Pull up your pants and behave!

Will never get the loose pants thing, and the crazy ones do it in winter. But there have been crazier fashions through the centuries.
My only thing with the pants below the butt is... how do they keep them up? They have a chain on their dicks? :dunno:

This isn't about fashion taste. It's more about image and perceptions. If you want to wear your britches down at your knees while chillin' with the baby-momma at home, that's fine with me.
Ridiculous to judge someone by the way they choose to dress. Makes me remember the 60s when people were judged by the length of their hair.

I agree that how you dress shouldn't in itself reflect badly on your character, but the reality is that it does.

I was talking to a friend/co-worker about his son just yesterday about how both of them are perceived around the steel mill. The father is almost 60 years old and dresses like most average men do. His son is 28, and walks around the steel mill with flame retardant pants sagging past his ass, black safety glasses, and a bandana covering his face. As you can imagine, the father is treated with respect, and the son is looked upon with suspicion. Are people's perception of him accurate?

Yes, the son has a baby's mom, and isn't very involved in his child's life. Yes, he has a criminal record. Yes, he lives with his mother, and most of his money goes towards alcohol, while paying no bills. Not even his own cell phone bill. For the most part he is a good guy. He does seem to be making attempts at changing his life around. But if you were to stereotype him by the way he dresses you would be correct in most instances.
Will never get the loose pants thing, and the crazy ones do it in winter. But there have been crazier fashions through the centuries.
My only thing with the pants below the butt is... how do they keep them up? They have a chain on their dicks? :dunno:

This isn't about fashion taste. It's more about image and perceptions. If you want to wear your britches down at your knees while chillin' with the baby-momma at home, that's fine with me.

I grew up in the generation that popularized the "sagging" style. I even did it myself as a teenager. White guys like me would "sag", but only to a degree where the elastic bands of your boxers showed. People would refer to it as the "skater" look. I didn't see it as much of a style. If you wore your belt a little loose your jeans would comfortably fall to that point. Black kids would wear them much lower, allowing the entire ass of their boxers to show. I always found that style disgusting.

How did they keep them up? They didn't. They would walk around all day grabbing their jeans, attempting to pull them up. I never understood a style that was so uncomfortable that you spent most of your day trying to keep your pants from falling down. :dunno:
Ridiculous to judge someone by the way they choose to dress. Makes me remember the 60s when people were judged by the length of their hair.
Ive never heard of anyone who got mugged by a guy in a 3 piece Armani suit. If im walking down the street in the middle of the night and a guy dressed like that is walking behind me, alarm bells wont be going off in my head. Trayvon walking behind me with his hoodie up is a different story. Now i know you will pretend like youre above all that, but you would feel the exact same way if you were in those situations. Ok, now you can go ahead and respond with your innevitable lie about how you wouldnt judge someone like that.

The guy in the Armani suit would never get his hands dirty, mugging a man on the street for a few dollars. He'll mug the taxpayer for bailout money, and continue to collect a 5 million dollar salary. :lol:
"Pull up your pants and behave!"

That you and most others on the right have an unwarranted fear of diversity and dissent does not justify the inherent racism of this, nor the blanket criticism of the African-American community overall, where your post fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, those on the right subscribing to this thread is evidence of that; conservatives disdain expressions of individual liberty, and they tend to attack that which they fear don't understand.

The problem, therefore, is not how someone might dress or act, but how most on the right tend to respond to that diversity with fear and contempt.

If you had a ten inch black dick, you'd probably dress in a more revealing way too.

Just a thought

I can only speak for myself. I would want to go out of my way to prove those people wrong about me. I don't need the approval of anyone but myself. I've never allowed my skin color to be a burden to me, I tried to make it an asset. I refuse to see myself as a victim of "white privilege" or "social injustice" ...whatever the prevailing meme.

Ultimately, your success or failure as An American, is wholly dependent on how you see yourself. Sadly and unfortunately really, is the state of poor black communities in this regard. They have been raised through several generations of dependency on government and the enabling of the perception they can't help their condition. In this environment, the life of a 'gangsta' is revered and the next most glamorous thing is to be a 'gangsta ho-bitch'. So there is the stark reality of the 800 lb. gorilla in the room. How is this cycle broken? How can we change it?

White folks can't do anything about this, it's a problem black people have to deal with at the closest personal levels. It's disappointing to me that Obama is the first black president and hasn't once addressed this problem. Instead, he is too busy fomenting racial divisiveness. With the Liberals in tow, feigning outrage through their racist white guilt.

And so another generation of young black men are to be lost to a hideous under-culture who no one has the courage to change. No one really even wants to talk about it. SMDH

Seems to me that there is an in congruency in your statement. Why would you want to go out of your way to prove them wrong if you do not want their approval?
Yet another racist murder by the savages last night.......of course, not reported by the msm.

Teen Shot Girl 8216 For the Fun of It 8217 Defund.com

We don't have a police problem...........we have a black problem.

Yep, which is why I have a Kimber, Springfield Armory, Sig Sauer, S&W, brother glock and a host of other goodies


win............the wiffle ball batters in this forum are going to be fucked one day for insisting on dwelling in Disney. They'll be defending their residences with 2 litre Diet Coke bottles with their ends cut up with a scissors!!:rock::rock:
For whatever reason, Blacks feel it necessary to acquire identity however unique it may be.

Pants around the ankles. Check.
Over sized rims. Check.
Gold tooth. Check.
Hoodie. Check.

If they go around wearing decent attire and speaking in an intelligible language, they're just like Whitey.
Can't have that now can we.

I wear hoodies. :slap:

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