Puerto Rican Mayor Blaming Trump Isn't Participating In The Relief Effort

She begs for more help, rejects Trump bragging about how great things are in PR because people are dying, and now she's a bad guy.

Today is day 11 of Trump not not asking congress for a relief package for PR or asking anybody to donate what they can to help.

Where is the evidence "people are dying"?

Even Geraldo is saying that is bunk.
Thank goodness that mayor ignored the bureaucrats from FEMA patting themselves on the back for failing to respond appropriately to the hurricane aftermath. She got more done and accomplished more for the people of Peurto Rico than all those do nothing bureaucrats and politicians combined. Kicked Donnie's useless ass and got a three-star General to take control.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.

What you get when you listen to rightwing media propaganda

No, she is not hindering relief. She is working tirelessly to help her people and should be recognized
She is on the ground 24/7 while the rightwing media sits in FoxNews HQ and spins out "blame the victim stories"

Mayor Cruz is seeing the carnage on a daily basis. She understands the devastation for the tragedy in human lives not a "Good News Story" to pat yourself on the back
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.

What you get when you listen to rightwing media propaganda

No, she is not hindering relief. She is working tirelessly to help her people and should be recognized
She is on the ground 24/7 while the rightwing media sits in FoxNews HQ and spins out "blame the victim stories"

Mayor Cruz is seeing the carnage on a daily basis. She understands the devastation for the tragedy in human lives not a "Good News Story" to pat yourself on the back
What right wing media propaganda?

I don't watch television all that often.

I don't listen to talk radio.

Most of my news comes from the internet or CNN.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.
All bull crap fella. The three-star General that just went down there said the military did not have enough assets in place to do the job and began calling in more assets. In other words, he agreed with the mayor. It was her voice and willingness to attack the bureaucratic system that brought the General into commanding the effort and got thing moving in the right direction.
Weird. When the three-star General got there the first thing he did was agree with the Mayor. Good thing we have all these trump cult posters here at USMB to educate him.
So. The General arrives.

He does not like what he sees.

The soldiers under him are the ones carrying out this relief effort.

He needs to address his officers if these forces are not carrying out their duties.

Not blame the President.
When did the troops arrive?
Air Force Operations began on Tuesday 9/26
6 days after the hurricane hit & longer if you figure when we knew they would be hit.
Weird. When the three-star General got there the first thing he did was agree with the Mayor. Good thing we have all these trump cult posters here at USMB to educate him.
So. The General arrives.

He does not like what he sees.

The soldiers under him are the ones carrying out this relief effort.

He needs to address his officers if these forces are not carrying out their duties.

Not blame the President.
When did the troops arrive?
Air Force Operations began on Tuesday 9/26
6 days after the hurricane hit & longer if you figure when we knew they would be hit.
The hurricane didn't go away after it hit Puerto Rico.
Weird. When the three-star General got there the first thing he did was agree with the Mayor. Good thing we have all these trump cult posters here at USMB to educate him.
So. The General arrives.

He does not like what he sees.

The soldiers under him are the ones carrying out this relief effort.

He needs to address his officers if these forces are not carrying out their duties.

Not blame the President.
When did the troops arrive?
Air Force Operations began on Tuesday 9/26
6 days after the hurricane hit & longer if you figure when we knew they would be hit.
The hurricane didn't go away after it hit Puerto Rico.
The only troops we had were on the East coast?
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.
All bull crap fella. The three-star General that just went down there said the military did not have enough assets in place to do the job and began calling in more assets. In other words, he agreed with the mayor. It was her voice and willingness to attack the bureaucratic system that brought the General into commanding the effort and got thing moving in the right direction.
Are you saying that the prior Commander of this operation was derelict in his duties?
Going on television and trashing the very people who are sending supplies is probably not the best strategy.
from here it looks like her hate wishes for failure
even if her people have to cause it
If this audio is true, things are far worse than that.

Seems the governor and mayor are deliberately with holding supplies for their own political gain and to patronize supporters.

POLICE AUDIO: 'Mayor Carmen Yulin Is Not Allowing Anyone To Distribute' Supplies - Big League Politics

Audio has emerged from a Puerto Rican police officer alleging that San Juan mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is not allowing supplies to be distributed to the citizens affected by the nation’s hurricane.

Mayor Cruz is accusing President Trump of doing a poor job attending to the needs of the Puerto Rican nation. Trump says that 10,000 U.S. federal workers are on the ground in the nation of Puerto Rico and that Mayor Cruz is doing a bad job, changing her tune on Trump due to Democratic Party pressure.

Supplies are not reaching the people. A prominent truckers union linked to left-wing political parties across Latin America is reportedly intentionally blocking the deliveries from the Port of San Juan, according to multiple accounts.

A self-identified police officer of a currently in Guaynabo called into a Spanish-language radio program to describe what happened. Jennifer Puentes published footage of the emotional, stirring interview.

The female police officer said, “I need to pass this information out because the stuff that is being brought from the U.S. it is not being distributed. They are not allowing the Puerto Rican people to receive the donations.”​

“The mayor Carmen Yulin is not allowing anyone to distribute…We need…What us Puerto Ricans need is that the U.S. armed forces to come in and distribute the aid,” she said.

She said that people in Florida, and “artists” are helping with the relief efforts, but she does not know how many others are helping due to having “very limited communication” on the island.

“What else are we going to do? You tell me, what else are we going to do?”

“But I need to speak for the people, because the people are suffering. Because I, as a cop, along with other police partners we are seeing it,” she said.

“We want the U.S. to come in.”​
Yep, that must be it. Because certainly your hero Trump can do no wrong.

You people are dumber than shit.

Just like after Katrina you asswipes ran in circles blaming everyone but Bush.
A know nothing talking point from a know nothing asshat.

Never remember Bush getting on Twitter and calling Ray Nagin names.

Bush had class.

And when you have to look at Bush as a good example for anything, you know how badly Trump is fucking up.

Not to worry, the mass shooting should take people's attention away from how badly Trump is fucking up Puerto Rico. For a day or two, anyway.
How do we know that's not just another staged photo op from CNN?
The answer is we don't. It wouldn't be the first time either.:dunno:
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I like the Brian Williams coverage at the D-Day landings during World War 2......that was some really brave work for Mr. Williams.....especially when he threw down his microphone, grabbed a rifle and cleaned out 2 Gerry machine gun nests all on his own....
Funny how you assholes have a fir about Brian Williams yet slobber all over Trump who lies to the Nation on a daily basis,.

Your fake outrage makes me laugh.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.

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