Publix Grocery Store Under Fire For Refusing to Write Pro-Trans Message On A Cake

Are you serious? Do you not recall the triggering a beer can did to these people a few weeks ago?

Don't care about a beer can. Don't care if they featured a trans woman drinking Bud Light and saying "Bud Light is for everyone."

Don't care.

It was the mocking, demeaning portrayal of "girlhood" for me. I don't care if you approve that or not. You're not a woman.
I'm torn about this. As much as I don't agree with the Transgender agenda, a person has the right to get what they want and are willing to pay for, but at the same time it's their business.

A person has a RIGHT get what they want and willing to pay for?

Wow. Well for starters I don't think you understand what a right really means.

What about the business owner? Does that mean every business owner is required to do everything every person wants regardless of their feelings just because the customer can pay? By that logic a cake place should have to make tranny fag cakes, happy 911 terrorist cakes, and pedophile camera saying "happy 8th birthday jimmy" and it has a icing old man banging a kid on it.

But you're right, it's their business and they can do whatever they want with their business as long as it isn't illegal or harming someone. More businesses should stand up and show they have morals, standards, and values. If they did then trannies would quickly shrivel away once people stop giving them attention and catering to them.
The location of the store from the article says it is in Orlando. Orange County is Progressive Socialist and Orlando is deep into it. Still a percentage are not, and Publix may have policies as it has a traditional ownership.
I'm torn about this. As much as I don't agree with the Transgender agenda, a person has the right to get what they want and are willing to pay for, but at the same time it's their business.

Publix is damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they don't, they'll be branded anti-LGBTQ; if they do, they'll have Kid Rock blowing up their birthday cakes.

What a clown show this country is becoming.
That is true….

Same as I said to him. It wasn't the beer can, or that a trans person advertised. It was the demeaning, nasty depiction of women. Right, none of us know what March Madness is, just a "hectic month" I guess.

It's disgusting to me how liberal women have sold out EVERYTHING for a few men who want to be women, and a lot with fetishes.

But then, thank God, I haven't been a liberal since I graduated college. Some of us wake up really fast; others never do.
So…she couldn’t even bring herself to write “trans people deserve joy” - what the hell?

How is that even controversial? Everyone deserves joy…you would think.
Joy's husband might have a very strong opinion about that
From the article…

The woman, who was purchasing the cake for a pro-trans campaign at her job, claimed that she asked for the message to be put on the cake with icing. However, the bakery decorated the cake with the words "people deserve joy," and provided the customer extra icing so she could add the word "trans" herself.

So…she couldn’t even bring herself to write “trans people deserve joy” - what the hell?

How is that even controversial? Everyone deserves joy…you would think.
The customer could have just as easily accepted the extra frosting to write it themselves and moved on like an adult.
Publix is damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they don't, they'll be branded anti-LGBTQ; if they do, they'll have Kid Rock blowing up their birthday cakes.

What a clown show this country is becoming.

You are 100% correct.

No matter which choice they make they will be attacked for it.

Reason 2345
The customer could have just as easily accepted the extra frosting to write it themselves and moved on like an adult.
Of course. But that doesn’t make it any less a petty cruelty.
The customer could have just as easily accepted the extra frosting to write it themselves and moved on like an adult.

Does Publix do that when someone wants a cake that says "Happy Birthday Bob"....they do just do the Happy Birthday and then give the customer the icing to write Bob?
You are 100% correct.

No matter which choice they make they will be attacked for it.

Reason 2345

I guess they decided they'd rather deal with the anti-trans brand than having Kid Rock slaughter their key lime pies and posting it on social media. Probably the safer call, especially in the MAGA Republic of Florida.
I guess they decided they'd rather deal with the anti-trans brand than having Kid Rock slaughter their key lime pies and posting it on social media. Probably the safer call, especially in the MAGA Republic of Florida.

Right now the trans hating people are far more vocal if not more in numbers.

Wise call by them.
Part of being an adult is having thick skin and not taking every slight in life as a personal attack.
That could also apply to the person decorating the cake.
The less than happy cake maker should sprinkle in a maximum dose of laxative , consistent with not altering the cake's taste .
There are men and women in all political persuasions who will kneel down to the local politically empowered elitists and their views. Views that reinforce their dictums. Florida though has residents who are from the older ways with many millions of people who came here from other states and their views. And the residents from being multi-generational may have some resentment of what was and is now. It is weird. We have Disney as the maximum woke company in the world with multi-generational massively extreme conservative Floridians 30 miles away.
Meh, if they won't do your cake, go somewhere else. There is likely more than one Publix in that city and probably a Sams or BJs or Costco, Winn Dixie, Piggly Wiggly, Albertsons, Kroger and the list goes on.

If they won't make your cake, never patronize that store again. Let management know it too. You can't force a private business to do anything.

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