Pull up your pants and behave!

Okay, you go t me... I take back my previous statement "obama hasn't once addressed" and amend that to "addressed for 30 second in one speech." So... No wiggling! No shifting goal posts! No stubborn inflexibility here! Fully willing to own up to my errors and correct them!

Well, job well done.

It could have been even better if you had omitted the "30 second" gaffe, since the Morehouse commencement address was almost from beginning to end about responsibility, for self, for family, for the community, about setting an example for others to follow. But, see for yourself: Obama’s commencement speech at Morehouse College

As for Obama, I can find many more examples of multiple speeches and considerably more than 30-second addresses, where Obama has gone on the record to foment more racial divisiveness and play up the 'victim of white privilege' meme. Cambridge, Trayvon, now Wilson and Garner. Four times our "first black president" could have risen to the occasion to bring races together instead of instigating more polarization. He and his Attorney General are radicals with radical mentality when it comes to this. Everything has become a politically-calculated game.

I throw in another Obama initiative, just for the sake of it, so as to demonstrate how wrong, how far off the mark your "for 30 second in one speech" statement really was:
My Brother's Keeper

President Obama and AG Holder are radicals only if perceived from the far right fringe, and thus your statement tells a lot more about you than about them. For all others they're centrists. And I am going out on a limb and assert that you cannot provide three quotes, and explain, conclusively, how they amount to "fomenting racial divisiveness".

Absent proof, I find the rest of your posting was just the usual old men's complaint about the immoral, shiftless, useless youth that is standard fare throughout humankind's history. Nearly the same things, you might remember, were told about you and your peers back then, and they were most assuredly said about mine. Almost always the old farts mistook a few examples for the whole, and were bearing a grudge that their tastes and preferences weren't held in high regard. Guess what, years later the world is still rotating around its axis, even though the old ones back then wouldn't have thought it possible.
It appears, the good Boss can't quite muster the moral fibre to acknowledge his error...

It's because Boss didn't make an error. You found one speech by a man who has literally made a career from doing speeches, a commencement address at a black college which I doubt more than a few thousand Americans have even heard. That is your proof that Obama has been a stalwart advocate for more black male responsibility? One obscure speech?

The speech wasn't "obscure", it's been on the web in full length, and widely reported on. Moreover, your allegation that he hasn't "once addressed this problem"...

"It's disappointing to me that Obama is the first black president and hasn't once addressed this problem."

... is effectively countered by providing one single example of President Obama addressing the problem. Your wiggling and shifting the goal posts notwithstanding. You've made a statement that is shown to be erroneous, and you failed to acknowledge it, and to correct yourself. I'd say, it's time for you to pull your pants up, since you're showing a fairly ugly ass crack.

Okay, you go t me... I take back my previous statement "obama hasn't once addressed" and amend that to "addressed for 30 second in one speech." So... No wiggling! No shifting goal posts! No stubborn inflexibility here! Fully willing to own up to my errors and correct them!

As for Obama, I can find many more examples of multiple speeches and considerably more than 30-second addresses, where Obama has gone on the record to foment more racial divisiveness and play up the 'victim of white privilege' meme. Cambridge, Trayvon, now Wilson and Garner. Four times our "first black president" could have risen to the occasion to bring races together instead of instigating more polarization. He and his Attorney General are radicals with radical mentality when it comes to this. Everything has become a politically-calculated game.

LOST is yet another generation of young black men who could make a difference to the world. For what? So that some radicals can continue to immerse themselves in the past and refuse to follow Dr. King's most general philosophy? So that a political party comprised heavily of guilty racist white liberals who couldn't give two shits for black people, can continue their policies to keep black people from succeeding and achieving the American Dream? For some handful of airheads to run around pretending we can ever obtain Utopian euphoria of a world where no man ever notices appearance of another?

We need to grow the fuck up and face responsibility. There is a reason young black males are the least employable group in the country, citizenship or not. There is a reason the illegitimate birthrate skyrockets in young black adults. Society has nurtured and encouraged this insidious sub-culture, all in the name of "coolness!" Oh, it's just their culture, they should be free to express themselves! ...Which I have no problem with, but you're expressing that you're a thug with your ho-bitch thugettes! Not a good image!

So... It's like this "cool" thing these days for a young black buck to post a picture of himself on instagram with fat stacks of cash, gold bling, diamond grille, liquor and hos... I'm not a genius, I just play one on USMB, but I don't believe these young men went out there and honestly earned all this money. I just don't get that impression at all. It's not even like he is holding his big fat dividends check for his mutual short-trading. This appears to be drug money or maybe even something more illicit. Doesn't seem to be promoting an honest living to me. Does that make me racist for saying that? Is it my fault this is my perception of the image? I don't think so, in fact, I think that is precisely the image they are wanting to portray and there is a contingent of our society who thinks that's perfectly okay and makes them cool and hip.

"There is a reason the illegitimate birthrate skyrockets in young black adults."

Go ahead and prove that claim while you are having your fit.

Latest Statistics on Illegitimate Births National Review Online

source: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_05.pdf

72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock; 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives; 53.3 percent of Hispanics; 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites; and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders. That’s 40.7 percent overall: a disaster.

No fit to be had, those are the disappointing statistics. We can either be adults and address the reasons for it and try to change it, or we can be little children. Which way would you rather go?

You said that iligitimacy among black people is skyrocketing. Please support that. That would require that you show a rapid increase over the past several years.

I'll wait.
It's because Boss didn't make an error. You found one speech by a man who has literally made a career from doing speeches, a commencement address at a black college which I doubt more than a few thousand Americans have even heard. That is your proof that Obama has been a stalwart advocate for more black male responsibility? One obscure speech?

The speech wasn't "obscure", it's been on the web in full length, and widely reported on. Moreover, your allegation that he hasn't "once addressed this problem"...

"It's disappointing to me that Obama is the first black president and hasn't once addressed this problem."

... is effectively countered by providing one single example of President Obama addressing the problem. Your wiggling and shifting the goal posts notwithstanding. You've made a statement that is shown to be erroneous, and you failed to acknowledge it, and to correct yourself. I'd say, it's time for you to pull your pants up, since you're showing a fairly ugly ass crack.

Okay, you go t me... I take back my previous statement "obama hasn't once addressed" and amend that to "addressed for 30 second in one speech." So... No wiggling! No shifting goal posts! No stubborn inflexibility here! Fully willing to own up to my errors and correct them!

As for Obama, I can find many more examples of multiple speeches and considerably more than 30-second addresses, where Obama has gone on the record to foment more racial divisiveness and play up the 'victim of white privilege' meme. Cambridge, Trayvon, now Wilson and Garner. Four times our "first black president" could have risen to the occasion to bring races together instead of instigating more polarization. He and his Attorney General are radicals with radical mentality when it comes to this. Everything has become a politically-calculated game.

LOST is yet another generation of young black men who could make a difference to the world. For what? So that some radicals can continue to immerse themselves in the past and refuse to follow Dr. King's most general philosophy? So that a political party comprised heavily of guilty racist white liberals who couldn't give two shits for black people, can continue their policies to keep black people from succeeding and achieving the American Dream? For some handful of airheads to run around pretending we can ever obtain Utopian euphoria of a world where no man ever notices appearance of another?

We need to grow the fuck up and face responsibility. There is a reason young black males are the least employable group in the country, citizenship or not. There is a reason the illegitimate birthrate skyrockets in young black adults. Society has nurtured and encouraged this insidious sub-culture, all in the name of "coolness!" Oh, it's just their culture, they should be free to express themselves! ...Which I have no problem with, but you're expressing that you're a thug with your ho-bitch thugettes! Not a good image!

So... It's like this "cool" thing these days for a young black buck to post a picture of himself on instagram with fat stacks of cash, gold bling, diamond grille, liquor and hos... I'm not a genius, I just play one on USMB, but I don't believe these young men went out there and honestly earned all this money. I just don't get that impression at all. It's not even like he is holding his big fat dividends check for his mutual short-trading. This appears to be drug money or maybe even something more illicit. Doesn't seem to be promoting an honest living to me. Does that make me racist for saying that? Is it my fault this is my perception of the image? I don't think so, in fact, I think that is precisely the image they are wanting to portray and there is a contingent of our society who thinks that's perfectly okay and makes them cool and hip.

"There is a reason the illegitimate birthrate skyrockets in young black adults."

Go ahead and prove that claim while you are having your fit.

Latest Statistics on Illegitimate Births National Review Online

source: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_05.pdf

72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock; 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives; 53.3 percent of Hispanics; 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites; and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders. That’s 40.7 percent overall: a disaster.

No fit to be had, those are the disappointing statistics. We can either be adults and address the reasons for it and try to change it, or we can be little children. Which way would you rather go?

You said that iligitimacy among black people is skyrocketing. Please support that. That would require that you show a rapid increase over the past several years.

I'll wait.

Yeah, you're right at 72.3% you can't be skyrocketing much higher.... good point! I'll amend my previous comment from "skyrocketing" to "pegging the needle" ...see? I'm flexible!
The speech wasn't "obscure", it's been on the web in full length, and widely reported on. Moreover, your allegation that he hasn't "once addressed this problem"...

"It's disappointing to me that Obama is the first black president and hasn't once addressed this problem."

... is effectively countered by providing one single example of President Obama addressing the problem. Your wiggling and shifting the goal posts notwithstanding. You've made a statement that is shown to be erroneous, and you failed to acknowledge it, and to correct yourself. I'd say, it's time for you to pull your pants up, since you're showing a fairly ugly ass crack.

Okay, you go t me... I take back my previous statement "obama hasn't once addressed" and amend that to "addressed for 30 second in one speech." So... No wiggling! No shifting goal posts! No stubborn inflexibility here! Fully willing to own up to my errors and correct them!

As for Obama, I can find many more examples of multiple speeches and considerably more than 30-second addresses, where Obama has gone on the record to foment more racial divisiveness and play up the 'victim of white privilege' meme. Cambridge, Trayvon, now Wilson and Garner. Four times our "first black president" could have risen to the occasion to bring races together instead of instigating more polarization. He and his Attorney General are radicals with radical mentality when it comes to this. Everything has become a politically-calculated game.

LOST is yet another generation of young black men who could make a difference to the world. For what? So that some radicals can continue to immerse themselves in the past and refuse to follow Dr. King's most general philosophy? So that a political party comprised heavily of guilty racist white liberals who couldn't give two shits for black people, can continue their policies to keep black people from succeeding and achieving the American Dream? For some handful of airheads to run around pretending we can ever obtain Utopian euphoria of a world where no man ever notices appearance of another?

We need to grow the fuck up and face responsibility. There is a reason young black males are the least employable group in the country, citizenship or not. There is a reason the illegitimate birthrate skyrockets in young black adults. Society has nurtured and encouraged this insidious sub-culture, all in the name of "coolness!" Oh, it's just their culture, they should be free to express themselves! ...Which I have no problem with, but you're expressing that you're a thug with your ho-bitch thugettes! Not a good image!

So... It's like this "cool" thing these days for a young black buck to post a picture of himself on instagram with fat stacks of cash, gold bling, diamond grille, liquor and hos... I'm not a genius, I just play one on USMB, but I don't believe these young men went out there and honestly earned all this money. I just don't get that impression at all. It's not even like he is holding his big fat dividends check for his mutual short-trading. This appears to be drug money or maybe even something more illicit. Doesn't seem to be promoting an honest living to me. Does that make me racist for saying that? Is it my fault this is my perception of the image? I don't think so, in fact, I think that is precisely the image they are wanting to portray and there is a contingent of our society who thinks that's perfectly okay and makes them cool and hip.

"There is a reason the illegitimate birthrate skyrockets in young black adults."

Go ahead and prove that claim while you are having your fit.

Latest Statistics on Illegitimate Births National Review Online

source: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_05.pdf

72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock; 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives; 53.3 percent of Hispanics; 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites; and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders. That’s 40.7 percent overall: a disaster.

No fit to be had, those are the disappointing statistics. We can either be adults and address the reasons for it and try to change it, or we can be little children. Which way would you rather go?

You said that iligitimacy among black people is skyrocketing. Please support that. That would require that you show a rapid increase over the past several years.

I'll wait.

Yeah, you're right at 72.3% you can't be skyrocketing much higher.... good point! I'll amend my previous comment from "skyrocketing" to "pegging the needle" ...see? I'm flexible!

What you are is full of shit.
Okay, you go t me... I take back my previous statement "obama hasn't once addressed" and amend that to "addressed for 30 second in one speech." So... No wiggling! No shifting goal posts! No stubborn inflexibility here! Fully willing to own up to my errors and correct them!

Well, job well done.

It could have been even better if you had omitted the "30 second" gaffe, since the Morehouse commencement address was almost from beginning to end about responsibility, for self, for family, for the community, about setting an example for others to follow. But, see for yourself: Obama’s commencement speech at Morehouse College

As for Obama, I can find many more examples of multiple speeches and considerably more than 30-second addresses, where Obama has gone on the record to foment more racial divisiveness and play up the 'victim of white privilege' meme. Cambridge, Trayvon, now Wilson and Garner. Four times our "first black president" could have risen to the occasion to bring races together instead of instigating more polarization. He and his Attorney General are radicals with radical mentality when it comes to this. Everything has become a politically-calculated game.

I throw in another Obama initiative, just for the sake of it, so as to demonstrate how wrong, how far off the mark your "for 30 second in one speech" statement really was:
My Brother's Keeper

President Obama and AG Holder are radicals only if perceived from the far right fringe, and thus your statement tells a lot more about you than about them. For all others they're centrists. And I am going out on a limb and assert that you cannot provide three quotes, and explain, conclusively, how they amount to "fomenting racial divisiveness".

Absent proof, I find the rest of your posting was just the usual old men's complaint about the immoral, shiftless, useless youth that is standard fare throughout humankind's history. Nearly the same things, you might remember, were told about you and your peers back then, and they were most assuredly said about mine. Almost always the old farts mistook a few examples for the whole, and were bearing a grudge that their tastes and preferences weren't held in high regard. Guess what, years later the world is still rotating around its axis, even though the old ones back then wouldn't have thought it possible.

OMG... Olde Europe? Is this Joe Biden??? :shock:

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