Pull up your pants and behave!

Can someone tell me what's wrong with being a good human being and respect your neighbor??? Why support violent thugs???

Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
Yep. I personally don't like calling people white or black, we are all mutts. If humans intermingled we would return to a common race. This is going on to some degree where it wasn't too common before.

Why is obama "black", for example? He's half "white". It's actually racist to imply someone is black because they are not pure white.

I spent my early teen years is the segregated south so know it was horrible for minorities. The blacks sat upstairs in the movie theater (and threw some shit down, go figure) and had their own water fountain. I felt bad for them even then but I grew up as a military brat and never gave race a thought. The race hustlers want that division to remain, it's how they eat.
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
Yep. I personally don't like calling people white or black, we are all mutts. If humans intermingled we would return to a common race. This is going on to some degree where it wasn't too common before.

Why is obama "black", for example? He's half "white". It's actually racist to imply someone is black because they are not pure white.

I spent my early teen years is the segregated south so know it was horrible for minorities. The blacks sat upstairs in the movie theater (and threw some shit down, go figure) and had their own water fountain. I felt bad for them even then but I grew up as a military brat and never gave race a thought. The race hustlers want that division to remain, it's how they eat.

Why do you think anyone believes you?
White folks can't do anything about this, it's a problem black people have to deal with at the closest personal levels. It's disappointing to me that Obama is the first black president and hasn't once addressed this problem. Instead, he is too busy fomenting racial divisiveness. With the Liberals in tow, feigning outrage through their racist white guilt.

Sadly enough, it would appear you haven't been paying attention, as President Obama has spoken numerous times about the exact issue you've been raising here, and he would most assuredly support most of what you are demanding.

See, for instance: Obama: There's no longer time for excuses for black men

I find that rather puzzling, to put it mildly, and would add that there's no longer time for excuses for white racists. Actually, the time for their excuses has passed centuries ago.
If they ever took actual responsibility for their lives and if they ever viewed themselves as capable of making it with out the democrats help, the democrat party would evaporate.

If the democrat party evaporates, too many people would be put out of work. 90% of the media, all of the big mouths in Hollywood would have heart attacks, and professors in universities with tenure would need to smoke a little more pot and dream about the glory days of the 60s a little harder.

No, THOSE PEOPLE will never be fed the truth from the sources of information they get all of their information from. In fact, it has only gotten worse since their dream of a black president became a reality.

That black president is especially dependent on the racial divide, hence the reasons why he sends his henchmen to places like Ferguson.

The fact is conservatives waste time presenting the actual facts to the hopeless idiots. The pawns could not care less about the facts, and the democrats especially do not care. So long as all of the information becomes so convoluted, they can push their narrative. The narrative, republicans equal bad greedy white people and democrats equal robin hood.

The division of the races, genders and classes are key. Ends justify the means to these pieces of American hating shit.

Anyone with any sense of decency knows these fucking animals should pull up their fucking pants. I am sick and tired of wasting my time, considering these pieces of shit could not care less about the truth.

Treat them with disdain, and disrespect, for no other reason other than them being the pieces of unappreciative, treasonous American hating socialist shit they all are.
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Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
In reality you are saying not all black people fit into the conservative stereotype. And yes, it is the cons that are always claiming how bad black people are. You've just done it yourself.

Wow... Impressive... not many people can actually get high enough on their horse to literally use a generalization to condemn an entire group for generalizing. Sheer liberal talent right there!
The question may be , Where are the black folk headed?

Well some of them are clearly headed in the right direction. I can reel off a lengthy list of black folk who have gotten it right, who aren't part of this problem at all. Dr. Ben Carson, Condi Rice, Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, Walter E. Williams, Clarence Thomas... just to list a few.

So it's simply not a matter of skin pigmentation. And it has been pointed out, this 'gangsta' culture has now been glorified across racial lines to many white youth as well, so it's becoming ever-more prevalent in poor white communities too.
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
I don't care what color your skin is. You are one of my favorite people here at USMB.

However, the Samoan part sounds good to me. ;)
(Married to a native american, wished I was hawaiian or samoan. Maybe I was one in another life)

My ex-brother in law and four nieces and nephews are Samoan. Wonderful people!
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
I don't care what color your skin is. You are one of my favorite people here at USMB.

However, the Samoan part sounds good to me. ;)
(Married to a native american, wished I was hawaiian or samoan. Maybe I was one in another life)

My ex-brother in law and four nieces and nephews are Samoan. Wonderful people!

Most Samoans are good people but we have our share of ass clowns like everyone else. But I don't want to give the impression that I am all Samoan. I actually think I am more Native American than anything, two different tribes, Cherokee on my dad's side, Choctaw on my mom's. I also have some Asian and Black Dutch (Germanic) and maybe some Spanish. However, with my complexion and hair in rural Alabama, I was a black guy to most. My first year of elementary school was the first year of segregation here, but I wasn't even aware of that fact until years later.

I was raised in one of the most racially prejudiced places and I wish I could tell you that such bigotry had never effected my life but that would be a lie. When I was in high school, there were white girls who were good friends of mine, who I could not date because their parents wouldn't let them "date a black guy." Then, later in college, I dated this fine looking black girl... I was crazy about her and things were going great for about two weeks when she abruptly ended our relationship with no explanation. Being that I was so ga-ga for her, I hounded her for an explanation... come to find, it was her father and brothers who told her I wasn't "black enough" for her to date.

Now... I could have heaved my butt on my shoulders and dropped my drawers to my knees in protest... poor boy bein' schrim'nated against by dem evil racists... but I wasn't shook. I didn't turn into a thug because society didn't meet my expectations or give me the respect I felt I deserved. Eventually, I met a fine woman, the love of my life, she gave me three beautiful daughters before she left this old earth way too soon.
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
I don't care what color your skin is. You are one of my favorite people here at USMB.

However, the Samoan part sounds good to me. ;)
(Married to a native american, wished I was hawaiian or samoan. Maybe I was one in another life)

My ex-brother in law and four nieces and nephews are Samoan. Wonderful people!

Most Samoans are good people but we have our share of ass clowns like everyone else. But I don't want to give the impression that I am all Samoan. I actually think I am more Native American than anything, two different tribes, Cherokee on my dad's side, Choctaw on my mom's. I also have some Asian and Black Dutch (Germanic) and maybe some Spanish. However, with my complexion and hair in rural Alabama, I was a black guy to most. My first year of elementary school was the first year of segregation here, but I wasn't even aware of that fact until years later.

I was raised in one of the most racially prejudiced places and I wish I could tell you that such bigotry had never effected my life but that would be a lie. When I was in high school, there were white girls who were good friends of mine, who I could not date because their parents wouldn't let them "date a black guy." Then, later in college, I dated this fine looking black girl... I was crazy about her and things were going great for about two weeks when she abruptly ended our relationship with no explanation. Being that I was so ga-ga for her, I hounded her for an explanation... come to find, it was her father and brothers who told her I wasn't "black enough" for her to date.

Now... I could have heaved my butt on my shoulders and dropped my drawers to my knees in protest... poor boy bein' schrim'nated against by dem evil racists... but I wasn't shook. I didn't turn into a thug because society didn't meet my expectations or give me the respect I felt I deserved. Eventually, I met a fine woman, the love of my life, she gave me three beautiful daughters before she left this old earth way too soon.

I don't believe you. You aren't authentic.
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
I don't care what color your skin is. You are one of my favorite people here at USMB.

However, the Samoan part sounds good to me. ;)
(Married to a native american, wished I was hawaiian or samoan. Maybe I was one in another life)

My ex-brother in law and four nieces and nephews are Samoan. Wonderful people!

Most Samoans are good people but we have our share of ass clowns like everyone else. But I don't want to give the impression that I am all Samoan. I actually think I am more Native American than anything, two different tribes, Cherokee on my dad's side, Choctaw on my mom's. I also have some Asian and Black Dutch (Germanic) and maybe some Spanish. However, with my complexion and hair in rural Alabama, I was a black guy to most. My first year of elementary school was the first year of segregation here, but I wasn't even aware of that fact until years later.

I was raised in one of the most racially prejudiced places and I wish I could tell you that such bigotry had never effected my life but that would be a lie. When I was in high school, there were white girls who were good friends of mine, who I could not date because their parents wouldn't let them "date a black guy." Then, later in college, I dated this fine looking black girl... I was crazy about her and things were going great for about two weeks when she abruptly ended our relationship with no explanation. Being that I was so ga-ga for her, I hounded her for an explanation... come to find, it was her father and brothers who told her I wasn't "black enough" for her to date.

Now... I could have heaved my butt on my shoulders and dropped my drawers to my knees in protest... poor boy bein' schrim'nated against by dem evil racists... but I wasn't shook. I didn't turn into a thug because society didn't meet my expectations or give me the respect I felt I deserved. Eventually, I met a fine woman, the love of my life, she gave me three beautiful daughters before she left this old earth way too soon.

I don't believe you. You aren't authentic.

And you are???
Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
I don't care what color your skin is. You are one of my favorite people here at USMB.

However, the Samoan part sounds good to me. ;)
(Married to a native american, wished I was hawaiian or samoan. Maybe I was one in another life)

My ex-brother in law and four nieces and nephews are Samoan. Wonderful people!

Most Samoans are good people but we have our share of ass clowns like everyone else. But I don't want to give the impression that I am all Samoan. I actually think I am more Native American than anything, two different tribes, Cherokee on my dad's side, Choctaw on my mom's. I also have some Asian and Black Dutch (Germanic) and maybe some Spanish. However, with my complexion and hair in rural Alabama, I was a black guy to most. My first year of elementary school was the first year of segregation here, but I wasn't even aware of that fact until years later.

I was raised in one of the most racially prejudiced places and I wish I could tell you that such bigotry had never effected my life but that would be a lie. When I was in high school, there were white girls who were good friends of mine, who I could not date because their parents wouldn't let them "date a black guy." Then, later in college, I dated this fine looking black girl... I was crazy about her and things were going great for about two weeks when she abruptly ended our relationship with no explanation. Being that I was so ga-ga for her, I hounded her for an explanation... come to find, it was her father and brothers who told her I wasn't "black enough" for her to date.

Now... I could have heaved my butt on my shoulders and dropped my drawers to my knees in protest... poor boy bein' schrim'nated against by dem evil racists... but I wasn't shook. I didn't turn into a thug because society didn't meet my expectations or give me the respect I felt I deserved. Eventually, I met a fine woman, the love of my life, she gave me three beautiful daughters before she left this old earth way too soon.

I don't believe you. You aren't authentic.

And you are???


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