Public school teachers behind violent Antifa group

are this Nations PROBLEm, GTF OFF THE LEFT SIDE, RIGHT SIDE debate and maybe some of you a.h. can see this as a targeted PROBLEM among CHILDREN who are not picking the LEFT SIDE or RIGHT SIDE of politics. They're being brainwashed idiots.

if you were take away by someone and they told you all your life you mother thinks you are nothing but an asshole and hated you, is that fair to do to a kid who has no knowledge of anything else but what that brainwashed teaching taught them.
Many on the left..



So you are and independent hater and curmudgeon who wants to be perceived as adroit, but whose arguments, i.e. posts, are those of a habitual complainer.

^Rules for Radicals.......use ridicule.....^

It's good someone is pointing out the radical leftist infiltration that is happening in our school system.....

Rules for the DUMBED DOWN AMERICANS who have actually passed , better known as " Sheep"

congratulations your morons passed.

are this Nations PROBLEm, GTF OFF THE LEFT SIDE, RIGHT SIDE debate and maybe some of you a.h. can see this as a targeted PROBLEM among CHILDREN who are not picking the LEFT SIDE or RIGHT SIDE of politics. They're being brainwashed idiots.

if you were take away by someone and they told you all your life you mother thinks you are nothing but an asshole and hated you, is that fair to do to a kid who has no knowledge of anything else but what that brainwashed teaching taught them.

The Left - Right Paradigm is not relevant to the 21st Century in U.S.

The Democratic Party still supports the poor, the working poor and labor unions; it strives to see equal rights and equal opportunities for all and also supports small business, universal health care and a strong defense, progressive taxation, a comprehensive immigration policy, green and renewable energy and trusts the science of Climate Change and seeks to protect our air, water and soil.

The Republican Party has been tossed under the bus by the New Right.

The New Right which controls the former GOP disdains the poor and blames the poor for their poverty, claims the working poor don't work hard enough and labor unions are nothing more than a front for a renaissance of communism; they seek to cut taxes as a means to control our national debt and annual deficit(?) (tickle down again), and blame the common man who they claim wants a free ride.

The NR claims If and only if the poor work harder and are denied subsidized health care, minimum wage and unemployment insurance can they advance.
Antifa will disappear, just like Occupy. Dems have no platform, they need to resort to chaos. Now it has backfired.
are this Nations PROBLEm, GTF OFF THE LEFT SIDE, RIGHT SIDE debate and maybe some of you a.h. can see this as a targeted PROBLEM among CHILDREN who are not picking the LEFT SIDE or RIGHT SIDE of politics. They're being brainwashed idiots.

if you were take away by someone and they told you all your life you mother thinks you are nothing but an asshole and hated you, is that fair to do to a kid who has no knowledge of anything else but what that brainwashed teaching taught them.

The Left - Right Paradigm is not relevant to the 21st Century in U.S.

The Democratic Party still supports the poor, the working poor and labor unions; it strives to see equal rights and equal opportunities for all and also supports small business, universal health care and a strong defense, progressive taxation, a comprehensive immigration policy, green and renewable energy and trusts the science of Climate Change and seeks to protect our air, water and soil.

The Republican Party has been tossed under the bus by the New Right.

The New Right which controls the former GOP disdains the poor and blames the poor for their poverty, claims the working poor don't work hard enough and labor unions are nothing more than a front for a renaissance of communism; they seek to cut taxes as a means to control our national debt and annual deficit(?) (tickle down again), and blame the common man who they claim wants a free ride.

The NR claims If and only if the poor work harder and are denied subsidized health care, minimum wage and unemployment insurance can they advance.
. Progressive taxation ? Is that taxation that is set up to be a system that gives breaks to the poor, and progressively works to tax the different levels of society in a way that allows that kick back to the poor in the form of tax breaks/less taxes paid until do better in life ? It also has built in the tax breaks for those who do the right things in which raises their income levels to the point of employing others or helping others through incentivizing that kind of activity right ?
thou shalt not write or etch anything upon thy skin", only jews take that one seriously
. It still makes sense for all, because just think about what a person is subjecting themselves to in doing such a thing. It's not normal because the laws of God's creation didn't make it to be a normal thing. Man is perverting everything now in his rebellion, and that is one of the expressions of his rebelliousness, and an example of his sinfulness in which God See's and takes note of. For those who have succumbed to such things in life, then it is that the good Lord can forgive them for their sins, and just ask that they go and sin in that respect no more. None perfect, no not one, and until we pass from this Earth we are sinners. It's up to us the do something about it, and God awaits that attempt where he will be there for us through the thick and the thin.

way back then ----it was a very prevalent custom amongst BABYLONIANS.
Lots of the law jews imposed on themselves relate to a reaction AGAINST
Babylonian society. The book "genesis" is virtually ANTI-BABYLONIAN
Are we fast becoming Babylon ? Was Babylon a good place & we're the Babylonians good people ?

------uh-------we are dong what human beans have done CYCLICALLY for millennia. We got our ups and
our downs-------like Babylon, Rome, Greece, Persia, England, Spain-------even the northern ice cap
I'll have some of those human beans with some corn bread. :)
are this Nations PROBLEm, GTF OFF THE LEFT SIDE, RIGHT SIDE debate and maybe some of you a.h. can see this as a targeted PROBLEM among CHILDREN who are not picking the LEFT SIDE or RIGHT SIDE of politics. They're being brainwashed idiots.

if you were take away by someone and they told you all your life you mother thinks you are nothing but an asshole and hated you, is that fair to do to a kid who has no knowledge of anything else but what that brainwashed teaching taught them.

The Left - Right Paradigm is not relevant to the 21st Century in U.S.

The Democratic Party still supports the poor, the working poor and labor unions; it strives to see equal rights and equal opportunities for all and also supports small business, universal health care and a strong defense, progressive taxation, a comprehensive immigration policy, green and renewable energy and trusts the science of Climate Change and seeks to protect our air, water and soil.

The Republican Party has been tossed under the bus by the New Right.

The New Right which controls the former GOP disdains the poor and blames the poor for their poverty, claims the working poor don't work hard enough and labor unions are nothing more than a front for a renaissance of communism; they seek to cut taxes as a means to control our national debt and annual deficit(?) (tickle down again), and blame the common man who they claim wants a free ride.

The NR claims If and only if the poor work harder and are denied subsidized health care, minimum wage and unemployment insurance can they advance.
. Progressive taxation ? Is that taxation that is set up to be a system that gives breaks to the poor, and progressively works to tax the different levels of society in a way that allows that kick back to the poor in the form of tax breaks/less taxes paid until do better in life ? It also has built in the tax breaks for those who do the right things in which raises their income levels to the point of employing others or helping others through incentivizing that kind of activity right ?

A progressive tax is a tax in which the tax rate increases as the taxable amount increases. The term "progressive" refers to the way the tax rate progresses from low to high, with the result that a taxpayer's average tax rate is less than the person's marginal tax rate.

Homeland Security should be on this. Those brainwashers for violence belong in jail!
are this Nations PROBLEm, GTF OFF THE LEFT SIDE, RIGHT SIDE debate and maybe some of you a.h. can see this as a targeted PROBLEM among CHILDREN who are not picking the LEFT SIDE or RIGHT SIDE of politics. They're being brainwashed idiots.

if you were take away by someone and they told you all your life you mother thinks you are nothing but an asshole and hated you, is that fair to do to a kid who has no knowledge of anything else but what that brainwashed teaching taught them.

The Left - Right Paradigm is not relevant to the 21st Century in U.S.

The Democratic Party still supports the poor, the working poor and labor unions; it strives to see equal rights and equal opportunities for all and also supports small business, universal health care and a strong defense, progressive taxation, a comprehensive immigration policy, green and renewable energy and trusts the science of Climate Change and seeks to protect our air, water and soil.

The Republican Party has been tossed under the bus by the New Right.

The New Right which controls the former GOP disdains the poor and blames the poor for their poverty, claims the working poor don't work hard enough and labor unions are nothing more than a front for a renaissance of communism; they seek to cut taxes as a means to control our national debt and annual deficit(?) (tickle down again), and blame the common man who they claim wants a free ride.

The NR claims If and only if the poor work harder and are denied subsidized health care, minimum wage and unemployment insurance can they advance.
. Progressive taxation ? Is that taxation that is set up to be a system that gives breaks to the poor, and progressively works to tax the different levels of society in a way that allows that kick back to the poor in the form of tax breaks/less taxes paid until do better in life ? It also has built in the tax breaks for those who do the right things in which raises their income levels to the point of employing others or helping others through incentivizing that kind of activity right ?

A progressive tax is a tax in which the tax rate increases as the taxable amount increases. The term "progressive" refers to the way the tax rate progresses from low to high, with the result that a taxpayer's average tax rate is less than the person's marginal tax rate.

View attachment 147250
. But, but, but you democrats don't like that kind of system, because there isn't suppose to be no one doing better than someone else right ?? You know everyone gets a trophy right ? Or is it the globalist way where everyone makes the same pay while the government officials or chosen ones/rich gets the lion share of the money while the peasants get the crumbs ? Or is it the corporate way here in America not wanting to use a progressive system that lifts the boats that hard work figured out how to patch the holes while the don't give a crappers try to float the boats using humans as plugs ?

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