Publix Grocery Store Under Fire For Refusing to Write Pro-Trans Message On A Cake

The point is, y'all are banning books in schools......and laughably claiming free speech.

Y'all are using the power of the State to punish political speech you don't like in order to suppress political speech......and laughably claiming free speech.

Neither book banning nor using the power of the state to suppress political speech is free speech.

Especially with DeSantis BRAGGING about suppressing Disney's political speech.

Wrong. We want our kids taught facts, not fiction. Our schools are failing our kids because you idiots keep insisting on teaching them garbage.

Every single time you claim "book banning" you are lying.
Wrong. We want our kids taught facts, not fiction. you're banning all non-fiction?

Of course not. Your ilk are targeting stories that have women protagonists or people of color protagonists. Not because they books are 'pornographic'. But because you don't like the stories.

That's not free speech. That's the opposite of free speech.

Nor is using the power of the State to suppress Disney's political speech.

That's not free speech either. That's the opposite of free speech.

And y'all want to take the book banning and State enforced suppression of free speech nationwide?

Um, no thank you.
Making threats against anyone is illegal.

And I would have no problem if a person was paying for a cake that said abortion is murder because I can actually TOLERATE different opinions where you obviously cannot.

Tolerance is letting something go--it is passive. CREATING something with your own effort, work and education is not "tolerance". It's forced acceptance--at the hand of govt.
Tolerance is letting something go--it is passive. CREATING something with your own effort, work and education is not "tolerance". It's forced acceptance--at the hand of govt.

Or in this case, at the hand of their employer.

As Publix backpedalled and apologized because their people didn't do their damn jobs.
The point is, y'all are banning books in schools......and laughably claiming free speech.

Y'all are using the power of the State to punish political speech you don't like in order to suppress political speech......and laughably claiming free speech.

Neither book banning nor using the power of the state to suppress political speech is free speech.

Especially with DeSantis BRAGGING about suppressing Disney's political speech.
So again, you're okay with books in the school library that promote or teach, however benignly, that marriage is between a man and a woman?

That abortion is murder?

That there are two genders, male and female, period?

That guns are used for far more good than bad?

That white people deserve reparations or more advantages than black people?

That black people should own up to the part they have played in systemic racism in America?

Can you honestly say you would not object to any or all of these being in the school library?
So again, you're okay with books in the school library that promote or teach, however benignly, that marriage is between a man and a woman?

So you're trying to justify your book banning with whataboutry?

If so, then all we're discussing is WHY I'm right.

This was not a corporate decision by Publix nor was it the owner of a business refusing to serve anyone. This a a single employee of the corporation deciding not to serve a customer. Now the corporation has every reason to fire said employee.
The transgender farce is political.

The employee wants a pay rise because they piss off the minority.
So you're trying to justify your book banning with whataboutry?

If so, then all we're discussing is WHY I'm right.
If you go to a store with surveillance cameras and the employees are in the back areas making fun of customers than that is abuse of citizens' rights. If any are minorities doing it than they are hypocrites to the max. For they are victims of surveillance and profiling themselves. Tell me the difference. In fact, one of them is in your face and current living.
The left needs to figure out whether they support free speech, or not.

Spoiler: they don't support free speech.
On the other hand, the right deals with it by passing legislation restricting or banning it.
On the other hand, the right deals with it by passing legislation restricting or banning it.

And then brags about using the Power of the State to suppress political speech.

This is 'freedom', per our resident conservatives.
So you're trying to justify your book banning with whataboutry?

If so, then all we're discussing is WHY I'm right.
I haven't banned any book at all. Ever. Nor has anybody in the federal or any state government. At least for many decades. So again, would you be okay with those topics I listed included in the school library? Do you have the integrity to even comment on that?
I haven't banned any book at all. Ever. So again, would you be okay with those topics I listed included in the school library? Do you have the integrity to even comment on that?

So if you haven't banned and book personally, then Florida hasn't banned books from schools?

I don't think that's how any of this works.

Again, you're using 'whatabouttry' to justify the banning of books. We're just discussing why I'm right now.
So if you haven't banned and book personally, then Florida hasn't banned books from schools?

I don't think that's how any of this works.

Again, you're using 'whatabouttry' to justify the banning of books. We're just discussing why I'm right now.

Florida and pretty much every other state has indeed ruled that certain books are not appropriate for school libraries. I agree with most--not all--of those rulings.

But again I am asking you straight up. Would you be okay with school library books condoning or approving the following subjects?

--That marriage is between a man and a woman?

--That abortion is murder?

--That there are two genders, male and female, period?

--That guns are used for far more good than bad?

--That white people deserve reparations or more advantages than black people?

--That black people should own up to the part they have played in systemic racism in America?

If you refuse to answer that question, then you are just attacking and not offering any constructive criticism whatsoever. It is an honest question. It is a fair question. And one ANY fair minded or honest person would willingly answer.
Florida and pretty much every other state has indeed ruled that certain books are not appropriate for school libraries.

So much for 'freedom of speech'. Especially if the books are about women or people of color.

With conservatives gleefully bragging about using the power of the State to suppress political speech.

I don't think 'freedom' means what you think it means.
So much for 'freedom of speech'. Especially if the books are about women or people of color.

With conservatives gleefully bragging about using the power of the State to suppress political speech.

I don't think 'freedom' means what you think it means.
You refuse to answer a legitimate question about whether you think certain books are appropriate for a school library. So where is your sense of ethics? Your honest opinion of free speech? Those who accuse/condemn others but will not commit to what they do believe reveal their own hypocrisy.

Free speech means that books can to exist and be available to those who want them. It does NOT mean that children entrusted to the public school can be indoctrinated with anything on the whim of a state government, school board, administration, teacher. It does NOT mean that it is appropriate or even legal to expose children to certain concepts, topics, subjects, imagery.

People capable of critical thinking and honest critique know the difference between those two things.
You refuse to answer a legitimate question about whether you think certain books are appropriate for a school library. So where is your sense of ethics? Your honest opinion of free speech? Those who accuse/condemn others but will not commit to what they do believe reveal their own hypocrisy.

Free speech means that books have a right to exist and be available to those who want them. It does NOT mean that children entrusted to the public school can be indoctrinated with anything on the whim of a state government, school board, administration, teacher.

People capable of critical thinking and honest critique know the difference between those two things.

I refuse to play the 'whataboutry' game in your attempt to justify the banning of books about women and people of color in Florida schools.

Banning books is not freedom of speech.

Using the power of the State to suppress political speech isn't freedom of speech.

And this is the shit conservatives want to take nation-wide.

No thank you.
I refuse to play the 'whataboutry' game in your attempt to justify the banning of books about women and people of color in Florida schools.

Banning books is not freedom of speech.

Using the power of the State to suppress political speech isn't freedom of speech.

And this is the shit conservatives want to take nation-wide.

No thank you.
Noted. You want to condemn those on the right for not wanting their children indoctrinated with CRT or inappropriate sexual content or 'wokeism' but you refuse to say whether you would approve books that would indoctrinate children on more right wing values.

For the record, I don't want children indoctrinated in anybody's ideology. But then I try to be intellectually honest about that.

Do have a pleasant evening.
Noted. You want to condemn those on the right for not wanting their children indoctrinated with CRT or inappropriate sexual content or 'wokeism' but you refuse to say whether you would approve books that would indoctrinate children on more right wing values.

For the record, I don't want children indoctrinated in anybody's ideology. But then I try to be intellectually honest about that.

Do have a pleasant evening.

Whataboutry doesn't make Florida's banning of books in schools 'freedom of speech'.

Whataboutry doesn't make conservative use of the power of the state suppress political speech 'freedom of speech'.

You can try to spin it, you an try to justify it, you can try to excuse it.

And still its not freedom of speech.

Note that.
Whataboutry doesn't make Florida's banning of books in schools 'freedom of speech'.

Whataboutry doesn't make conservative use of the power of the state suppress political speech 'freedom of speech'.

You can try to spin it, you an try to justify it, you can try to excuse it.

And still its not freedom of speech.

Note that.
Repeating an unsupportable and dishonest statement again and again does not make it more supportable, honest, or believable. It only make the one repeating it look more and more desperate and dishonest.

I am on the record of not wanting school children subjected to anybody's ideology, dogma, or politics and I want all curriculum to be age appropriate for all students. That means leftwing ideology, dogma, politics and rightwing ideology, dogma, politics.

By dodging an honest question about that, you suggest you're perfectly fine with leftwing crap being pushed on children but not rightwing crap.

Oh and also, the public school is not and has never been a free speech zone any more than a church, place of business, government agencies, etc. It is a government agency that dictates standards for allowable speech, conduct and dress.

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