Pull up your pants and behave!

How old are you? If you're less than 30, you have no societal, cultural or historical context to draw upon.
Your analogy was stupid. If you are over 12 you should have known. And you didn't answer the question.
No, my analogy was spot on. Reactionaries and social Conservatives made the exact same complaints about the style of The Beatles fifty years ago.

I know. I was there. Were you?

But look at where most of those hippies ended up later in life.
I'll just say you wont see em driving around in a VW bus smoken weed these days.
While blacks continue to act like gangsters well into their thirties and beyond.
And the worst part? They raise children at the same time.
"Pull up your pants and behave!"

That you and most others on the right have an unwarranted fear of diversity and dissent does not justify the inherent racism of this, nor the blanket criticism of the African-American community overall, where your post fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, those on the right subscribing to this thread is evidence of that; conservatives disdain expressions of individual liberty, and they tend to attack that which they fear don't understand.

The problem, therefore, is not how someone might dress or act, but how most on the right tend to respond to that diversity with fear and contempt.
So anyone can act and dress anyway they want?. God you're a fucking moron.
If it were not for 'Conservatives' you won't be alive pal. You need to go live in Darfour.......please. You can behave and dress anyway you want there. Problem is everyone else can do what they want to you too.
I love how you constantly accuse others of "generalizing" then you post things like: "Conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, those on the right subscribing to this thread is evidence of that; conservatives disdain expressions of individual liberty, and they tend to attack that which they fear don't understand."
Are you posting from a mental institute?
From my perspective, it's best to be colorblind and take issue with crappy behavior itself. Anyone who wears their pants below their crack is a moron, for example. If you behave ignorantly, regardless of your skin color, no one is going to respect you. I think one of the worst insults must be when certain black people get accused of "acting white" simply because they're trying to better themselves. "Acting white/black" shouldn't even be a thing. People in general should simply behave, respect one another, and be civil.

If you were black and grew up poor listening to people referring to people you love like your mom as a welfare queen, would you respect them?

Id try to prove them wrong.
If Texas becomes open carry the cops can stop anyone and require them to show their gun purchase receipt.
That means the Tree Dwellers are out of luck being financially able to legally purchase a gun.

Just to clarify. I have been asked to define exactly what is a Tree Dweller.
A TD is any of the following: A Black thug/gang-banger/looter/thief/drug dealer/pimp/absentee father/rapist.
Blacks who are none of these things and who are trying to make their way honorably and peacefully in many times hard circumstances have my complete admiration.
So the White folks are bitching about the popular culture in the Black community.

I suppose those angry White folks would be happy if the Black youth did not engage in their own culture, but adopted the White culture instead. The Black youth would be served best if the White folks shut up, of course. But then again, the White folks would rationalize that the Black youth should comply or risk being shot.
Sounds like you do wear shit stain briefs on your head.
So the White folks are bitching about the popular culture in the Black community.

I suppose those angry White folks would be happy if the Black youth did not engage in their own culture, but adopted the White culture instead. The Black youth would be served best if the White folks shut up, of course. But then again, the White folks would rationalize that the Black youth should comply or risk being shot.
Sounds like you do wear shit stain briefs on your head.
Is that all you have to contribute? It's so sad.
So the White folks are bitching about the popular culture in the Black community.

I suppose those angry White folks would be happy if the Black youth did not engage in their own culture, but adopted the White culture instead. The Black youth would be served best if the White folks shut up, of course. But then again, the White folks would rationalize that the Black youth should comply or risk being shot.

not angry white folks........most white folks s0n!!

Bottom line? You don't comply, you're gonna get your hat knocked off like Brown. Low underwear or no underwear.

My newest t-shirt design sorta says it all...............:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

So the White folks are bitching about the popular culture in the Black community.

I suppose those angry White folks would be happy if the Black youth did not engage in their own culture, but adopted the White culture instead. The Black youth would be served best if the White folks shut up, of course. But then again, the White folks would rationalize that the Black youth should comply or risk being shot.

Well I'm not a "white folk" nor am I bitching about pop culture. This goes beyond pop culture to societal culture. What you see as popular culture is manifest through societal culture. Promoting cultural segregation is not solving any problem as best I can tell. And the problem is also not white folks refusing to shut up. Most white folks wouldn't dare try to advise black folks on culture. As I said, this problem can't be fixed by white folks.

It has to start with black men and women taking responsibility for the children they are bringing into this world. Raising those children to have pride in themselves, to honor their responsibilities, to respect each other, their communities and the authorities in those communities. Destroy this image of the "gansta and ho-bitch" which has been glorified among many black youth. Tell their children, "YOU are BETTER than THAT!"

Now this is not some unrealistic expectation, in fact, there are many black parents who are doing precisely as I've suggested with outstanding results. Their kids aren't shooting each other in the hood or dealing drugs, running around with their pants to their knees. They are too busy taking pride in their education and climbing the ladder of success.

If you had a ten inch black dick, you'd probably dress in a more revealing way too.

Just a thought

I have met guys who have, but they still keep their pants up and can control their erections.

It also has to do with culture.

If you don't resonate with that culture, don't absorb it. But others who do resonate with it will absorb it, and since there is nothing you can do about that, you may as well find something better to focus your hate on.

We have a problem with our society and culture. And I am speaking specifically to the black community in America. Yeah, I am a lighter-skin Creole/Samoan black, but when you live in Alabama you are a black man. I know there are redneck racists out there, I've seen them my entire life. As time passes, they become more and more irrelevant and a bigger example of sheer ignorance. Black people have come a long way in my lifetime.

The "problem" is not some seething underlying racism or racist view of white folk... that's a paranoid fear. We live in an integrated society, our kids play ball together, go to dances together, develop life-long friendships through it. We live in the same neighborhoods, work side-by-side together, conduct business and commerce with each other. Never in black/white history has overt prejudice and bigotry been at such an all-time low.

If you remove white adults over age 60, you find a sharp decline in the perceptions of white people toward black people. This is because they all grew up in an integrated post-1965 world and this experience changed their perceptions from previous generations. So we are seeing, as time passes, so do the behaviors and prejudices of the past. This is not the problem.

The problem is an inner-cultural black community problem and no one wants to talk about it. We have generational parental neglect, and almost a 'codependency' thing happening with those parent-child relationships which very often don't include a father. Girls are raised to be welfare baby mills and boys are raised to be thugs. Rap music glorifies it and pop culture embraces it as being "cool" to be "gansta!"

What someone needs to say to young black males is... Pull up your pants and behave! If you want to be a man and have the respect of a man, do the things a responsible man does. If you father a child, be a man, do what a man should do, be a father to that child. Take care of your family like a man, stop being a punk. Stop using white folk to excuse your childish behavior and take responsibility like a man.
And yet another well written post by Boss. Thank you.
We have a problem with our society and culture. And I am speaking specifically to the black community in America. Yeah, I am a lighter-skin Creole/Samoan black, but when you live in Alabama you are a black man. I know there are redneck racists out there, I've seen them my entire life. As time passes, they become more and more irrelevant and a bigger example of sheer ignorance. Black people have come a long way in my lifetime.

The "problem" is not some seething underlying racism or racist view of white folk... that's a paranoid fear. We live in an integrated society, our kids play ball together, go to dances together, develop life-long friendships through it. We live in the same neighborhoods, work side-by-side together, conduct business and commerce with each other. Never in black/white history has overt prejudice and bigotry been at such an all-time low.

If you remove white adults over age 60, you find a sharp decline in the perceptions of white people toward black people. This is because they all grew up in an integrated post-1965 world and this experience changed their perceptions from previous generations. So we are seeing, as time passes, so do the behaviors and prejudices of the past. This is not the problem.

The problem is an inner-cultural black community problem and no one wants to talk about it. We have generational parental neglect, and almost a 'codependency' thing happening with those parent-child relationships which very often don't include a father. Girls are raised to be welfare baby mills and boys are raised to be thugs. Rap music glorifies it and pop culture embraces it as being "cool" to be "gansta!"

What someone needs to say to young black males is... Pull up your pants and behave! If you want to be a man and have the respect of a man, do the things a responsible man does. If you father a child, be a man, do what a man should do, be a father to that child. Take care of your family like a man, stop being a punk. Stop using white folk to excuse your childish behavior and take responsibility like a man.
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
This is courtesy of skookers... LMAO


We have a problem with our society and culture. And I am speaking specifically to the black community in America. Yeah, I am a lighter-skin Creole/Samoan black, but when you live in Alabama you are a black man. I know there are redneck racists out there, I've seen them my entire life. As time passes, they become more and more irrelevant and a bigger example of sheer ignorance. Black people have come a long way in my lifetime.

The "problem" is not some seething underlying racism or racist view of white folk... that's a paranoid fear. We live in an integrated society, our kids play ball together, go to dances together, develop life-long friendships through it. We live in the same neighborhoods, work side-by-side together, conduct business and commerce with each other. Never in black/white history has overt prejudice and bigotry been at such an all-time low.

If you remove white adults over age 60, you find a sharp decline in the perceptions of white people toward black people. This is because they all grew up in an integrated post-1965 world and this experience changed their perceptions from previous generations. So we are seeing, as time passes, so do the behaviors and prejudices of the past. This is not the problem.

The problem is an inner-cultural black community problem and no one wants to talk about it. We have generational parental neglect, and almost a 'codependency' thing happening with those parent-child relationships which very often don't include a father. Girls are raised to be welfare baby mills and boys are raised to be thugs. Rap music glorifies it and pop culture embraces it as being "cool" to be "gansta!"

What someone needs to say to young black males is... Pull up your pants and behave! If you want to be a man and have the respect of a man, do the things a responsible man does. If you father a child, be a man, do what a man should do, be a father to that child. Take care of your family like a man, stop being a punk. Stop using white folk to excuse your childish behavior and take responsibility like a man.

I remember a few years back when the distinguished Dr. William H. Cosby shared that same message.

Oh. The irony!

(Fact is I see more white kids with their pants down around their asses than blacks. Blacks have found preppy. :)
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
I don't care what color your skin is. You are one of my favorite people here at USMB.

However, the Samoan part sounds good to me. ;)
(Married to a native american, wished I was hawaiian or samoan. Maybe I was one in another life)
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.

Yeah! Not all "blacks" fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations! Some know to pull their pants up and behave!!

Man.....you are a monumental blowhard.
Btw, is important to you that you are light skinned? Just asking because you went out of your way to tell us.

Just to emphasize I am not white. I am actually very multi-racial but that wasn't very cool growing up in the rural south. The reason I mention it is because I feel inclined to do so in light of the topic. Society may have viewed me growing up as a black guy, but I just thought of myself as a guy. I've just never allowed my ethnicity to become a 'barrier' for me. I know plenty of black guys who have.

You see, the thing is, this is an inner-cultural thing I'm talking about here. Not all blacks fit the liberal stereotypes and generalizations. Some black men are raising their families, taking care of their kids, taking care of business. Some black men know to pull their drawers up and behave.
In reality you are saying not all black people fit into the conservative stereotype. And yes, it is the cons that are always claiming how bad black people are. You've just done it yourself.

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