Publix Grocery Store Under Fire For Refusing to Write Pro-Trans Message On A Cake

From the article…

The woman, who was purchasing the cake for a pro-trans campaign at her job, claimed that she asked for the message to be put on the cake with icing. However, the bakery decorated the cake with the words "people deserve joy," and provided the customer extra icing so she could add the word "trans" herself.

So…she couldn’t even bring herself to write “trans people deserve joy” - what the hell?

How is that even controversial? Everyone deserves joy…you would think.
If you don't know what is wrong with a pro tranny message then you are sick in the mind.
PredFan, never mind,.. I see what you wrote about liberals so you're good. :D

No worries but you have me intrigued. Still trying to figure out what you are saying. The only thing I can come up with is "Predator Fan", and if anyone thinks that means sexual predator or child predator well that's a bit of a stretch.
Because this whole trans thing is political. Companies are now, "Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't". So Publix decided not to involve politics, so they've upset a tiny minority, where as Bud Light decided to and upset a majority.

I would side with Publix, steer clear of politics and religion.

As for me I will happily continue to shop at Publix. "Pub Subs" are the bomb, and so is their fried chicken.
No worries but you have me intrigued. Still trying to figure out what you are saying. The only thing I can come up with is "Predator Fan", and if anyone thinks that means sexual predator or child predator well that's a bit of a stretch.

Like I said before there are sickos all over this board. Coyote being one of them. (Not saying she's a pedo for the record just a sicko. I need to have this part in writing.)
Wow. So much hate at a simple message…trans people deserve joy.

So do we. So why don't you go fuck yourself as that would bring me and countless others on here joy. 😁
Publix is a private company and can do what they want. Kudos to that particular store that wouldn't print what's obviously false on a cake. All people should have joy whenever they can but no one "deserves" it and there's no such thing as a "Trans Person".
As for me I will happily continue to shop at Publix. "Pub Subs" are the bomb, and so is their fried chicken.
Publix French bread is good for hoagies, steak sandwich, chicken cutlet and other sandwiches. If making it at home. At times there is a difference in how the loaf is made.
Publix French bread is good for hoagies, steak sandwich, chicken cutlet and other sandwiches. If making it at home. At times there is a difference in how the loaf is made.

thanks, I was remiss in not mentioning their bakery as well.
I'm torn about this. As much as I don't agree with the Transgender agenda, a person has the right to get what they want and are willing to pay for, but at the same time it's their business.

1st Amendment, freedom of religion. God says that's abomination.

You can't force people to write what you want if it interferes with their freedom of worship.
People who get their “joy“ out of peddling hate are seriously warped. If you don’t approve of their lifestyle ignore them. Overall, though, giving the customer some icing seems best in this situation. If they want to make a fuss…protests and boycotts are allowable free speech (at least as of now),
You Moon Bats are sicko, through and through. Not only dumber than door knob but sick in the mind.
Why should trans people not be allowed to have joy?
If they want to make a fuss…protests and boycotts are allowable free speech (at least as of now),

Yeah, but you stand for a party who wants to take that away from us.
Back when I was a kid I said that I wanted to be a dog. My parents told me that that was impossible. I was a child and that wouldn't change and that was that. I grew up and got over it.

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