Publix Grocery Store Under Fire For Refusing to Write Pro-Trans Message On A Cake

I highly doubt Coyote is a man. I disagree with her on whatever that last thing was. Know that I do respect Coyote and think she's alright,

even if we don't agree on everything.

Coyote is a liberal, yes. Calm your tits, a real liberal. That's different than a Social Marxist Authoritarian.

I have a cousin that's a real liberal. He gave me a guitar that he knows how to play "Imagine" on. :aargh:

Yeah, that was played on it before he left with me. I do not like the thing, but I keep it for sentimental value.

I had never heard that song before then. What a commie bullshit song! Grawr! :102:

10-4 that. Coyote is definitely a woman. They have little nuances that are easy to spot.
10-4 that. Coyote is definitely a woman. They have little nuances that are easy to spot.
And a liberal, and to each their own. Coyote is A-OK by me. No, I do not agree with her on many things.

But when it comes time to be a human being..she's there.
You're a lucky man, Bro. The only side of her I've ever seen was the canine side. :laughing0301:
Duke is replying to a post that was part of an ongoing post that he was not party to. His post is irrelevant. Coyote was aware of the reference and she was who it was directed to.
10-4 that. Coyote is definitely a woman. They have little nuances that are easy to spot.

What's that supposed to mean!? :cranky:

And a liberal, and to each their own. Coyote is A-OK by me. No, I do not agree with her on many things.

But when it comes time to be a human being..she's there.

I don't like the way she talks about the indoctrination of children. That's not A-OK by me by any means. That or how she advocates thoughtlessly killing babies and for children to have their privates cut off. He/she/it is a creep for sure.
What's that supposed to mean!? :cranky:

I don't like the way she talks about the indoctrination of children. That's not A-OK by me by any means. That or how she advocates thoughtlessly killing babies and for children to have their privates cut off. He/she/it is a creep for sure.

What it means is that real men can't be fooled by imitations. Even though she's not one of my favorite mods, I knew she was a female from day one.

Now that jessica-stormlover? That guy didn't fool me one bit. :auiqs.jpg:
What it means is that real men can't be fooled by imitations. Even though she's not one of my favorite mods, I knew she was a female from day one.

Now that jessica-stormlover? That guy didn't fool me one bit. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh okay, I knew you wouldn't offend women on purpose, I just like giving you a hard time. :p
What's that supposed to mean!? :cranky:

I don't like the way she talks about the indoctrination of children. That's not A-OK by me by any means. That or how she advocates thoughtlessly killing babies and for children to have their privates cut off. He/she/it is a creep for sure.
Well, that's your opinion, and you are most certainly entitled to it.
I'm torn about this. As much as I don't agree with the Transgender agenda, a person has the right to get what they want and are willing to pay for, but at the same time it's their business.

Publix backpedalled like a motherfucker.

And 'Trans people deserve joy'? That's as gentle and slow pitch as is humanly possible. And yet these fragile, fragile little conservative snowflakes freaked out.

Conservatives are on only bunch I know that need trigger warnings on cake and beer.
Maybe just do your job and keep your politics to yourself?

If your job is to decorate cakes, then just fucking do it.

I’m sure all supermarkets have policies about what can and cannot be written on cakes. No swear words, nothing lewd, etc. This didn’t violate those rules, so stop being a fragile flake and do your goddamn job.
Maybe just do your job and keep your politics to yourself?

If your job is to decorate cakes, then just fucking do it.

I’m sure all supermarkets have policies about what can and cannot be written on cakes. No swear words, nothing lewd, etc. This didn’t violate those rules, so stop being a fragile flake and do your goddamn job.

"Trans people deserve joy' isn't a political statement. These fragile little snowflakes MADE it one by refusing to do their jobs.
All the years twitter silenced conservatives, the left screamed IT'S A PRIVATE COMPANY...THEY CAN DO AS THEY PLEASE!

Should a black baker be forced to make a KKK cake? Should a muslim baker be forced to make a mohamed cake?

Fuck the perverts! I stand with PUBLIX!

What the hell did they want on the cake? "Happy lop-it-off day" ?
It was NOT THE COMPANY that did as they pleased. It was a lone Baker in one store, who did as he or she pleased.

Publix apologized?
Publix backpedalled like a motherfucker.

And 'Trans people deserve joy'? That's as gentle and slow pitch as is humanly possible. And yet these fragile, fragile little conservative snowflakes freaked out.

Conservatives are on only bunch I know that need trigger warnings on cake and beer.
/——/ You racist lib took Blacks and Indiana off of products. So don’t act all high and mighty.
So you you don’t think they deserve to have joy?

Wow. Pretty hateful considering they’ve never done anything to you.

Funny thing, I doubt Jesus would agree.

What do you think Jesus would tell them would bring them joy, though?

If the answer is anything BUT "I came that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10), you are wrong.
If they serve the public, then they should make what ever is in their normal repertoire- for any paying customer. If wedding cakes are part of that then they should bake the couple a wedding cake. I doubt a “gay cake or a KKK cake would fall in that category.
If they customize any cake with writing provided by the customer then they have to offer that same service for everyone.
If they customize any cake with writing provided by the customer then they have to offer that same service for everyone.

No they don't. Or they shouldn't.

Why should the govt dictate to private businesses who they must offer service for? No. My business, my rules.

If you don't like it, go elsewhere. Free market, see.
Because this whole trans thing is political. Companies are now, "Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't". So Publix decided not to involve politics, so they've upset a tiny minority, where as Bud Light decided to and upset a majority.

I would side with Publix, steer clear of politics and religion.

This was not a corporate decision by Publix nor was it the owner of a business refusing to serve anyone. This a a single employee of the corporation deciding not to serve a customer. Now the corporation has every reason to fire said employee.
No they don't. Or they shouldn't.

Why should the govt dictate to private businesses who they must offer service for? No. My business, my rules.

If you don't like it, go elsewhere. Free market, see.
Look there is no corporate policy by Publix on this matter.

This entire event is nothing but an employee refusing to do his job and the corporation apologized for the acts of that employee. This employee will probably and IMO should be fired.

This was not a corporate decision by Publix nor was it the owner of a business refusing to serve anyone. This a a single employee of the corporation deciding not to serve a customer. Now the corporation has every reason to fire said employee.
I must have missed it-----was the employee fired? Cake decorating is a profession.
A professional has a right to refuse an act that conflicts with his ETHICS

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