Puegeot saves a life


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This story gives you an idea of life in Iran when the Ayatollahs took over.

Puegeot saves a life
  • December 03, 2014

He was prepared to prove that his 1964 White Peugeot was the only car he had ever owned. He knew the first question, the shallow and illegal Sharia court would ask him, was about his car. That was their Modas Operandi, they had repeated thousands of times before and the story was the same. So the Judge, who ironically later went on to become the chief justice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, asked him; “where is your Mercedes Benz”. To which my father responded, I have never owned a Mercedes. The Judge, replied harshly, “nonsense! Anyone who worked for the deposed Shah got a Mercedes as a gift”. Despite which, case after case over which this judge and all others had presided over, proved that the myth of anyone receiving a Mercedes as a gift from the Shah was just that. Alongside thousands of other innocent individuals, this and many other Islamic judges, sent innocent men and women to the gallows or committed to life in prison, confiscated their properties and destroyed millions of lives. After a few hours of questioning and flipping his files back and forth, the judge sent him home and called a recess for more investigation to follow into his work. This charade continued for a few days, until such time when his sentence was handed down.

Dad was the Chief of staff to his Excellency, Amir Abbas Hoveyda, the longest serving Prime Minister in Iran’s recorded history. Hoveyda was a man of erudite upbringing. A western educated technocrat whose only fault was perhaps his unbinding allegiance to his Majesty the Shah of Iran. Dad and Hoveyda met and became lifelong friends and ultimately colleagues; in Belgium in the 1940s, in the circle of Abdullah Entezam, another man of sterling reputation. During his tenure alongside Hoveyda, Dad had come into contact with many of the countries elite and either facilitated or helped those who came to see the prime minister with what they needed. When Hoveyda was ousted from his office and was appointed as the Minister of His Majesty’s Imperial court, the customary post relegated to any prime minister as a consolation offering, but nevertheless the second most powerful position in the country, Dad accompanied him as well. In the last year and half of the regime, Dad was responsible as Hoveyda’s chief of Staff to receive and accommodate all the foreign dignitaries who came to visit the Shah. In that context he came into contact with Ronald Reagan, who ironically had made at least a dozen trips to Iran whilst the governor of California, President Carter and many other foreign heads of State who visited his Majesty in those waning years of his reign

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