Public Schools & Teachers WTF

What evidence is there that the kids in districts that do well on these tests actually UNDERSTAND much?

Libturds hate tests because tests don't lie!! Our kids are the dumbest in the world yet libturds don't want to test them in order to cover up even further how badly the students and teachers are doing!
I see someone playing with the thread title, what you got nothing better to do...:confused:
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Texas School Counselor ‘Relieved of All Duties’ Over Shockingly Racist Post After Fertilizer Explosion: ‘Whites…Soon Will Be Wiped from the Earth’

Apr. 19, 2013
Mike Opelka

According to her profile on the popular networking website Linked In, Karon Wright describes her professional aspirations this way:

Eager to bring students into the twenty-first century using a unique combination of education and counseling experience coupled with thirteen years of healthcare background in physical medicine and rehabilitative counseling.




Texas School Counselor ?Relieved of All Duties? Over Shockingly Racist Post After Fertilizer Explosion: ?Whites?Soon Will Be Wiped from the Earth? |

Teachers in MI stand behind a colleague convicted of rape – Glenn speaks to the victim’s father

Monday, Aug 19, 2013

On radio this morning, Glenn shared the story of John Janczewski, a resident of Rose City, Michigan whose son was molested by a teacher, Neal Erickson, at Rose City Middle School. The sexual abuse happened on several occasions when Janczewski’s son was in 8th grade. The boy is now a sophomore in college.

Erickson was convicted of statutory rape after a picture surfaced of the boy in a compromising position with the teacher. On July 10, 2013, the judge sentenced Erickson to 15-30 years in prison, but six educators and one school board member came out in support of the teacher and asked for leniency. According to The Detriot News:

Before the sentencing, six teachers and two retired ones wrote letters to the judge asking for leniency.

None of the teachers condoned what Erickson did. Instead, their letters focused on his 17 years of teaching, describing his popularity with students and teachers, how hard he worked and how often he volunteered for school functions.

Parents in the town have since called for the firing of the teachers and board member who have defended. The town has balked at the requests claiming the firings would result in expensive litigation that would drive the city into bankruptcy. Tonight at the Ogemaw Heights High School auditorium at 7pm, there will be a meeting to decide the fate of the administrators.

Glenn spoke with Janczewski this morning about the impact this ordeal has had on his family, who have endured a string of vandalism and threats since the verdict was handed down.


Teachers in MI stand behind a colleague convicted of rape ? Glenn speaks to the victim?s father ? Glenn Beck

Philadelphia schools are being murdered, and liberals like it that way

August 23, 2013
By Christopher Randolph

In "Letters from the Earth," Mark Twain differentiated between rotely mumbled Sunday prayers and "supplications of the heart," an individual's core desires and beliefs. In Twain's story a coal executive prays for the poor on Sunday and profits from their misfortunes the remainder of the week, having wished in his heart for a rise in coal prices regardless of social pain. The reader learns that Twain's angel clerks have been processing the deeper desires as the actual prayer.

As we witness the systematic murder of Philadelphia's public schools and the destruction of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, most self-identified liberals mumble kind words about the need for fairness to student and teacher alike, bright futures and equal education for all. It is evident that the knuckle-draggers in Harrisburg have an unreconstructed racist hatred and fear of all things urban, and my message is not for them. We can at least credit them with a crude honesty and credit slow-witted Gov. Tom Corbett with actions matching his rhetoric.

Rather, we need concern ourselves with the (neo)liberal, whose supplications of the heart manifest in a core belief that the African-Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans who overwhelmingly populate urban districts were a lost cause at conception, and that these students are not deserving of anything approaching equitable education, especially if this would in any small way inconvenience real estate speculators. Beyond this, the liberal typically believes that urban teachers are not professionals, are not doing a "real job" in the "real world," and are not worth paying as they serve no useful social function.

The Democratic Party has now run Philadelphia longer than any single party held sway in any country of the Soviet bloc; it becomes impossible to hang the priorities manifested in its taxation, budgeting and expenditure on the admittedly nasty Republicans. Similarly it becomes impossible to state that the zombie march of registered Democrats to the polls overwhelmingly to elect and re-re-re-elect our native criminal class — often by pushing one button for all offices so as not to waste time reading each individual candidate's name — is the result of unfamiliarity with those priorities. The only conclusion is that, under it all, our gentle liberals, meek and mild, like what they see and want more of it.


Philadelphia schools are being murdered, and liberals like it that way ? NewsWorks
Loving and Hating America

October 22, 2013 By Walter Williams


As I’ve documented in the past, many leftist teachers teach our youngsters to hate our country. For example, University of Hawaii Professor Haunani-Kay Trask counseled her students, “We need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is. The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it.” Some universities hire former terrorists to teach and indoctrinate students. Kathy Boudin, former Weather Underground member and convicted murderer, is on the Columbia University School of Social Work’s faculty. Her Weather Underground comrade William Ayers teaches at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Bernardine Dohrn, his wife, is a professor at Northwestern University School of Law. Her stated mission is to overthrow capitalism.


I’m wondering how the hate-America/blame-America-first crowd might explain the fact that so many people in the world, if they had a chance, would permanently relocate here. Maybe it’s that they haven’t been exposed to enough U.S. university professors.

Loving and Hating America | FrontPage Magazine
Loving and Hating America

October 22, 2013 By Walter Williams


As I’ve documented in the past, many leftist teachers teach our youngsters to hate our country. For example, University of Hawaii Professor Haunani-Kay Trask counseled her students, “We need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is. The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it.” Some universities hire former terrorists to teach and indoctrinate students. Kathy Boudin, former Weather Underground member and convicted murderer, is on the Columbia University School of Social Work’s faculty. Her Weather Underground comrade William Ayers teaches at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Bernardine Dohrn, his wife, is a professor at Northwestern University School of Law. Her stated mission is to overthrow capitalism.


I’m wondering how the hate-America/blame-America-first crowd might explain the fact that so many people in the world, if they had a chance, would permanently relocate here. Maybe it’s that they haven’t been exposed to enough U.S. university professors.

Loving and Hating America | FrontPage Magazine

I think you may be giving much more credability to these professor's influance over university students than the actually have: Like every population, Professors have their attention whores. The vast majority of students recognize this, as well as the fact they will need a job after graduation.
Loving and Hating America

October 22, 2013 By Walter Williams


As I’ve documented in the past, many leftist teachers teach our youngsters to hate our country. For example, University of Hawaii Professor Haunani-Kay Trask counseled her students, “We need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is. The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it.” Some universities hire former terrorists to teach and indoctrinate students. Kathy Boudin, former Weather Underground member and convicted murderer, is on the Columbia University School of Social Work’s faculty. Her Weather Underground comrade William Ayers teaches at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Bernardine Dohrn, his wife, is a professor at Northwestern University School of Law. Her stated mission is to overthrow capitalism.


I’m wondering how the hate-America/blame-America-first crowd might explain the fact that so many people in the world, if they had a chance, would permanently relocate here. Maybe it’s that they haven’t been exposed to enough U.S. university professors.

Loving and Hating America | FrontPage Magazine

I think you may be giving much more credability to these professor's influance over university students than the actually have: Like every population, Professors have their attention whores. The vast majority of students recognize this, as well as the fact they will need a job after graduation.

I know, a lot of my friends play liberal to get the grade and f__k the sys...:eusa_shhh:
The Resident Anti-Semite of ‘The Nation’ and UC Santa Barbara

November 5, 2013 By Ronn Torossian


Universities and respectable publications wouldn’t dare to employ a Ku Klux Klansman or someone who spewed hatred against homosexuals. If, however, it is Jews that someone speaks about, then the rules are different.

Richard Falk is a man who blames the Boston marathon terrorist attack on Israel (and America) – and shouldn’t be employed by government organizations, media or academic institutions. That same man has claimed that the 9/11 World Trade Center attack was an American government conspiracy. He posted on his website a blood-soaked dog eating bones, urinating on lady justice – wearing a yarmulke with a Jewish star.


This PR firm CEO says immediately, The Nation and The University of California, Santa Barbara should cut all ties to Richard Falk. It is disgraceful to employ – and encourage – and pay someone with viewpoints like these.

The Resident Anti-Semite of ?The Nation? and UC Santa Barbara | FrontPage Magazine

University of Oregon Pays Speaker $24k to Talk Fisting and Gorilla Suit Fetishes

11.4.2013 |Truth Revolt |

Warning: The following contains graphic content.

The shameful descent of our institutions of higher learning gets another anecdote, this time from the University of Oregon, which paid a sex-advice pundit $24,000 to speak to students about “kinks and fetishes,” including fisting and gorilla suit sex. Perhaps worse, the event was part of a launch for UO’s new "shame-free" (kinky) sex smart phone app.

From The College Fix:

“The notoriously raunchy and popular homosexual sex advice columnist and pundit Dan Savage visited the University of Oregon in mid-October, and more recently it was revealed thanks to a public records request that he was paid $24,000 for his talk, which included discussions with students about the art of fisting and gorilla suit fetishes.

The region’s daily newspaper, The Register-Guard, confirmed the $24k compensation. The Daily Emerald, the campus newspaper provided some of the lurid details:

“...throughout the lecture, Savage addressed questions of a wide variety of sexual topics including the importance of sexual education, to kinks and fetishes, experimentation and communication as well as same-sex marriage. As he flipped through from card to card, he answered questions dealing with the sexual act of fisting to gorilla suit fetishes; the roaring response from the audience was unanimous.

The Register-Guard also revealed that Savage’s visit was part of a launch party for a new “shame-free” sex-ed smart phone app designed by the university. As the College Fix points out, the sex-ed app offers students suggestions and advice on kinky sex:

“Did you ever play twister as a kid? Well, toss in sex and smartphones, and you’ve got the University of Oregon’s new SexPositive App, ostensibly developed as a sex health tool. It spins two wheels with words such as “mouth” “finger” and “penis” on one side and “toes” “vagina” vibrator” and “anal play” on the other. Match two words and have at it, basically.

As The College Fix reminds us, "all this 'sex ed' is on the taxpayers' dime."

University of Oregon Pays Speaker $24k to Talk Fisting and Gorilla Suit Fetishes | Truth Revolt
American Jihad, it seems as though you are against indoctrination, against flooding someone's consciousness with ideas that have a goal, an agenda, that are biased in favor of one perspective. But, in reading all your posts on this thread, it seems to me that is exactly what you are doing.

All of your posts are flagrantly didactic epistles meant to sway the readers' opinion against those who teach in American schools and American schools themselves, and, as well, to convince the reader that schools and teachers are all liberal with a liberal agenda meant to indoctrinate and control the minds of the students.

However, nothing we will find in any educational facility is any stronger, if indeed it is as strong, or more strongly worded or intensely didactic, than your own posts, which very obviously have their own agenda and mean to teach a lesson, your lesson, and your perspective on the world. I think you would do well to get a PhD in some field and apply for a teaching position at one of these institutions you are so ardently against so that you may, as you say others do, teach your own agenda but on a much wider scale than you are doing here.

Then maybe you'd be happy and not so all fired up and full of anger and resentment. You’re going to develop heart disease if you don’t have it already. My main point is that what you are doing in this tread is no different than what you are accusing others of doing. You too have an agenda. You too have a perspective.

It is the tradition of colleges and universities to hire teachers who are not just teachers but writers, artists, journalists, thinkers, philosophers, etc., people who have diverse ideas to share with the students. It is the tradition of higher education to teach students to think and to accept or dismiss the varied ideas of their professors.

If you and others come out of college thinking you had to quell your own ideas in order to get good grades, you missed the point. If you believe any professor based his/her evaluation of you based on you accepting or not accepting that professor’s position, you should have made a formal complaint instead of pretending you believed things you didn’t believe. I once taught rhetoric at the college level. I had many students who wrote argumentative papers expressing positions diametrically opposed to my own personal opinions. I never based a grade on the student agreeing with me. I often, regularly, gave A grades to papers against gun control and abortion, for example, if the paper was well written. The quality of the argument and the writing were the only factors on which grades were based. Any instructor who bases a grade on a student agreeing with him needs to be reported.

Universities hire professors or speakers with what seems to you very biased or outrageous ideas because they are supposed to be opening the minds of their students, offering them new ideas, thinking outside the box ideas, a kaleidoscope of ideas for the students to ponder and accept or reject as individual thinkers.

But you don’t seem to recognize you are doing what you accuse others of doing: trying to sway people to your way of seeing the world. I wanted to point that out to you. Think about it.
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American Jihad, it seems as though you are against indoctrination, against flooding someone's consciousness with ideas that have a goal, an agenda, that are biased in favor of one perspective. But, in reading all your posts on this thread, it seems to me that is exactly what you are doing.

All of your posts are flagrantly didactic epistles meant to sway the readers' opinion against those who teach in American schools and American schools themselves, and, as well, to convince the reader that schools and teachers are all liberal with a liberal agenda meant to indoctrinate and control the minds of the students.

However, nothing we will find in any educational facility is any stronger, if indeed it is as strong, or more strongly worded or intensely didactic, than your own posts, which very obviously have their own agenda and mean to teach a lesson, your lesson, and your perspective on the world. I think you would do well to get a PhD in some field and apply for a teaching position at one of these institutions you are so ardently against so that you may, as you say others do, teach your own agenda but on a much wider scale than you are doing here.

Then maybe you'd be happy and not so all fired up and full of anger and resentment. You’re going to develop heart disease if you don’t have it already. My main point is that what you are doing in this tread is no different than what you are accusing others of doing. You too have an agenda. You too have a perspective.

It is the tradition of colleges and universities to hire teachers who are not just teachers but writers, artists, journalists, thinkers, philosophers, etc., people who have diverse ideas to share with the students. It is the tradition of higher education to teach students to think and to accept or dismiss the varied ideas of their professors.

If you and others come out of college thinking you had to quell your own ideas in order to get good grades, you missed the point. If you believe any professor based his/her evaluation of you based on you accepting or not accepting that professor’s position, you should have made a formal complaint instead of pretending you believed things you didn’t believe. I once taught rhetoric at the college level. I had many students who wrote argumentative papers expressing positions diametrically opposed to my own personal opinions. I never based a grade on the student agreeing with me. I often, regularly, gave A grades to papers against gun control and abortion, for example, if the paper was well written. The quality of the argument and the writing were the only factors on which grades were based. Any instructor who bases a grade on a student agreeing with him needs to be reported.

Universities hire professors or speakers with what seems to you very biased or outrageous ideas because they are supposed to be opening the minds of their students, offering them new ideas, thinking outside the box ideas, a kaleidoscope of ideas for the students to ponder and accept or reject as individual thinkers.

But you don’t seem to recognize you are doing what you accuse others of doing: trying to sway people to your way of seeing the world. I wanted to point that out to you. Think about it.

Typical Long winded liberal spiel = :blahblah:
American Jihad, it seems as though you are against indoctrination, against flooding someone's consciousness with ideas that have a goal, an agenda, that are biased in favor of one perspective. But, in reading all your posts on this thread, it seems to me that is exactly what you are doing.

All of your posts are flagrantly didactic epistles meant to sway the readers' opinion against those who teach in American schools and American schools themselves, and, as well, to convince the reader that schools and teachers are all liberal with a liberal agenda meant to indoctrinate and control the minds of the students.

However, nothing we will find in any educational facility is any stronger, if indeed it is as strong, or more strongly worded or intensely didactic, than your own posts, which very obviously have their own agenda and mean to teach a lesson, your lesson, and your perspective on the world. I think you would do well to get a PhD in some field and apply for a teaching position at one of these institutions you are so ardently against so that you may, as you say others do, teach your own agenda but on a much wider scale than you are doing here.

Basically, to put it in simple terms you can understand, when something is over your head, you just say, "long winded liberal spiel." LOL Pathetic.
Then maybe you'd be happy and not so all fired up and full of anger and resentment. You’re going to develop heart disease if you don’t have it already. My main point is that what you are doing in this tread is no different than what you are accusing others of doing. You too have an agenda. You too have a perspective.

It is the tradition of colleges and universities to hire teachers who are not just teachers but writers, artists, journalists, thinkers, philosophers, etc., people who have diverse ideas to share with the students. It is the tradition of higher education to teach students to think and to accept or dismiss the varied ideas of their professors.

If you and others come out of college thinking you had to quell your own ideas in order to get good grades, you missed the point. If you believe any professor based his/her evaluation of you based on you accepting or not accepting that professor’s position, you should have made a formal complaint instead of pretending you believed things you didn’t believe. I once taught rhetoric at the college level. I had many students who wrote argumentative papers expressing positions diametrically opposed to my own personal opinions. I never based a grade on the student agreeing with me. I often, regularly, gave A grades to papers against gun control and abortion, for example, if the paper was well written. The quality of the argument and the writing were the only factors on which grades were based. Any instructor who bases a grade on a student agreeing with him needs to be reported.

Universities hire professors or speakers with what seems to you very biased or outrageous ideas because they are supposed to be opening the minds of their students, offering them new ideas, thinking outside the box ideas, a kaleidoscope of ideas for the students to ponder and accept or reject as individual thinkers.

But you don’t seem to recognize you are doing what you accuse others of doing: trying to sway people to your way of seeing the world. I wanted to point that out to you. Think about it.

Typical Long winded liberal spiel = :blahblah:

Your response indicates your intellectual level, which is obviously not one able to access the content and focus of the American education system. You are obviously a very simple minded person and cannot think in complex terms at all. Obviously not one to judge how education and learning works in America, or anywhere. Unable to understand anything beyond what you can fathom from the simple minded, single minded universe in which you live.
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American Jihad, it seems as though you are against indoctrination, against flooding someone's consciousness with ideas that have a goal, an agenda, that are biased in favor of one perspective. But, in reading all your posts on this thread, it seems to me that is exactly what you are doing.

All of your posts are flagrantly didactic epistles meant to sway the readers' opinion against those who teach in American schools and American schools themselves, and, as well, to convince the reader that schools and teachers are all liberal with a liberal agenda meant to indoctrinate and control the minds of the students.

However, nothing we will find in any educational facility is any stronger, if indeed it is as strong, or more strongly worded or intensely didactic, than your own posts, which very obviously have their own agenda and mean to teach a lesson, your lesson, and your perspective on the world. I think you would do well to get a PhD in some field and apply for a teaching position at one of these institutions you are so ardently against so that you may, as you say others do, teach your own agenda but on a much wider scale than you are doing here.

Then maybe you'd be happy and not so all fired up and full of anger and resentment. You’re going to develop heart disease if you don’t have it already. My main point is that what you are doing in this tread is no different than what you are accusing others of doing. You too have an agenda. You too have a perspective.

It is the tradition of colleges and universities to hire teachers who are not just teachers but writers, artists, journalists, thinkers, philosophers, etc., people who have diverse ideas to share with the students. It is the tradition of higher education to teach students to think and to accept or dismiss the varied ideas of their professors.

If you and others come out of college thinking you had to quell your own ideas in order to get good grades, you missed the point. If you believe any professor based his/her evaluation of you based on you accepting or not accepting that professor’s position, you should have made a formal complaint instead of pretending you believed things you didn’t believe. I once taught rhetoric at the college level. I had many students who wrote argumentative papers expressing positions diametrically opposed to my own personal opinions. I never based a grade on the student agreeing with me. I often, regularly, gave A grades to papers against gun control and abortion, for example, if the paper was well written. The quality of the argument and the writing were the only factors on which grades were based. Any instructor who bases a grade on a student agreeing with him needs to be reported.

Universities hire professors or speakers with what seems to you very biased or outrageous ideas because they are supposed to be opening the minds of their students, offering them new ideas, thinking outside the box ideas, a kaleidoscope of ideas for the students to ponder and accept or reject as individual thinkers.

But you don’t seem to recognize you are doing what you accuse others of doing: trying to sway people to your way of seeing the world. I wanted to point that out to you. Think about it.

Typical Long winded liberal spiel = :blahblah:

Your response indicates your intellectual level, which is obviously not one able to access the content and focus of the American education system. You are obviously a very simple minded person and cannot think in complex terms at all. Obviously not one to judge how education and learning works in America, or anywhere. Unable to understand anything beyond what you can fathom from the simple minded, single minded universe in which you live.

What's to understand.
Liberal UNIONISED public schoolteachers push a liberal agenda.
Reacting with violence, derision, abuse and intimidation of children who voice different opinions.
When the threats, derision, abuse and intimidation don't work, they declare the child disruptive and refuse to allow them into class until they are doped to the eyeballs with dangerous drugs.
Government stormtroops may be used to enforce administration of these potentially lethal drugs.

When a liberal professor incites students to commit mass murder against the children of members of the NRA he is celebrated!!

The entire liberal movement is a single issue movement.

Every obsession they have is geared toward legalizing the rape of male children by the Nambla funders of the liberal machine.
Dear Esmeralda Person:

A "diversity" of ideas and viewpoints in our universities would be a good thing. The point of many people posting on this thread is that one does not get a diversity of ideas in most American universities today. To the contrary, one gets a steady flow of ideas and viewpoints that run counter to, for example, the U.S. Constitution, Judeo-Christian morals and ethics, and the traditional American ideals of personal independence and personal responsibility. They uniformly promote Marxism, victim-ism, and moral relativism. Surveys of voting patterns among college faculty reveal a uniformity of political positions that would be comical if they were not so disturbing. 95-100% of faculty vote for the Democrat candidate every time, and if you eliminate Econ and Bus Adm, it's more like 100%.

This uniform world-view springs largely out of the 60's Vietnam Era, in which the "counter-culture" promoted the idea that "everything your father taught you was bullshit," and "don't trust anyone over thirty" (ironic now, isn't it, since all of those pathetic bastards are in their 60's now and still spouting the same nonsense). The leaders of the "anti-War" movement who notoriously sought the joys of "sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll" largely found havens in college and university faculties, since these vacuous ideas and viewpoints had no economic value to any companies or customers.

It was the obligation of Universities (and it still is) to bring in highly-qualified faculty who had large varieties of viewpoints and philosophies, but they largely just allowed their faculties to be taken over by these self-proclaimed non-conformists with nothing of real value to contribute.

Parenthetically I will add that during the Vietnam era, teachers were given a permanent deferral from the draft, and in many states their student loans were "forgiven" when they got their permanent teaching credential, thus the men who entered primary and secondary school teaching were far from a random sampling of college grads, but were all basically draft dodgers, with predictable world views. Though a small percentage of the total number of public school teachers (because women dominate), they frequently ascended the ranks to administrative positions, where their views came to dominate education, along with the insidious entry of so-called, "collective bargaining."

Thus, those parents who hold "tradtional views" (Christianity, capitalism, individualism), face a constant effort to make sure their children are not being indoctrinated into viewpoints that run contrary to their own.

Is any of this news? It's been going on for decades.
If you were a well educated person, you would realize that it is a matter of perspective. Through the study of epistemology we learn to understand that one way of forming what we believe are truths or facts is perspective. Each individual human being perceives reality from a point of view that is influenced by culture, experience, language, emotion, etc. You don't have the one and only correct vision of reality. That the left or liberal version of reality is being forced upon you is your perspective, not reality.

From your perspective, you are bombarded with a liberal version of reality. From the point of view of a liberal, I am bombarded by a right wing version of reality which constantly needs to be resisted. If we didn't fight against the pressure of the right to turn this into a religious, Christian theocracy, it would surely be one within a decade. That is the way it looks from over here. From your pov, it seems the opposite. In reality, it is perspective. So, the universities and colleges are doing just what they are meant to do, provide multiple points of view, all across the spectum. The public schools do that too, you just refuse to see it that way.
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