Facebook Put Me On A 2 Day Ban For Fighting For Your Right Liberty And Freedom To Simply Be Hetero

As stated in my response on page 2 and here we are exactly as I predicted in my response on page 2:

Enjoy the video and notice that not one of these individuals will ever contest the facts I share which reveal LGBT for the obsessive compulsive liars deceivers and discriminators that they prove to be, no instead because they only base their foundation of their every issue I address to do with their filthy little bias agenda with lies and deceptions and so they ignore fact while desperately scrambling to make their pathetic delusions the issue while attempting to drag heterosexuals down to their sexually defective level. My pleasure to fight the good fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations, and in this instance for the right freedom and liberty to be heterosexual without some filth homosexuals and their disgusting inexcusable deception they use to rob you of that right!

This kind of garbage such anything from tranny to transgender needs to be criminalized permanently and globally and such disgusting filth removed from our school board curriculum priority! It's time these pathetic blubbering whiney individuals get psychiatric help to accept themselves for what sex that they are born so they stop getting away with robbing heterosexuals of our right to have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital that we ourselves are born with not some filthy homosexual born with the same sex genital as the heterosexual pretending to be the opposite sex!!!

(Next video same subject)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
5 days left on a seven day ban on facebook for the same thing bunch of bigot Liberal low lifes.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

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