Puerto Rican Mayor Blaming Trump Isn't Participating In The Relief Effort

Bottom line is this....if you are to live in a country subject to this type of weather almost yearly, than you need to have in place measures to counter this shit...have your power lines under ground, build roads that are easily repairable, like dirt and gravel and invest in solar and wind power. Texas and Florida are you listening

Maybe if there could be an infrastructure bill.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.
Nine days after the storm. When the was the help coming? How long should they have to wait?

Why was Trump bragging about the great job he was doing?
yeah as she is standing in front of pallets and pallets of aid


You deplorables keep pointing that out. Those supplies are hardly enough. It's like sending 1 plate of food for a group of 30 hungry people.
it scares me you are a teacher.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.
Nine days after the storm. When the was the help coming? How long should they have to wait?

Why was Trump bragging about the great job he was doing?
We are cleaning up after 3 major events.

Resources are stretched thin.

She knows this.

I could care less about what Trump says.

We, as Americans, are doing the best we can.

I didn't create the red tape and policies that slow relief.

She knows this and so do you.

Ask the Government, not me.

I'm supporting those who are addressing these needs from the 3 recent events.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.
All bull crap fella. The three-star General that just went down there said the military did not have enough assets in place to do the job and began calling in more assets. In other words, he agreed with the mayor. It was her voice and willingness to attack the bureaucratic system that brought the General into commanding the effort and got thing moving in the right direction.

She is on the ground...she see's what relief is getting through and it is not "Good News"
Taking a victory lap while people go without food or water is not adviseable
A know nothing talking point from a know nothing asshat.

Never remember Bush getting on Twitter and calling Ray Nagin names.

Bush had class.

And when you have to look at Bush as a good example for anything, you know how badly Trump is fucking up.

Not to worry, the mass shooting should take people's attention away from how badly Trump is fucking up Puerto Rico. For a day or two, anyway.

Considering Twitter wasn't created until 2006 your point is meaningless.

But keep harping the "Trump is messing this up" thing, the rest of the lemmings on your side will surely fall for it.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.
All bull crap fella. The three-star General that just went down there said the military did not have enough assets in place to do the job and began calling in more assets. In other words, he agreed with the mayor. It was her voice and willingness to attack the bureaucratic system that brought the General into commanding the effort and got thing moving in the right direction.

She is on the ground...she see's what relief is getting through and it is not "Good News"
Taking a victory lap while people go without food or water is not adviseable
No. He should not be taking a victory lap.

And she should not be insulting those who are assisting in the effort by saying nobody is doing anything.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.

She knew people were suffering and dying, she knew people had no food, water or electricity, she knew Trumps claims that the rescue was "Good News" were bullshit
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.

First you fucking morons said the NFL players were disrespecting our troops.

Now you claim asking for help whren aid is too slow is disrespecting out troops.

Is that what you think of our soldiers? Pawns in your feeble attempt to defend your orange buddy?

And really, you are a Trumpette,. Grow the fuck up & admit it.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.

Your "break a nail" comment was an insult to women.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.
Nine days after the storm. When the was the help coming? How long should they have to wait?

Why was Trump bragging about the great job he was doing?
We are cleaning up after 3 major events.

Resources are stretched thin.

She knows this.

I could care less about what Trump says.

We, as Americans, are doing the best we can.

I didn't create the red tape and policies that slow relief.

She knows this and so do you.

Ask the Government, not me.

I'm supporting those who are addressing these needs from the 3 recent events.

So, you finally admit the response was slow. Progress.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

I don't understand why the right has turned on Mayor Cruz

She did not attack Trump. She was outraged that the Trump administration considered the Puerto Rican recovery effort "Good News"

By all means, recognize the many relief workers trying to provide aid.....but to declare it to be "Good News" at a time the mayor is seeing people suffering and dying is very, very poor timing
First off.

I a not a Conservatives nor on the right.

It appears she is being accused of hampering the relief efforts. Apparently to blame Trump.

I am seeing American Service personnel attempting to assist Puerto Ricans while 1 Mayor is insisting that they are not being helped and are dying.

She is insulting not just Trump but our Service members by saying nothing is being done.

The Air Force started ground operations on Tuesday and monitored the situation from the air during the hurricane.

We had the Navy in route before the hurricane and they arrived when safe.

The runways are being cleared at Ramey and communications and the electrical grid are being restored.

These have been 24/7 operations, which take time.

She should be grateful and assisting in the operations.

She has been accused of not even participating.

She was and is ill-prepared.

She needs to look around her and focus on operations instead of complaining.

First you fucking morons said the NFL players were disrespecting our troops.

Now you claim asking for help whren aid is too slow is disrespecting out troops.

Is that what you think of our soldiers? Pawns in your feeble attempt to defend your orange buddy?

And really, you are a Trumpette,. Grow the fuck up & admit it.
Fuck you asshole.

I could care less whether these players kneel.

She is disrespecting those who sacrifice for those in Puerto Rico. Including our troops.

And I am not and never have defended Trump and want him to put his phone down and stay off of Twitter and do his job.

Shove your trumpette up your ass motherfucker.
Mayor Cruz has been working tirelessly to help her people

Trump is playing golf
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.

Your "break a nail" comment was an insult to women.
Boo fucking hoo hoo hoo.

She deserved it.
She is working tirelessly running her fucking mouth.

She should shut up and get to work.

Or will she break a nail.

Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.
Nine days after the storm. When the was the help coming? How long should they have to wait?

Why was Trump bragging about the great job he was doing?
We are cleaning up after 3 major events.

Resources are stretched thin.

She knows this.

I could care less about what Trump says.

We, as Americans, are doing the best we can.

I didn't create the red tape and policies that slow relief.

She knows this and so do you.

Ask the Government, not me.

I'm supporting those who are addressing these needs from the 3 recent events.

So, you finally admit the response was slow. Progress.
I never said it wasn't. Moron.

It's coming. As fast as we can get it there.

I've been through hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.

I never expected immediate results.

Why are you?
Considering Twitter wasn't created until 2006 your point is meaningless.

But keep harping the "Trump is messing this up" thing, the rest of the lemmings on your side will surely fall for it.

Trump is messing up... well, everything. YOu guys own him.

He's doing what the left always dreamed of- discrediting conservatism once and for all.
Considering Twitter wasn't created until 2006 your point is meaningless.

But keep harping the "Trump is messing this up" thing, the rest of the lemmings on your side will surely fall for it.

Trump is messing up... well, everything. YOu guys own him.

He's doing what the left always dreamed of- discrediting conservatism once and for all.

Only in your muddled head.
Misogyny much?

So, according to you, she should have kept her mouth shut while her people suffered because help was not getting there on a timely basis.
It was a photo op.

The reason I despise politicians.

Male and female.

She was getting help and she knew it.
Nine days after the storm. When the was the help coming? How long should they have to wait?

Why was Trump bragging about the great job he was doing?
We are cleaning up after 3 major events.

Resources are stretched thin.

She knows this.

I could care less about what Trump says.

We, as Americans, are doing the best we can.

I didn't create the red tape and policies that slow relief.

She knows this and so do you.

Ask the Government, not me.

I'm supporting those who are addressing these needs from the 3 recent events.

So, you finally admit the response was slow. Progress.
I never said it wasn't. Moron.

It's coming. As fast as we can get it there.

I've been through hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.

I never expected immediate results.

Why are you?

Blame the "2 hour movie/1 hour TV show) effect that makes people expect everything happens instantaneously and all things are resolved by the last commercial break.
Everything you left wing fucktards are spouting is bald face lies.. Even in the face of real news you claim to know more than those on the ground..

Why don't you and your left wing bigots fuck off.. Let the real patriots and our military do what they are doing to save lives.. get that bitch and the left wing controlled union out of the way.
Everything you left wing fucktards are spouting is bald face lies.. Even in the face of real news you claim to know more than those on the ground..

Why don't you and your left wing bigots fuck off.. Let the real patriots and our military do what they are doing to save lives.. get that bitch and the left wing controlled union out of the way.
My family is on the ground bitch. Go fuck yourself.

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