Pull up your pants and behave!

For whatever reason, Blacks feel it necessary to acquire identity however unique it may be.

Pants around the ankles. Check.
Over sized rims. Check.
Gold tooth. Check.
Hoodie. Check.

If they go around wearing decent attire and speaking in an intelligible language, they're just like Whitey.
Can't have that now can we.

White teenagers do the same ....but they grow out of it.
From my perspective, it's best to be colorblind and take issue with crappy behavior itself. Anyone who wears their pants below their crack is a moron, for example. If you behave ignorantly, regardless of your skin color, no one is going to respect you. I think one of the worst insults must be when certain black people get accused of "acting white" simply because they're trying to better themselves. "Acting white/black" shouldn't even be a thing. People in general should simply behave, respect one another, and be civil.

If you were black and grew up poor listening to people referring to people you love like your mom as a welfare queen, would you respect them?

No,but I wouldnt respect my mom either. And there lies the problem.
Yep, which is why I have a Kimber, Springfield Armory, Sig Sauer, S&W, brother glock and a host of other goodies
I started with a Glock 17 but traded it in for a Kimber. After getting the 1911 bug I gravitated to Colts so the Kimber went for one of those. They I added a few more. Mine was a Clackamas Kimber, probably worth big bucks now. :crybaby:
From my perspective, it's best to be colorblind and take issue with crappy behavior itself. Anyone who wears their pants below their crack is a moron, for example. If you behave ignorantly, regardless of your skin color, no one is going to respect you. I think one of the worst insults must be when certain black people get accused of "acting white" simply because they're trying to better themselves. "Acting white/black" shouldn't even be a thing. People in general should simply behave, respect one another, and be civil.

If you were black and grew up poor listening to people referring to people you love like your mom as a welfare queen, would you respect them?

No,but I wouldnt respect my mom either. And there lies the problem.

I agree. The lack of empathy/sympathy for others is a problem with too many people in our society.
From my perspective, it's best to be colorblind and take issue with crappy behavior itself. Anyone who wears their pants below their crack is a moron, for example. If you behave ignorantly, regardless of your skin color, no one is going to respect you. I think one of the worst insults must be when certain black people get accused of "acting white" simply because they're trying to better themselves. "Acting white/black" shouldn't even be a thing. People in general should simply behave, respect one another, and be civil.

If you were black and grew up poor listening to people referring to people you love like your mom as a welfare queen, would you respect them?

I don't care what your skin color is or your economic status.

Being a son, you would undoubtedly be biased in favor of your mother. That's normal.

The question is whether or not what they're saying is true. Is it? Whether it is or not, you're not compelled to show respect.

You did not answer the question. Let me put it a different way: If you were raised in a world where you and your loved ones were constantly talked bad about, would you bend over backwards to get the approval of those people saying bad things or would you instead resent those people and go out of your way to not do what they would want you to do?

Thats what a child would do. An adult would look at the situation and work to change that impression.
From my perspective, it's best to be colorblind and take issue with crappy behavior itself. Anyone who wears their pants below their crack is a moron, for example. If you behave ignorantly, regardless of your skin color, no one is going to respect you. I think one of the worst insults must be when certain black people get accused of "acting white" simply because they're trying to better themselves. "Acting white/black" shouldn't even be a thing. People in general should simply behave, respect one another, and be civil.

If you were black and grew up poor listening to people referring to people you love like your mom as a welfare queen, would you respect them?

No,but I wouldnt respect my mom either. And there lies the problem.

I agree. The lack of empathy/sympathy for others is a problem with too many people in our society.

It's not a lack of sympathy I'm referring to,it's the lack of respect that children show their parents. And you cant blame the children for that lack of respect,you can only blame the parent for not being a good role model and parent.
I agree. The lack of empathy/sympathy for others is a problem with too many people in our society.
What a weird way to live. I never asked for, expected or demanded anyone's sympathy or empathy.

Just a couple of my day rigs


Lets not forget.......the PC zombie lefties in here have no real responsibilities in life. For most, their most notable possession is an iPhone.........maybe a leased car. On Friday nights, they are at the bar until 3am and get up about at 1pm. Ghey.

For the rest of us with real responsibilities in life, a bit tougher to embrace the thug culture......far more to lose.:bye1:
If only black people would act like white people, white people would accept them.

Is being civilized acting white to you?

Pants up don't loot.

By "civilized" you mean heavily indoctrinated and mindlessly, submissively obedient to social norms and the Law, a slave to society, and a product of the expectations of everyone but yourself, and thus race is irrelevant... you cannot expect me to truly and wholeheartedly embrace such a Mundane weltanschauung outside of any instances of manipulation, deception, the masterful reaping of karmic benefit, displays of honest friendship or Love, and rare displays of profound respect.

For whatever reason, Blacks feel it necessary to acquire identity however unique it may be.

Pants around the ankles. Check.
Over sized rims. Check.
Gold tooth. Check.
Hoodie. Check.

If they go around wearing decent attire and speaking in an intelligible language, they're just like Whitey.
Can't have that now can we.

I wear hoodies. :slap:

Do you wear your pants at the bottom of your ass cheeks,or the top?
I wear hoodies occasionally myself....with boots and blue jeans.
And of course I dont walk around with the hood up unless the weather warrants it.
I agree. The lack of empathy/sympathy for others is a problem with too many people in our society.
What a weird way to live. I never asked for, expected or demanded anyone's sympathy or empathy.

Just a couple of my day rigs



sweet bro...........but I suggest an ammo box about 100X that size!! At least.

Indeed- Those are about 15 minutes of work on my progressive Dillon 550. Non home defense plinking rounds.

I save my home/street defense rounds for those who may require me to deliver a final message

Ridiculous to judge someone by the way they choose to dress. Makes me remember the 60s when people were judged by the length of their hair.

valid point



“Take those God darn hoodies down, especially in the summer. Pull your pants up and buy a belt ’cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt. Nobody.”

“If you walk into somebody’s office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won’t hire you? They don’t hire you ’cause you look like you’re crazy!”

“The Immaculate Conception of our Lord Jesus Christ took place a long time ago, and it didn’t happen here in Philadelphia. So every one of these kids has two parents who were around and participating at the time. They need to be around now.”

“Parents who neglect their children, who don’t know where they are, who don‘t know what they’re doing, who don‘t know who they’re hanging out with, you’re going to find yourself spending some quality time with your kids in jail.”

To fathers: “If you’re not providing the guidance,and you’re not sending any money, you’re just a sperm donor.” -Mayor Nutter 9/9/2011
For whatever reason, Blacks feel it necessary to acquire identity however unique it may be.

Pants around the ankles. Check.
Over sized rims. Check.
Gold tooth. Check.
Hoodie. Check.

If they go around wearing decent attire and speaking in an intelligible language, they're just like Whitey.
Can't have that now can we.
Those damn Beatles from Liverpool with their long hair and that 'yeah yeah yeah' are ruining our country. Our country was founded upon Perry Como and Fred Waring and good. clean cut boys and girls, not that long hair crap!


We've heard it before.
For whatever reason, Blacks feel it necessary to acquire identity however unique it may be.

Pants around the ankles. Check.
Over sized rims. Check.
Gold tooth. Check.
Hoodie. Check.

If they go around wearing decent attire and speaking in an intelligible language, they're just like Whitey.
Can't have that now can we.
Those damn Beatles from Liverpool with their long hair and that 'yeah yeah yeah' are ruining our country. Our country was founded upon Perry Como and Fred Waring and good. clean cut boys and girls, not that long hair crap!


We've heard it before.

There's always going to be the younger generation who like to be different,thats part of growing up.
Unfortunately for the most part the black community never grows out of the fantasy of being a gangsta rapper.
Better get you some of these folks if you want to be on the right side when you appear to be a victim. These will get you ~48 states to legally carry in. The others, they can blow me. This will cover you until national concealed carry passes next year



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