neglect for a kid to own a bb gun...
Unless you know the laws of Maryland you dont know that. Also you cant always tell a BB gun from a real one on a conference call. I have one that looks exactly like a Glock. You literally have to check to see if you can rack it.
Laws in Maryland, Ohio, Fla., or anywhere else, do not make a bb gun the cause or the result of abuse or neglect. That is a decision the parents make, not some mandate. If it looked like a 22 semiautomatic, or was a 22, still nobody's business except the parents. Mandated reporters are spies...
Your opinion is of zero relevance. My point is that as a mandated reporter if you see what appears to be a firearm where a child can reach it you are obligated to report it.

If the parents are not alarmed by it, it is no one else's business. No other "obligation" is necessary. It is spying.
Some parents are not alarmed by sexually abusing their children. Do you support the notion that this is no one elses business?
Some parents are not alarmed by sexually abusing their children.
After the fact most anyone is alarmed.

However, punishment based on it might, it could, it happened to someone else is draconian, authoritarian and immoral since it pretends omnipotent power which is impossible, therefore lying.
It's not the states authority to punish non criminal activity- making citizens criminals is state authority, and it is done with regularity, up to and including pretending it is moral and the right thing to do. It even defends cops murdering citizens. It defends theft with asset forfeiture. It defends cruel and unusual punishment with longer sentences for "illegal" drugs than killing someone. It determines "illegal" drugs as though it has a moral authority. It doesn't. It only has legal authority which is regularly abused- and BTW, did you notice in the article the woman talking about the fear on her sons face? Is that not abusive? By the state? You know, that purveyor of all that is righteous?
State employees also determine who and who isn't essential. State employees are servants to the tax payer. Not lords and masters. They aren't necessarily any better qualified to flush a commode than a 10 year old. They are GRANTED authority. It is ALWAYS and systemically abused. Know why? State Mandated Public Education forcing conformity over a proper education which leads to a comply or die abuse by cops who are defended by tax payer money because; I'd rather err on the side of caution, over standing for Liberty which is the foundation of this Country.

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